Click on the fiscal year folder from the list below to view the agenda from recent or upcoming board meetings. Or use the Search function in the upper right-hand corner to search for a word or phrase across contact within the policy manual, agenda or minutes.



Jen@iowaschool… Thu, 09/19/2019 - 10:47


2021-22 BOARD AGENDAS Jen@iowaschool… Thu, 05/12/2022 - 15:51

Board Agenda - 2022.05.16

Board Agenda - 2022.05.16


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

May 16, 2022 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.



  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings.  Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon the day of the board meeting.
    1. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forum. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    2. Participants shall provide their name and address.
    3. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    4. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    5. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    6. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:








  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Call to Order by Dr. Brad James at 6:00 p.m.

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Dr. Brad James


Galen Zumbach


Don Gee


Dr. Amanda Mohr


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender


Billie Jo Greene


Bill Messerole


Scott Driskell


Brad Baker


Julie Plant


Callie Anderson










  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: Gee, Seconded by: Snodgrass, Those Voting: 5 Aye, 0 Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the audience if they have any comments on the items on the agenda. This gives the public the opportunity to comment on agenda items prior to Board decisions/actions. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 221, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.

    1. Minutes of April 18, 2022
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements & Contracts
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. Agreements
        1. AEA Social Worker Services
        2. VISTA Iowa Business
    5. Volunteers
    6. Fundraisers
    7. Donations
    8. Out of State Trips

Motion by: Zumbach, Seconded by: Gee, Those Voting: 5 Aye, 0 Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Recognition of Students and Staff
    2. Teacher Leadership Report
    3. Early Childhood Center Principal’s Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Business Manager’s Report
    6. Superintendent’s Report
    7. District Reports
      1. ESSER III
        1. ESSER III Funded Positions & Programs
      2. Capital Projects
    8. Board Discussion
      1. Schedule a worksession on capital projects.
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving one-time $500 employee retention payment from ESSER
      In an effort to retain and support staff, the district will pay all employees who are on working as of November 28, 2022 a one-time payment of $500 on December, 2022 payroll. The employee retention payment I san eligible ESSER expenditure and costs an estimated $143,435. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve one-time $500 employee retention payment from ESSER for all employees working on November 28, 2022.
      Motion by: Zumbach, Seconded by: Mohr, Those Voting: 5 Aye, 0 Nay
    2. Consider approving agreement with Blumm Technology for the safety and security project.
      ACTION: The current district surveillance and door security has out lived its operational purpose and lacks the technology services to support our state-of-the-art gun detections and notification system. The district has followed the bid process for securing bids for the safety and security project. Four bids were received and have been verified. I recommend awarding the bid to Blumm Technology with a five-year software warranty for $408,673.82. This project and training will be done before the start of school in August. This project is an eligible expenditure of SAVE/PPEL funds. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the bid and awarding the safety and security project to Blumm Technology for $408,673.82.
      Motion by: Gee, Seconded by: Zumbach, Those Voting: 5 Aye, 0 Nay
    3. Consider approving agreement for auditing firm 2022-2024.
      ACTION: The district received two audit proposals from Nolte, Cornman & Johnson, PC for a total of $51,000 for three years pro-rated each year and a proposal from Faller, Kincheloe & Co. PLC for a total of $71,300 for three years pro-rated each year paid from the General Fund. Please contact Mrs. Greene with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the proposal for auditing services from Nolte, Cornman and Johnson, PC.
      Motion by: Zumbach, Seconded by: Gee, Those Voting: 5 Aye, 0 Nay
    4. Consider approving fiscal year 2021 district audit.
      Mrs. Greene and Mr. Stender will review the FY 2021 district audit. The district received a highly qualified audit which reflects the sound governance of the school board and management by district staff. Administration recommends approval. Please see the attached audit report and contact Mrs. Greene with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the fiscal year 2021 district audit.
      Motion by: Zumbach, Seconded by: Gee, Those Voting: 5 Aye, 0 Nay
    5. Consider approving resolution to participate in the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Agreement for natural gas
      ACTION: The Iowa Local Government Risk Pool is a program to manage the risk of increases in natural gas cost due to weather or other market factors. The premium may be paid from the district’s Management Fund rather that the General Fund.  Please contact Mrs. Greene with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the resolution to participate in the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool.
      Motion by: Gee, Second by: Mohr, Those Voting: 5 Aye, 0 Nay
    6. Consider approving second and final reading of Policy Series 400 part 1, part 2 ACTION: Please review proposed policy series 400 that has been drafted by IASB and their attorney. The policy has been reviewed to reflect the district's practice without changing the intent of the law or policy. The policy is presented to the board for second and final reading. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve second and final reading of policy series 400.
      Motion by: Gee, Second by: Snodgrass, Those Voting: 5 Aye, 0 Nay
    7. Consider approving first reading of Policy Series 500
      Please review proposed policy series 500  that have been drafted by IASB and their attorney. The polices have been reviewed to reflect the district's practice without changing the intent of the law or policy. This month, policy series 500 is presented to the board for first reading (two readings). Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve first reading of policy series 500.
      Motion by: Mohr, Seconded by: Zumbach, Those Voting: 5 Aye, 0 Nay
  3. Adjournment: Time: 7:41pm.
    Motion by: Zumbach, Seconded by: Gee, Those Voting: 5 Ayr, 0 Nay


Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, June 20, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, July 18, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting



Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 05/16/2022 - 10:46

Board Agenda - 2022.06.20

Board Agenda - 2022.06.20


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

June 20, 2022 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.

In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.

  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.

  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon the day of the board meeting.

    1. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forum. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).

    2. Participants shall provide their name and address.

    3. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.

    4. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.

    5. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.

    6. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.

  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month. 

  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:






  1. Pledge of Allegiance

                  The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page. 


Dr. Brad James


Galen Zumbach


Don Gee


Dr. Amanda Mohr


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender


Billie Jo Greene


Bill Messerole


Scott Driskell


Brad Baker


Julie Plant


Callie Anderson


  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the audience if they have any comments on the items on the agenda. This gives the public the opportunity to comment on agenda items prior to Board decisions/actions. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.

  1. Minutes of  May 15, 2022, June 1, 2022

  2. Financial Reports

    1. All Funds Financials

  3. Bills

    1. All Funds Report

  4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations

    1. SEI Monitoring and Inspection Fire System

    2. MATURA Headstart Lease Agreement 

    3. Contracts and Resignations

  5. 2022-2023 Teacher Leadership Compensation Plan

  6. 2022-2023 Substitute Compensation and Commitment Schedule

    1. Substitute teacher increased from $130 to $140.

  7. 2022-2023 Reimbursement Schedule

    1. Mileage rate reflects median of Federal & State rate. Dinner increased $3 and daily $3. Student rate increased from $15 to $25.

  8. 2022-2023 Instructional Fee

  9. Approve riding lawn mower purchase from Service Techs Inc. for $11,440.62.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports

    1. Business Manager’s Report

    2. Superintendent’s Report

    3. District Reports

      1. ESSER III 

        1. ESSER III Funded Positions & Programs

      2. Capital projects

    4. Board Discussion

  2. New Business

    1. Consider approving the 2022-2023 district handbooks.

      1. District Student & Parent Handbook

      2. District Staff Handbook

      3. Panther Pride Preschool Handbook

        1. Panther Pride Preschool Academic Calendar

      4. Paraprofessional Handbook

      5. Coaches’ Handbook

ACTION: The licensed and classified staff handbook has been reviewed by the Labor Management Committee and presented to staff.  The staff handbook changes reflect the following: 1. One day of bereavement leave may be used for the loss of a personal pet. The building handbooks have been reviewed and revised to support changes in procedures and policies. The school board has the authority to make changes to the handbooks at any time as deemed necessary.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Consider approving 2022-2023 meal prices
    ACTION: The meal prices reflect costs to provide meals.  The federal government no longer provides no cost meals for all.  Families will resume paying for their child's meals or need to complete the free and reduced meal application for reduced or free meals.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
    RECOMMENDATION: Approve the meal prices for the 2022-2023 school year.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  2. Consider approving 2022-2023 dairy, bakery, and bread bids
    ACTION: The district annually seeks competitive bids for dairy, bakery, and bread products.  One milk bid were received from Anderson Erickson.  One bread bid was received from Bimbo Bakeries.   Mrs. Jones recommends Anderson Erickson and Bimbo Bakeries be awarded the milk and bread bid.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
    RECOMMENDATION: Approve awarding the 2022-2023 dairy bid to Anderson Erickson and the bakery and bread bid to Bimbo Bakeries.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  3. Consider approving the 2022-2023 fuel bids
    ACTION: The district has requested fuel proposals to maintain competitive pricing.  Two bids were received Agriland FS, Inc. and United Farmers Cooperative. United Farmers Cooperative presented the most competitive fuel bid.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
    RECOMMENDATION: Approve 2022-2023 fuel bid from United Farmers Cooperative.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  4. Consider approving second and find reading of Policy Series 500
    ACTION: Please review proposed policy series 500 that has been drafted by IASB and their attorney.  The policy has been reviewed to reflect the district's practice without changing the intent of the law or policy.  The policy is presented to the board for second and final reading.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve second and final reading of policy series 500.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Consider approving first reading of Policy Series 600
    ACTION: Please review proposed policy series 600 that have been drafted by IASB and their attorney.  The polices have been reviewed to reflect the district's practice without changing the intent of the law or policy.  This month, policy series 600 is presented to the board for first reading (two readings).  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
    RECOMMENDATION: Approve first reading of policy series 600.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  2. Consider approving Strategic planning process 

ACTION: A strategic plan enables stakeholder to have a voice and consensus on the priorities of focus of the districts path to improvement.  The process will involve stakeholders and will take 9-10 months to complete.  Dr. Mohr and I will facilitate the process and keep staff, families, the community, and board informed.  This action acknowledges the work and time commitment to the strategic planning process. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the strategic planning process.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Consider approving 2022-2023 District Goals
    ACTION: The 2021-2022 goals were shared with the board at the June 1 meeting and serve as a template to develop district goals.  We will review the template and develop goals for the 2022-2023 school year.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
    RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2022-2023 District goals.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, July 18, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting

  • Monday, August 15, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting

Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 05/30/2022 - 17:01

Board Agenda - 2022.06.29

Board Agenda - 2022.06.29

Creston Community School District

Board of Directors Special Board Meeting

June 29, 2022 - 6:30 p.m.

HIGH SCHOOL COMMONS Auditorium,  601 W. Townline, Creston, IA




The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students

to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical.  Please call this toll free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing.  Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.

Meeting number (access code): 858 0213 8406

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:


Special Board Meeting

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The board member will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Call to Order. Board member Sharon Snodgrass called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.

The Board Memeber will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary.  The Board Member will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode.  This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.

__  Dr. Brad James.           __ Galen Zumbach.           x  Don Gee.          x   Dr. Amanda Mohr     x  Sharon Snodgrass   x  Deron Stender                             x  Billie Jo Greene.    __ Bill Messerole    x  Scott Driskell.    __ Brad Baker.    __ Julie Plant.    __ Callie Anderson                                                           

  1. Approval of Agenda

                        Motion by:  Gee     Seconded by:  Mohr   Those Voting: 3  AYE  0  NAY

  1. New Business
    1. Review and discuss project scope and finances for the proposed bond
      1. Handouts
    2. Consider necessary actions pending item 4.1

ACTION:   Pending 4.1 if necessary

RECOMMENDATION:   Pending 4.1 if necessary

Motion by:  _________     Seconded by:  ________   Those Voting:  __ AYE    __ NAY

  1. Adjournment: 7:32 p.m.

                        Motion by:  Gee     Seconded by:  Mohr   Those Voting:  3  AYE   0  NAY

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, July 18, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Thu, 06/30/2022 - 11:35


2022-23 BOARD AGENDAS Jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/22/2022 - 08:41

Board Agenda - 2022.07.18

Board Agenda - 2022.07.18


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

July 18, 2022 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA

The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.

In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.

  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during the public forum. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their name and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028

Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:




  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Dr. Brad James


Galen Zumbach


Don Gee


Dr. Amanda Mohr


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender


Billie Jo Greene


Bill Messerole


Scott Driskell


Lesa Downing


Casey Tanner


Callie Anderson

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended.

    1. Minutes of June 20, 2022, June 29, 2022
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements & Contracts
      1. PowerSchool Access Agreement
      2. Matura Food Service Agreement
      3. Best Care EPA
      4. Contracts and Resignations

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Business Manager’s Report
    2. Superintendent’s Report
    3. District Reports
      1. When there is a change in staffing and programs, the administration carefully evaluates capacity and impact for effectiveness and efficiency.  Through the changes in staff and programs, the estimated savings to the FY 23 budget as a result of staffing and program is $340,973.
    4. ESSER III
      1. ESSER III Funded Positions & Programs
    5. Capital projects
    6. Board Discussion


  1. New Business
    1. Consider approving the cooperative girls wrestling program and Agreement (updated)

ACTION:  Mr. Driskell has studied girls wrestling for two years and has worked with neighboring districts and the league to develop a plan to initiate a girls wrestling program in cooperation with East Union and Lenox.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION:  Approve girls wrestling program and Agreement.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving admission prices and Varsity Bound for High School and Middle School Activities

ACTION:  Mr. Driskell has studied admission prices and control options to manage tickets.  The Hawkey X has agreed to transition to advanced and digital payment, essentially cashless.  Moving to a cashless environment increases fund management and efficiencies.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION:  Approve admission prices of $6 for high school events and middle school events are $4 for adults and $3 for students and purchasing Varsity Bound.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the 2023 District Legislative Priorities
      ACTION:  Each year the Iowa School Board Association requests that its member districts submit their legislative priorities that will be presented and voted on at the association’s delegate assembly.  The proposed legislative priorities reflect the needs of the district.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2023 district legislative priorities.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider approving District Job Descriptions

ACTION:  Job descriptions are essential to the management of staff and personnel resources.  Intern, Brielle Baker was given the task of drafting job descriptions that reflect the essential duties, responsibilities, and expectations for job classifications.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION:  Approve District Job Descriptions.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving District Developed Special Education Services Delivery Plan

ACTION:  This is an annual procedure that outlines district special education resources. Please contact mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION:  Approve District Developed Special Education Services Delivery Plan..
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving seconded and final reading of Policy Series 600

ACTION: Please review the proposed policy series 600  that have been drafted by IASB and their attorney.  The policies have been reviewed to reflect the district's practice without changing the intent of the law or policy.  This month, policy series 600  is presented to the board for seconded reading (two readings).  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve seconded and final reading of policy series 600.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the first reading of Policy Series 700

ACTION: Please review proposed policy series 700  that have been drafted by IASB and their attorney.  The polices have been reviewed to reflect the district's practice without changing the intent of the law or policy.  This month, policy series 700  is presented to the board for the first reading (two readings).  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the first reading of policy series 700.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Tuesday, July 26, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Special Board Meeting
  • Monday, August 15, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, September 19, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Wed, 07/13/2022 - 15:31

Board Agenda - 2022.07.26 Special

Board Agenda - 2022.07.26 Special


Board of Directors Special Meeting

July 26, 2022 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.

In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.

Meeting number (access code): 851 2814 2814

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:




  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Dr. Brad James


Galen Zumbach


Don Gee


Dr. Amanda Mohr


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender


Billie Jo Greene


Bill Messerole


Scott Driskell


Lesa Downing


Casey Tanner


Callie Anderson

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. New Business
    1. Consider approving a petition for Ordering an Election on the Issuance of $29,400,000 General Obligation School Bonds.

ACTION: Community members have submitted a petition with signatures from eligible voters of the Creston Community School District.  The petitioners need 298 signatures from eligible voters asking the school board to consider and approve a ballot question seeking the issuance of $29,400,000 General Obligation School Bonds.  The district has reviewed petition signatures and worked with legal counsel to appropriately process this action.  A roll call vote is required. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve Resolutions Ordering an Election on the Issuance of $29,400,000 General Obligation School Bonds

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, August 15, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, September 19, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Tue, 07/19/2022 - 14:13

Board Agenda - 2022.08.15

Board Agenda - 2022.08.15


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

August 15, 2022 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during the public forum. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:







  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Dr. Brad James


Galen Zumbach


Don Gee


Dr. Amanda Mohr


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender


Billie Jo Greene


Bill Messerole


Scott Driskell


Lesa Downing


Casey Tanner


Callie Anderson


  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.

    1. Minutes of July 18, 2022, July 26, 2022
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements
      1. Vanco (RevTrak)
    5. Contracts
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. Additional Payments
    6. Fundraisers
    7. Volunteers

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Recognition of Students & Staff
    2. Business Manager’s Report
    3. Superintendent’s Report
    4. ESSER III
      1. ESSER III Funded Positions & Programs
    5. Capital projects
    6. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving the 2022-2023 Out-of-State Trips
      ACTION:  In accordance with school board policy, the board shall annually approve requests for out-of-state travel.  Mr. Driskell has submitted 2022-2023 requested out-of-state trips for school board review and approval.  The district reserved the right to suspend or cancel any trip that presents a risk to student safety, health, and wellness.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2022-2023 out-of-state trips.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    1. Consider approving the 2022-2023 complementary activity passes
      ACTION: To address any concerns of public purpose and the issuing of complementary activity passes.  This action acknowledges the School Board’s approval to issue complimentary passes in accordance with district policy.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2022-2023 roster for complementary activity passes.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider appointment of a representative to the IASB Delegate Assembly

ACTION:   As a member of IASB, the School Board may designate a representative to participate in the Special Delegate Assembly for Bylaws Amendment on September 13, 6 p.m. via Zoom  and for  IASB delegate assembly on November 16, 2022.

RECOMMENDATION:    Approve __________  as the district representative at the IASB Delegate Assembly.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the seconded and final reading of Policy Series 700

ACTION: Please review the proposed policy series 700  that have been drafted by IASB and their attorney.  The policies have been reviewed to reflect the district's practice without changing the intent of the law or policy.  This month, policy series 700  is presented to the board for seconded reading (two readings).  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve seconded and final reading of policy series 700.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the first reading of Policy Series 800

ACTION: Please review the proposed policy series 800 that have been drafted by IASB and their attorney.  The policies have been reviewed to reflect the district's practice without changing the intent of the law or policy.  This month, policy series 800  is presented to the board for the first reading (two readings).  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the first reading of policy series 800.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Tuesday, September 13, 2022, General Obligation Bond Election
  • Monday, September 19, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, October 17, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting



bgreene@cresto… Thu, 08/11/2022 - 17:29

Board Agenda - 2022.09.19

Board Agenda - 2022.09.19


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

September 19, 2022 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.

In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.

  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028

Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:





  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Dr. Brad James


Galen Zumbach


Don Gee


Dr. Amanda Mohr


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender


Billie Jo Greene


Bill Messerole


Scott Driskell


Lesa Downing


Casey Tanner


Callie Anderson


  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.

    1. Minutes of August 15, 2022
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements & Contracts
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. Motion Picture Licensing Corp
    1. Donations
    2. Volunteers

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Recognition of Students & Staff
    2. TLC Report
    3. Elementary Principal’s Report
    4. Business Manager’s Report
    5. Superintendent’s Report
    6. Projects
      1. ESSER III Funded Positions & Programs
      2. Capital Projects
    7. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving updates to the District Student & Parent Handbook 2022-2023

ACTION:  Mrs. Downing revised the middle school bell schedule and the student handbook is revised to reflect the proposed change (page 47). Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve revised student & parent handbook for 2022-2023.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the seconded and final reading of Policy Series 800

ACTION: Please review the proposed policy series 800  that have been drafted by IASB and their attorney.  The policies have been reviewed to reflect the district's practice without changing the intent of the law or policy.  This month, policy series 800  is presented to the board for seconded reading (two readings).  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve seconded and final reading of policy series 800.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the first reading of Policy Series 900

ACTION: Please review the proposed policy series 900 that have been drafted by IASB and their attorney.  The policies have been reviewed to reflect the district's practice without changing the intent of the law or policy.  This month, policy series 900  is presented to the board for the first reading (two readings).  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the first reading of policy series 900.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, October 17, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, November 21, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Fri, 09/16/2022 - 08:27

Board Agenda - 2022.10.03 Special

Board Agenda - 2022.10.03 Special


Board of Directors Special Board Meeting

     October 3, 2022 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

    Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.


  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Dr. Brad James


Galen Zumbach


Don Gee


Dr. Amanda Mohr


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender


Billie Jo Greene


Bill Messerole


Scott Driskell


Lesa Downing


Casey Tanner


Callie Anderson

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. New Business
    1. Consider revising the Green Hills AEA Managed Services Agreements
      1. Technology Services Agreement Revised
      2. Director of IT & Digital Learning Agreement Revised

ACTION:   Green Hills AEA and the district have been meeting to plan for continued technology services and the revised agreement provides increased personnel services with the same level of support and services through the AEA.  There is no change in the cost of the agreement.  Essentially, higher compensated staff will be replaced by qualified staff at a lower rate of compensation.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve the revised agreements with Green Hills AEA for Technology and Managed Services.


Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving Southwest Iowa Driver's Education Agreement

ACTION:   Districts are required to offer drivers education.  The district has provided drivers education services which have an impact on personnel and our fleet of vehicles.  Contracting with SWIDE, they provide vehicles and their personnel manage the planning scheduling for drivers education.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve Agreement with Southwest Iowa Drivers Education.


Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Capital Projects
    1. Review and discuss proposed capital projects and financing options.
    2. Identify priorities.
  2. Action deemed necessary based on the discussion on agenda item #5.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, October 17, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, November 21, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Nov. 16-18, 2022, 77th IASB Annual Convention


bgreene@cresto… Thu, 09/29/2022 - 08:06

Board Agenda - 2022.10.17

Board Agenda - 2022.10.17


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

October 17, 2022 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:







  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Dr. Brad James


Galen Zumbach


Don Gee


Dr. Amanda Mohr


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender


Billie Jo Greene


Bill Messerole


Scott Driskell


Lesa Downing


Casey Tanner


Callie Anderson


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for a vote.

    1. Minutes of September 19, 2022, October 3, 2022
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Contracts
      1. Contracts and Resignations
    5. Agreements
      1. Select Entertainment (Prom DJ)
    1. Donations
    2. Volunteers
    3. Approve Jane Shantz as the District Homeless Coordinator
    4. Approve Bill Messerole as the District 504 Coordinator
    5. Approve Sexual harassment/Level I Investigators:  Angie Bolinger, Kelsey Malmanger, Scott Driskell; Sexual Harassment/Level II Investigator:   Union County Attorney; Equity Coordinator/Affirmative Action:  Deron Stender

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Recognition of Students & Staff
    2. Middle School Principal’s Report
    3. High School Principal’s Report
    4. Business Manager’s Report
    5. Superintendent’s Report
    6. Projects
      1. ESSER III Funded Positions & Programs
      2. Capital Projects
    7. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider Certification of School Board GO Bond Election Results

ACTION:   The September 13, 2022 GO Bond results have been certified by the county and are presented to the board for review and approval.  I appreciate the support of the community group and the voters for the support of our children.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve the certification of the September 13, 2022 special school board election.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for Special Education
        As a standard practice, administration asks the Board to consider approving the application for additional allowable growth and supplemental aid. In addition to the overall general operating fund budget, school districts monitor revenues and expenditures of special education and report annually to the Department of Education. Districts can spend more than they take in for special education, but the excess expense must be covered with general fund dollars. When the district reports a negative fund balance in special education, the state allows districts to recover the spending authority for those expenditures. The School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) will consider allowing recovery of the budget authority in December. Administration recommends approving the Request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for FY22 Special Education deficit.  The historical data is included in the Business Managers Report. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for FY22 special education deficit of $217,044.93.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider approving the first reading of Policy 502.10

ACTION: Please review revised policy 502.10.  The revised policy reduces the burden on district administration to determine who is eligible for a driver permit based on distance and activities. The revision places the burden on parents to determine if they choose to allow their child who has received their drivers permit to drive and follow Iowa Code. The policy revision was drafted by the district attorney.  Revised policies need one review to be effectively implemented.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve first and final reading of policy updates in 502.10.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the first reading of revised Polices IASB Vol. 31.1

ACTION: Please review the proposed policy updates that have been drafted by IASB and their attorney.  The policies have been reviewed to reflect the district's practice without changing the intent of the law or policy.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve first reading of policy updates in Vol. 31.1.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the seconded and final reading of Policy Series 900

ACTION: Please review the proposed policy series 900 that have been drafted by IASB and their attorney.  The policies have been reviewed to reflect the district's practice without changing the intent of the law or policy.  This month, policy series 900 is presented to the board for seconded and final reading.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve second and final reading of policy series 900.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving revised Job Descriptions

ACTION: The district job descriptions have been revised to included transportation and the job classifications under transportation.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve revised job descriptions.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving shared agreement with East Union & Murray CSD for Transportation Director

ACTION:  The district has worked with East Union CSD to develop an agreement to equally share a transportation director. The agreement splits the cost 50/50 and the district will receive four additional pupil units in FY 24 because of the shared agreement. Through this agreement, East Union & Murray’s fleet will be serviced in conjunction with the districts. All costs for repairs will be identified and billed accordingly to the responsible district. Discipline will shift back to the building principals and treated as an extension of the classroom. The proposed director was previously employed as our mechanic, and he has knowledge and experience with the districts staff, fleet, and operations.  The estimated savings for FY 23 is $36,203.21 and FY 24 is $83,958.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve agreement with East Union and Murray CSD for shared Transportation Director.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the revised Technology Services and Director of IT & Digital Learning Agreements

ACTION:   Green Hills AEA and the district have been meeting to plan for continued technology services and the revised Technology Services and Director of IT & Digital Learning Agreements provide increased personnel and support from Green Hills AEA.  The total increase in cost is $13,016.52 which provides 144 additional days of service. These agreements are designated expenditures from ESSER for FY 23.  In FY 24, they will be designated SAVE/PPEL expenditures. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve the revised agreements with Green Hills AEA for Technology and Managed Services.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, November 21, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Nov. 16-18, 2022, 77th IASB Annual Convention
  • Monday, December 19, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Fri, 10/14/2022 - 11:34

Board Agenda - 2022.11.1

Board Agenda - 2022.11.1


Board of Directors Special Board Meeting

                      November 1, 2022 – Meeting 5:30 p.m.

                        Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.


  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Dr. Brad James


Galen Zumbach


Don Gee


Dr. Amanda Mohr


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender


Billie Jo Greene


Bill Messerole


Scott Driskell


Lesa Downing


Casey Tanner


Callie Anderson


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. New Business
    1. Consider closed session to recommend expulsion of a student as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(e) and to review or discuss records that are required by law to be kept confidential as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a).

ACTION:   In accordance with Iowa Code the board may enter into a closed session to protect the students' confidentiality.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Enter into closed session.  This will require a roll call vote.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


    1. Vote on the matter regarding the student who was the subject of the

disciplinary hearing.

ACTION:   The motion should also direct the preparation of written findings of fact and conclusions, consistent with the Board’s decision, and that the Board president is authorized to review and sign the document.

RECOMMENDATION:   Move that the Board accept the Superintendent’s recommendation that the student who was the subject of the disciplinary hearing be

expelled from the Creston Community School District through July 1, 2023, and that written findings and conclusions consistent with the Board’s deliberations be prepared, signed by the Board president, and mailed by the Board Secretary to the student

and family.


Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, November 21, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Nov. 16-18, 2022, 77th IASB Annual Convention
bgreene@cresto… Mon, 10/31/2022 - 09:55

Board Agenda - 2022.11.21

Board Agenda - 2022.11.21


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

November 21, 2022 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:





  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Dr. Brad James


Galen Zumbach


Don Gee


Dr. Amanda Mohr


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender


Billie Jo Greene


Bill Messerole


Scott Driskell


Lesa Downing


Casey Tanner


Callie Anderson


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for a vote.

    1. Minutes of October 17, 2022, and November 1, 2022
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Contracts
      1.  Contracts and Resignations
    5. Agreements
      1. 2022-2023 STEM BEST® Enhancement Award ECC & MS
    1. Donations
    2. Volunteers

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Early Childhood Center Principal’s Report
    2. Elementary Principal’s Report
    3. Activity Director’s Report
    4. Business Manager’s Report
    5. Superintendent’s Report
    6. Projects
      1. ESSER III Funded Positions & Programs
      2. Capital Projects
    7. Board Discussion
  1. Organizational Meeting Election of Officers
    1. The school board will elect a president and a vice president who shall hold office until November 2023
      1. The president pro-term calls for president nominations; nominations need not be seconded. The board will then conduct a written vote on the nominations (board members must put their names on the ballot for public review). The president pro-term will announce the result of the vote, and will administer the oath of office to the newly elected president and the newly elected president will assume the chair.
        1. Administer oath of office to the President. The president pro-term will administer the oath of office to the president:

"Do you solemnly swear that you will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Iowa, and that you will faithfully and impartially to the best of your ability to discharge the duties of the office of School Board President in Creston Community School District as now and hereafter required by law?"

Motion by: _____to nominate ______ for president, Seconded by: ________,

 Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

      1. The president calls for vice president nominations; nominations need not be seconded. The board will then conduct a written vote on the nominations (board members must put their names on the ballot for public review). The president will announce the result of the vote and will administer the oath of office to the newly elected vice president.
        1. Administer oath of office to the Vice President. The president will administer the oath of office to the vice president:

"Do you solemnly swear that you will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Iowa, and that you will faithfully and impartially to the best of your ability to discharge the duties of the office of School Board Vice President in Creston Community School District as now and hereafter required by law?"

Motion by: _____to nominate ______ for vice president, Seconded by: ________,

 Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Appointments of the School Board Secretary and School Board Treasurer

ACTION: Consider appointing Billie Jo Greene as School Board Secretary and Pat Moeller as School Board Treasurer through November 2023.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Billie Jo Greene as School Board Secretary and Pat Moeller as School Board Treasurer.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving the Dates, Times, and Locations for Regular Meetings of the Board

ACTION: Currently the district meets the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the boardroom at the Central Office at 801 North Elm St.  Please remember, that with appropriate notice, the school board can meet as needed to conduct the business of the school board.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve school board meetings be held on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the boardroom at the Central Office at 801 North Elm St.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Union and Adams County Conference Board Representative

ACTION: The board will appoint a representative to the Union and Adams County Conference Board. This is a committee that meets infrequently and requires very little time. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve a Director, as the Union County Conference Board Representative, and Director, Don Gee, as the Adams County Conference Board Representative.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Official Newspaper

ACTION: As required by law, the school board annually designates the official newspaper for the district.  The Creston News Advertiser has been the designated newspaper to post notices and official business of the district.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Creston News Advertiser as the district’s official newspaper.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Bank Depository

ACTION: Districts are required to identify financial institutions to be depositories of the Creston Community School District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452 and 453 (1993) as amended by 1984 Iowa Acts, S.F. 2220. 

The District’s primary bank is Iowa State Savings Bank (ISSB) and PMA Financial Network formally ISJIT.  The District recently negotiated competitive interest rates with ISSB and is satisfied with their services.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution that Creston Community School District of Creston, IA in Union County, IA, approves Iowa State Savings Bank and PMA Financial Network as financial institutions to be the depository of Creston Community School District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452 and 453 (1993) as amended by 1984 Iowa Acts, S.F. 2220.  The business manager, board secretary, and board treasurer is hereby authorized to deposit the Creston Community School funds at IASB.  Roll call vote: Naming Iowa State Savings Bank up to $10,000,000 and PMA up to $10,000,000 as the financial institutions of the depository.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving District Legal Counsel

ACTION: The District has a long-standing relationship with Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm.  Ahlers & Conney represents many Districts in Iowa and is well known for their expertise and work with public schools.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm as the District Legal Counsel.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the second and final reading of revised Policies IASB Vol. 31.1

ACTION: Please review the proposed policy updates that have been drafted by IASB and their attorney.  The policies have been reviewed to reflect the district's practice without changing the intent of the law or policy.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second and final reading of policy updates in Vol. 31.1.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. New Business
    1. Consider Approving early graduates

ACTION: Mr. Messerole recommends early graduation for students at the end of the first semester, pending successful completion of their current courses and district graduation requirements. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve early graduation for students pending successful completion of the graduation requirements as set forth by the Board of Education and the State of Iowa.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving Modified Supplemental SBRC Application for increase Open Enrollment.

ACTION:  This is a new requirement from the Department of Education.  The purpose is to increase public awareness of the district's request for a modified supplemental allowance due to a change in open enrollment.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Open Enrollment Out Not on Prior Year’s Headcount - The district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $268,844.40 open enrolled out students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving Modified Supplemental SBRC Application for increase Limited English Proficient(LEP) Beyond Five Years.

ACTION:  This is a new requirement from the Department of Education.  The purpose is to increase public awareness of the district's request for a modified supplemental allowance due to a change in LEP Beyond Five Years.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Limited English Proficient (LEP) Instruction Beyond Five Years - The district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $26,835.00 related to the English language learning program for students who have exceeded five years of weighting that are included on the Fall 2022 certified enrollment headcount.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving Modified Supplemental for LEP excess cost

ACTION:  This is a new requirement from the Department of Education.  The purpose is to increase public awareness of the district's request for a modified supplemental allowance due to the increased cost of LEP.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   LEP Allowable Costs- The district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the SBRC for a modified supplemental amount of $12,847.28 due to excess costs of providing the LEP program in the prior year.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the sale of public property

                        ACTION:  I request annual approval and authority to manage the sale and disposal of public property.  This allows the district to have the flexibility to manage the sale and disposal of public property without delay.  The district will follow state codes in the disposal and sale of public property. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve granting authority to the Superintendent to sell and dispose of public property as necessary and in accordance with Iowa Code.

                  Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, December 19, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, January 16, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting


bgreene@cresto… Fri, 11/18/2022 - 09:11

Board Agenda - 2022.12.19

Board Agenda - 2022.12.19


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

December 19, 2022 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:





  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Dr. Brad James


Galen Zumbach


Don Gee


Dr. Amanda Mohr


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender


Billie Jo Greene


Bill Messerole


Scott Driskell


Lesa Downing


Casey Tanner


Callie Anderson


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for a vote.

    1. Minutes of November 21, 2022
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Contracts
      1. Contracts and Resignations
    5. Agreements
      1. Green Hills AEA agreement
    1. Donations
      1. Creston Booster Club
    2. Volunteers

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Mr. Terry Dvorak, Red Lion
    2. Recognition of Students and Staff
    3. Middle School Principal’s Report
    4. High School Principal’s Report
    5. Business Manager’s Report
    6. Superintendent’s Report
    7. Projects
      1. ESSER III Funded Positions & Programs
      2. Capital Projects
    8. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving an agreement with Red Lion for solar exploration.
      The district is exploring opportunities to increase efficiency and solar power provides a no cost option that can generate long term savings.  The agreements have been reviewed by the district attorney and this is a formal process needed to proceed with grant applications.  If the grant(s) is not received there is no cost implication to the district and the relationship ends.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve agreement with Red Lion for solar exploration.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider approving the appointment of two Board members to the Creston Education Association and AFSCME Local 3467 negotiations teams
      This is a formal process to serve on the negotiations team with the Creston Education Association and AFSCME Local 3467.  Two board members along with Mrs. Greene and Mr. Stender will represent the district during negotiations.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve director _______ and director _______ as lead negotiators and the director as the alternate negotiator for the district to negotiate with the Creston Education Association and AFSCME Local 3467.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    3. Consider granting the superintendent the authority to purchase vehicles to improve and maintain transportation needs.

ACTION:  Due to the supply chain, it has become increasingly difficult to acquire district assets and maintain operations. To help address the driver shortage, the district is considering the purchase of one-two 12 passenger vans that will facilitate transportation for activities.  Due to Federal regulations, the district cannot purchase a new 12 passenger vehicle, they must be used and used vehicles, especially the 12 passenger vans are in high demand and low supply.  Even the Director of Transportation from the state said you need to be prepared to act fast when you find this style of van.  In order for the district to act fast, I am requesting that the school board authorize me to purchase one-two 12 passenger vans.  The vans will be purchased with SAVE/PPEL funds.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve the authorization of the superintendent to purchase vehicles to improve and maintain transportation needs.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider entering into Closed Session to Review the Emergency Management Plan as authorized by Section 21.5(1)(a) of the Open Meetings Law to Review or Discuss Records which are Required or Authorized to be Kept Confidential

ACTION:  Emergency Operations Plans and Confidentiality:  Remember the Emergency Operations Plan is to remain confidential and to be discussed in closed session prior to Board approval.  Iowa Code section 280.30 - High-quality School Building Emergency Operations Plan states, “The plan shall be confidential and shall not be a public record subject to disclosure under Chapter 22.”  If someone were to ask you for a copy of the plan, you are legally authorized to deny them access to the plan.  Below is the code reference to explain the reason to hold a closed session and a sample motion provided by IASB.  Under Iowa Code, chapter 21.5, the reason for holding a closed session must be announced and entered in the minutes.  The reason must be for one of the reasons specified in the law.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Move to hold a closed session as authorized by section 21.5(1)(a) of the open meetings law to review or discuss records which are required or authorized to be kept confidential.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving 2022-2023 Emergency Management Plan

ACTION:  School boards are required to annually approve the district Emergency Operations Plan.   Iowa Code section 280.30 - High-quality School Building Emergency Operations Plan states, “The plan shall be confidential and shall not be a public record subject to disclosure under Chapter 22.”  If someone were to ask you for a copy of the plan, you are legally authorized to deny them access. The district EOP team met regularly for the past 10 months to review and revise the EOP plan to support the changes in safety and security and improve processes and management.  A meeting with local law enforcement and emergency management was held prior to bringing this plan to the school board.  All agencies are on board and are integral to our safety and security planning.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve the 2022-2023 Emergency Management Plan.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider closed session to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i)X

ACTION:   Under Iowa Code, Chapter 21.5, the reason for holding a closed session must be announced and entered in the minutes (the specific reason is listed above). A roll call vote must be taken, and the minutes must show how each member voted on closing the session.

RECOMMENDATION:   Move that we hold a closed session as provided in section 21.5(1)(i) of the open meetings law to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider action if necessary pending Item F

ACTION:   Pending Item F.


Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, January 16, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, February 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Tuesday, February 14, 2023, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., IASB Day on the Hill
bgreene@cresto… Fri, 12/16/2022 - 08:15

Board Agenda - 2023.1.16

Board Agenda - 2023.1.16


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

January 16, 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:




  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Don Gee, President


Dr. Amanda Mohr, Vice President


Dr. Brad James


Galen Zumbach


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender, Superintendent


Billie Jo Greene, School Business Official


Bill Messerole, High School Principal


Scott Driskell, AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing, Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.

    1. Minutes of December 19, 2022
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Contracts
      1. Contracts and Resignations
    5. Agreements
      1. MBA Plugin for Fees
    6. Donations

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. David Vollmar, Alliant Energy
      1. We have been meeting with Alliant Energy to review and discuss solar energy options Alliant supports.  Alliant Energy has a program in which they would lease the land from the district and hold all responsibility and risk. The lease provides a fixed amount (estimated $35,000) annually for 20 years.  Alliant is the responsible agent for the grid and maintenance of the grid and grounds. Simply put,the district receives a guaranteed revenue stream annually through a lease agreement.  The lease could begin in 2024.
    2. Teacher Leadership Committee Report
    3. Early Childhood Center Principal’s Report
    4. Elementary School Principal’s Report
    5. Business Manager’s Report
    6. Superintendent’s Report
    7. Solar energy discussion
      1. There are several providers who offer solar energy options.  Each is a little different and all have some complexity, responsibility, and risk.  The goal is to generate revenue with the least amount of complexity, responsibility, and risk. We seek input from the school board to help guide us.
    8. Projects
      1. ESSER III Funded Positions & Programs
      2. Capital Projects FY 24
    9. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving an agreement with Red Lion for solar exploration.

ACTION: The district is exploring opportunities to increase efficiency and solar power provides a minimal/no cost option that can generate long term savings.  The agreement has been reviewed by the district attorney and this is a formal process needed by Red Lion to proceed with grant applications.  If the grant(s) is not received there is no cost implication to the district and the relationship ends.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve agreement with Red Lion for solar exploration intent for Power Purchase Agreement - solar + battery scope.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving a solar energy partnership with Alliant Energy.

ACTION: Alliant is interested in creating a partnership with the district for a lease agreement.  Through the lease agreement, Alliant holds the responsibility and risk while the district receives a fixed amount annually.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve partnership with Alliant Energy.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving amended 2023-2024 Modified Supplemental Allowance (MSA) At Risk Summary.

ACTION: The At Risk program is designed to focus on attendance, mental health, behaviors, and students who may be identified as at-risk.  Administration and staff identify and work with students to help them develop positive relationships, acceptable behaviors, and academic completion.  We offer an alternative program for students who are at risk of dropping out of school. This is one of the few ways the school board can impact the local levy.  Like most funds, there are significant restrictions on how these funds can be spent. The total MSA is $517,798. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2023-2024 Modified Supplemental Allowance At Risk plan and budget for $517,798.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the purchase of a new bus for 2023-2024.

      ACTION:   The district requested bids for one new route bus to replace an existing bus to maintain the fleet. The district followed district policy and Iowa Code in the bid process. The bid prices reflect the net price with trade in.  Maintaining a replacement cycle ensures our students and staff are being safely transported and the transportation fleet is well maintained. Buses and vehicles can be purchased from PPEL and/or SAVE funds that are designated to equipment and facility improvements (these are FY 24 purchases and will be paid by PPEL/SAVE). Mr. Fariss received three  bids and recommended the low bid from School Bus Sales for $125,500 from the 2024 budget. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

      1. School Bus Sales Bid
      2. Truck Center Bid (Thomas Bus)
      3. Hoglund Bus Company Bid

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve the bid and bus purchase from School Bus Sales for $126,000 for 2023-2024.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider setting public hearing for the proposed 2023-2024 school calendar.
        As required by Iowa Code, the district shall notify the public and hold a hearing on the proposed school calendar.  Administration recommends setting February 20, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the public hearing of the proposed 2023-2024 school calendar.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting public hearing for February 23, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2023-2024 school calendar.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving out of state travel and leave for Superintendent Stender for 2023.

ACTION: Per the superintendent's contract, travel and leave to attend business out of the state require school board approval.  While the school board supports and has previously approved Mr. Stender’s three year term and role on the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) Executive Board, he wants to be transparent. AASA covers expenses for all travel and expenses expect the National Conference. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve out of state travel and leave for Superintendent for 2023.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, February 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Tuesday, February 14, 2023, IASB Day on the Hill
  • Monday, March 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Fri, 01/13/2023 - 09:50

Board Agenda - 2023.2.10 Special

Board Agenda - 2023.2.10 Special


Board of Directors Special Board Meeting

February 10, 2023 – Meeting 7:00 a.m.

  Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.


  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Dr. Brad James


Galen Zumbach


Don Gee


Dr. Amanda Mohr


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender


Billie Jo Greene


Bill Messerole


Scott Driskell


Lesa Downing


Casey Tanner


Callie Anderson


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.


  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


  1. New Business
    1. Consider closed session to recommend expulsion of a student as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(e) and to review or discuss records that are required by law to be kept confidential as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a).

ACTION:   In accordance with Iowa Code the board may enter into a closed session to protect the students' confidentiality.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Enter into closed session.  This will require a roll call vote.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Vote on the matter regarding the student who was the subject of the

disciplinary hearing.

ACTION:   The motion should also direct the preparation of written findings of fact and conclusions, consistent with the Board’s decision, and the Board president is authorized to review and sign the document.

RECOMMENDATION:   Move that the Board accept the Superintendent’s recommendation that the student who was the subject of the disciplinary hearing be expelled from the Creston Community School District through August 1, 2023, and that written findings and conclusions consistent with the Board’s deliberations be prepared, signed by the Board president, and mailed by the Board Secretary to the student

and family.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, February 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
  • Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 6:00 p.m. Budget workshop
  • Monday, March 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, April 10, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Budget Hearing Meeting
  • Monday, April 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting


bgreene@cresto… Wed, 02/08/2023 - 08:18

Board Agenda - 2023.2.20

Board Agenda - 2023.2.20


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

February 20, 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:







  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Don Gee, President


Dr. Amanda Mohr, Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender, Superintendent


Billie Jo Greene, School Business Official


Bill Messerole, High School Principal


Scott Driskell, AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing, Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Open Hearing on the proposed  2023-2024 school calendar

Board President states, "At this time we will hold the hearing on the 2023-2024 school calendar.  Is there anyone present who wants to voice any oral objections to the proposed calendar?"  Following a pause to allow anyone to voice their opinion, he will turn to the board secretary and ask, "Do we have any written objections to the proposed calendar?".  After the board secretary presents any written objections, the president closes the hearing by stating "I now declare the open hearing closed."

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.

    1. Minutes of January 16, 2023, February 10, 2023
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Contracts
      1. Contracts and Resignations


    1. Donations
    2. Fundraisers

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Student and Staff Recognition
    2. Middle School Principal’s Report
    3. High School  Principal’s Report
    4. Business Manager’s Report
    5. Superintendent’s Report
    6. Projects
      1. ESSER III Funded Positions & Programs
      2. Capital Projects FY 24
    7. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider setting public hearing on the district's 2023-2024 budget proposal
      In accordance with Iowa Code, the district is required to provide an opportunity for public comment on the budget proposal.  We propose that a hearing be scheduled for April 10, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board room.  Once the hearing is complete, the school board can vote to adopt the proposed budget.  Districts are required to post the hearing notice in its designated newspaper no less than 10 days and no more than 20 days prior to the date of the public hearing.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting public hearing for April 10, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2023-2024 budget.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider setting March 14, 2023 at 2 pm the quotation date for the elementary middle school playground, equipment, and surfacing project. 
      ACTION: This action provides notice the district is seeking quotes for the project and aligns with the timeline for work to be completed over the summer. DLR is working with the district to manage this project.  This is an eligible SAVE expenditure and the project has been on the district’s to-do list for several years. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting March 14, 2023 at 2 pm the quotation date for the elementary middle school playground, equipment, and surfacing project


Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the proposed  2023-2024 school calendar

ACTION: In accordance with Iowa Code 279.10(1) the public hearing has been held for the proposed 2023-2024 school calendar.  The focus of the calendar is on instructional time to support learning, instruction, and professional development.  The proposed calendar reflects 1,147 hours of instruction (exceeds the state requirement of 1,080 hours by 67 hours or 10 days).   This calendar reflects 174 student days and 191 licensed contract days. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve the 2023-2024 school calendar.   

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving updates to the Panther Pride Preschool Handbook

ACTION:  Mrs. Anderson  revised the health and safety language in the preschool handbook and proposed changes are in red text on pages 13 and 29.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve revised Panther Pride Preschool Handbook changes.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving revised Job Descriptions

ACTION: The district job descriptions have been revised to reflect changes to two positions at central office (Central Office Generalist I & II). Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve revised job descriptions.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the purchase of a used bus for 2022-2023

      ACTION:   The district requested bids for a used route bus to replace a bus that has been determined to be unfit for student transportation by IDOT. The bus is a new (2024) bus but classified as used because a district ordered it and changed their order after the bus was already being built.  The only miles on the bus are due to transport from the factory to School Bus Sales.  The used bus is discounted and is available for immediate delivery to the district.  The district followed district policy and Iowa Code in the bid process. The bid prices reflect the net price with trade in.  Maintaining a replacement cycle ensures our students and staff are being safely transported and the transportation fleet is well maintained. This bus will be purchased from the general fund as a one time expenditure for $119,500 (includes trade in value of $500).  Mr. Fariss received one bid for a used bus and recommends the bid from School Bus Sales for $119,500 from the 2023 budget. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

      1. School Bus Sales

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve the purchase of a used bus from School Bus Sales for 2022-2023.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the purchase of a new bus for 2023-2024

      ACTION:   The district requested bids for one new route bus to replace an existing bus to maintain the fleet. The district followed district policy and Iowa Code in the bid process. The bid prices reflect the net price with trade in.  Maintaining a replacement cycle ensures our students and staff are being safely transported and the transportation fleet is well maintained. Buses and vehicles can be purchased from PPEL and/or SAVE funds that are designated to equipment and facility improvements (these are FY 24 purchases and will be paid by PPEL/SAVE). Mr. Fariss received three  bids and recommends the bid from School Bus Sales for $125,500 from the 2024 budget. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

      1. School Bus Sales
      2. Truck Center
      3. Hoglund Bus Company

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve the bid and bus purchase from School Bus Sales for 2023-2024.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 6:00 p.m. Budget Workshop
  • Monday, March 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, April 10, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Budget Hearing Meeting
  • Monday, April 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting


bgreene@cresto… Tue, 01/31/2023 - 15:15

Board Agenda - 2023.3.08 Special

Board Agenda - 2023.3.08 Special


Board of Directors Budget Work Session

March 8, 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA





  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Don Gee, President 


Dr. Amanda Mohr, Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender, Superintendent


Billie Jo Greene, School Business Official


Bill Messerole, High School Principal


Scott Driskell, AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing, Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


  1. New Business
    1. Budget Work-session
      1. Board Presentation


  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, March 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, April 10, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Budget Hearing Meeting
  • Monday, April 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Tue, 01/31/2023 - 15:16

Board Agenda - 2023.3.20

Board Agenda - 2023.3.20


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

March 20, 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:





  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Don Gee, President 


Dr. Amanda Mohr, Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender, Superintendent


Billie Jo Greene, School Business Official


Bill Messerole, High School Principal


Scott Driskell, AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing, Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.

    1. Minutes of February 20, 2023 , March 8, 2023
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements & Contracts
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. CEA intent to Negotiate
      3. AFSCME intent to Negotiate
      4. Southwestern Community College Contracts
        1. Automotive Repair Technology and Carpentry
        2. Arts and Sciences
        3. Auto Collision Repair/Refinish and Electrical Technology Career Academ
        4. Health Career Academy
        5. Information Technology Systems Networking Career Academy,
        6. Concurrent Enrollment Program
        7. Welding Career Academy
        8. Summer Welding Technology Career Academy, Carpentry & Building Trades and Health Science Career Academy
        9. Nodaway Valley Girls Soccer Agreement
        10. Iowa LGPR Natural Gas Program Agreement
    5. Donations
    6. Volunteers

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Recognition of Students and Staff
    2. Early Childhood Center/Special Education Principal’s Report
    3. Elementary Principal’s Report
    4. Athletic Director’s Report
    5. Business Manager’s Report
    6. Superintendent’s Report
    7. Projects
      1. ESSER III Funded Positions & Programs
      2. Capital Projects FY 24
    8. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving quote for the construction contract for Playcore Wisconsin, Inc. (dba Game Time) for the EMS Playground Equipment and Surfacing and additional replacement roof fabric.

                        ACTION:  Approve a construction contract of $310,320.29 with Playcore Wisconsin, Inc. (dba Game Time) for EMS Playground Equipment and Surfacing.  Consider approval of an additional replacement fabric roof for $4,839.91.  This project will be funded by SAVE/PPEL.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve contract with Playcore Wisconsin, Inc.

 Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving quote for the proposed construction contract of $12,000 with C&J Conservation for the demolition, earthwork and concrete curbing related to the playground equipment contract.

                        ACTION:  Approve a construction contract of $12,000 with C&J Conservation for the Demolition, Earthwork and Concrete Curbing related to the Playground Equipment Contract.  This will be funded by SAVE/PPEL.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve contract with C&J Conservation.  

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving a contract amendment for DLR Group for design, bidding and construction phase services related to the Playground Equipment Contract.

ACTION:   The district has been working with DLR to provide facility planning and project management.  The AIA agreement is for the playground, concrete and groundwork at the Elementary.   This amendment  is for $15,000 and will be paid for by SAVE/PPEL. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve a contract amendment of $15,000 for DLR Group.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider the purchase of a Skid Steer

ACTION:   The current skid steer is over 20 years old and the costs to continue to repair and maintain it are significant.  The district received two quotes (Case and AgriVision) and tested each of the machines to make sure it meets our needs.  Mr. Briley and Mr. Foglesong recommend purchasing the Skid Steer from Case for a total price, after trade in ($13,500) for $54,500. This machine is in stock and will be delivered within a week.  This purchase shall be expended from the FY 2023 General Fund budget.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve purchasing a Skid Steer from Case for $54,500.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider purchase of a zero-turn commercial mower

ACTION:  The district has a replacement cycle for equipment.  This project was placed out for a competitive bid.  The district received two quotes (Service Tech and AgriVision) and Mr. Foglesong recommends purchasing the mower from Service Tech (Toro) for a total price, after trade in ($4,000) for $8,207.79.  This purchase shall be expended from the FY 2023 General Fund budget.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve purchasing a mower from Service Tech for $8,207.79.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving revised 2022-2023 School Calendar

ACTION:  To date, the district has closed 2.5 days.  While it is still early, I do not anticipate significant school closure or delays that would have a negative impact on instruction or learning and request that we do not extend student days (the district calendar exceeds the minimum state requirement by 14 days).  Staff will work the contracted days and will be provided with professional development through a flexible and hybrid model that supports remote collaboration and utility. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the revised 2022-2023 calendar to not extend student days and for flexible and hybrid collaboration for licensed staff..

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the renewal of the 2023-2024 district health insurance with ISEBA

ACTION: The district received the health insurance renewal rates for 2023-2024 that reflect a 6.45% premium increase.  The district has been a part of the Iowa School Employee Benefits Association (ISEBA) pool since 2004.  The pool protects the district from the extremes and the current plans provide our employees with quality benefits and services.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2023-2024 district health insurance with ISEBA.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Special Board Meeting
  • Monday, April 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, May 15, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Thu, 03/16/2023 - 12:37

Board Agenda - 2023.3.21 AFSCME Negotiations #1

Board Agenda - 2023.3.21 AFSCME Negotiations #1

Creston Community School District

 AFSCME Negotiations Meeting #1

March 21, 2023 Board Room / 801 N. Elm / Meeting - 4:15 P.M.



The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students

to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.






Take notice that pursuant to Chapter 21, Code of Iowa, the Creston Community School District will hold the following negotiation session:




Creston AFSCME


Creston Community School



  1. AFSCME exchange of perspective initial interest statement
  2. District exchange of perspective initial interest statement
  3. Negotiation teams exempt session Iowa Code § 20.17(3)




Date of Notice:

March 20, 2023

bgreene@cresto… Mon, 03/20/2023 - 12:18

Board Agenda - 2023.3.24 Special

Board Agenda - 2023.3.24 Special


Board of Directors Special Board Meeting

March 24, 2023 – Meeting 7:00 a.m.

  Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.


  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Don Gee, Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr, Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender, Superintendent


Billie Jo Greene, School Business Official


Bill Messerole, High School Principal


Scott Driskell, AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing, Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. New Business
    1. Consider closed session to recommend expulsion of a student as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(e) and to review or discuss records that are required by law to be kept confidential as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a).

ACTION:   In accordance with Iowa Code the board may enter into a closed session to protect the students' confidentiality.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Enter into closed session.  This will require a roll call vote.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Vote on the matter regarding the student who was the subject of the disciplinary hearing.

ACTION:   The motion should also direct the preparation of written findings of fact and conclusions, consistent with the Board’s decision, and the Board president is authorized to review and sign the document.

RECOMMENDATION:   Move that the Board accept the Superintendent’s recommendation that the student who was the subject of the disciplinary hearing be expelled from the Creston Community School District through August 1, 2023, and that written findings and conclusions consistent with the Board’s deliberations be prepared, signed by the Board president, and mailed by the Board Secretary to the student and family.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, April 10, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Budget Hearing Meeting
  • Monday, April 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, May 15, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting


bgreene@cresto… Wed, 03/22/2023 - 14:06

Board Agenda - 2023.3.28 CEA Negotiations #1

Board Agenda - 2023.3.28 CEA Negotiations #1

 Creston Community School District

 CEA Negotiations Meeting #1

March 28, 2023 Board Room / 801 N. Elm / Meeting - 5:30 P.M.


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students

to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.




Take notice that pursuant to Chapter 21, Code of Iowa, the Creston Community School District will hold the following negotiation session:




Creston CEA


Creston Community School


  1. CEA initial interest statement and presentation of proposal
  2. District initial interest statement and presentation of proposal
  3. Negotiation exempt session Iowa Code § 20.17(3)


Date of Notice:

March 27, 2023



bgreene@cresto… Mon, 03/27/2023 - 09:04

Board Agenda - 2023.4.03 CEA Negotiations #2

Board Agenda - 2023.4.03 CEA Negotiations #2

Creston Community School District

 CEA Negotiations Meeting #2

April 3, 2023 Board Room / 801 N. Elm / Meeting - 3:45 P.M.



The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students

to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.




Take notice that pursuant to Chapter 21, Code of Iowa, the Creston Community School District will hold the following negotiation session:




Creston CEA


Creston Community School


  1. Negotiation exempt session Iowa Code § 20.17(3)


Date of Notice:

March 29, 2023

bgreene@cresto… Wed, 03/29/2023 - 13:44

Board Agenda - 2023.4.10 Budget Hearing

Board Agenda - 2023.4.10 Budget Hearing


Board of Directors Special Meeting

April 10, 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:







  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Don Gee, President 


Dr. Amanda Mohr, Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender, Superintendent


Billie Jo Greene, School Business Official


Bill Messerole, High School Principal


Scott Driskell, AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing, Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Open hearing on the proposed 2023-2024 budget

Board President states, "At this time we will hold the public hearing for the 2023-2024 fiscal year budget.  Is there anyone present who wants to voice any oral objections to the 2024 fiscal year budget?"  Following a pause to allow anyone to voice their opinion, the Board President will ask the Board Secretary, "Do we have any written objections to the 2024 fiscal year budget?"  After the Secretary presents any written objections, the president closes the public hearing by stating "I now declare the hearing closed."

Open at ____ p.m.  ___ written or oral objections received closed at ____ p.m.

  1. New Business
    1. Consider adopting Resolution for Budget Guarantee

ACTION: The district has reviewed the budget to provide quality educational services to the students it serves.  This is a standard procedure that allows the district to maximize its levy authority given these uncertain times. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Budget Guarantee Resolution for FY 24 for the regular program budget as allowed under Iowa Code 257.14.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider adopting the 2023-2024 budget

ACTION: Public notice and a public hearing were provided in accordance with Iowa Code. Total Creston Levy 16.55565.  Please contact Mr. Stender or Mrs. Greene with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2023-2024 budget.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, April 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, May 15, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Thu, 04/06/2023 - 12:30

Board Agenda - 2023.4.17

Board Agenda - 2023.4.17


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

April 17, 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:





  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Don Gee, President 


Dr. Amanda Mohr, Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender, Superintendent


Billie Jo Greene, School Business Official


Bill Messerole, High School Principal


Scott Driskell, AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing, Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda...amend the agenda by moving the 6G4 Proposed Lease Agreement to an action item.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.

    1. Minutes of March 20, 2023, March 24, 2023, and April 10, 2023
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements & Contracts
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. Green Hills AEA Service Agreement for Managed Services
      3. Alliant Line Easement
    5. Donations

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Recognition of Students and Staff
    2. Middle School Principal’s Report
    3. High School Principal’s Report
    4. Business Manager’s Report
    5. Superintendent’s Report
    6. Projects
      1. ESSER III Funded Positions & Programs
      2. Capital Projects FY 24
    7. Solar Energy
      1. Alliant Energy Pilot Program
      2. Proposed Solar Map
      3. Alliant Energy Solar update
      4. Proposed Lease Agreement updated
    8. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider setting May 9, 2023, at 2 p.m. as the quotation deadline for the masonry restoration project at the high school and elementary/middle school

ACTION: This district is working with DLR and is seeking quotes for the tuckpointing project to be completed this summer.  This project has been on the district's capital project list for many years and is an eligible SAVE expenditure. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting May 9, 2023, at 2 p.m. as the quotation date for the high school and elementary/middle school tuckpointing project.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving Summer Food Program

ACTION:  State and federal food programs have and continue to change the guidelines for districts to provide meal services to students and families.  The Iowa Department of Education has received approval from the USDA to serve Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) meals.  This is an opportunity to provide meals and support our students and families during summer break. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve the summer food program.

 Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving 2023 graduation class list

ACTION: Attached is the list of graduates for the class of 2023.  The list includes students who completed their graduation requirements at the high school and the alternative program.  In all cases, these students have or will have completed their graduation requirements set forth by the Board of Education prior to graduation.  If any students fail to complete the requirements by the last day of school, they will not be permitted to participate in graduation ceremonies.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2023 graduates pending successful completion of the graduation requirements as set forth by the Board of Education.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving 2023-2024 Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program Contracts

ACTION: The district is the fiscal agent for state funds that support the preschool programs for the following organizations:

1. Trinity Lutheran Preschool

2. St. Malachy School

3. Matura Headstart


The district in conjunction with SWCC has the responsibility of ensuring compliance with preschool regulations. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2023-2024 statewide voluntary preschool program contracts.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the 2022-2024 master agreement with CEA

ACTION: The CEA ratified the negotiated financial agreement on April 6, 2023. The agreement reflects a 4.72% total package increase and a total increase in new costs of $431,964.73 for the 2023-2024 budget. We appreciate the time and collaboration with the CEA negotiations team, Director Zumbach and Director Dr. Mohr. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2023-2024 Master Agreement with CEA.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the 2022-2025 master agreement with AFSCME

ACTION: AFSCME ratified the agreement on March 21, 2023. The agreement reflects a 8.45% total package increase and a total increase in new costs of $192,227 for the 2023-2024 budget.  We appreciate the time and collaboration with the AFSCME negotiations team, Director Zumbach and Director Dr. Mohr. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2023-2024 Master Agreement with AFSCME.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider closed session to conduct exempt employee negotiations in accordance with Iowa Chapter 20.17(3.)

ACTION: Under Iowa Chapter 20.17(3), the school board is allowed to go into closed session for exempt employee negotiations.  A roll call vote must be taken, and the minutes must reflect how each member voted.
RECOMMENDATION: Move that we hold a closed session as provided in section 20.17(3) of the open meetings law to enter into closed session for exempt employee negotiations.

In closed session _____ p.m.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Out of closed session _____ p.m.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving 2023-2024 independent contracts

ACTION: Pending board discussion on item G the school board may choose to take action on the 2023-2024 contracts for exempt staff.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving 2023-2024 administrative contracts

ACTION: Pending board discussion on item G, the school board may choose to take action on the 2023-2024 contracts for administration.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, May 15, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, June 19, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Thu, 04/13/2023 - 14:21

Board Agenda - 2023.5.01 Special

Board Agenda - 2023.5.01 Special


Board of Directors Special Board Meeting

                       May 1, 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

                        Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.

  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 835 7351 8505

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:






  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.



Don Gee,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. New Business
    1. Consider updating account authority resolution with Iowa State Savings Bank.

ACTION: The district needs to add Taylor Royster to make wire transfers for payroll.and Addison Shay to process ACH with Iowa State Savings Bank.  These two replace Pat Moeller  and Angie McIntosh. 

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the account authority resolution with Iowa State Savings Bank. 

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Education and facilities review, discussion, and planning
      1. Review and discuss Facilities Planning Process, Eric Beron, DLR
      2. Review and discuss Financial Capabilities and Options, Travis Squires Piper Sandler
      3. Consensus on education and facilities plan
    2. Discuss and consider support for a bond campaign
  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, June 19, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, July 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Thu, 04/27/2023 - 08:48

Board Agenda - 2023.5.15

Board Agenda - 2023.5.15


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

May 15, 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:





  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.



Don Gee,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.

    1. Minutes of April 17, 2023, May 1, 2023
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements & Contracts
      1. Resignations and Contracts
      2. Amendment to Juvenile Court Services Agreement
      3. VISTA School Business Software
      4. VISTA Compensation Analysis Software
      5. AEA Social Worker Services
      6. STEM Best HD Program
      7. IJAG MOU
    5. Volunteers
    6. Donations

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Recognition of Students and Staff
    2. Teacher Leadership and Compensation Board Report
    3. Early Childhood Center Principal’s Report
      1. Student Presentation
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Business Manager’s Report
    6. Superintendent’s Report
    7. Projects
      1. ESSER III Funded Positions & Programs
      2. Capital Projects FY 24
    8. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving fiscal year 2022 district audit

ACTION: Mrs. Greene and Mr. Stender will review the FY 2022 district audit.  The district received a highly qualified audit which reflects the sound governance of the school board and management by district staff. Administration recommends approval.  Please see the attached audit report and contact Mrs. Greene with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the fiscal year 2022 district audit.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving quote for the construction contract with Forrest & Associates for the masonry restoration project.

                        ACTION:  The district followed bid guidelines and worked with DLR to receive three bids for masonry restoration projects at the EMS & HS.  Administration recommends awarding the contract to Forrest & Associates for $346,425.  Please note that the master agreement the district has with DLR inherently includes authority for project contingencies and in this case, there is an estimated $15,000 contingency for unforeseen project changes.  This agreement is $46,425 over the $300,000 that was budgeted for this project. This project will be funded by SAVE/PPEL. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:. Approve a contract for masonry restoration with Forrest & Associates for $346,425.

 Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving a contract amendment for DLR Group for design, bidding and construction phase services for the masonry restoration project.

ACTION:   The district worked with DLR to plan and manage the district masonry restoration project. This amendment is for $18,000 and will be paid for by SAVE/PPEL. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve contract amendment with DLR Group for the masonry restoration project of $18,000.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving first and second  reading of Policy Series 705.02. 705.04, and 705.04R1

ACTION: In order to proceed with some state and federal grants, the district needs to revise and adopt the following policies: 705.02 Credit and Procurement Card (New IASB), 705.04 (Revised), and 705.04R1(New IASB).  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve first and second reading of policy 705.02, 705.04 and 705.04R1.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, June 19, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting

Monday, July 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board M

bgreene@cresto… Fri, 05/12/2023 - 09:30

Board Agenda-2023.6.19

Board Agenda-2023.6.19


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

June 19, 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:









  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.



Don Gee,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.

    1. Minutes of May 15, 2023
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. Best Care EAP Renewal
      3. 23-24 GWAEA PowerSchool
    5. 2023-2024 Teacher Leadership Compensation Plan
    6. 2023-2024 Substitute Compensation and Commitment Schedule
      1. Please note the chart reflecting increases historically.  Increases are necessary to attract and retain substitutes.  Please note that Commitment Compensation will no longer exist as the district has been rapidly increasing compensation.
    7. 2023-2024 Reimbursement Schedule
      1. Please note that meal reimbursement increase for breakfast ($3.00), lunch ($5.00), and super ($2.00)
      2. Please note that the state now follows the IRS mileage reimbursement rate.
    8. 2023-2024 Instructional Fee
      1. Due to the state of the economy, administration recommends no increase
    9. 2023-2024 School Lunch Prices
    10. 2023-2024 District Career & Academic Plan
    11. Volunteers
    12. Donations

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Student and Staff Recognition
    2. Business Manager’s Report
    3. Superintendent’s Report
    4. Projects
      1. ESSER III Funded Positions & Programs
      2. Capital Projects FY 24
    5. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving Safety Equipment Resolution to transfer funds from the general to the activity fund

ACTION:   The school board has the authority to transfer an amount necessary from the district’s general fund to its student activity fund to purchase protective and safety equipment required for any extracurricular interscholastic athletic contest or competition sponsored or administered by the Iowa High School Athletic Association or Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union (organizations defined in Iowa Code section 280.13).  The transfer of funds is necessary to provide protective and safety equipment and balance the budget for the student activity account.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:    Approve transfer of $19,266.03 from the general fund to the activity fund for safety equipment.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving 2023-2024 dairy, bakery, and bread bids
      ACTION: The district annually seeks competitive bids for dairy, bakery, and bread products.  One milk bid was received from Anderson Erickson.  No bread bid was received.   Mrs. Clarke recommends Anderson Erickson be awarded the milk.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve awarding the 2023-2024 dairy bid to Anderson Erickson.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider approving the 2023-2024 fuel bids
      ACTION: The district has requested fuel proposals to maintain competitive pricing.  Two bids were received: Agriland FS, Inc. and United Farmers Cooperative. Agriland FS presented the most competitive fuel bid.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve 2023-2024 fuel bid from Agriland FS.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    3. Consider closed session to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i)

ACTION:   Under Iowa Code, Chapter 21.5, the reason for holding a closed session must be announced and entered in the minutes (specific reason is listed above). A roll call vote must be taken, and the minutes must show how each member voted on closing the session.

RECOMMENDATION:   Move that we hold a closed session as provided in section 21.5(1)(i) of the open meetings law to evaluate the professional competency of the superintendent whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, July 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting

Monday, August 21, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board

bgreene@cresto… Thu, 06/15/2023 - 11:51


2023-24 BOARD AGENDAS Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/26/2023 - 11:45

Board Agenda 2024-1-18

Board Agenda 2024-1-18

Creston Community School District

Board of Directors Meeting

January 16, 2024

Regular Board Meeting

The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Tuesday, January 16, 2024.  The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m.  Galen Zumbach President presided, and the following answered roll call:  Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, and Dr. Amanda Mohr.  Administrators present; Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Cassey Tanner, Lesa Downing, and Callie Anderson.

The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.

The meeting was broadcast virtually, and recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.

Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.

There was no public forum participation.

Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve consent agenda items:  Motion carried 4-0.

  • Minutes of December 18, 2023
  • Financial Reports
  • Bills
  • Contracts, Resignations, agreements
    • Resignations
      • John Reasoner - HS Social Studies Teacher and Assistant FBLA Advisor (end of 23-24 school year)
      • Draven Pierce - Para
    • Contracts
      • Marty Wantland- Custodian
  • Donations
    • Sheri Tomas-Creston & HWY 34 Wrestling-$800 exercise bike
    • First Presbyterian Church Women-unpaid lunches $200
    • Jessica Duncan-Speech Team $250 team expenses
    • Krystal and Chuck Irelan-Speech Team-cook Murder Mystery meal
    • Eagles Club-Speech Team-gifted rental for Murder Mystery

Communication and reports

  • DLR Group presented the Early Childhood Center addition schematic design,
  • Early Childhood Center School Principal Anderson’s Report - Joe Beckman Staff and Student Assemblies on January 2nd and 3rd.
  • Elementary Principal Tanner’s Report - Building goals and PD Plan and elementary experiences
  • Business Manager Greene’s Report - 2024-2025 school budget timeline changes.
  • Superintendent Stender’s Report -DLR ECC facility planning update, looking into an appraiser for the green space and the ECC building for future reference; Reviewed  Governor Reynolds proposed SSA, teacher increase packages and the AEA changes.

Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the Schematic Design submittal for Early Childhood Center with DLR Group.  Motion carried 4-0.

Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the Geotechnical Investigation for the ECC/EMS project. Motion carried 4-0.

Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to approve middle school courses for 2023-2024.  Motion carried 4-0.

Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the 2024-2025 Modified Supplemental Allowance At Risk plan and budget for $522,768.  Motion carried 4-0.

Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to approve setting a public hearing for February 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2023-2024 school calendar.   Motion carried 4-0.

Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded to approval the second reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.1 and 503.8.  Motion carried 4-0.

Mohr moved, and Gee seconded to approval the protocol for employee notification of arrest, criminal charges, or child abuse complaints.   Motion carried 4-0.

Gee moved, and Mohr seconded to approval the out-of-state travel and leave for Superintendent for 2024 AASA.    Motion carried 4-0.

Snodgrass moved, and Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:04 p.m.  Motion carried 4-0.



_______________________________________           ________________________________________

                          President                                                                         Secretary



Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, February 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, March 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Thu, 01/18/2024 - 15:43

Board Agenda-2023.07.17 amended

Board Agenda-2023.07.17 amended


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

July 17, 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 5077 7737

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:









  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.



Don Gee,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda as amended by adding item 5F Waiver for Eligibility for Activities.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.

    1. Minutes of June 19, 2023
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. MBA Attendance Enhancement
      3. PowerSchool Applicant Tracking
      4. Lets Go Bound
    5. Donations
    6. Waiver for Eligibility for Activities (Amended item)

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Student and Staff Recognition
    2. Business Manager’s Report
    3. Superintendent’s Report
      1. Review revised Policies IASB Vol. 30.4, Vol. 31.2, Vol.31.3, Vol 31.4 and 908-910
    4. Projects
      1. Capital Projects FY 24
    5. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving the Greater Connections Food Service Agreement

ACTION: The district has offered to partner with Greater Connections Child Care Center to provide meals.  This agreement reflects the expectations of both organizations.  It is important to know that this service is intended to be cost neutral for the district.  We will monitor this closely and make adjustments as needed.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION:  Approve the Greater Connections Food Service Agreement

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving Alliant Energy Hosted Solar Lease Agreement.

ACTION: The district's legal council has worked with the legal representative for Alliant Energy to develop a Hosted Solar Lease Agreement that reflects the needs and expectations of both organizations.  The anticipated start date of the project is spring of 2024.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Hosted Solar Lease Agreement with Alliant Energy.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the 2023-2024 district handbooks
      1. District Student & Parent Handbook added
      2. Panther Pride Preschool Handbook
        1. Panther Pride Preschool Academic Calendar
      3. District Staff Handbook
      4. Paraprofessional Handbook
      5. Coaches’ Handbook

ACTION: Administration has worked collaboratively with their leadership teams and each other to review and revise the student & parent handbooks.  The licensed and classified staff handbook has been reviewed by the Labor Management Committee and presented to staff.  As a result of significant work on the staff handbook the past four years, the handbook reflects minor revisions such as grammar and punctuation. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2023-2024 district handbooks.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the 2024 District Legislative Priorities
      ACTION:  Each year the Iowa School Board Association requests that its member districts submit their legislative priorities that will be presented and voted on at the association’s delegate assembly in November.  The proposed legislative priorities reflect the needs of the district.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2024 district legislative priorities.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, August 21, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, September 18, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Wed, 07/12/2023 - 16:28

Board Agenda-2023.08.14 Special Board meeting

Board Agenda-2023.08.14 Special Board meeting


Board of Directors Special Meeting

August 14, 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.

In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.

  1. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month. 

  2. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 839 1352 0816

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:





1.  Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page. 



Don Gee, 

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. New Business

    1. Review and discuss Facilities Planning

  1. Review and discuss Facility Options, Eric Beron, DLR

    1. Project Timeline

      1. Ground breaking 7-9 months from board authorization 

      2. Project initiation 5-7 months depending on school cycle

  2. Review and discuss Financial Options, Travis Squires,Piper Sandler

    1. Bond Timeline

      1. Board Consensus of Direction                      Aug. 21, 2023

      2. Petition Signature Collection                         Aug. 22 – Sept. 11, 2023

        1. 400 signatures

      3. District Verification of Petition Signatures    Sept. 12 – Sept. 15, 2023

      4. School Board Approval of Petition                No later than Sept. 21, 2023

      5. Petition Deadline to Auditor                           Friday, Sept. 22, 2023 

      6. Bond Campaign                                               Sept. 11 – Nov. 7, 2023

      7. Bond Referendum                                           Nov. 7, 2023

  3. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Tuesday, August 15, 2023, 8:00 a.m., All Staff Welcome Back

  • Monday, August 21, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting

  • Monday, September 18, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting

  • Monday, October 16, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting

bgreene@cresto… Wed, 08/09/2023 - 16:00

Board Agenda-2023.08.21

Board Agenda-2023.08.21


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

August 21, 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 5077 7737

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:




  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.



Don Gee,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.

    1. Minutes of July 17, 2023, August 14, 2023
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    1. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations (updated 8.21.23)
      2. LEA and Dept of Human Service Agreement
    2. Fundraisers
    3. Donations
    4. Panther Pride Preschool handbook  Revisions
    5. Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Business Manager’s Report
    2. Superintendent’s Report
    3. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider Resolution Fixing Date for a Public  Hearing on the Proposed Issuance of Approximately $19,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds

ACTION: A public hearing will be held in the Boardroom, 801 N. Elm Street, Creston,

Iowa, on September 5, 2023, at 6:00 P.M., on the proposal to issue approximately $19,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, for the purpose of providing funds for various school infrastructure projects at the Elementary/Middle School – including constructing, furnishing and equipping an addition and renovating, remodeling, repairing, and improving the existing building, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser. Any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project will be used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District Revenue Purpose Statement.

RECOMMENDATION:  Set public hearing for September 5, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. in the boardroom on the proposal to issue approximately $19,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Roll Call Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the General Obligation Bond petition.

ACTION: The purpose of this action is to formally acknowledge the district's support for a petition calling for a vote for General Obligation Bonds to support district program and facility needs. Two hundred and ninety-eight (298) signatures from district residents are needed in order for the petition to be served on the school board. The signed petition needs to be returned by noon on Friday, September 15, 2023, and the board may take action on the petition received at the regular September 18, 2023 board meeting.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the General Obligation Bond petition.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the 2023-2024 Out-of-State Trips
      ACTION:  In accordance with school board policy, the board shall annually approve requests for out-of-state travel.  Mr. Driskell has submitted 2023-2024 requested out-of-state trips for school board review and approval.  The district reserved the right to suspend or cancel any trip that presents a risk to student safety, health, and wellness.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2023-2024 out-of-state trips.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider approving the 2023-2024 complementary activity passes
      ACTION: To address any concerns of public purpose and the issuing of complementary activity passes.  This action acknowledges the School Board’s approval to issue complimentary passes in accordance with district policy.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2023-2024 roster for complementary activity passes.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving District Developed Special Education Services Delivery Plan

ACTION:  This is an annual procedure that outlines district special education resources. Please contact mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION:  Approve District Developed Special Education Services Delivery Plan..
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the resolution to participate in Procurement Cards

ACTION: A Pcard (often called procurement card) is essentially a credit card with controls on spending limits, purchases, etc,. to enhance internal controls and reduce paperwork time and expense associated with traditional purchasing procedures.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the agreement with the Bank of Montreal to secure Procurement Cards for each authorized employee of the municipality under such terms and conditions as approved by the Board.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving 2023-2024 District Goals
      ACTION:  Administrators have met to discuss and review the 2023-2024 district goals and present them to the school board for consideration and approval. Please note that each building develops goals based on the district goals. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2023-2024 District goals.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider approving the first reading of revised Policies IASB Vol. 30.4, Vol. 31.2, Vol.31.3, Vol 31.4 and 908-910

ACTION: Please review the proposed IASB  policy updates..  The policies have been revised as a result of new and revised legislation.  District staff have reviewed the policies and present them to you for your review and consideration.   Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve first reading of policy updates in Vol. 30.4, Vol. 31.2, Vol.31.3 Vol 31.4 and 908-910

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Tuesday, September 5, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Public Hearing
  • Monday, September 18, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, October 16, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • IASB Convention November 15-17 in Des Moines
bgreene@cresto… Thu, 08/17/2023 - 15:43

Board Agenda-2023.09.05 Public Hearing

Board Agenda-2023.09.05 Public Hearing


Board of Directors Special Meeting

September 5, 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  3. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 830 0446 6754

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:





  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.



Don Gee,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal



  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Open hearing on the proposed issuance of approximately $19,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Service and Use Tax Revenue Bonds.

Board President states, "At this time we will hold the public hearing for the hearing on the Proposed Issuance of Approximately $19,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds.  Is there anyone present who wants to voice any oral objections to the hearing on the Proposed Issuance of Approximately $19,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds?"  Following a pause to allow anyone to voice their opinion, the Board President will ask the Board Secretary, "Do we have any written objections to the hearing on the Proposed Issuance of Approximately $19,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds?"  After the Secretary presents any written objections, the president closes the public hearing by stating "I now declare the hearing closed."

Open at ____ p.m. no written or oral objections received closed at ____ p.m.

  1. New Business
    1. Consider adopting the resolution supporting the proposed issuance of approximately $19,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Service and Use Tax Revenue Bonds.

ACTION: In accordance with Iowa Code, adopting this resolution gives the school board the authority to proceed with planning projects that will be financed by allocating future SAVE funds. The board may approve of bonding up to $19,000,000 for facility projects. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the resolution supporting the proposed issuance of approximately $19,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Service and Use Tax Revenue Bonds.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Roll Call Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, September 18, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, October 16, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • IASB Convention November 15-17 in Des Moines


bgreene@cresto… Thu, 08/31/2023 - 07:48

Board Agenda-2023.09.18

Board Agenda-2023.09.18


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

September 18 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 5077 7737

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:








  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Don Gee,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.

    1. Minutes of August 21, 2023, September 5, 2023
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, Resignations, & Terminations
      1. Contracts, Resignations, Termination
      2. Top Notch Fireworks Agreement
      3. Homecoming DJ Agreement
    5. Donations
    6. Volunteers

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. ECC Principal’s Report
    2. Elementary Principal’s Report
    3. Business Manager’s Report
    4. Superintendent’s Report
    5. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider Approving Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for Special Education (updated 9.15.23)
        As a standard practice, administration asks the Board to consider approving the application for additional allowable growth and supplemental aid. In addition to the overall general operating fund budget, school districts monitor revenues and expenditures of special education and report annually to the Department of Education. Districts can spend more than they take in for special education, but the excess expense must be covered with general fund dollars. When the district reports a negative fund balance in special education, the state allows districts to recover the spending authority for those expenditures. The School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) will consider allowing recovery of the budget authority at their annual meeting in December. Administration recommends approving the Request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for the FY23 Special Education deficit.  The historical data is included in the Business Managers Report. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for the FY23 special education deficit of $399,975.38.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider Approving Pathway To Being A Panther Agreement
      ACTION:  Due to the challenges of hiring licensed staff, I recommend the district support a model that attracts and supports student teachers and creates a pipeline to our staffing needs.  One of the district goals is to attract staff to our district and the Pathway To Being A Panther agreement may help attract student teachers to our district where they will gain experience and hopefully transition into our classrooms.  I hope the agreement attracts student teachers to our rural district by supporting their needs and paying for their student teaching credits (up to $10,000) and offering a living stipend ($700 per month) for up to four months.  The district will identify the areas of need and offer the Pathway To Being a Panther to student teachers who meet our criteria and needs.  The district can choose when to whom we offer the program to  and will evaluate the model to determine if it helps meet the district's goal of attracting teachers.  This is a general fund expenditure. Currently the district is offering incentives to those with a BA to obtain a teachers license and this will hopefully be proactive rather than reactive. If approved, this may be implemented this winter. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve Pathway To Being A Panther Agreement. 
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    3. Consider Approving Supervising Teacher Agreement
      ACTION: To support our teachers who accept the responsibility of supervising a student teacher, I recommend the district provide a $500 stipend to supervising teachers (limited to one per semester) for their time and commitment to supporting future educators. The intent is to attract and support student teachers and create a pipeline to our staffing needs and potential employees. This is a general fund expenditure and we will monitor the effectiveness of the program to identify changes and continuation.  This may be implemented this winter.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve Supervising Teacher Agreement.. 
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    4. Consider Approving Early Notice Incentive
      ACTION: Due to limited licensed personnel, it is beneficial for the district to have advance notice and resignation of employment.  I propose that the district provide an incentive for licensed staff to provide early notice and a resignation to help us get an early edge on planning and find potential candidates if necessary. The stipend is a general fund expenditure and we will monitor the effectiveness of the program to identify changes and continuation.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve Early Notice Incentive. 
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    5. Consider approving the seconded reading of revised Policies IASB Vol. 30.4, Vol. 31.2, Vol.31.3, Vol 31.4 and 908-910

ACTION: Please review the proposed IASB  policy updates..  The policies have been revised as a result of new and revised legislation.  District staff have reviewed the policies and present them to you for your review and consideration.   Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve seconded reading of policy updates in Vol. 30.4, Vol. 31.2, Vol.31.3 Vol 31.4 and 908-910

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, October 16, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, November 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • IASB Convention November 15-17 in Des Moines
bgreene@cresto… Thu, 09/14/2023 - 15:39

Board Agenda-2023.10.16

Board Agenda-2023.10.16


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

October 16 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 5077 7737

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:






  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.



Don Gee,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.

    1. Minutes of  September 18, 2023
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. Prom DJ Agreement
      3. Smart Site Agreement
        1. New website interface supported by ParentSquare (district communication module)
    1. Donations
    2. Volunteers
    3. Approve Jane Shantz as the District Homeless Coordinator
    4. Approve Bill Messerole as the District 504 Coordinator
    5. Approve Sexual harassment/Level I Investigators:  Angie Bolinger, Kelsey Malmanger, Scott Driskell; Sexual Harassment/Level II Investigator:   Union County Attorney; Equity Coordinator/Affirmative Action:  Deron Stender
    6. Approve Superintendent Deron Stenders attendance at the Safety & Innovation Summit in Salt Lake City, Utah, November 11-14, 2023
      1. Summit attendance is by invitation only. The district will not incur any expenses as the summit covers all associated expenses

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Teacher Leadership Report
    2. Middle School Principal’s Report
    3. High School Principal’s Report
    4. Business Manager’s Report
    5. Superintendent’s Report
    6. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline
      2. Tentative budget
    7. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving the amended AIA Agreement with DLR Group for design, bidding and construction phase services related to the Early Childhood Center addition and EMS remodel.

ACTION:   For several years, the district has been working with DLR to provide facility planning and project management. The support and communication from DLR has been positive and there is value in continuing the relationship with them as the district starts the planning process for the Early Childhood addition and EMS remodel.  This AIA agreement is for the Early Childhood Center addition and EMS remodel.  AIA agreements are a standard agreement between DLR and the district and outlines the terms and associated costs for design, bidding, and management.  These costs will be included in the total project costs and paid from the revenue purpose statement funds. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve the amended contract with DLR Group for design, bidding, and construction management services for the Early Childhood addition and EMS remodel.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving a contract Topographic Survey Proposal services related to the Early Childhood Center addition and EMS remodel.

ACTION:   The district has been working with DLR Group to propose a Site Survey at the Elem-Middle School and High School for the upcoming addition and renovation project.  DLR recommends awarding the Site Survey Services to Garden & Associates, LTD for $26,250.  The survey cost is $26,250 and will be paid for from the SAVE/PPEL funds. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve contract with Garden & Associates LTD to complete a topographic survey for $26,250.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Pathway To Being A Panther Agreement
      ACTION:  Due to the challenges of hiring licensed staff, I recommend the district support a model that attracts and supports student teachers and creates a pipeline to our staffing needs.  One of the district goals is to attract staff to our district and the Pathway To Being A Panther agreement may help attract student teachers to our district where they will gain experience and hopefully transition into our classrooms.  I hope the agreement attracts student teachers to our rural district by supporting their needs and paying for their student teaching credits (up to $10,000) and offering a living stipend ($700 per month) for up to four months.  The district will identify the areas of need and offer the Pathway To Being a Panther to student teachers who meet our criteria and needs.  The district can choose when and whom we offer the program. We will evaluate the model to determine if it helps meet the district's goal of attracting teachers.  This is a general fund expenditure. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve Pathway To Being A Panther Agreement. 
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider Approving Supervising Teacher Agreement
      ACTION: To support our teachers who accept the responsibility of supervising a student teacher, I recommend the district provide a $500 stipend to supervising teachers (limited to one per semester) for their time and commitment to supporting future educators. The intent is to attract and support student teachers and create a pipeline to our staffing needs and potential employees. This is a general fund expenditure and we will monitor the effectiveness of the program to identify changes and continuation.  This may be implemented this winter.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve Supervising Teacher Agreement.. 
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ NayConsider
    3. Consider Approving purchasing softball & baseball scoreboards
      We recognize the need for early planning to secure equipment and complete projects.  The district capital outlay plan identifies projects for five years and beyond.  The softball and baseball scoreboards are identified projects for the FY 24 budget.  Mr. Driskell and Mr. Briley have met with representatives from Daktroniks to review equipment and installation plans.  The district has a long standing relationship with Dakroniks as a reliable vendor.  Based on the estimates, the total cost for the new scoreboards is $56,094.  These are in the FY 24 budget and are eligible SAVE/PPEL expenditures.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions. 
      RECOMMENDATION:  Approve purchasing softball & baseball scoreboards from Daktroniks.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    4. Consider approving the purchase of a new bus for 2024-2025 (updated)

      ACTION:   The district requested bids for one new route bus to replace an existing bus to maintain the fleet. The district followed district policy and Iowa Code in the bid process. The bid prices reflect the net price with trade in.  Maintaining a replacement cycle ensures our students and staff are being safely transported and the transportation fleet is well maintained. Buses and vehicles can be purchased from PPEL and/or SAVE funds that are designated to equipment and facility improvements (these are FY 25 purchases and will be paid by PPEL/SAVE). Mr. Busch received three bids and recommends the bid from Hoglund Bus Company for $141,750 from the 2025 budget. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve the bid and bus purchase from Hoglund Bus Company for $141,750 from the 2025 budget.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the purchase of two new suburbans for 2023-2024.

      ACTION:   Last spring the district requested bids for two suburbans.  Due to supply chain issues, local dealers were not able submit a bid.  The district has a need to replace the Yukon and an additional suburban.  The district is able to purchase two suburbans through the state bid process to meet our needs. This is an eligible purchase from the PPEL and/or SAVE funds.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve the bid and purchase of two suburbans from Karl Auto Group for $111,800.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving Modified Supplemental for LEP excess cost

ACTION:  This is a new requirement from the Department of Education.  The purpose is to increase public awareness of the district's request for a modified supplemental allowance due to the increased cost of LEP.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve a request to the SBRC for a modified supplemental amount of $34,148.89 due to excess costs of providing the LEP program in the prior year.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the first reading of Policy  503.08: Discipline of Students Who Make Threats of Violence or Cause Incidents of Violence

ACTION: Due to new legislation, the Department of Education has provided guidance on the model districts shall use to classify levels of discipline.  Administration has reviewed the guidance and will comply with the new legislation to the best of our abilities.  The guidance is fairly ambiguous and districts are asking for clarity that may or may not be provided.   The policy has been revised to reflect the new legislation.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve first reading of revised policy 503.08.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the 2023-2024 additional payment for activities

ACTION:  This action item supports sound fiscal responsibility by recognizing compensation to individuals that are not covered by a master agreement.  This practice provides guidance and a record of business. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve 2023-2024 additional payments for activities.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, November 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • IASB Convention November 15-17 in Des Moines
  • Monday, December 18, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Thu, 10/12/2023 - 12:08

Board Agenda-2023.11.20

Board Agenda-2023.11.20


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

November 20, 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 5077 7737

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:











  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.



Don Gee,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for a vote.

    1. Minutes of  October 16, 2023
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. Engagement Letter with Piper Sandler & Co.
        1. This is a standard agreement in accordance with the Iowa Code.  The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the management and processing associated with the utilization of SAVE & PPEL funds borrowed to construct the new Early Childhood Learning Center and EMS/MS office remodel. The estimated cost for management and processing for bonding is $365,724.
      3. Lenox - East Union Girls’ Wrestling Agreement
        1. This is a standard agreement that outlines the cooperative agreement between the Lenox & East Union.
    5. Waiver for Eligibility for Activities
      1. A formal request was made by the parent of a new junior male student at Lenox.  The family moved to Prescott which is part of our district and the junior student enrolled at Lenox and would like to participate in activities.  The administration has evaluated the request and given the circumstances and fact that Lenox is not in the same conference, district, or region, it will not create a hardship for our students, programs, or district.  The administration recommends waiving the ineligibility timeline for this individual. 
    1. Donations
    2. Volunteers
  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Student and Staff Recognition
    1. Early Childhood Center Principal’s Report
    2. Elementary Principal’s Report
    3. Business Manager’s Report
    4. Superintendent’s Report
    5. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline
      2. Tentative budget (updated 10.10.23)
    6. Board Discussion
  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


Organization Meeting for 2023-24

  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The Board Secretary will call the meeting to order.


Don Gee,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. New Business
    1. Consider Certification of School Board Election Results

ACTION:   The certified results will be available at the board table.  Don Gee and Brad James are duly elected to the Creston Community School Board for a term of four years.  Please note that the final certification will be available at the board table on Monday.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve Certification of the November 7, 2023 school board election with Don Gee receiving _____ votes, and Brad James receiving _____ votes.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Administration of the Oath of Office to Elected Board Members

The president pro-term will administer the oath of office to new board members.

Oath of office: "Do you solemnly swear that you will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Iowa and that you will faithfully and impartially to the best of your ability discharge the duties of the office of the board member  in Creston Community School District as now and hereafter required by law?"

    1. The school board will elect a president and a vice president who shall hold office until November 2024
      1. The president pro-term calls for president nominations; nominations need not be seconded. The board will then conduct a written vote on the nominations (board members must put their names on the ballot for public review). The president pro-term will announce the result of the vote, and will administer the oath of office to the newly elected president and the newly elected president will assume the chair.
        1. Administer oath of office to the President. The president pro-term will administer the oath of office to the president:

"Do you solemnly swear that you will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Iowa and that you will faithfully and impartially to the best of your ability discharge the duties of the office of School Board President in Creston Community School District as now and hereafter required by law?"

Motion by: _____to nominate ______ for president, Seconded by: ________,

 Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

      1. The president calls for vice president nominations; nominations need not be seconded. The board will then conduct a written vote on the nominations (board members must put their names on the ballot for public review). The president will announce the result of the vote and will administer the oath of office to the newly elected vice president.
        1. Administer oath of office to the Vice President. The president will administer the oath of office to the vice president:

"Do you solemnly swear that you will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Iowa and that you will faithfully and impartially to the best of your ability discharge the duties of the office of School Board Vice President in Creston Community School District as now and hereafter required by law?"

Motion by: _____to nominate ______ for vice president, Seconded by: ________,

 Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Appointments of the School Board Secretary and School Board Treasurer

ACTION: Consider appointing Billie Jo Greene as School Board Secretary and School Board Treasurer through November 2024.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Billie Jo Greene as School Board Secretary and  School Board Treasurer.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving the Dates, Times, and Locations for Regular Meetings of the Board

ACTION: Currently the district meets the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the boardroom at the Central Office at 801 North Elm St.  Please remember, that with appropriate notice, the school board can meet as needed to conduct the business of the school board.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve school board meetings be held on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the boardroom at the Central Office at 801 North Elm St.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Union and Adams County Conference Board Representative

ACTION: The board will appoint a representative to the Union and Adams County Conference Board. This is a committee that meets infrequently and requires very little time.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Director __________, as the Union County Conference Board Representative, and Director, Don Gee, as the Adams County Conference Board Representative.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Official Newspaper

ACTION: As required by law, the school board annually designates the official newspaper for the district.  The Creston News Advertiser has been the designated newspaper to post notices and official business of the district.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Creston News Advertiser as the district’s official newspaper.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Bank Depository

ACTION: Districts are required to identify financial institutions to be depositories of the Creston Community School District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452 and 453 (1993) as amended by 1984 Iowa Acts, S.F. 2220. 

The District’s primary bank is Iowa State Savings Bank (ISSB) and PMA Financial Network formally ISJIT.  The District recently negotiated competitive interest rates with ISSB and is satisfied with their services.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution that Creston Community School District of Creston, IA in Union County, IA, approves Iowa State Savings Bank and PMA Financial Network as financial institutions to be the depository of Creston Community School District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452 and 453 (1993) as amended by 1984 Iowa Acts, S.F. 2220.  The business manager, board secretary, and board treasurer are hereby authorized to deposit the Creston Community School funds at IASB.  Roll call vote: Naming Iowa State Savings Bank up to $15,000,000 and PMA up to $5,000,000 as the financial institutions of the depository.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving District Legal Counsel

ACTION: The District has a long-standing relationship with Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm.  Ahlers & Conney represents many Districts in Iowa and is well known for their expertise and work with public schools.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm as the District Legal Counsel.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving early graduates

ACTION: Mr. Messerole recommends early graduation for students at the end of the first semester, pending successful completion of their current courses and district graduation requirements. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve early graduation for students pending successful completion of the graduation requirements as set forth by the Board of Education and the State of Iowa.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the first reading of revised Policies & Policy 503.8

ACTION: IASB has revised policies to reflect the legislative changes and Department of Education guidance. Policy 503.8 was drafted by the district's legal counsel to support compliance with state legislation.  The administration has reviewed the policies and recommends approval. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the first reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.1 and 503.8.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Reconsideration Team

ACTION: New legislation requires districts to have a Reconsideration Team that is tasked with the responsibility of reviewing library material when a request for consideration is made (this is in reference to a formal request made by members of the public concerning the content of library materials). The proposed Reconsideration Team meets the state requirements with representation from a parent/community, staff, and administration.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
Reconsideration Team.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider entering into a Closed Session to Review the Emergency Management Plan as authorized by Section 21.5(1)(a) of the Open Meetings Law to Review or Discuss Records that are Required or Authorized to be Kept Confidential ACTION:  Emergency Operations Plans and Confidentiality:  Remember the Emergency Operations Plan is to remain confidential and to be discussed in closed session before Board approval.  Iowa Code section 280.30 - High-quality School Building Emergency Operations Plan states, “The plan shall be confidential and shall not be a public record subject to disclosure under Chapter 22.”  If someone were to ask you for a copy of the plan, you are legally authorized to deny them access to the plan.  Under Iowa Code, chapter 21.5, the reason for holding a closed session must be announced and entered in the minutes.  The reason must be for one of the reasons specified in the law.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.RECOMMENDATION:  Move to hold a closed session as authorized by section 21.5(1)(a) of the open meetings law to review or discuss records that are required or authorized to be kept confidential.Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider Approving 2023-2024 Emergency Management Plan

ACTION:  School boards are required to annually approve the district Emergency Operations Plan.   Iowa Code section 280.30 - High-quality School Building Emergency Operations Plan states, “The plan shall be confidential and shall not be a public record subject to disclosure under Chapter 22.”  If someone were to ask you for a copy of the plan, you are legally authorized to deny them access. The district EOP team met regularly for the past 10 months to review and revise the EOP plan to support the changes in safety and security and improve processes and management.  A meeting with local law enforcement and emergency management was held before bringing this plan to the school board.  All agencies are on board and are integral to our safety and security planning.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve the 2023-2024 Emergency Management Plan.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, December 18, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, January 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, February 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Wed, 11/15/2023 - 11:28

Board Agenda-2023.12.18

Board Agenda-2023.12.18


Regular Board Meeting

December 18, 2023 - Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the board meeting day. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 5077 7737

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:



Regular Board Meeting




  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.



Don Gee,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for a vote.

    1. Minutes of  November 20, 2023
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. 28E Agreement for School Resource Officer
      3. Southwestern Community College EMS 210 Agreement
    5. Donations
    6. Volunteers

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. DLR presentation
    2. Student and Staff Recognition
    3. Middle School Principal’s Report
    4. High School Principal’s Report
    5. Activity Directory Report
    6. Business Manager’s Report
    7. Superintendent’s Report
    8. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline
      2. Tentative budget (updated 10.10.23)
    9. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving the appointment of two Board members to the Creston Education Association and AFSCME Local 3467 negotiations teams
      This is a formal process to serve on the negotiations team with the Creston Education Association and AFSCME Local 3467.  Two board members along with Mrs. Greene and Mr. Stender will represent the district during negotiations.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve director _______ and director _______ as lead negotiators and director _______ as the alternate negotiator for the district to negotiate with the Creston Education Association and AFSCME Local 3467.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider approving the resolution to Gross Pay up for district-directed and approved employees and individuals pursuing certification.
      The district, like many other districts, recently learned that we are required to include tuition payments over $5,250 as taxable income.  We have consulted with the district attorney and to develop a plan that holds employees harmless who are directed by the district to receive further education.  This impacts four employees who are pursuing an endorsement in education that benefits the district.  The total cost to the district to hold these individuals harmless is about $6,863.  We are considering options and the impact for next year.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the resolution to gross pay for district-directed and approved employees and individuals pursuing certification.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the Modified Supplemental SBRC Application for increased Open Enrollment.

ACTION:  The district is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee a modified supplemental amount of $223,799.00 due to open enrollment out from the previous year.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve open enrollment modified supplemental allowance.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the Modified Supplemental SBRC Application for increased Limited English Proficient(LEP) Beyond Five Years.

ACTION: The district is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $18,018.00 related to the English Language Learning (ELL) program for students who have exceeded five years of weighting that are included on the Fall 2022 certified enrollment headcount. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve LEP modified supplemental allowance. 

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the second reading of revised Policies & Policy 503.8

ACTION: IASB has revised policies to reflect the legislative changes and Department of Education guidance. Policy 503.8 was drafted by the district's legal counsel to support compliance with state legislation.  The administration has reviewed the policies and recommends approval. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.1 and 503.8.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the regular board meeting for January 16, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.

ACTION:   To avoid conflict with the state caucus being held on January 15, I request approval to move the regular board meeting to Tuesday, January 16 at 6:00 p.m.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve January 16, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. as the date and time for the workshop and regular board meeting at 6:00.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider closed session to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i)X

ACTION:   Under Iowa Code, Chapter 21.5, the reason for holding a closed session must be announced and entered in the minutes (the specific reason is listed above). A roll call vote must be taken, and the minutes must show how each member voted on closing the session.

RECOMMENDATION:   Move that we hold a closed session as provided in section 21.5(1)(i) of the open meetings law to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider action if necessary pending Item F

ACTION:   Pending Item F.


Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Tuesday, January 2, 2024, at 3:00 p.m., staff meeting on the Early Childhood addition; and at 5:00 p.m. public meeting at the High School Auditorium.
  • Tuesday, January 16, 2024, 5:00 p.m. workshop followed by Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, February 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting


bgreene@cresto… Thu, 12/14/2023 - 09:37

Board Agenda-2024.1.02 Public Forum

Board Agenda-2024.1.02 Public Forum

Creston Community School District

Informational Posting

January 2, 2024

Public Forum ECC/EMS Addition & Renovation Project

5:00 p.m.

Auditorium, 601 W. Townline, Creston, IA



The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students

to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.



  1.  A majority of the board may be present for the Early Childhood Addition Informational public forum.


Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Tuesday, January 16, 2024, 5:00 p.m. workshop followed by Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, February 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting



bgreene@cresto… Thu, 12/14/2023 - 09:38

Board Agenda-2024.1.16

Board Agenda-2024.1.16


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

January 16, 2024

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 5077 7737

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:



Regular Board Meeting




  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. The President will call for a vote with a motion and a second.

    1. Minutes of  December 18, 2023
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. Aureon Agreement and Installation
        1. This agreement renews the service and support for technology and communication/telecommunication systems.  The new agreement shifts software from local servers to the cloud for improved management and efficiency.  We anticipate this agreement will also improve our connectivity and decrease disruptive service.
    5. Donations

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. DLR Presentation
    2. Early Childhood Center Principal’s Report
    3. Elementary School Principal’s Report
    4. Business Manager’s Report
    5. Superintendent’s Report
    6. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline (updated 12.20.23)
      2. Tentative budget (updated 10.10.23)
    7. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. DLR project approval of Schematic Design submittal for the Early Childhood Center

ACTION: This is a formal process that recognizes the next phase of the ECC/EMS project (schematic Design). Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve Schematic Design submittal with DLR. 

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. DLR project approval of Geotechnical Investigation for the Creston Early Childhood Center.

ACTION: Tests need to be taken on the ground where the ECC/EMS project is planned and this allows for those tests to be conducted.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve the Geotechnical Investigation for the ECC/EMS project.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving Middle School exploratories, electives, and TAG Leadership.

ACTION:   Generally the school board approves course catalogs and course additions at the same time as the handbook in June.  The new middle school courses were not included at that time and fell through the cracks.  We are presenting them for school board approval as a matter of record.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions. 

RECOMMENDATION:    Approve new middle school courses for 2023-2024.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the 2024-2025 Modified Supplemental Allowance (MSA) At Risk Summary.

ACTION: The At-Risk program focuses on attendance, mental health, behaviors, and students who may be identified as at-risk.  Administration and staff identify and work with students to help them develop positive relationships, acceptable behaviors, and academic completion.  We offer an alternative program for students who are at risk of dropping out of school. This is one of the few ways the school board can impact the local levy.  Like most funds, there are significant restrictions on how these funds can be spent. The total MSA is $522,768  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2024-2025 Modified Supplemental Allowance At Risk plan and budget for  $522,768.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider setting public hearing for the proposed 2024-2025 school calendar.
        As required by the Iowa Code, the district shall notify the public and hold a hearing on the proposed school calendar.  The administration recommends setting February 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the public hearing of the proposed 2024-2025 school calendar.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting a public hearing for February 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2023-2024 school calendar.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the second reading of revised Policies & Policy 503.8

ACTION: IASB has revised policies to reflect the legislative changes and Department of Education guidance. Policy 503.8 was drafted by the district's legal counsel to support compliance with state legislation.  The administration has reviewed the policies and recommends approval. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.1 and 503.8.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving protocol for employee notification of arrest, criminal charges, or child abuse complaints.

ACTION: At the request of the school board, the central office researched how other districts and local organizations address self-reporting of criminal activity.  Each organization handles it differently and we propose the following protocol used by the West Des Moines School District.  We suggest a protocol rather than a policy so our policies reflect those of the Iowa School Board Association and the protocol can be included in the staff handbook which is reviewed and adopted by the school board annually.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the protocol for employee notification of arrest, criminal charges, or child abuse complaints.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving out-of-state travel and leave for Superintendent Stender for 2024.

ACTION: Per the superintendent's contract, travel and leave to attend business out of the state require school board approval.  Mr. Stender represents the district, Iowa, and Region 3 on the National Executive Board for the American Association of School Administrators (AASA). AASA covers expenses for all travel and expenses except the National Conference. There may be additional opportunities for professional development and representation that require advance notice and board approval. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve out-of-state travel and leave for Superintendent for 2024.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, February 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, March 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Thu, 01/11/2024 - 10:31

Board Agenda-2024.2.19

Board Agenda-2024.2.19


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

February 19, 2024 - Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 5077 7737

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:




Regular Board Meeting




  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.


  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. The President will call for a vote with a motion and a second.

    1. Minutes of  January 18, 2024
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. CEA intent to Negotiate
      3. AFSCME intent to Negotiate
      4. Steve’s Mobile Music, Inc DJ Agreement
      5. Medicom Agreement
      6. IJAG Agreement and Addendum
    5. Donations
    6. Volunteers
    7. Fundraisers

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Student and Staff Recognition
    2. Mindy Schafer, Union County Assessor
    3. TLC Mentoring update
    4. Middle School Principal’s Report
    5. High School Principal’s Report
    6. Business Manager’s Report
    7. Superintendent’s Report
    8. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline - Budget (updated 1.16.24)
      2. Tentative Drive and Building Schematic (added 1.16.24)
    9. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving the purchase of a coffee shop

ACTION: The district has an opportunity to support a student-run business that will integrate practical life skills and workforce readiness.  The purchase will be funded by a STEM Grant and include the building, supplies, and all equipment for the coffee shop. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the purchase of a coffee shop.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the 1st reading of Policies Vol. 32.2

ACTION: IASB has reviewed and revised policies to reflect the legislative changes and Department of Education guidance. The administration has reviewed the policies and recommends approval. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the first reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.2.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, February 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, March 4, 2024, 5:00 p.m., DLR project update and Budget Workshop
  • Monday, March 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, March 25, 2024, 5:00 p.m., First Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Monday, April 15, 2024, 5:00 p.m., Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Monday, April 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting


bgreene@cresto… Fri, 02/16/2024 - 10:33

Board Agenda-2024.3.04

Board Agenda-2024.3.04


Board of Directors Early Childhood Design update

and Budget Work Session

March 4, 2024 – Meeting 5:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 669-444-9171 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  3. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 89399980822

Meeting Password:   511916

Join by phone:





  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. New Business
    1. DLR presentation of the concept design for the Early Childhood Center
    2. Budget Work-Session
      1. Board Presentation
  2. Consider setting public hearings on the district's 2024-2025 budget proposal
    1. ACTION: In accordance with Iowa Code, the district is required to provide an opportunity for public comment on the budget proposal.  We propose that hearings be scheduled for March 25, 2024  at 6:00 p.m. and April 15, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board room.  Once the April 15th hearing is complete, the school board can vote to adopt the proposed budget.  Districts are required to post the hearing notice in its designated newspaper no less than 10 days and no more than 20 days prior to the date of the public hearing.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting public hearings for March 25, 2024  at 6:00 p.m. and April 15, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2024-2025 budget.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, March 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 5:30 p.m. CEA negotiations meeting
  • Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 5:30 p.m. AFSCME negotiations meeting
  • Monday, March 25, 2024, 6:00 p.m., First Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Monday, April 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Monday, April 15, 2024, following hearing  Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Tue, 02/20/2024 - 08:57

Board Agenda-2024.3.18

Board Agenda-2024.3.18


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

March 18, 2024 - Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 5077 7737

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:



Regular Board Meeting




  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal



  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. The President will call for a vote with a motion and a second.

    1. Minutes of  February 19, 2024 and March 4, 2024
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. Southwestern Community College Contracts
        1. Automotive Repair Technology and Carpentry
        2. Arts and Sciences
        3. Auto Collision Repair/Refinish and Electrical Technology Career Academy
        4. Nurse Assistant Career Academy
        5. Information Technology Systems Networking Career Academy,
        6. Applied Engineering Technology Career Academy.
        7. Concurrent Enrollment Program
        8. Emergency Medical Tech Basic
        9. Welding Career Academy
        10. Summer Welding Technology Career Academy, Carpentry & Building Trades and Health Science Career Academy
      3. Nodaway Valley Girls Soccer Agreement
      4. Iowa LGPR Natural Gas Program Agreement
    5. Annual review of Board Policy 505.8
      1. This is a new DOE requirement in order to complete the Desk Audit
    6. Superintendent Stender’s participation in the Marine Corps Educator Workshop at Camp Pendleton in San Diego from April 22-26.  The Marine Corps covers all associated expenses.
    7. Donations
    8. Volunteers

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Student and Staff Recognition
    2. Robotics Demonstration
    3. Early Childhood Center/Special Education Principal’s Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Athletic Director’s Report
    6. Business Manager’s Report
    7. Superintendent’s Report
    8. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline - Budget (updated 1.16.24)
      2. Tentative Revenue Bond Timeline (added 3.4.24)
    9. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. DLR project approval of  Design Development for the Early Childhood Center

ACTION: This is a formal process that recognizes the next phase of the ECC/EMS project (Design Development). Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

  1. Design Development project booklet

2.   Design Development progress drawings


RECOMMENDATION:  Approve Design Development submittal with DLR. 

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving fiscal year 2023 district audit

ACTION: Mrs. Greene and Mr. Stender will review the FY 2023 district audit.  The district received a highly qualified audit which reflects the sound governance of the school board and management by district staff. Administration recommends approval.  Please see the attached audit report and contact Mrs. Greene with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the fiscal year 2023 district audit.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the renewal of the 2024-2025 district health insurance with ISEBA

ACTION: The district received the health insurance renewal rates for 2024-2025 that reflect a 4.5% premium increase.  The district has been a part of the Iowa School Employee Benefits Association (ISEBA) pool since 2004.  The pool protects the district from the extremes and the current plans provide our employees with quality benefits and services.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2024-2025 district health insurance with ISEBA.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the revised 2023-2024 school calendar

ACTION:  To date, the district closed for seven days due to inclement weather.  Remote instruction was provided two of the seven days. The district calendar exceeds the minimum state requirement by 8.5 days and  I recommend waiving the make up of student days (staff will complete the necessary instruction and benchmarks). I recommend that the board waive making up three of the five licensed staff contract days in recognition of their support and flexibility due to substitute shortages and covering for student events and activities.  Licensed staff will make up two contracted days through a flexible and hybrid model that supports remote collaboration and professional development. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the revised 2023-2024 calendar to not extend student days and waiving three contract days for licensed staff, with two licensed staff days being hybrid.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider setting public hearing for the proposed 2024-2025 school calendar
        As required by the Iowa Code, the district shall notify the public and hold a hearing on the proposed school calendar.  The administration recommends setting April 15, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the public hearing of the proposed 2024-2025 school calendar.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting a public hearing for April 15, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2024-2025 school calendar.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the second reading of Policies Vol. 32.2

ACTION: IASB has revised policies to reflect the legislative changes and Department of Education guidance. The administration has reviewed the policies and recommends approval. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.2.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 5:30 p.m. AFSCME negotiations meeting
  • Monday, March 25, 2024, 6:00 p.m., First Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Tuesday, March 28, 2024, 5:30 p.m. CEA negotiations meeting
  • Monday, April 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Monday, April 15, 2024, following hearing  Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, May 20, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, June 17, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Tue, 02/20/2024 - 09:01

Board Agenda-2024.3.20 AFSCME Negotiations

Board Agenda-2024.3.20 AFSCME Negotiations

Creston Community School District

AFSCME Negotiations Meeting #1

March 20, 2024 Board Room / 801 N. Elm / Meeting - 5:30 P.M.

The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Take notice that pursuant to Chapter 21, Code of Iowa, the Creston Community School District will hold the following negotiation session:



Creston AFSCME


Creston Community School


  1. AFSCME initial interest statement and presentation of proposal
  2. District initial interest statement and presentation of proposal
  3. Negotiation teams exempt session Iowa Code § 20.17(3) 


Date of Notice: 

March 19, 2024

bgreene@cresto… Tue, 03/19/2024 - 09:42

Board Agenda-2024.3.25

Board Agenda-2024.3.25


Board of Directors Public Hearing for Certified Budget

March 25, 2024 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:






First Hearing on Certified Budget




  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Open budget hearing #1 on the proposed 2024-2025 budget

Board President states, "At this time we will hold the public hearing for the 2024-2025 fiscal year budget.  Is there anyone present who wants to voice any oral objections to the 2025 fiscal year budget?"  Following a pause to allow anyone to voice their opinion, the Board President will ask the Board Secretary, "Do we have any written objections to the 2025 fiscal year budget?"  After the Secretary presents any written objections, the president closes the public hearing by stating "I now declare the hearing closed."

Open at ____ p.m. ___ written or ____oral objections received closed at ____ p.m.

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Thursday, March 28, 2024, 5:30 p.m. CEA negotiations meeting
  • Monday, April 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Monday, April 15, 2024, following hearing on 2024-25 school calendar and the Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, May 20, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, June 17, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Tue, 02/20/2024 - 08:58

Board Agenda-2024.4.15

Board Agenda-2024.4.15


Board of Directors

April 15, 2024

Special Board Meeting at 4:30 p.m.

Public Hearing for Certified Budget - Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Regular Meeting - Meeting at 6:15 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.



Special Board Meeting

Meeting at 4:30 p.m.




  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal



  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


    1. Consider closed session to recommend expulsion of a student as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(e) and to review or discuss records that are required by law to be kept confidential as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a).

ACTION:   In accordance with Iowa Code the board may enter into a closed session to protect the students' confidentiality.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Enter into closed session.  This will require a roll call vote.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Vote on the matter regarding the student who was the subject of the disciplinary hearing.

ACTION:   The motion should also direct the preparation of written findings of fact and conclusions, consistent with the Board’s decision, and the Board president is authorized to review and sign the document.

RECOMMENDATION:   Move that the Board accept the Superintendent’s recommendation that the student who was the subject of the disciplinary hearing be expelled from the Creston Community School District through April 15, 2025, and that written findings and conclusions consistent with the Board’s deliberations be prepared, signed by the Board president, and mailed by the Board Secretary to the student and family.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


Second Budget Hearing on Certified Budget

Meeting at 6:00 p.m.


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-929-336-5572 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 539 343 078#

Join by phone:



Second Budget Hearing on Certified Budget

Meeting at 6:00 p.m.



  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


  1. Open budget hearing #2 on the proposed 2024-2025 budget

Board President states, "At this time we will hold the public hearing for the 2024-2025 fiscal year budget.  Is there anyone present who wants to voice any oral objections to the 2025 fiscal year budget?"  Following a pause to allow anyone to voice their opinion, the Board President will ask the Board Secretary, "Do we have any written objections to the 2025 fiscal year budget?"  After the Secretary presents any written objections, the president closes the public hearing by stating "I now declare the hearing closed."

Open at ____ p.m. no written or oral objections received closed at ____ p.m.

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay



Regular Board Meeting

Meeting at 6:15 p.m.




  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. The President will call for a vote with a motion and a second.

    1. Minutes of  March 18, 2024 and March 25, 2024
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. TMS Red Rover Agreement
      3. Matura Headstart Lease Agreement
      4. University of Iowa (Mental Health Training Paraeducator grant)
      5. Riverside Technologies, Inc.
      6. 2024-2025 Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program Contracts
        1. 1. Trinity Lutheran Preschool
        2. 2. St. Malachy School
        3. 3. Matura Headstart
        4. 4. SWCC
    5. Donations
    6. Volunteers

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Student and Staff Recognition
    2. Teacher Leadership Report
    3. Middle School Principal’s Report
    4. High School Principal’s Report
    5. Business Manager’s Report
    6. Superintendent’s Report
    7. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline - Budget (updated 3.18.24)
      2. Tentative Revenue Bond Timeline (added 3.4.24)
      3. Project Spending 
    8. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider adopting a Resolution for Budget Guarantee

ACTION: The district has reviewed the budget to provide quality educational services to the students it serves.  This is a standard procedure that allows the district to maximize its levy authority to serve the needs of our children. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Budget Guarantee Resolution for FY 25 for the regular program budget as allowed under Iowa Code 257.14.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider adopting the 2024-2025 budget

ACTION: Public notices and public hearings were provided in accordance with the Iowa Code. The total Creston Levy is 13.70642 which is a decrease of 2.89573.  Please contact Mr. Stender or Mrs. Greene with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2024-2025 budget.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider setting a public hearing for the proposed 2024-2025 school calendar
        As required by the Iowa Code, the district shall notify the public and hold a hearing on the proposed school calendar.  The administration recommends setting May 20, 2024, at 6:10 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the public hearing of the proposed 2024-2025 school calendar.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting a public hearing for May 20, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2024-2025 school calendar.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider setting a public hearing for the amendment of the 2023-2024 budget.
        As required by the Iowa Code, the district shall notify the public and hold a hearing on the amendment of the 2023-2024 budget year.  The administration recommends setting May 20, 2024, at 6:10 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the public hearing of the amendment of the 2023-2024 budget year.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting a public hearing for May 20, 2024, at 6:10 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the amendment of the 2023-2024 budget year.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider setting a public hearing for the sale of school real estate

ACTION:  As required by the Iowa Code, the district shall notify the public and hold a hearing on the proposed terms of a Purchase Agreement.  The administration recommends setting May 20, 2024, at 6:200 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the public hearing on the sale of school real estate.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting a public hearing for May 20, 2024, at 6:20 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the sale of real estate.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the Summer Food Program

ACTION:  State and federal food programs have and continue to change the guidelines for districts to provide meal services to students and families.  The Iowa Department of Education has received approval from the USDA to serve Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) meals.  This is an opportunity to provide meals and support our students and families during summer break. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve the summer food program.

 Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the 2024 graduation list

ACTION: Attached is the list of graduates for the class of 2024.  The list includes students who completed their graduation requirements at the high school and the alternative program.  In all cases, these students have or will have completed their graduation requirements set forth by the Board of Education prior to graduation.  If any students fail to complete the requirements by the last day of school, they will not be permitted to participate in graduation ceremonies.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2024 graduation list pending successful completion of the graduation requirements as set forth by the Board of Education.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the 2022-2025 master agreement with AFSCME

ACTION: AFSCME ratified the agreement on March 28, 2024. The agreement reflects a 6.37% total package increase and a total increase in new costs of $178,551 for the 2024-2025 budget.  We appreciate the time and collaboration with the AFSCME negotiations team, Director Zumbach, and Director Gee. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2024-2025 Master Agreement with AFSCME.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the first reading of Policies Vol. 32.3

ACTION: IASB has revised policies to reflect the legislative changes and Department of Education guidance. The administration has reviewed the policies and recommends approval. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the first reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.3.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, May 20, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, June 17, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Tue, 02/20/2024 - 08:59

Board Agenda-2024.5.13 CEA Negotiations

Board Agenda-2024.5.13 CEA Negotiations

Creston Community School District

CEA Negotiations Meeting

May 13, 2024

Board Room / 801 N. Elm / Meeting - 5:30 P.M.

The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.



Take notice that pursuant to Chapter 21, Code of Iowa, the Creston Community School District will hold the following negotiation session:



Creston Education Association (CEA)


Creston Community School

  1. CEA's initial interest statement and presentation of the proposal
  2. District's initial interest statement and presentation of the proposal
  3. Negotiation exempt session Iowa Code § 20.17(3)


Date of Notice:

May 7, 2024

bgreene@cresto… Tue, 05/07/2024 - 13:27

Board Agenda-2024.5.16 CEA Negotiations exempt session

Board Agenda-2024.5.16 CEA Negotiations exempt session

Creston Community School District

CEA Negotiations Meeting #2

May 16, 2024

Board Room / 801 N. Elm / Meeting - 5:30 P.M.

The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students

to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.




Take notice that pursuant to Chapter 21, Code of Iowa, the Creston Community School District will hold the following negotiation session:




Creston CEA


Creston Community School

  1. Negotiation exempt session Iowa Code § 20.17(3)

Date of Notice:

May 15, 2024


bgreene@cresto… Wed, 05/15/2024 - 12:22

Board Agenda-2024.5.20

Board Agenda-2024.5.20


Board of Directors

May 20, 2024

Regular Meeting - Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-929-336-5572 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 539 343 078#

Join by phone:






  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal



  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Open Hearing on the proposed  2024-2025 School Calendar. (6:00 p.m.)

Board President states, "At this time we will hold the hearing on the 2024-2025 school calendar.  Is there anyone present who wants to voice any oral objections to the proposed calendar?"  Following a pause to allow anyone to voice their opinion, he will turn to the board secretary and ask, "Do we have any written objections to the proposed calendar?".  After the board secretary presents any written objections, the president closes the hearing by stating "I now declare the open hearing closed."

Open at ____ p.m. no written or oral objections received closed at ____ p.m.

  1. Open Hearing on the proposed amendment of the 2023-2024 budget. (6:10 p.m.)

Board President states, "At this time we will hold the hearing on the amendment of the 2023-2024 budget year.  Is there anyone present who wants to voice any oral objections to the proposed calendar?"  Following a pause to allow anyone to voice their opinion, he will turn to the board secretary and ask, "Do we have any written objections to the proposed calendar?".  After the board secretary presents any written objections, the president closes the hearing by stating "I now declare the open hearing closed."

Open at ____ p.m. no written or oral objections received closed at ____ p.m.

  1. Open hearing for the sale of 5.41 acres of real property locally known as the practice fields located at 901 N. Elm Street to Keystone Equity Group, LLC for $12,000 per acre

Board President states, "At this time we will hold the hearing on the sale of real estate.  Is there anyone present who wants to voice any oral objections to the proposed calendar?"  Following a pause to allow anyone to voice their opinion, he will turn to the board secretary and ask, "Do we have any written objections to the proposed calendar?".  After the board secretary presents any written objections, the president closes the hearing by stating "I now declare the open hearing closed."

Open at ____ p.m. no written or oral objections received closed at ____ p.m.

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. The President will call for a vote with a motion and a second.

    1. Minutes of  April 15, 2024
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. VISTA School Business Software
      3. Green Hills AEA Service Agreement for Managed Services
      4. Parent Square Agreement
      5. Greater Regional Health Athletic Training Services
      6. Select Entertainment DJ Prom FY 25
      7. Best Care EAP Renewal
      8. Exchange Visiting Teacher from Spain Program Agreement
      9. AEA Cooperative Food Agreement
      10. Ahler’s Cooney Bond Counsel and Disclosure Counsel Engagement Agreement


    1. Donations
    2. Volunteers

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Student and Staff Recognition
    2. Early Childhood Principal’s Report
    3. Elementary Principal’s Report
    4. Business Manager’s Report
    5. Superintendent’s Report
    6. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline - Budget (updated 3.18.24)
      2. Tentative Revenue Bond Timeline (added 3.4.24)
      3. Project Spending  
    7. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider setting June 24, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the school board room as the public hearing on the proposed Early Childhood Center Addition.

ACTION:  As required by the Iowa Code, the district shall notify the public and hold a hearing on the proposed security improvement project.  The administration recommends setting June 24, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room as the date, time, and place for the public hearing of the proposed Early Childhood Center Addition. Iowa code requires notice of a public hearing on projects that impact facilities and exceed $51,000.  This action item is in compliance with the Iowa code.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve setting a public hearing for  June 24, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed Early Childhood Center Addition

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider setting June 18, 2024, at 2 p.m. as the bid date to receive bids for the proposed Early Childhood Center Addition.

ACTION:   In compliance with the Iowa Code, the board shall set the bid date and time for public projects.  The proposed date and time to receive bids provide formal notice in accordance with the Iowa Code.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:    Approve setting June 24, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. as the bid date to receive bids for the Early Childhood Center Addition. 

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Resolution setting a public hearing for the sale of real property.

ACTION:  As required by the Iowa Code, the district shall notify the public and hold a hearing on the proposed terms of a Purchase Agreement.  The administration recommends setting June 17, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the public hearing on the sale of school real estate, Parcel 0501257007 (vacant lot south of the BRJ entrance).  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting a public hearing for June 17, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the sale of real property.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider a Resolution approving the sale of 5.41 acres of real property locally known as the practice fields located at 901 N. Elm Street to Keystone Equity Group, LLC for $12,000 per acre.

ACTION:  The district has followed the procedures outlined in Iowa Code for the sale of real property.  The survey for Parcel R Sec. 1, T-72-N, R-31-W is complete and identifies 5.41 acres of property.  The real property shall be sold to Keystone Equity Group LLC for $12,000 per acre and a total of $64,920.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve the Resolution for the sale of real property.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider amending the amendment of the 2023-2024 budget.

ACTION: Public notices and public hearings were provided in accordance with the Iowa Code. The budget is being adjusted to account for the rise in food costs and to accommodate two projects that were not initially included in the 2023-24 budget upon certification.  Please contact Mr. Stender or Mrs. Greene with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2024-2025 budget amendment.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the 2024-2025 School Calendar.

ACTION:   In accordance with Iowa Code 279.10(1) the public hearing has been held for the proposed 2024-2025 school calendar. The proposed calendar reflects 1,147 hours of instruction (exceeds the state requirement of 1,080 hours by 67 hours or 8.5 days).   This calendar reflects 176 student days and 191 licensed contract days. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2024-2025 school calendar.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the second reading of Policies Vol. 32.3

ACTION: IASB has revised policies to reflect the legislative changes and Department of Education guidance. The administration has reviewed the policies and recommends approval. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.3.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, June 17, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, July 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, August 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting




bgreene@cresto… Tue, 02/20/2024 - 08:59

Board Agenda-2024.5.22 CEA Negotiations exempt session

Board Agenda-2024.5.22 CEA Negotiations exempt session

Creston Community School District

 CEA Negotiations Meeting #3

May 22, 2024

 Board Room / 801 N. Elm / Meeting - 1:00 P.M.


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students

to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.




Take notice that pursuant to Chapter 21, Code of Iowa, the Creston Community School District will hold the following negotiation session:




Creston CEA


Creston Community School



  1. Negotiation exempt session Iowa Code § 20.17(3)




Date of Notice:

May 20, 2024



bgreene@cresto… Mon, 05/20/2024 - 16:29

Board Agenda-2024.6.10 CEA Negotiations exempt session

Board Agenda-2024.6.10 CEA Negotiations exempt session

Creston Community School District

CEA Negotiations Meeting #4

June 10, 2024

Virtually / 801 N. Elm / Meeting - 3:00 P.M.



The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students

to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.






Take notice that pursuant to Chapter 21, Code of Iowa, the Creston Community School District will hold the following negotiation session:




Creston CEA


Creston Community School



1.  Negotiation exempt session Iowa Code § 20.17(3)




Date of Notice:

June 7, 2024



bgreene@cresto… Fri, 06/07/2024 - 08:26

Board Agenda-2024.6.17

Board Agenda-2024.6.17


Board of Directors

June 17, 2024

Regular Meeting - Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-929-336-5572 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 539 343 078#

Join by phone:






  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.


  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. The President will call for a vote with a motion and a second.

    1. Minutes of  May 20, 2024 updated 6.17.24
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. 24-25 GWAEA PowerSchool
      3. Residential Placement Agreement
        1. Due to confidentiality, we are not able to share the agreement publicly.  This is a continuation of an existing agreement for residential placement and is a SPED expenditure.
      4. 2024-25 Matura Meal Agreement
      5. 2024-25 Greater Connections Meal Agreement
    5. 2024-2025 Teacher Leadership Compensation Plan
    6. 2024-2025 Substitute Compensation Schedule
    7. 2024-2025 Reimbursement Schedule
    8. 2024-2025 Instructional Fees
    9. 2024-2025 School Lunch Prices
    10. 2024-2025 Activity Schedule
    11. 2024-2025 Job Description
    12. 2024-2025 District Career & Academic Plan
    13. Athletic Enhancement Course
    14. Waiver for Eligibility for Activities
      1. A student open enrolled to Nodaway Valley and would like to participate in activities.  This is similar to previous eligibility waivers approved by the board for open-enrolled students to participate in activities.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Red Lion, Terry Dvorak
      1. Red Lion Proposal
      2. Letter of Intent
    2. Business Manager’s Report
    3. Superintendent’s Report
    4. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline - Budget (updated 3.18.24)
      2. Tentative Revenue Bond Timeline (added 3.4.24)
      3. Project Spending
    5. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving the Safety Equipment Resolution

ACTION:   The school board has the authority to transfer funds necessary from the district’s general fund to its student activity fund to purchase protective and safety equipment required for any extracurricular interscholastic athletic contest or competition sponsored or administered by the Iowa High School Athletic Association or Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union (organizations defined in Iowa Code section 280.13).  The transfer of funds is necessary to provide protective and safety equipment and balance the student activity account budget.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:    Approve the transfer of $40,004.47 from the general fund to the activity fund for safety equipment.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving bid for safety and security project
      ACTION: The district followed the bid process for a safety and security project to install safety film.  Two bids were received and the recommendation is to award the project to Solar Solution.  This project will be funded by the Governor’s State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund program.  Each building is allocated $25,000 for state-approved safety and security projects.  Due to safety and security and in accordance with Iowa Code, details are not disclosed. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve bid for safety and security project from
      Solar Solution.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider approving the 2024-2025 fuel bid
      ACTION: The district annually requests competitive bids for fuel. One fuel bid was received from Agriland FS, Inc. The Agriland bid reflects a 1.5 cent increase over last year's fuel bid. We may be able to utilize Sourcewell next year to secure competitive and alternative bids. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      2024-2025 fuel bid from Agriland FS.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    3. Consider setting a public hearing for the proposed District Developed Special Education Services Delivery System
      ACTION:  As required by the Iowa Code, the district shall notify the public and hold a hearing on the proposed District Developed Special Education Services Delivery System. The administration recommends setting July 15, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the public hearing of the proposed 2024-2025 District Developed Special Education Services Delivery System.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting a public hearing for July 15, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2024-2025 District Developed Special Education Services Delivery System.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the 2024-2025 district handbooks
      1. District Student & Parent Handbook
      2. Panther Pride Preschool Handbook
        1. Panther Pride Preschool Academic Calendar
      3. District Staff Handbook
      4. Paraprofessional Handbook
      5. Coaches Handbook

ACTION: Administration has worked collaboratively with their leadership teams and each other to review and revise the student & parent handbooks.  The certified and classified staff handbook has been reviewed by the Labor Management Committee and presented to staff.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2024-2025 district handbooks.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the 2024-2025 CEA master agreement

ACTION: The agreement reflects a 5.13% total package increase and an increased cost of $444,271for the 2024-2025 budget. We appreciate the time and collaboration with the CEA negotiations team, Director Zumbach, and Director Gee. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2024-2025 CEA Master Agreement.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider closed session to conduct exempt employee negotiations in accordance with Iowa Chapter 20.17(3.)

ACTION: Under Iowa Chapter 20.17(3), the school board is allowed to go into closed session for exempt employee negotiations.  A roll call vote must be taken, and the minutes must reflect how each member voted.
RECOMMENDATION: Move that we hold a closed session as provided in section 20.17(3) of the open meetings law to enter into a closed session for exempt employee negotiations.

In closed session _____ p.m.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Out of closed session _____ p.m.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving 2024-2025 independent contracts

ACTION: Pending board discussion on item G the school board may choose to take action on the 2024-2025 contracts for exempt staff.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving 2024-2025 administrative contracts

ACTION: Pending board discussion on item G, the school board may choose to take action on the 2024-2025 contracts for administration.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, June 24, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Special Board Meeting
  • Monday, July 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, August 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting




bgreene@cresto… Tue, 02/20/2024 - 09:00

Board Agenda-2024.6.24

Board Agenda-2024.6.24


Board of Directors

June 24, 2024

Special Meeting - Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.





  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing. Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


  1. Open hearing for the proposed Early Childhood Center Addition

Board President states, "At this time we will hold the hearing on the Early Childhood Center Addition.  Is there anyone present who wants to voice any oral objections to the proposed Early Childhood Center Addition?"  Following a pause to allow anyone to voice their opinion, he will turn to the board secretary and ask, "Do we have any written objections to the proposed Early Childhood Center Addition?".  After the board secretary presents any written objections, the president closes the hearing by stating "I now declare the open hearing closed."

Open at _____ p.m. __ written did receive__ oral objection received closed at _______ p.m.

  1. New Business
    1. Consider approving a bid for the Early Childhood Center Addition

ACTION:  Approve a construction contract of DDVI, Inc. for $12,095,913, inclusive of the Lump Sum Base Bid Amount and Alternates No. 1, 2 & 3, for the Early Childhood Center Addition.   This project will be funded by a Revenue Bond.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the contract with DDVI, Inc. for $12,095,913, inclusive of the Lump Sum Base Bid Amount and Alternates No. 1, 2 & 3, for the Early Childhood Center Addition.

 Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving of Construction Testing and Special Inspections for the Early Childhood Center Addition.

ACTION: Approve a contract of approximately $88,005 (final amount to be determined with sequence of construction) with Terracon Engineers for the Early Childhood Center Addition. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve the contract with Terracon Engineers.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


ACTION:  This resolution is required to recognize the official intent to issue debt to reimburse the school district for the specified project, as indicated in the resolution and prepared by legal counsel.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.


 Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


ACTION: That School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2024, in the aggregate amount of approximately $18,655,000 (the "Bonds"), to be issued and dated August 20, 2024, be offered for sale on July 15, 2024. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the resolution fixing the date of the sale of approximately $18,655,000 school infrastructure sales, services and use tax revenue bonds, series 2024, and approving the official statement.

 Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the Dissemination Agent Agreement with Piper Sandler & Co.

ACTION:  Because an underwriter cannot enter into an agreement to purchase the bonds without the issuer’s consent to comply with the rule, an issuer must agree to provide continuing disclosure in order to sell its bonds. This formally recognizes the service.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Dissemination Agent Agreement with Piper Sandler & Co.

 Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. First and second readings of amending 704.2R1 and adding 704.2R2

ACTION:  As advised by the district attorney these policies are recommended for approval to comply with Iowa codes.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions. 

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the first and second reading amending policies of 704.2R1 and adding 704.2R2.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, July 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, August 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Tue, 02/20/2024 - 09:00


2024-25 BOARD AGENDAS bgreene@cresto… Mon, 06/24/2024 - 17:02

Board Agenda-2024.07.15

Board Agenda-2024.07.15


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

July 15, 2024 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-929-336-5572 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 539 343 078#

Join by phone:









  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.


Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing          5-8 Principal


Callie Anderson, PK-4 Principal




  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Open Hearing on the proposed  District Developed Special Education Services Delivery System.

Board President states, "At this time we will hold the hearing on the 2024-2025 District Developed Special Education Services Delivery System.  Is there anyone present who wants to voice any oral objections to the proposed calendar?"  Following a pause to allow anyone to voice their opinion, he will turn to the board secretary and ask, "Do we have any written objections to the proposed District Developed Special Education Services Delivery System?".  After the board secretary presents any written objections, the president closes the hearing by stating "I now declare the open hearing closed."

Open at ____ p.m. no written or oral objections received closed at ____ p.m.

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for a vote.

    1. Minutes of June 17, 2024 and  June 24, 2024
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. Music Theatre International Contract
      3. Sorensen Entertainment DJ for Homecoming Agreement

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Tom Hartsock - Insurance update
    2. Student and Staff Recognition
    3. Business Manager’s Report
    4. Superintendent’s Report
    5. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline - Budget (updated 6.24.24)
      2. Tentative Revenue Bond Timeline (added 3.4.24)
      3. Project Spending 
    6. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving the District Developed Special Education Services Delivery System.

ACTION:  This is an annual procedure and Department of Education requirement that outlines district special education resources. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION:  Approve District Developed Special Education Services Delivery Plan.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE SALE OF $ 18,655,000 SCHOOL


SERIES 2024.

ACTION: The district has worked with our legal counsel and financial advisor to develop the resolution to sell bonds up to $18,655,000 for the new early childhood facility.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION:  Approve a resolution directing the sale of $18,655,000 in school infrastructure sales, services and use tax revenue bonds.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider terminating the agreement with Red Lion.

ACTION: In December of 2022 the district entered into an agreement with Red Lion to explore solar options.  In that time the district worked in good faith with Red Lion while exploring solar options that led to an official lease agreement with Alliant Energy and construction of a solar garden.  The solar garden is the most practical space and doesn’t impact district facilities and grounds.  The remaining options with Red Lion would have a negative impact on our facilities and grounds as the district continues to consider future projects.  I recommend terminating the agreement with Red Lion so all parties can proceed accordingly.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions
RECOMMENDATION:  Approve terminating the agreement with Red Lion.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving 2024-2025 dairy bid
      ACTION: The district annually requests competitive bids for dairy.  One milk bid was received from Anderson Erickson.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve 2024-2025 dairy bid from Anderson Erickson.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider approving the 2025 District Legislative Priorities
      ACTION:  Each year the Iowa School Board Association requests that its member districts submit their legislative priorities that will be presented and voted on at the association’s delegate assembly in November.  The proposed legislative priorities reflect the needs of the district.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2025 district legislative priorities.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, August 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, September 16, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, October 21, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Mon, 06/24/2024 - 17:03

Board Agenda-2024.08.05

Board Agenda-2024.08.05


Board of Directors Special Meeting

August 5, 2024 – Meeting 12:00 p.m. (noon)

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.



  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.




Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing          5-8 Principal


Callie Anderson, PK-4 Principal





  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


  1. New Business
    1. Consider approving the Resolution Appointing the Paying Agent, Bond Registrar, and Transfer Agent, Approving the Paying Agent, Bond Registrar, and Transfer Agent Agreement, and Authorizing the Execution of Same.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Resolution Appointing Paying Agent, Bond Registrar, and Transfer Agent, Approving the Paying Agent, Bond Registrar and Transfer Agent Agreement and Authorizing the Execution of Same.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider approving the Approval of Tax Exemption Certificate.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Tax Exemption Certificate.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    3. Consider approving the Approval of Continuing Disclosure Certificate.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Continuing Disclosure Certificate.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    4. Consider approving the Resolution Authorizing the Terms of Issuance and Providing for and Securing the Payment of School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approved the Resolution Authorizing the Terms of Issuance and Providing for and Securing the Payment of School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, August 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, September 16, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, October 21, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • IASB Convention November 20-22 in Des Moines
  • Monday, November 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Mon, 06/24/2024 - 17:09

Board Agenda-2024.08.19

Board Agenda-2024.08.19


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

August 19, 2024 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-929-336-5572 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 539 343 078#

Join by phone:







  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing          5-8 Principal


Callie Anderson, PK-4 Principal




  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for a vote.

    1. Minutes of July 15, 2024 and August 5, 2024
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
    5. Fundraisers
    6. Donations

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Business Manager’s Report
    2. Superintendent’s Report
    3. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline - Budget (updated 6.24.24)
      2. Tentative Revenue Bond Timeline (added 3.4.24)
      3. Project Spending 
      4. Early Childhood Center Ground Breaking Ceremony, August 28, 2024, 2:00 p.m. at construction site
    4. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving the 2024-2025 Out-of-State Trips
      ACTION:  In accordance with school board policy, the board shall annually approve requests for out-of-state travel.  Mr. Driskell has submitted 2024-2025 requested out-of-state trips for school board review and approval.  The district reserves the right to suspend or cancel any trip that presents a risk to student safety, health, and wellness.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2024-2025 out-of-state trips.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider approving the 2024-2025 complementary activity passes
      ACTION: To address any concerns of public purpose and the issuing of complementary activity passes.  This action acknowledges the School Board’s approval to issue complimentary passes in accordance with district policy.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2024-2025 roster for complementary activity passes.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving support for the Community Development Planning
      This is a community-driven initiative to help align the vision, goals, and needs of our community.  Currently, each organization functions independently without knowing what the needs and plans are of other organizations and the impact on the community.  I have shared the plan from Le Mars that illustrates the outcome of the work.  I am seeking a financial commitment of up to $10,000 from the District to assist with a Community Vision Plan to be provided by the organization that is chosen by the City of Creston through the RFP process, should they choose to proceed with the request.  The estimated cost for strategic service is $100,000. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve support and funding up to $10,000 for Community Development Planning.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the resolution for the FY25 distribution of state funds designated as salary supplements for educational support personnel
      ACTION: House File 2612 is a law to provide a one-time funding supplement to each school district during [FY25] to supplement education support personnel compensation (classified staff).  The proposed resolution outlines the terms of eligibility and compensation for classified staff who may receive supplemental compensation.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve resolution for the FY25 distribution of state funds designated as salary supplements for education support personnel.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the purchase of a 12 passenger van and issue the check after the board meeting

ACTION: The district has been seeking a twelve-passenger van to support efficient transportation for our students and activities.  The goal is to purchase another twelve-passenger van in the next fiscal year so we have a fleet of two vans that will provide greater flexibility and efficiency as we continue to manage transportation needs.  This is an eligible SAVE/PPEL expenditure.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the purchase of a 12-passenger van from Creston Automotive for $58,900.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving 2024-2025 District Goals
      ACTION:.  Administrators have worked with a trained facilitator in 4DX/Logic Model planning to identify two outcomes that will be focused on assessed weekly.  After review of district data, it was determined that improving the district culture and strengthening MTSS are the priorities that we will focus on and keep score.  In addition, facilities, finance, and community and state partnerships are essential for governance. Please note that each building develops goals based on the district's goals. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2024-2025 District goals.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider approving the superintendent to authorize ECC building project change orders

ACTION: The superintendent's spending authority is capped at $5,000.  In order to keep the building project moving forward, this action authorizes the superintendent to approve ECC building project change orders. The practice is to consult with Gary and Callie who are the lead contacts for the district prior to authorization. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the authorization of the superintendent to approve ECC building project change orders.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the superintendent's authority to approve or deny open enrollment requests

ACTION: This action allows the superintendent to approve or deny open enrollment requests. Open enrollment requests trickle in throughout the course of the year and the superintendent consults with the building administrators. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the authorization of the superintendent to approve or deny open enrollment requests.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving Policy Primer 32.4
      ACTION:  IASB has revised the following policies to comply with state and federal laws.  This is the first reading of these policies.  The administration has reviewed these policies and addressed them accordingly. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the first reading of Policy Primer 32.4.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 8:00 a.m. All Staff Welcome Back
  • Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 1:30 p.m. Ground Breaking Ceremony
  • Monday, September 16, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, October 21, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • IASB Convention November 20-22 in Des Moines
  • Monday, November 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting


bgreene@cresto… Mon, 06/24/2024 - 17:03

Board Agenda-2024.09.16

Board Agenda-2024.09.16


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

September 16, 2024 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-929-336-5572 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 539 343 078#

Join by phone:









  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.




Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing            5-8 Principal


Callie Anderson, PK-4 Principal





  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will request a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for a vote.

    1. Minutes of August 19, 2024
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, Resignations, & Terminations
      1. Contracts, Resignations, Termination
      1. 2024-2025 Substitute Compensation Schedule
      1. Top Notch Fireworks Agreement
      2. Pepsi Agreement
    1. Donations
    2. Volunteers
    3. Fundraiser

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Middle School Principal’s Report
    2. High School Principal’s Report
    3. Business Manager’s Report
    4. Superintendent’s Report
    5. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline - Budget (updated 6.24.24)
      2. Project Spending  
    6. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving the process to purchase new buses and vehicles for FY 2025 & 2026

      ACTION:  I am requesting board approval to start the process to secure bids for buses and vehicles for FY 2025 & 2026.  The timeframe allows the administration to consider options to purchase a bus or vehicles out of the FY25 and or the FY26 budgets as financial models present opportunities for one-time purchases. We are very close to having a fleet of modern vehicles.  Buses and vehicles can be purchased from PPEL and/or SAVE funds. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve purchasing new buses and vehicles for FY 2025 & 2026.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for Special Education
        As a standard practice, the administration asks the Board to consider approving the application for additional allowable growth and supplemental aid. In addition to the overall general operating fund budget, school districts monitor revenues and expenditures of special education and report annually to the Department of Education. Districts can spend more than they take in for special education, but the excess expense must be covered with general fund dollars. When the district reports a negative fund balance in special education, the state allows districts to recover the spending authority for those expenditures. The School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) will consider allowing recovery of the budget authority at their annual meeting in December. The administration recommends approving the Request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for the FY24 Special Education deficit.  This is a decrease from the previous year of $37,031. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for the FY24 special education deficit of $362,943.99.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider Approving the Resolution to Transfer Fund
      ACTION:  Pursuant to Iowa Code section 298A.10, the Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer money from the General Obligation Bond Debt Service fund to the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy fund, such transfer to be in the amount of $199,192.29, plus investment earnings, to be used for any lawful purpose. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the resolution to transfer from the General Obligation Bond Debt Service fund to the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy fund, such transfer to be in the amount of $199,192.29, plus investment earnings.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider authorizing district funds for memorials
        The District recognizes the importance of memorial funds in supporting various educational and community initiatives in honor of individuals who have made significant contributions to our school community.  To ensure that the process for disbursing memorial funds is efficient and timely, it is necessary to align district policy with a clear and formal procedure for the writing of checks for memorials to meet the needs of the district promptly and appropriately. The Treasurer or designated representative of the School District is hereby authorized to write checks for memorials as needed. All memorial requests must receive prior approval from the Superintendent or their designee before being processed. The Treasurer shall maintain accurate records of all transactions involving memorials, including detailed documentation of each check written.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve authorizing district funds for memorials.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Pathway to Being A Panther Program
        This is the second year of the program.  Last year the program attracted three student teachers and this year there are five student teachers. The agreement attracts student teachers to our rural district by supporting their needs by paying for their student teaching credits (up to $10,000) and offering a living stipend ($700 per month) for up to four months.  The district identifies the areas of need and offers the Pathway to Being a Panther to student teachers who meet our needs.  This is a general fund expenditure. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve Pathway to Being A Panther Program. 
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider Approving Supervising Teacher Agreement
      To support our teachers who accept the responsibility of supervising a student teacher, I recommend the district provide a $500 stipend to supervising teachers (limited to one per semester) for their time and commitment to supporting future educators. The intent is to attract and support student teachers and create a pipeline to our staffing needs and potential employees. This is a general fund expenditure, and we will monitor the effectiveness of the program to identify changes and continuation.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Supervising Teacher Agreement.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    3. Consider Approving an Early Notice Incentive
      ACTION: Due to limited licensed personnel, it is beneficial for the district to have advance notice and resignation of employment.  I propose that the district provide an incentive for licensed staff to provide early notice and resignation to help us get an early edge on planning and find potential candidates if necessary. The stipend is a general fund expenditure, and we will monitor the effectiveness of the program to identify changes and continuation.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Early Notice Incentive. 
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    4. Consider Approving Out of State Professional Travel for the Superintendent
      As a member who serves on the Executive Board of the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) which represents more than 13,000 superintendents, I am responsible for attending meetings, leadership conferences, and advocation for public education.  AASA or a designated sponsor for leadership conferences covers all travel expenses.  The district is expected to support the National Conference on Education which is agreed upon in my contract.  I am requesting professional leave for the following events:
      • December 18-20 District Administration Leadership Summit, Charlotte Harbor, FL
      • January 8-10 AASA Executive Board Meeting, Washington, D.C.
      • March 3-8 AASA Executive Board Meeting & National Conference, New Orleans, LA
      • April 30-May 1 AASA Executive Board Meeting, Nashville, TN

As always, I am available to district personnel and working remotely for the district. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Out of State Professional Travel for the Superintendent. 
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, October 21, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, November 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • IASB Convention November 20-22 in Des Moines
  • Monday, December 16, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Mon, 06/24/2024 - 17:04

Board Agenda-2024.10.21

Board Agenda-2024.10.21


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

October 21, 2024 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-929-336-5572 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Join by phone

‪(US) +1 434-623-2922 PIN: ‪654 208 084#









  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing          5-8 Principal


Callie Anderson, PK-4 Principal





  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for a vote.

    1. Minutes of September 16, 2024
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. NWEA Agreement
      3. Bluum (camera and door upgrades)
    5. Donations
    6. Volunteers
    7. Approve Trish Dickinson as the District Homeless Coordinator
    8. Approve Bill Messerole as the District 504 Coordinator
    9. Approve Sexual harassment/Level I Investigators:  Angie Bolinger, Kelsey Malmanger, Scott Driskell; Sexual Harassment/Level II Investigator:   Union County Attorney; Equity Coordinator/Affirmative Action:  Deron Stender
    10. Creston Lau Plan 2024-25
    11. TAG Handbook 2024-25
    12. 2024-2025 additional payment for activities

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Director of District Services Report
      1. Creston Lau Plan 2024-25
    1. PK-4 Principal’s Report
    2. Business Manager’s Report
    3. Superintendent’s Report
    4. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline - Budget (updated 6.24.24)
      2. Project Spending  
    5. Board Discussion
  1. New Business
    1. Consider approving the second reading of Policy Primer 32.4
      ACTION:  IASB has revised the following policies to comply with state and federal laws.  This is the first reading of these policies.  The administration has reviewed these policies and addressed them accordingly. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second reading of Policy Primer 32.4.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the first reading of Policy Primer 33.1
      ACTION:  IASB has revised the following policies to comply with state and federal laws.  This is the first reading of these policies.  The administration has reviewed these policies and addressed them accordingly. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the first reading of Policy Primer 33.1.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider closed session to review or discuss records that are required by law to be kept confidential as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a).

ACTION:   In accordance with Iowa Code the board may enter into a closed session.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Enter into closed session.  This will require a roll call vote.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Vote on the matter regarding the student who was the subject of the disciplinary hearing.

ACTION:  Dependent on agenda item C.


Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider entering into a Closed Session to Review the Emergency Management Plan as authorized by Section 21.5(1)(a) of the Open Meetings Law to Review or Discuss Records that are Required or Authorized to be Kept Confidential

ACTION:  Emergency Operations Plans and Confidentiality:  Remember the Emergency Operations Plan is to remain confidential and to be discussed in closed session before Board approval.  Iowa Code section 280.30 - High-quality School Building Emergency Operations Plan states, “The plan shall be confidential and shall not be a public record subject to disclosure under Chapter 22.”  If someone were to ask you for a copy of the plan, you are legally authorized to deny them access to the plan.  Under Iowa Code, chapter 21.5, the reason for holding a closed session must be announced and entered in the minutes.  The reason must be for one of the reasons specified in the law.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Move to hold a closed session as authorized by section 21.5(1)(a) of the open meetings law to review or discuss records that are required or authorized to be kept confidential.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving 2024-2025 Emergency Management Plan

ACTION:  School boards are required to annually approve the district Emergency Operations Plan.   Iowa Code section 280.30 - High-quality School Building Emergency Operations Plan states, “The plan shall be confidential and shall not be a public record subject to disclosure under Chapter 22.”  If someone were to ask you for a copy of the plan, you are legally authorized to deny them access. The district EOP team met regularly for the past 10 months to review and revise the EOP plan to support the changes in safety and security and improve processes and management.  A meeting with local law enforcement and emergency management was held before bringing this plan to the school board.  All agencies are on board and are integral to our safety and security planning.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve the 2024-2025 Emergency Management Plan.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, November 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • IASB Convention November ??? in Des Moines
  • Monday, December 16, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, January 20, 2025, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Mon, 06/24/2024 - 17:04

Board Agenda-2024.11.18

Board Agenda-2024.11.18


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

November 18, 2024 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-929-336-5572 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Join by phone

‪(US) +1 434-623-2922 PIN: ‪654 208 084#



  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing          5-8 Principal


Callie Anderson, PK-4 Principal



  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if, any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for a vote.

    1. Minutes of October 21, 2024
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. Nolte Cornman & Johnson Audit 3-Year Agreement
    5. Donations
    6. Volunteers
  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Student and Staff Recognition
    1. Middle School Principal’s Report
    2. High School Principal’s Report
    3. Business Manager’s Report
    4. Superintendent’s Report
      1. Enrollment & State Aid Overview
    5. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline - Budget (updated 11.18.24)
      2. Project Spending
    6. Board Discussion
  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


Organization Meeting for 2024-2025

  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The Board Secretary will call the meeting to order.


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Amanda Mohr


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing          5-8 Principal


Callie Anderson, PK-4 Principal




  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. New Business
    1. The school board will elect a president and a vice president who shall hold office until November 2025
      1. The president's pro-term calls for president nominations; nominations need not be seconded. The board will then conduct a written vote on the nominations (board members must put their names on the ballot for public review). The president pro-term will announce the result of the vote, and will administer the oath of office to the newly elected president and the newly elected president will assume the chair.
        1. Administer oath of office to the President. The president pro-term will administer the oath of office to the president:

"Do you solemnly swear that you will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Iowa and that you will faithfully and impartially to the best of your ability discharge the duties of the office of School Board President in Creston Community School District as now and hereafter required by law?"

Motion by: _____to nominate ______ for president, Seconded by: ________,

 Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

      1. The president calls for vice president nominations; nominations need not be seconded. The board will then conduct a written vote on the nominations (board members must put their names on the ballot for public review). The president will announce the result of the vote and will administer the oath of office to the newly elected vice president.
        1. Administer oath of office to the Vice President. The president will administer the oath of office to the vice president:

"Do you solemnly swear that you will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Iowa and that you will faithfully and impartially to the best of your ability discharge the duties of the office of School Board Vice President in Creston Community School District as now and hereafter required by law?"

Motion by: _____to nominate ______ for vice president, Seconded by: ________,

 Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Appointments of the School Board Secretary and School Board Treasurer

ACTION: Consider appointing Billie Jo Greene as School Board Secretary and School Board Treasurer through November 2025.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Billie Jo Greene as School Board Secretary and  School Board Treasurer.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving the Dates, Times, and Locations for Regular Meetings of the Board

ACTION: Currently the district meets the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the boardroom at the Central Office at 801 North Elm St.  Please remember, that with appropriate notice, the school board can meet as needed to conduct the business of the school board.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve school board meetings be held on the third Monday of each month except for March, which is the fourth Monday at 5:30 p.m. in the boardroom at the Central Office at 801 North Elm St.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Union and Adams County Conference Board Representative

ACTION: The board will appoint a representative to the Union and Adams County Conference Board. This is a committee that meets infrequently and requires very little time.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Director __________, as the Union County Conference Board Representative, and Director, Don Gee, as the Adams County Conference Board Representative.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Official Newspaper

ACTION: As required by law, the school board annually designates the official newspaper for the district.  The Creston News Advertiser has been the designated newspaper to post notices and official business of the district.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Creston News Advertiser as the district’s official newspaper.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Bank Depository

ACTION: Districts are required to identify financial institutions to be depositories of the Creston Community School District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452 and 453 (1993) as amended by 1984 Iowa Acts, S.F. 2220. 

The District’s primary bank is Iowa State Savings Bank (ISSB) and PMA Financial Network formally ISJIT.  The District recently negotiated competitive interest rates with ISSB and is satisfied with their services.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution that Creston Community School District of Creston, IA in Union County, IA, approves Iowa State Savings Bank and PMA Financial Network as financial institutions to be the depository of Creston Community School District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452 and 453 (1993) as amended by 1984 Iowa Acts, S.F. 2220.  The business manager, board secretary, and board treasurer are hereby authorized to deposit the Creston Community School funds at IASB.  Roll call vote: Naming Iowa State Savings Bank up to $20,000,000 and PMA up to $20,000,000 as the financial institutions of the depository.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving District Legal Counsel

ACTION: The District has a long-standing relationship with Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm.  Ahlers & Conney represents many Districts in Iowa and is well known for their expertise and work with public schools.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm as the District Legal Counsel.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving early graduates

ACTION: Mr. Messerole recommends early graduation for students at the end of the first semester, pending successful completion of their current courses and district graduation requirements. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve early graduation for students pending successful completion of the graduation requirements as set forth by the Board of Education and the State of Iowa.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Creston Early Childhood Playground Equipment and Surfacing Contract.

ACTION: Mrs. Anderson and the district worked to secure a playground grant and reduced pricing with Game Time/Cunningham Recreation.  The grant and negotiations process has resulted in significant savings of $478,610 to the district and project.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Creston Early Childhood Playground and Surface contract to GameTime, ℅ Cunningham Recreation for $676,989.12

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the purchase of two new buses for 2025-2026

      ACTION:   The district requested bids for two new activity buses to replace older buses and maintain the fleet. Both buses are climate-controlled and have understorage which is why the price is significantly higher than a traditional bus. The district followed district policy and the Iowa Code in the bid process and reflects the net price.  The district will now follow a replacement cycle that ensures our students and staff are being safely transported and the transportation fleet is well maintained. These buses will be purchased from PPEL and/or SAVE funds that are designated for equipment and facility improvements (these are FY 26 purchases and will be paid by PPEL/SAVE-note that some of these funds are from the debt service income). Mr. Busch received three bids and recommended the bid from Hoglund Bus Company for $327,870 for two buses from the 2026 budget. The district will sell three used buses. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve the bid and purchase of two buses from Hoglund Bus Company for $327,870 from the 2026 budget.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the second reading of Policy Primer 33.1
      ACTION:  IASB has revised the following policies to comply with state and federal laws.  This is the first reading of these policies.  The administration has reviewed these policies and addressed them accordingly. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second reading of Policy Primer 33.1.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1.       L.  Consider approving the sale of public property.

                        ACTION:  I request annual approval and authority to manage the sale and disposal of public property.  This allows the district to have the flexibility to manage the sale and disposal of public property without delay.  The district will follow state codes in the disposal and sale of public property. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve granting authority to the Superintendent to sell and dispose of public property as necessary and in accordance with Iowa Code.

                  Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, December 16, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, January 20, 2025, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, February 17, 2025, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting





bgreene@cresto… Mon, 06/24/2024 - 17:05

Board Agenda-2024.12.16

Board Agenda-2024.12.16


Regular Board Meeting

December 16, 2024 - Meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-929-336-5572 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Join by phone

‪(US) +1 434-623-2922 PIN: ‪654 208 084#






  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Don Gee

Board President


Galen Zumbach,

Vice President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing          5-8 Principal


Callie Anderson, PK-4 Principal





  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for a vote.

    1. Minutes of November 18, 2024
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
    5. Donations
    6. Volunteers
  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Student and Staff Recognition
    1. Director of District Services Report
    2. PK-4 Principal’s Report
    3. Activity Directory Report
    4. Business Manager’s Report
    5. Superintendent’s Report
      1. Enrollment & State Aid Overview
    6. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline - Budget (updated 11.18.24)
      2. Project Spending
    7. Board Discussion
  1. New Business
    1. Consider approving the appointment of two Board members to the Creston Education Association and AFSCME Local 3467 negotiations teams
      This is a formal process to serve on the negotiations team with the Creston Education Association and AFSCME Local 3467.  Two board members, Mrs. Greene, Mr. Royster, and Mr. Stender will represent the district during negotiations.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve director _______ and director _______ as lead negotiators to negotiate with the Creston Education Association and AFSCME Local 3467.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider approving the resolution for Gross Pay up for district-directed and approved employees and individuals pursuing certification.
      Districts are required to include tuition payments (Learn & Earn and TPRA) over $5,250 as taxable income.  We have consulted with the district attorney to develop a plan that holds employees who are directed by the district to receive further education harmless.  This impacts seven employees who are pursuing an endorsement in education that benefits the district.  The total cost to the district to hold these individuals harmless is about $4,517.74. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the resolution for gross pay for district-directed and approved employees and individuals pursuing certification.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the Modified Supplemental SBRC Application for increased Open Enrollment.

ACTION:  The district is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee a modified supplemental amount of $319,448.26 due to open enrollment out from the previous year.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve open enrollment modified supplemental allowance.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the Modified Supplemental SBRC Application for increased Limited English Proficient(LEP) Beyond Five Years.

ACTION: The district is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $13,538.98 related to the English Language Learning (ELL) program for students who have exceeded five years of weighting that are included on the Fall 2024 certified enrollment headcount. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve LEP modified supplemental allowance. 

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the 2025-2026 Modified Supplemental Allowance (MSA) At Risk

ACTION: The At-Risk program focuses on attendance, mental health, behaviors, and students who may be identified as at-risk.  Administration and staff identify and work with students to help them develop positive relationships, acceptable behaviors, and academic completion.  We offer an alternative program for students who are at risk of dropping out of school or having trouble adjusting to the general education setting. This is one of the few ways the school board can impact the local levy.  Like most funds, there are significant restrictions on how these funds can be spent. The total MSA is $520,625.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2025-2026 Modified Supplemental Allowance At Risk budget for $520,625.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider closed session to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i)X

ACTION:   Under Iowa Code, Chapter 21.5, the reason for holding a closed session must be announced and entered in the minutes (the specific reason is listed above). A roll call vote must be taken, and the minutes must show how each member voted on closing the session.

RECOMMENDATION:   Move that we hold a closed session as provided in section 21.5(1)(i) of the open meetings law to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider action if necessary pending Item F

ACTION:   Pending Item F.


Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Tuesday, January 20, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, February 17, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, February 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Budget workshop
  • Monday, March 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting (note one week later)
  • Monday, March 31, 2025, 5:30 p.m. First Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Monday, April 21, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting and Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Monday, May 19, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, June 16, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting



bgreene@cresto… Mon, 06/24/2024 - 17:06

Board Agenda-2025.01.20

Board Agenda-2025.01.20


Regular Board Meeting

January 20, 2025 - Meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-929-336-5572 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Join by phone

‪(US) +1 434-623-2922 PIN: ‪654 208 084#








  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Don Gee

Board President


Galen Zumbach

Vice President


Dr. Amanda Mohr


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene

School Business Official


Bill Messerole

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing          5-8 Principal


Callie Anderson PK-4 Principal





  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.


  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for a vote.

    1. Minutes of December 16, 2024
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. CEA intent to Negotiate
      3. AFSCME intent to Negotiate
      4. DSM Dance Party DJ
    5. Donations
    6. Volunteers

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Student and Staff Recognition
    1. Middle School Principal’s Report
    2. High School Principal’s Report
    3. Business Manager’s Report
    4. Superintendent’s Report
      1. Enrollment & State Aid Overview
    5. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline - Budget (updated 11.18.24)
      2. Project Spending
    6. Board Discussion
  1. New Business
    1. Consider setting February 13, 2025, at 2:00  pm the quotation date for Early Childhood Center Addition Furniture.
      This action provides notice the district is seeking quotes for furniture and fixtures for the near Early Childhood Addition.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting the quotation date for Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment as February 13, 2025, at  2:00 pm.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the first reading of Policy Primer 33.2
      ACTION:  IASB has revised the following policies to comply with state and federal laws.  This is the first reading of these policies.  The administration has reviewed these policies and addressed them accordingly. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the first reading of Policy Primer 33.2.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, February 17, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, February 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Budget workshop
  • Monday, March 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting (note one week later), First Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Monday, April 21, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting and Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Monday, May 19, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, June 16, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
bgreene@cresto… Mon, 06/24/2024 - 17:06

Board Agenda-2025.02.17

Board Agenda-2025.02.17


Regular Board Meeting

February 17, 2025 - Meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-929-336-5572 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Join by phone

‪(US) +1 434-623-2922 PIN: ‪654 208 084#





  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Don Gee

Board President


Galen Zumbach,

Vice President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing          5-8 Principal


Callie Anderson, PK-4 Principal




  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for a vote.

    1. Minutes of January 20, 2025
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, & Resignations
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. Green Hills AEA amended Managed Services
    5. Donations
    6. Volunteers
    7. Fundraisers

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Student and Staff Recognition
    1. Director of District Services Report
    2. PK-4 Principal’s Report
    3. Activity Directory Report
    4. Business Manager’s Report
    5. Superintendent’s Report
      1. Enrollment & State Aid Overview
    6. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline - Budget (updated 2.17.25)
      2. Project Spending
    7. Board Discussion
  1. New Business
    1. Consider approving a budget reduction plan that reduces four positions.

ACTION:  The first step in the budget reduction plan (in accordance with state laws, district staff handbook, and district policies) is for the administration to present the estimated budget deficit of $983,875 (this was shared at the December 16 and January 20 board meetings) and the impact of declining student enrollment and increased operational costs.  The administration recommends a budget reduction plan that proposes the reduction of four full-time licensed positions.  The administration will notify all impacted staff as a result of reductions and involuntary transfers to retain staff as licensed and qualified.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.  

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve a budget reduction plan that reduces four positions.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving repurposing Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) funds to the General Fund.

ACTION:  Administration recommends repurposing Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) funds to the General Fund.  The reallocation of the TLC funds increases the general fund to help retain staff and programs from budget reductions.  Three of the TLC Coaches will return to the elementary classroom, one has been hired as the District IT Director, one will be funded by title, the mentor program will continue, and all other line items will be eliminated.  Placing the instructional coaches back into the classroom will result in bumping and involuntary transfers of licensed staff by licensure and seniority.  The current staffing model does not result in a reduction in force and is contingent upon unknown factors.   Administration recommends approving the repurposing of TLC funds to the general fund to retain staff, retain programs, and minimize personnel reductions. You may have to pass a resolution for this at a later date but this serves as official notice of the intent of the district. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.  

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve repurposing Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) funds to the general fund for budget management.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider awarding a contract for Early Childhood Center Addition Furniture.
      ACTION: Mrs. Anderson has worked closely with DLR staff to review and identify existing furniture and equipment that can continue to be used in the new building and save an estimated $371,545.  As with any new construction, there is a need for new furniture and equipment and this is reflected in the proposed contract. This action approves a construction contract for Early Childhood Center Addition Furniture.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the contract to Premier F+E powered by Meteor Education for $228,454.12

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving March 24, 2025, as the date for the March regular board meeting.  

ACTION:  To provide adequate time to prepare for the March regular board meeting (due to conferences and spring break) I request that the board approve Monday, March 24, 2025, as the date for the March regular board meeting.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve March 24, 2025, as the regular board meeting for March.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider setting public hearings for the 2025-2026 certified budget hearings.
        As required by the Iowa Code, the district shall notify the public and hold a hearing on the certified budget public hearings.  The administration recommends setting March 24, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. and April 21, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the public hearing of the proposed 2025-2026 certified budget.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting a public hearing for March 24, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. and April 21, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2025-2026 certified budget.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider setting public hearing for the proposed 2025-2026 school calendar.
        As required by the Iowa Code, the district shall notify the public and hold a hearing on the proposed school calendar.  The administration recommends setting March 24, 2025, at 5:40 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the public hearing of the proposed 2025-2026 school calendar.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting a public hearing for March 24, 2025, at 5:40 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2025-2026 school calendar.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the second reading of Policy Primer 33.2
      ACTION:  IASB has revised the following policies to comply with state and federal laws.  This is the first reading of these policies.  The administration has reviewed these policies and addressed them accordingly. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second reading of Policy Primer 33.2.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, February 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Budget workshop
  • Monday, March 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting (note one week later), First Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Monday, April 21, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting and Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Monday, May 19, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, June 16, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting


bgreene@cresto… Mon, 06/24/2024 - 17:07

Board Agenda-2025.02.24 (Budget workshop)

Board Agenda-2025.02.24 (Budget workshop)


Board of Directors Budget Work Session

February 24, 2025 – Meeting 5:30 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1 424-341-5799

to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  3. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Join by phone

Phone Numbers

(‪US)‪+1 424-341-5799

PIN: ‪614 869 971#




  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.



Don Gee

Board President


Galen Zumbach,

Vice President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing           5-8 Principal


Callie Anderson, PK-4 Principal





  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay


  1. New Business
    1. Budget Work-Session
      1. Board Presentation updated 2/24/25
  2. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, March 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting (note one week later), First Public Hearing on Certified Budget and school calendar.
  • Monday, April 21, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting and Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Monday, May 19, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, June 16, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting


bgreene@cresto… Fri, 02/14/2025 - 08:32

Board Agenda-2025.03.17

Board Agenda-2025.03.17 bgreene@cresto… Mon, 06/24/2024 - 17:07

Board Agenda-2025.04.21

Board Agenda-2025.04.21 bgreene@cresto… Mon, 06/24/2024 - 17:09

Board Agenda-2025.05.19

Board Agenda-2025.05.19 bgreene@cresto… Mon, 06/24/2024 - 17:09

Board Agenda-2025.06.16

Board Agenda-2025.06.16 bgreene@cresto… Wed, 07/31/2024 - 14:39



Find Board Agendas Archives for the Creston Community School linked here.


Jen@iowaschool… Thu, 05/12/2022 - 15:51