BOARD MEETING MINUTESClick on the fiscal year folder from the list below to view the minutes from recent board meetings. Or use the Search function in the upper right-hand corner to search for a word or phrase across contact within the policy manual, agenda or minutes.
2021-22 BOARD MINUTES Jen@iowaschool… Thu, 05/12/2022 - 15:53Board Minutes - 2021.07.19
Board Minutes - 2021.07.19
Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
July 19, 2021
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Monday, July 19, 2021. The meeting was held in the boardroom as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Galen Zumbach, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James , Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, and Galen Zumbach. Terry Freeman was absent.
Administrators present: Julie Plant, Billie Jo Greene, and Deron Stender. Virtually present: Callie Anderson and Bill Messerole.
The news media and visitors were in the boardroom as well as virtually present.
Gee moved, Snograss seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Gee moved, James seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 4-0.
- Minutes of June 19, 2021 (note wrong date was entered should have been 6/21/21 corrected 8/16/21 bjg)
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Agreement with Council Bluffs Community School District for special education instructional program as needed
- Best Care EPA
- Nolte, Cornman & Johnson P.C. Engagement Letter
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Anne Follett - HS Language Arts, Yearbook and Publications
- Abbey Clayton - Cook
- Mike Baker - Seasonal
- Jennifer Downing - CCHS Library/ISS Para
- Contracts
- Amanda Symonds - EMS Kitchen Manager
- Jon Thomson - Technology Coach (10 Extra Days)
- Dana Dodge - Para
- Ryan Summers - Para
- Voluntary Transfers
- Lindsay Adamson - Early Childhood Preschool Para
- Ruth Avazian - CCHS Library/ISS Para
- Resignations
- Fundraisers
- FBLA- sell Tiefenthaler Bratwursts
- FBLA-Selling Krispy Kreme donuts and coffee
- Volunteers
- Rayann Hughes and Trinity Earleywine for Color Guard
Stephanie Lane, IT Director, and Dave Fringer, Executive Director - Information Technology, Digital Learning, Media, & Operations for the Green Hills AEA, reported on the updates and changes in the technology department and plans for the future.
Billie Jo Greene, Business Manager, reported on the district’s financial health and school board election will be Nov. 2, 2021 paperwork is available on district website and at Central Office.
Deron Stender, Superintendent, reported on district projects, ESSER III approval process, staffing update, and other miscellaneous items.
Board Discussion: Tree care.
Gee moved, James seconded, to approve the 2022 legislative priorities. Motion carried 4-0.
James moved, Gee seconded, to approve the 2021-22 return to learn plan. Motion carried 4-0.
James moved, Gee seconded, to approve the transfer of $176,824.93 from the general fund to the activity fund for lost revenues due to COVID in reference to HF602. Motion carried 4-0.
James moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the DLR recommendation for work for Van Maanen Electric to connect the generator to district technology for $12,808.07. Motion carried 4-0.
Gee moved, James seconded, to approve the adoption of the final documents for the FEMA safe room application for the Early Childhood Center.. Motion carried 4-0.
James moved, Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:01 p.m. Motion carried 4-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, August 16, 2021, 6:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes - 2021.08.16
Board Minutes - 2021.08.16Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
August 16, 2021
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Monday, August 16, 2021. The meeting was held in the boardroom as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Galen Zumbach, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James , Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, Terry Freeman, and Galen Zumbach.
Administrators present: Julie Plant, Billie Jo Greene, and Deron Stender. Virtually present: Callie Anderson, Brad Baker, and Bill Messerole.
The news media and visitors were in the boardroom as well as virtually.
Gee moved, Freeman seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Gee moved, Freeman seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of July 19, 2021
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- STEM BEST Program Agreements Elementary and Middle School.
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Ryley Gorder - 2nd Grade
- Teresa Clark - Cook
- Sydney Jones - Para
- Ryan Kissell - Head Girls Soccer Coach
- Hummel, Mia - Para
- Danielle Meyer - Para
- Contracts
- Melisa Griesinger - Para
- Randi Hammons - Cook
- Teri Keeler - Web.Social Media Coordinator
- Tyler Peters - Para
- Elizabeth Sedlmayr - MS Science
- Lacy Sheil - Para
- Brianna Vairo - Para
- Rose Wignall - Para
- Bria Hoffman - Para
- LeeAnn Helgevold - 7th Volleyball Coach
- Courtney Phelps - 9th Volleyball Coach
- Gail Vanden Berg - Para
- Paul Jordan - Head 8th Football
- Nicole Seberger - Custodian
- Voluntary Transfers
- Madison Skarda - MS Science to 2nd grade
- Resignations
- 2021-2022 Food Service Prices revised
- Creston Return to Learn Plan 2021-2022 revised
- Contract for seasonal & temporary employees for 2021-2022
- Fundraisers
- Cross Country - Homecoming Run pledges
- FFA - Fruit, meat, cheese and candy sales
- FFA - Sell Homecoming mums
- HS Football - Sell Panther Cards
- Robotics Club - Sell Wyhe Choice Puff Pastries and Believe Kids popcorn and cookies
- K-1st grade - Scholastic Book for every child per month
- National Honor Society - Bake sales
- HS Band - Frozen Food sales and HyVee Hamburger sales
- FBLA/CAST/CCHS - November 30th t-shirt sales and coin wars
- Speech Team - Trivia Night
- Volunteers
- Wade Bolinger - Athletics-wrestling
Communication and reports
- Recognition of Students & Staff
- Hawkeye 10 All Conference Teams
- Softball-
- 1st Team- Gracie Hagle (Unanimous)
- Nevaeh Randall
- 2nd Team- Keely Coen
- Morgan Driskell
- Peyton Rice
- Honorable Mention- Halle Evans
- Jersey Foote
- Baseball-
- 2nd Team- Gannon Greenwalt
- Honorable Mention- Cael Turner
- Class 4A All-District West Team- Gracie Hagle
- Facilities Committee Eric Beron DLR Report - Update on the facilities committee progress.
- Early Childhood Principal Anderson Report - Kindergarten and Preschool enrollment updates.
- Elementary Principal Plant Report - 2021 -2022 staffing changes and data comparative.
- Middle School Principal Baker Report - MS Back to School Open House August 18th 4:30 - 5:30 PM
- High School Principal Messerole Report - 2021-2022 staffing changes.
- Business Manager Greene Report - reported on the district’s financial health and school board election will be Nov. 2, 2021 paperwork is available on district website and at Central Office.
Superintendent Stender Report - reported on district projects, ESSER III approval process, staffing update, and other miscellaneous items.
Freeman moved, James seconded, to approve the 2021-2022 Out of State Trips. Motion carried 5-0.
Freeman moved, James seconded, to approve the 2021-2022 complementary activity passes. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, Freeman seconded, to approve the purchases of two busses for 2021-2022 from Hoglund Bus for $202,500. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Freeman seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, September 20, 6:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes - 2021.09.20
Board Minutes - 2021.09.20Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
September 20, 2021
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Monday, September 20, 2021. The meeting was held in the boardroom as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Galen Zumbach, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James , Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, Terry Freeman, and Galen Zumbach.
Administrators present: Brad Baker, Billie Jo Greene, and Deron Stender. Virtually present: Callie Anderson, Julie Plant, and Bill Messerole.
The news media and visitors were in the boardroom as well as virtually.
Freeman moved, Gee seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0. (Sharon Snodgrass was absent for this agenda item)
There was no public forum participation.
Gee moved, Freeman seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of August 16, 2021
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- STEM BEST Program Agreements Elementary and Middle School.
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Terri Perisho - Para
- Danielle Meyer - Para
- Valerie Morrison - Kitchen Manager
- Ashley Bird - Para
- Trish Dickinson - 9th Softball Coach
- Contracts
- Kelsey Bailey - Sub Bus Driver
- Brad Baker - Sub Bus Driver
- Miranda Bohn - Cook
- Wade Bolinger - Sub Bus Driver
- Drew Dornack - Sub Bus Driver
- Dylan Holste - Sub Bus Driver
- Miranda Jeralds - Para
- Bridgette Johnson - Cook
- Daniel Lamgo - Cook
- Jacob Lister - Sub Bus Driver
- Gabe Looney - Sub Bus Driver
- Joseph Mitchell - MS Assistant Wrestling Coach
- Amanda Pearson - Para
- Robert Peinelt - Crossing Guard
- Tyson Stuart - Sports Para
- Nicole Seberger - Sub Bus Driver
- Steve Shepherd - Sub Bus Driver
- Kimberly Zepeda - Para
- Sarah Stephens - Services Outside of Contracted Time
- Teresa Clark - Cook/Kitchen Manager
- Resignations
- Homecoming Firework Agreement
- Homecoming DJ Agreement
- Fundraisers
- Mrs. Chesnut’s class-make and sell cards-food bank purchases
- Donations
- RE Lewis - School Supplies
- Professional Educators of Iowa Foundation $150 Mrs. Tellinghuisen Preschool
- Volunteers
- Nicole Bunkofske - Band, guard and fundraisers
- Approve Jane Shantz as the District Homeless Coordinator
- Approve Bill Messerole as the District 504 Coordinator
- Approve Sexual harassment/Level I Investigators: Angie Bolinger, Callie Anderson, Brad Baker, Scott Driskell, and Bill Messerole; Sexual Harassment/Level II Investigator: Union County Attorney; Equity Coordinator/Affirmative Action: Deron Stender
- Amended 2021-2022 Substitute Compensation Schedule
Communication and reports
- Recognition of Students & Staff
- Ali VanGelder -2021 Graduate - 2021 Youth Citizen of Character Award
- Facilities Committee Eric Beron DLR Report - Update on the facilities committee progress.
- Teacher Leadership Committee Report - Mrs. Stephen SpEd Inst. Coach; Mr. Thomson Tech Inst. Coach and Mrs. Jacobson Mentoring Coordinator.
- Special Education Directors Report - Ms Fraizer - alignment of special education services.
- Early Childhood Principal Anderson Report - ECC STEM Grant Award
- Elementary Principal Plant Report - Curriculum - Assessment - Walk Thru
- Business Manager Greene Report - reported on the district’s financial health and school board paperwork is available on district website and at Central Office.
- Superintendent Stender Report - reported on district projects, staffing update, and other miscellaneous items.
- ESSER III Report
Freeman moved, James seconded, the Board hold a closed session as provided in section 21.5(1)(i) of the open meeting law to evaluate the professional competency of the superintendent whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Motion carried 5-0. In closed session time: 7:17 p.m.
Freeman moved, Gee seconded, and the Board came out of the closed session. Motion carried 5-0. Out of closed session time: 7:48 p.m.
Freeman moved, Gee seconded, to approve the evaluation of Superintendent Stender. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Freeman seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, October 18, 6:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes - 2021.10.18
Board Minutes - 2021.10.18Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
October 18, 2021
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Monday, October 18, 2021. The meeting was held in the boardroom as well as virtually, starting at 6:02 p.m. Galen Zumbach, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James , Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, and Galen Zumbach.
Administrators present: Bill Messerole, Julie Plant, Billie Jo Greene, and Deron Stender. Maintenance Director Gary Briley and DLR representative Eric Beron.
The news media and visitors were in the boardroom as well as virtually.
Gee moved, James seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Gee moved, James seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 4-0.
- Minutes of September 20, 2021
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Kim Zepeda, Para
- Amanda Pearson, Para
- Miranda Bohn, Cook
- Contracts
- Shay Baker, Para
- Michael Lochmoeller, Para
- Brenna Baker, MS Assistant Girls Basketball Coach
- Harley Carter, Sub Bus Driver
- Voluntary Transfer
- Rebecca Colburn, Para to Cook
- Resignations
- Volunteers
- Andrew Warner - Vocal, musical
- Christopher Lane - Athletics, classroom
- Gabriel Carroll - Athletics
- Katie Goodenberger - Athletics, classroom, musical
- Raquel Linch - Vocal, musical
- Ryan Osterbrink - Vocal, musical
- Therese Fief-Hopkins - Vocal, musical, bank
Communication and reports
- Facilities Committee Eric Beron DLR Report - Update on the facilities committee progress.
- Maintenance Director Briley Report - Updated on building projects.
- Middle School Principal Baker Report - Standard Based Report Card data
- High School Principal Messerole Report - Credit Deficient report, CTE enrollment data, Project Lead the Way enrollment.
- Business Manager Greene Report - reported on the district’s financial health and school board election is Nov. 2nd.
- Superintendent Stender Report - reported on district projects, staffing update, enrollment update, and other miscellaneous items.
- ESSER III Report
Snodgrass moved, Gee seconded, to approve the request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for FY21 special education deficit of $480,141.48. Motion carried 4-0.
Gee moved, James seconded, to approve the Phase II of Facilities Improvement. Motion carried 4-0.
Gee moved, James seconded, the Board held an exempt session as provided in section 20.17(3) of the open meeting law to enter into closed season for exempt employee negotiations. Motion carried 4-0.
In exempt session 7:17 p.m.
Snodgrass moved, James seconded to close the exempt session at 7:54 p.m. Motion carried 4-0
No action was taken from the exempt session.
Gee moved, James seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 p.m. Motion carried 4-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, November 15, 2021, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, November 22, 2021, TBD board work session tentative date.
- IASB Annual Convention Nov. 17-18, 2021 at the Iowa Event Center
Board Minutes - 2021.11.15
Board Minutes - 2021.11.15Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
November 15, 2021
Regular Board Meeting
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Monday, November 15, 2021. The meeting was held in the boardroom as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Galen Zumbach, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James (joined virtually) , Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, Terry Freeman and Galen Zumbach.
Administrators present: Callie Anderson, Brad Baker, Scott Driskell, Bill Messerole, Julie Plant, Billie Jo Greene, and Deron Stender.
The news media and visitors were in the boardroom as well as virtually.
Gee moved, Freeman seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Gee moved, Freeman seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of October 18, 2021
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Melanie Wolf, Para
- Kelly Schultz, Para
- Paul Jordan, MS Assistant Boys Basketball Coach
- Maggie Arnold, HS Ass’t Girls Track Coach
- Brian Morrison, 7th Boys Track Coach
- Amanda Symonds, Kitchen Manager
- Farrah Richey, SpEd Teacher (End of Semester) (updated)
- Contracts
- Paul Jordan, Head 7th Boys Basketball Coach
- Mike McCabe, MS Assistant Boys Basketball Coach
- Mike McCabe, Head Softball Coach
- Paul Jameson, Drivers Education Instructor
- Kelley Lovelady, Para
- Amanda Vandel, Para
- Taylor Briley, Assistant HS Track Coach
- Maggie Arnold, Co-Head HS Track Coach
- Brian Morrison, Assistant HS Track Coach
- Voluntary Transfer
- Clay Arnold from Head Girls Track to Co-Head HS Track
- Resignations
- Donations
- Bunn-O-Matic-Coffee maker Elem/MS office
- FIVE Fund Inspire Value Encourage - MS Band
- Creston True Value -PPE products
- First Presbyterian Church of Creston-Hats and gloves Early Childhood Center
- Iowa Total Care - Library books
- Volunteers
- Glenn Orr - Athletics
School Board member Recognition: Thank you to Terry Freeman for the four years of committed service to students, staff, parents and the community of Creston CSD.
Freeman moved, Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:03 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Organizational Meeting for 2021-2022
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Monday, November 15, 2021. The meeting was held in the boardroom as well as virtually, starting at 6:04 p.m. Billie Jo Greene, Board Secretary, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James , Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, Dr. Amanda Mohr, and Galen Zumbach.
Administrators present: Callie Anderson, Brad Baker, Scott Driskell, Bill Messerole, Julie Plant, Billie Jo Greene, and Deron Stender.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, the agenda was approved as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the certification of the November 2, 2021, school board election with Dr. Amanda Mohr received 971 votes, Sharon Snodgrass received 929 votes, Galen Zumach received 915, and Lesley Wurster received 738 votes. Motion carried 5-0.
The Oath of Office was given to the elected board members Dr. Amanda Mohr, Sharon Snodgrass and Galen Zumbach.
Zumbach nominated Dr. Brad James for the Office of President. Seconded by Gee. James received 4 votes. James sustained from the vote. Dr. Brad James was named Board President. The oath of office was administered to Dr. Brad James, the newly elected president.
James nominated Galen Zumbach for the Office of Vice President. Seconded by Gee. Zumbach received 5 votes. Galen Zumbach was named Board Vice President. The oath of office was administered to the Galen Zumbach, newly elected vice president.
President James was participating virtually and asked Vice President Zumbach to conduct the meeting.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve Billie Jo Greene as School Board Secretary and Pat Moeller as School Board Treasurer. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve school board meetings to be held on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the boardroom at the Central Office at 801 North Elm St. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, Mohr seconded, to approve Director Brad James as the Union County Conference Board Representative and Director Don Gee as the Adams County Conference Board Representative. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, Gee seconded to approve the Creston News Advertiser as the district’s official newspaper. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to adopt a resolution that Creston Community School District of Creston, IA, in Union County, IA, approve Iowa State Savings Bank as financial institution to be depository of Creston Community School District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452 and 453 (1993) as amended by 1984 Iowa Acts, S.F. 2220. The business manager, board secretary, and board treasurer are hereby authorized to deposit Creston Community School funds at IASB. Naming Iowa State Savings Bank up to $10,000,000 and PMA up to $10,000,000 as the financial institutes of depository. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, Gee seconded, to approve Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm as the District Legal Counsel. Motion carried 5-0.
Communication and reports
- Recognition of Students as presented in the formal report
- Facilities Committee Eric Beron DLR Report - Update on the facilities committee progress.
- Early Childhood Center Principal Anderson’s Report - District fall conference attendance, ISASP data, Kindergarten Fall math screener data and FAST data
- Elementary Principal Plant’s Report - Fall conference attendance data, instructional task analysis, SMART Goals and Assessment data
- Activity Director Driskell’s Report - MS Baseball/Softball and Bowling update
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - reported on the district’s financial health and certified enrollment Oct. 2021.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - reported on district projects, staffing update, COVID and OSHA protocol, and other miscellaneous items.
- ESSER III Report
- President James asked for an update on cursive writing at a future meeting..
No action was taken to designate a district representative at the IASB Delegate Assembly.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded to approve Connie Maxon the representative for District Number 2 Green Hills Area Education Agency Board of Directors. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the first semester early graduation list pending successful completion of the graduation requirements as set forth by the Board of Education and the state of Iowa. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, Gee seconded, to approve the middle school baseball and softball programs. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve district administration to submit a request to the School Business Budget Review Committee in the amount of $ 148,712.80 for Open Enrolled Out increase and $23,126.40 for LEP Instructional Beyond 5 years for MSA for increasing enrollment in Fall 2021 and LEP Allowable Cost of $13,886.86. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded to reschedule the time for the regular December board meeting from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- IASB Annual Convention November 17-18, at the Iowa Event Center
- Monday, November 22, 2021, 6:00 p.m., Working Session
- Monday, December 20, 2021, time 7:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes - 2021.11.22
Board Minutes - 2021.11.22
Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
November 22, 2021
Board Working Session
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Monday, November 22, 2021, with the Education and Facilities Advisory Committee. The meeting was held in the boardroom and started at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Amanda Mohr, Sharon Snodgrass, and Galen Zumbach.
Administrators present: Callie Anderson, Brad Baker, Scott Driskell, Bill Messerole, and Deron Stender.
Representatives from KSIB and the Creston News Advertiser were in attendance.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Board and committee introductions were made. Eric Beron from DLR presented the findings of the work from the Education and Advisory Committee. Travis Squires from Piper Sandler presented district finances, projections, and fiscal options for renovations and additions to educational and activity spaces. Members of the committee and board asked questions and discussed the impact and options of proposed models. The consensus of those in attendance was to transition to a model that supports renovations and contraction at the elementary/middle school and high school; this would result in transitioning students and staff from the Early Childhood Center to the elementary school. The board suggested a special meeting be held prior to the December 20 board meeting to further discuss options.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, December 20, 2021, time 7:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes - 2021.12.09
Board Minutes - 2021.12.09Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
December 9, 2021
Board Working Session
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Thursday, December 9, 2021. The meeting was held in the boardroom and started at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Amanda Mohr, Sharon Snodgrass, and Galen Zumbach.
Administrators present: Callie Anderson, Julie Plant, Brad Baker, Scott Driskell, Bill Messerole, Billie Jo Greene, and Deron Stender. Also present were the following: Gary Briley Maintenance Director and Eric Beron, Andrew VanLeeuwen and Samuel Rushenberg with DLR.
Representatives from KSIB and the Creston News Advertiser were in attendance.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Cursive writing and expectations of students and staff was discussed.
Eric Beron from DLR reviewed the findings of the work from the Education and Advisory Committee. Board asked questions and discussed the impact and options of proposed models. The consensus of those in attendance was the priorities where to construct, furnish and equip a PreK-K addition to the Elementary/Middle School building and to renovate, repair, improve, furnish and equip the existing Performing Arts area; to construct, furnish, and equip a performing arts and athletic addition to the High School building and improve the site; and to construct tennis courts and improve the site.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, December 20, 2021, time 7:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes - 2021.12.15
Board Minutes - 2021.12.15Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
December 15, 2021
Board Working Session
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. The meeting was held in the boardroom and started at 12:03 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Don Gee (via phone), Amanda Mohr, Sharon Snodgrass, and Galen Zumbach.
Administrators present: Billie Jo Greene and Deron Stender.
Representatives from KSIB were in attendance.
Snodgrass moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Eric Beron from DLR and Travis Squires from Piper Sandler presented district finances, projections, and fiscal options for renovations and additions to educational and activity spaces. The consensus of those in attendance was the priorities where to construct, furnish and equip a PreK-K addition to the Elementary/Middle School building and to renovate, repair, improve, furnish and equip the existing Performing Arts area; to construct, furnish, and equip a activities addition to the High School building and improve the site; and to construct tennis courts and improve the site.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 12:52 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, December 20, 2021, time 7:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes - 2021.12.20
Board Minutes - 2021.12.20Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
December 20, 2021
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Monday, December 20, 2021. The meeting was held in the boardroom as well as virtually, starting at 7:00 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Amanda Mohr , Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, Dr. Brad James, and Galen Zumbach.
Administrators present: Bill Messerole, Callie Anderson, Brad Baker, Billie Jo Greene, and Deron Stender.
A representative from the CNA and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually and recorded.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Gee moved, James seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 4-0.
- Minutes of November 15, November 22, December 9 and December 15, 2021
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Amanda Vandel, Para
- Cora Haley, Para
- Danielle Dickinson Thaden, Teacher (end of 2021-22 school year)
- Robert Crawford, Driver
- Contracts
- Keri Lemon, Cook
- William Young, Para
- Voluntary Transfer
- Amber Kingery from Cook to Food Service Manager
- Resignations
- Donations
- Buck Family Dentistry $150 to Early Childhood Center for toothbrushes and oral hygiene education
- Out of State Trip
- MS Jazz band to Maryville MO
Communication and reports
- Student Recognition
- Southwest Iowa District Honor Band
- 9-10 Honor Band
- Jocelyn Burkhalter - Flute- First Chair
- Delaney Pettit - French Horn - First Chair
- Brooklyn Hanson - French Horn - Second Chair
- Sam Duncan - French Horn - Sixth Chair
- Zoe Ralston - Percussion - Third Chair
- 11-12 Honor Band
- Luke Tebbenkamp - Second Chair
- Brendan Milslagle - Seventh Chair
- These students will represent Creston at the District Honor Band Festival on Jan. 17th
- 9-10 Honor Band
- All District Football- Class 3A District 6
- 1st Team Offense:
- Briley Hayes- Running Back
- Avery Fuller- Lineman
- 1st Team Defense:
- Derek Paup- Lineman
- Gage Skarda- Linebacker
- Gannon Greenwalt- Defensive back
- 2nd Team Offense:
- Kyle Strider- Quarterback
- Brennan Hayes- Running back
- Chris Wilson- Lineman
- 2nd Team Defense:
- Austin Evans-Linebacker
- Dylan Calvin- Defensive Back
- Cael Turner- Defensive Back
- Derek Paup- Punter
- Honorable Mention Offense:
- Owen Richards
- Brandon Briley
- Honorable Mention Defense:
- Ty Morrison
- Andre Davis
- 1st Team Offense:
- KMA All Star Volleyball Series- Halle Evans
- Southwest Iowa District Honor Band
- Facilities Committee report by Eric Beron, DLR - Update on the timeline for the Bond Committee to obtain a signed petitions for the $24.9M general obligation bond
- Curriculum Director’s report by Principal Callie Angerson - Iowa School Performance Profile and all buildings where rates commendable
- Middle School Principal report by Principal Brad Baker - update on Flexisched program for Pride Time
- High School Principal report by Principal Bill Messerole - CTE grants; dropout
- Business Manager Greene Report - reported on the district’s financial health
- Superintendent Stender Report - reported on district projects, staffing update, enrollment update, and other miscellaneous items
- ESSER III Report - Mr. Stender reported on district projects funded by ESSER and plans for the remaining funds
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the annual RSAI membership of $750.00. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to approve director Zumbach and director James as lead negotiations for the district to negotiate with the Creston Education Association and the AFSCME Local 3467. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the proposed FY23 Capital Outlay Projects for an estimated $903,000. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the purchase of an outdoor digital display from Chesnut Signs/Dakrtoniks for $73,000. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the AIA agreements with DLR for a total of $60.690. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the bid and bus purchase from Hoglund Bus for $107,500 and Truck Center Companies for $129,700 for 2022-2023 Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, January 10, 2021, time 6:00 p.m., Special Board Meeting
- Monday, January 17, 2021, time 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes - 2022.01.14
Board Minutes - 2022.01.14Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
January 14, 2022
Board Special Meeting
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Friday, January 14, 2022. The meeting was held in the boardroom and started at 12:03 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Dr. Amanda Mohr, Sharon Snodgrass, and Galen Zumbach.
Administrators present: Billie Jo Greene and Deron Stender.
Representatives from KSIB and the Creston News Advertiser were in attendance.
Mohr moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the Resolutions for Revenue Purpose Statement, Ordering an Election on the Issuance of $24,900,000 General Obligation School Bonds and on a Revenue Purpose Statement to Authorize Expenditures from revenue from the State Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund, and Ordering the Publication of a Notice of Election. 388 district certified signatures were presented to the school board. Motion carried Roll Call Vote 4-0.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 12:07 p.m. Motion carried 4-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
Monday, January 17, 2022, time 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes - 2022.01.17
Board Minutes - 2022.01.17Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
January 17, 2022
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, January 17, 2022. The meeting was held in the boardroom as well as virtually, starting at 6:05 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Amanda Mohr, Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, Dr. Brad James, and Galen Zumbach.
Administrators present: Julie Plant, Callie Anderson, Brad Baker, Billie Jo Greene, and Deron Stender.
A representative from the CNA and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually and recorded.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda as amenda removed item 7.6 and 7.7. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of December 20, 2021 and January 14, 2022
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Elizabeth Herzberg, Kindergarten Teacher (end of 2021-22 school year)
- Terri Kretzinger, Elementary TAG Teacher (end of 2021-22 school year)
- Contracts
- Chelsea Graham, Para
- Maggie Arnold, Yearbook HS .5 (note already doing .5 so now doing full position)
- Rebecca Beakler, Para
- Brandon Phipps, Head Varsity Baseball Coach
- Brandon Phipps, MS 8th Boys Track
- Alex Tamerius, MS 7th Boys Track
- Agreements
- ClaimAid Consulting Corp
- Copy Systems Inc.
- Resignations
- Fundraisers
- Creston FBLA-Pizza Ranch Tip night proceeds for State Leadership Conference
- Creston FBLA-Selling Tiefenthaler Bratwurst proceeds for National Leadership Conference
Communication and reports
- Teacher Leadership Committee Report - TLC survey results were shared.
- Early Childhood Center report by Principal Callie Angerson - Kindergarten Specials Classes
- Elementary Principal report by Principal Julie Plant - Cursive handwriting update and assessment data
- Business Manager Greene Report - reported on the district’s financial health and budget process timeline
- Superintendent Stender Report - reported on district projects, staffing update, enrollment update, and other miscellaneous items
- ESSER III Report - Mr. Stender reported on district projects funded by ESSER and plans for the remaining funds
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the purchase of Daktronic shot clocks. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the PowerSchool Agreement. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the 2022-2023 Modified Supplemental Allowance At Risk Plan and Budget ($506,613.0 MSA). Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the bid date of February 15, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. to receive bids for the HVAC Improvements project. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the Public Hearing on February 21, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. to hear public comments on the HVAC improvements project.. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:13 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, February 21, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Tuesday, March 1, 2022, General Obligation Bond Election
- Monday, March 7, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Budget workshop
- Monday, March 21, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes - 2022.02.21
Board Minutes - 2022.02.21Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
February 21, 2022
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, February 21, 2022. The meeting was held in the boardroom as well as virtually, starting at 6:01 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Amanda Mohr, Sharon Snodgrass, Dr. Brad James, and Galen Zumbach. Don Gee arrived at 6:05 p.m.
Administrators present: Julie Plant, Callie Anderson, Billie Jo Greene, and Deron Stender.
A representative from the CNA and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually and recorded.
Snodgrass moved, Mohr seconded, to approve. Motion carried 4-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Open Hearing for HVAC Improvements opened at 6:04 p.m. There were no oral or written objections to the HVAC Improvements. Closed at 6:05 p.m.
Don Gee arrived at 6:05 p.m.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of January 17, 2022
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Elizabeth VanCamp, Para
- Stacy Shepherd, HS Spanish Teacher (end of the 2021-22 School year)
- Jaden Driskell, Assistant Baseball Coach
- Tony Neubauer, Co 9th Baseball Coach
- Dana Dodge, Para (end of the 2021-22 School year)
- Miranda Jeralds, Para
- Rebecca Mason, Para
- Andrea Slight, Para
- Salina Chesnut, Kindergarten Teacher (end of the 2021-22 School year)
- Cheryl Bowen-Nissen, SpEd Teacher (end of the 2021-22 School year)
- Stephanie Auten, Para
- LuAnne Neuharth, Cook (retiring end of the 2021–22 School year)
- Brad Baker, Middle School Principal (end of the 2021-22 School year)
- Contracts
- Phoenix Bryant, Para
- Anthony Neubauer, 8th Baseball Coach
- Joseph Mitchell, Co 9th Baseball Coach
- Drew Dornack, Assistant Baseball Coach
- Bryce Schafer, 7th Baseball Coach
- Termination
- Melissa Stow-Paraprofessional
- Resignations
- Volunteer
- Nicole Bunkofske, Winter Guard
- Donations
- First Presbytarian Church-Elem/MS SpEd Classrooms-monthly snacks
Communication and reports
- Student Recognition:
- Football Academic All-State
- Aidan Anderson
- Briley Hayes
- Chris Wilson
- Iowa Shrine Bowl Participant
- Avery Fuller
- Choral Reading and Readers Theater were nominated for the All-State Large Group Festival. Students participating in this prestigious honor are:
- Ami Patel
- Brendan Millslagle
- Brooke Hanson
- Cash Abildtrup
- Conner Hammons
- Dravin Drake
- Hannah Housh
- Makenzie Baker
- Macy Adamson
- Maddie Kinsella
- Michael Reynard
- Noah Runde
- Owen Davis
- Paige Waddingham
- Peyton Gordon
- Peyton Guthrie
- Reece Kinsella
- Sam Duncan
- Taron Needham
- State Bowling Tournament Qualifier
- Mason Clayton
- State Wrestling Tournament Qualifier
- Austin Evans
- Triston Barncastle
- Quinten Fuller
- IWCOA State Tournament Champion
- Savannah Sistad
- Football Academic All-State
- Early Childhood Center report by Principal Callie Angerson - FAST, Math Screener and uPAR data Winter 2022.
- Middle School report by Casey Tanner Dean of Students - Newsela resource on Pride Time Behavior Intervention.
- Business Manager Greene Report - reported on the district’s financial health, open enrollment in and out data, and budget process timeline.
- Superintendent Stender Report - reported on district projects, staffing update, enrollment update, and other miscellaneous items.
- ESSER III Report - Mr. Stender reported on district projects funded by ESSER and plans for the remaining funds.
- Board Discussion: Mr. Zumbach asked the principals to look into Dolly Parton Imagination Library.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve setting a public hearing for March 21, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2022-2023 school calendar. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve setting a public hearing for March 21, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2022-2023 budget. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the 1st reading of the policy series 100 and 200 with updates. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve and award a bid to Cabline Mechanical for $188,600 for the HVAC Improvement Project. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve and award a quote to Control Management Inc. dba Albireo Energy LLC for $49,796.00 for the Building Automation System Project. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve AIA agreements with DLR for a total of $33,000 for the Stadium Ticket Booth and Perimeter Fencing improvements project. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the bid date of March 29, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. to receive bids for the Stadium Ticket Booth and Perimeter Fencing improvements project. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the Public Hearing on April 4, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. to hear public comments on the Stadium Ticket Booth and Perimeter Fencing improvements project. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, February 21, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Tuesday, March 1, 2022, General Obligation Bond Election
- Monday, March 7, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Budget workshop
- Monday, March 21, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes - 2022.03.07
Board Minutes - 2022.03.07Creston Community School District
Working Session
Budget Review 2022-2023
March 7, 2022
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Monday, March 7, 2022. The meeting was held in the boardroom starting at 6:01 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Amanda Mohr, Dr. Brad James, Sharon Snodgrass, Don Gee, and Galen Zumbach.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene and Julie Plant
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, the agenda was approved as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Greene and Mr. Stender viewed the district financial projections based on enrollment, SSA, and the six funds. The board discussed financial expectations and proposed budgets for the 2021-2022 school year. The consensus of the school board was to recognize the proposed levy and budget for FY23. Mr. Stender identified a $444,780 decrease in FY 23 revenue due to declining enrollment. Mr. Stender shared options administration is considering to align staff and resources to address budget constraints.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, the Board conducted an exempt employee negotiations in accordance with Iowa Chapter 20.17(3). Motion carried 5-0. In closed session time: 7:11 p.m.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, and the Board came out of the closed session. Motion carried 5-0. Out of closed session time: 7:39 p.m.
Mohr moved, Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
___________________________________ ___________________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, March 21, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, April 4, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Special Board meeting
- Monday, April 18, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes - 2022.03.21
Board Minutes - 2022.03.21Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
March 21, 2022
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, March 21, 2022. The meeting was held in the boardroom as well as virtually, starting at 6:01 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Dr. Amanda Mohr, and Sharon Snodgrass.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Bill Messerole, Scott Driskell, Brad Baker, Julie Plant, Callie Anderson, and Mollie Frazier.
A representative from the CNA and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually and recorded.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve. Motion carried 5-0.
There was public forum participation.
- Jennifer Downing on budget shortfall and ESSER funds
- Calie Worisek on social, emotional support for staff and students due to COVID
Open Hearing for 2022-2023 School Calendar opened at 6:11 p.m. There were no oral or written objections to the 2022-2023 School Calendar. Closed at 6:11 p.m.
Open Hearing for 2022-2023 Proposed Budget opened at 6:12 p.m. There were no oral or written objections to the 2022-2023 Proposed Budget. Closed at 6:12 p.m.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of February 21, 2022 and March 7, 2022
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Jackie Anderson, Custodian
- Ryan Kissell, K-5 Stem Teacher (at the end of the 2021-22 School Year)
- Weston Rolenc, HS Geometry Teacher (at the end of the 2021-22 School Year)
- Paul Jordan, MS Social Studies/US History (at the end of the 2021-22 School Year)
- Maddie Travis, Ass’t Cheerleading Coach
- Stacy Shepherd, HS Spanish Teacher (updated: last day March 31, 2022)
- Contracts
- Madeline Gude, HS Spanish (for 2022-23 School Year)
- Ryan Kissell, HS Assistant Boys Soccer
- Kelsi Kautz Carlisle, Kindergarten (for 2022-23 School Year)
- Voluntary Transfer
- Becki White, MS Level 1 SpEd Teacher (for 2022-23 School Year) Transfer from ELL
- Involuntary Transfer
- LeeAnn Helgevold, MS SpEd Teacher (for 2022-23 School Year) Transfer from MS Math
- Resignations
- Agreements
- AEA Purchasing Agreement
- Contract Termination with Green Hills AEA for Special Education Director for FY 23
- Southwestern Community College Contracts
- Automotive Repair Technology and Carpentry
- Arts and Sciences
- Auto Collision Repair/Refinish
- Health Career Academy
- Information Technology Systems Networking Career Academy, and Electrical Technology Career Academy
- Concurrent Enrollment Program
- Summer Welding Technology Career Academy and Health Science Career Academy
- Donations
- Creston Chamber of Commerce - FBLA $500 to participate in leadership opportunities
- Tyler Insurance Services, Creston Realty, NAPA Creston, Spencer's Chophouse and Tavern, MAYKIN Farms, The Lobby, SWCC, Bill Messerole, Brett Street Power Washing, House of Pain, Buck Family Dentistry, Woody's Landscaping and Lawncare, Advanced Ag Seed, Bullpen Barbershop, Adams Street Espresso, Creston Automotive, Willy's Puppy Patch, Di Miller @3's Company, PCSB Bank, Creston Chiropractic, Mario's Sports Bar and Grill, Ben Adamson State Farm Insurance, Stalker Chevrolet, Spencer Street Lawncare, Salem Lutheran Church, Our Town Realty, Iowa State Savings Bank - Lexi’s Puppy Patch total $$2,600 donation to create dog park in honor of CCHS graduate Lexi Rounds.
- Volunteer
- Amanda Davis, vocal, musical and band
Communication and reports
- Student Recognition:
- Western Iowa Girls Basketball All-District Team
- Doryn Paup
- Bri Fields
- Academic All-Conference Girls Basketball
- Morgan Driskell
- Brianna Fields
- Gracie Hagle
- Wrestling and Wrestling Cheerleaders
- Briley Hayes
- Tyson Smith
- Chris Wells
- Kate Foglesong
- Macy Wiley (MGR)
- Chris WilsonSophia Patterson
- Boy’s Basketball
- Avery Fuller
- Girl’s Bowling
- Hallie Orr
- Jessie Peddycoart
- All Conference Boys Basketball Honorable Mention
- Cael Turner
- Kyle Strider
- All Conference Girls Basketball
- 1st Team-Doryn Paup- Unanimous
- 2nd Team-Brianna Fields
- Honorable Mention-Morgan Driskell
- Qualified for State Bowling Tournament
- Mason Clayton
- Qualified for State Wrestling Tournament
- Triston Barncastle
- Austin Evans
- Quinten Fuller
- Western Iowa Girls Basketball All-District Team
- Special Education Dirctor’s report by Mollie Fraiser - Special Education alignment process.
- 1-5 Elementary report by Principal Julie Plant - Whole Child Learning
- High School report by Principal Bill Messerole - CTE data, Robotics club, and staffing updates
- Athletic Director’s report by Scott Driskell - Spring athletic participation number: boys tennis 39, girls tennis 15, boys soccer 24, girls soccer 19, boys golf 8, girls golf 8, boys track 30, girls track 15
- Business Manager Greene Report - reported on the district’s financial health, FY 23 budget information and FY21 audit status.
- Superintendent Stender Report - reported on district projects, staffing update, and other miscellaneous items.
- ESSER III Report - Mr. Stender reported on district projects funded by ESSER and plans for the remaining funds.
- Capital Projects - Mr. Stender reported on district capital projects.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the summer food program. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the 2022-2023 school calendar. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the certification of the March 1, 2022 special school board election and adoption of the Revenue Purpose Statement. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbahch moved, Gee seconded, to approve the 2022-2023 district health insurance with ISEBA. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the Budget Guarantee Resolution for FY 23 for the regular program budget as allowed under Iowa Code 257.14. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the 2022-2023 budget. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the second and final reading of policy series 100 and 200. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the first reading of policy series 300. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:09 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Thursday, March 24, 2022, 6:00 p.m., CEA Negotiations meeting.
- Tuesday, March 29, 2022, 4:14 p.m., AFSCME Negotiations meeting
- Monday, April 4, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Special Board meeting
- Monday, April 18, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board meeting
Board Minutes - 2022.04.04
Board Minutes - 2022.04.04Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Special Meeting
April 4, 2022
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, April 4, 2022. The meeting was held in the boardroom and virtually.
President James called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.. Dr. Brad James, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Dr. Amanda Mohr, and Sharon Snodgrass.
Administrators present: Deron Stender and Billie Jo Greene
Guests: KSIB reporter and Eric Beron DLR.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the stadium ticket booth and perimeter fencing improvement project and awarding to C & J Conservation the projects for $248,200. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, the Board held an exempt session as provided in section 20.17(3) of the open meeting law to enter into closed season for exempt employee negotiations. Motion carried Roll Call 4-0.
In exempt session 6:14 p.m.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded to close the exempt session at 7:35 p.m. Motion carried Roll Call 5-0
No action was taken from the exempt session.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, April 18, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board meeting* meeting held at the Elem. Middle School room 714
Board Minutes - 2022.04.18
Board Minutes - 2022.04.18Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
April 18, 2022
At 5:45 p.m. the board toured Mrs. Fourez STEM classroom.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, April 18, 2022. The meeting was held at the Elementary-Middle School as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Dr. Amanda Mohr, and Sharon Snodgrass.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Bill Messerole, Julie Plant, and Callie Anderson
A representative from the CNA and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually and recorded and is available to the public until the following regular school board meeting.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Public forum:.
Kathy Ralston spoke of her concerns with the district’s special education program.
Dylan Dornack, Kal Barber, Tristan Callahan, Mr. Thompson and Mrs. Lane presented and showcased the Creston Student Tech Center (CSTC) that provides inhouse technology repair and support from district students.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of March 21, 2022, April 4, 2022
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Tyler Peters, Para (end of 2021-22 School year)
- Todd Jacobson, Assistant Boys Basketball Coach
- Paul Jordan, 8th Football Head Coach
- Paul Jordan, 7th Boys Basketball Head Coach
- Paul Jordan, 7th Girls Basketball Head Coach
- Ronda Weese, Junior Kindergarten Teacher (end of 2021-22 School year)
- Rebecca Ross, Assistant Girls Soccer Coach
- Marie Hood, 4th Grade Teacher (end of 2021-22 School year)
- Marie Hood, Head 8th Volleyball Coach
- Lydia Martin, 2nd Grade Teacher (end of 2021-22 School year)
- Jane Warner, 7-12 Vocal Music (end of 2021-22 School year)
- William Young, Para (end of 2021-22 School year)
- Angela Coke, HS Math Teacher (end of 2021-22 School year)
- Marina Ruybal, Para (end of 2021-22 School year)
- Jerry White, Bus Driver (Retire end of 2021-22 School year)
- Lorelei Herrod, Custodian
- Shannon Hagerman, HS SpEd Teacher (end of 2021-22 School year)
- Palmer Scott, HS SpEd Teacher (end of 2021-22 School year) per agreement
- Contracts
- Ethan Faeth, Substitute School Bus Driver
- Rebecca Ross, Head Girls Soccer Coach
- Breanna Ross, Assistant Girls Soccer Coach
- Sara Keeler, 7th Softball Coach
- Dylan Linch, HS Geometry Teacher (for 2022-23 School year)
- Brooke McGehee, MS Language Arts Teacher (for 2022-23 School year)
- Emily Weide, Kindergarten Teacher (for 2022-23 School year)
- Sara Lane, MS Social Studies Teacher (for 2022-23 School year)
- Lesa Downing, MS Principal (for 2022-23 School year)
- Jennifer Gaesser, HS Vocal (for 2022-23 School year)
- Sheri Blair, EMS counselor (for 2022-23 School year)
- Voluntary Transfers
- Sarah Stephens, SpEd Teacher for 2022-23 Transfer from SpEd Coach
- Tara Waigand, Elementary TAG for 2022-23 Transfer from .5 Interventionist/.5 Title
- Hannah North, JK Teacher for 2022-23 Transfer from Elem SpEd
- Melisa Crook, HS ELA for 2022-23 Transfer from MS ELA
- Florence Maynes, HS ELA for 2022-23 Transfer from MS ELA
- Courtney McCabe, Elem .5 Interventionist/.5 Title (for 2022-23) Transfer from 3rd Grade
- Bridgette Johnson, Elementary Para (for 2022-23) Transfer from Cook
- Termination
- Nicole Keate, Cook
- Agreements
- AEA Therapeutic Classroom
- AEA IT Service Agreement
- AEA Director of IT and Digital Learning
- Resignations
- Volunteer
- Paul Fuller, Jodi Paup, Alicia Stafford, Jennifer Strunk - activities, FBLA
- Sarah Young, Caitlyn Akers, Garrett Schneider, Jacquelyn Merritt, Jennifer Samo, Jennifer Veitz, Taylor Miller, Christina Wilson, Megan Floyd, Jennifer Downing, Melinda Abell, Paul Martin - field trips
- Sharon Walters - musical and field trips
- Payton Pryor - activities
- Fundraisers
- Creston Football-selling posters and team fundraiser cards estimated $13,000 for NW Missouri State Team football camp, team meals and equipment.
- Girls Basketball-youth basketball camp estimated $300 for summer camp expenses
- Varsity golf-T-shirt sales estimated $200 for golf equipment.
- Donations
- Progressive Chautauqua Circle-$25 speech
- Southwest Iowa Regional STEM Advisory Board of the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council-$9188-Provide hands on experiences that promote Science, Tech, Engineering and Mathematics
- Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation-$250-seed, planting
- Iowa State Savings Bank-$1200-To purchase a book for each student before summer break. Preschool-5th grade
- Fareway Meat and Grocery, Arnold Motor Supply, First National Bank, Hanson Fitness, Creston Publishing Co., A & G Restaurant, Edward Jones- Brad Johnston, Lori's Boutique, Hi Crest Auto, Townline Roundhouse Apartments, Subway-Creston, Coen's Home Furnishings, Travis Ag Supply, Hull Monument Services, Hometown Insurance & Realty, Union County Abstract, Inc., Balanced Bookkeeping Services, Hartsock Insurance Services, Inc. Nutrien Ag Solutions, Luther Solutions LLC, Hulett & Sons Auto Salvage, Evans Custom Sawmilling - Lexi’s Puppy Patch total $2,150 donation to create dog park in honor of CCHS graduate Lexi Rounds.
Communication and reports
- Student Recognition:
- 1st Place Broadcast Journalism - Kyle Stafford
- 1st Place Business Law - Kyle Stafford
- 1st Place Community Service Project - Denton Lane and Emma Pantini
- 1st Place Vocabulary Relay Advanced- Payton Conley, Lucas Veatch, and Chris Wells
- 2nd Place Digital Video Production - Chris Chen, Sam Henry, and Conner Wiley
- 2nd Place Introduction to Financial Math - Dillon Starlin
- 2nd Place Local Chapter Exhibit - Anna Bolinger and Doryn Paup
- 3rd Place Advertising - Lucas Veatch
- 3rd Place Business Management - Lucas Veatch and Chris Wells
- 3rd Place Introduction to Event Planning - Denton Lane, Zoe Ralston, and Dillon Starlin
- 3rd Place Largest Local Chapter Membership
- 3rd Place Local Chapter Annual Business Report - Kyle Stafford and Sydney Strunk
- 3rd Place Organizational Leadership-Sydney Strunk
- 3rd Place Social Media Strategies - Brendan Millslagle and Emma Pantini
- 3rd Place Who’s Who in FBLA - Sydney Strunk
- Winterguard- Finished their competitive season undefeated, winning every competition they entered many against schools much larger than Creston.
- Technology Director's report by Stephanie Lane - goals, progress, 21st Century Skills and computer science standards.
- Middle School written report by Principal Brad Baker - Art show, student government, archey unit and technology center.
- High School report by Principal Bill Messerole - commencement May 22, 2022 at 2:00 p.m., Senior Awards night May 11, 2022 at 6:00 p.m., staffing updates.
- Business Manager Greene Report - FY21 audit status and RFP process for auditor’s..
- Superintendent Stender Report - reported on district projects, staffing update, Powerschool implementation, bid process for safety and security improvements, and other business items.
- ESSER III Report - Mr. Stender reported on district projects funded by ESSER and plans for the remaining funds.
- Capital Projects - Mr. Stender reported on district capital projects.
- Negotiations proposals for CEA and AFSCME.
Board Discussion- Galen Zumbach noted a tree in front of the high school that needs major trimming. Sharon Snodgrass wants a look into special education moving forward.
Snodgrass moved, Gee seconded, to approve the sale or disposal of public property. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the five year agreement with Access Systems for printing and copy management support services. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the revised 2021-2022 school calendar. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded the approval of the 2022 graduates pending successful completion of the graduation requirements as set forth by the Board of Education. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbahch moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the 2022-23 statewide voluntary preschool program contracts with Trinity Lutheran Preschool, St. Malachy School, Matura Headstart and SWCC. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the 2022-2025 Master Agreement with AFSCME reflecting a 4.66% total package increase. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the 2022-2024 Master Agreement with CEA reflecting a 3.15% total package increase. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the second and final reading of policy series 300. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the first reading of policy series 400. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, the Board hold a closed session as provided in section 21.5(1)(i) of the open meeting law to evaluate the professional competency of the superintendent whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. In closed session time: 7:15 p.m.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, and the Board came out of the closed session. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. Out of closed session time: 8:18 p.m.
Dr. James statement from closed session. Mr. Stenders performance meets the standards and expectations of the board and the board recommends a three year contract extension 2022-2025.
Zumbach moved Gee seconded, to issue a three contract to Mr. Stender as superintendent 2022-2025. Motion carried roll call vote: 4 Ayes. 1 Nay Snodgrass.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, and the Board conducted exempt employee negotiations in accordance with Iowa Chapter 20.17(3). Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. In closed session time: 8:21 p.m.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, and the Board came out of the closed session. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. Out of closed session time: 8:40 p.m.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve a 3.30% total package increase for non-union contracts. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the administrative contracts with an increase of salaries of 2.5%. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 8:43 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, May 16, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, June 20, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, July 18, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes - 2022.05.16
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
May 16, 2022
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, May 16, 2022. The meeting was held at the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Dr. Amanda Mohr, and Sharon Snodgrass.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Bill Messerole, Brad Baker, Julie Plant, and Callie Anderson
A representative from the CNA and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually and recorded and is available to the public until the following regular school board meeting.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of April 18, 2022
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Chris Tibbals, (.5) 9th Baseball Coach
- Dawn Hribal, Para
- Julie Plant, Elementary Principal (end of 21-22 school year) updated)
- Tawnya Jones, Food Service Director (end of 21-22 school year)
- Scott Hampton, El/MS Custodian
- Robert Stow, El/MS Custodian (as of 6/30/22)
- Jodi Johnson, Nurse (end of 21-22 school year)
- Joseph Mitchell, HS PE/Health Teacher, 9th Baseball & Asst MS wrestling (end of 21-22 school year)
- Contracts
- Jennifer Gaesser, 7th/8th Grade Vocal extracurricular (for 2022-23 school year)
- Jennifer Gaesser, High School Vocal extracurricular (for 2022-23 school year)
- Callie Gossman, Elementary Teacher (2nd,3rd or 4th TBD) (for 2022-23 school year)
- Tasia Scott, 2nd Grade Teacher (for 2022-23 school year)
- Joseph Mitchell, 9th Baseball (formerly .5 and now full)
- Teresa Clark, Cook (Summer Program)
- Corissa Sundquist, Para (for 2022-23 school year)
- Jamette Vandevender, Cook (Summer Program)
- Maggie Arnold, .5 Yearbook (formerly full and now .5) (for 2022-23 school year)
- Peggy Eblen, .5 Yearbook (for 2022-23 school year)
- Peggy Eblen, Newspaper (for 2022-23 school year)
- Karlyn McCutchan, MS Winterguard (for 2022-23 school year)
- Martha Ray, FCCLA Advisor (for 2022-23 school year)
- Callie Anderson, Special Education Director Duties (addt’l contract for 2022-23)
- Colton Weeks, EMS Custodian
- Amy Scroggie, HS Level I SpEd Teacher (for 2022-23 school year)
- Michael McCartney, HS Level III SpEd Teacher (for 2022-23 school year)
- Carinda Davis, ECC Para (for 2022-23 school year)
- Peyton Rice, 9th Softball Coach
- John Reasoner, HS Social Studies Teacher (for 2022-23 school year)
- John Reasoner, Ass’t FBLA Sponsor (for 2022-23 school year)
- Voluntary Transfers
- Kelsey Donner, 4th Grade Teacher for 2022-23 Transfer from Elem SpEd
- Ryan Kissell, Head 8th Football for 2022-23 Transfer from Head 7th Football
- Drew Dornack, Ass’t 8th Football for 2022-23 Transfer from Ass’t 7th Football
- Sydney Cruz, ELL Teacher (for 2022-23 school year) was HS Social Science Tchr
- Michele Thatcher, HS Instructional Coach (for 2022-23) was HS SpEd Tchr
- Agreements
- AEA Social Workers Services
- VISTA Iowa Business
- Resignations
- Volunteer
- Raquel Linch - musical, vocal
- Trisha McDonald - activities, field trips
- Fundraisers
- Golf-tshirt sales-$200-golf equipment
- MS band-selling chocolate bars-$9099-materials and registration fees for contest
- Speech Team-Rising Starts Drama Camp-$800-contest fees, scripts, and royalties
- Robotic club-Pizza Rach Fundraiser-magazine sales-$500-TSA National Trip
- Donations
- Creston True Value donation of 20 gallons of paint for Painting a Brighter Future Campaign
- Out of State Trip
- Robotics Club to Dallas, TX for TSA Nationals
Communication and reports
- Student Recognition:
- Iowa FFA State Leadership Conference Results (FFA contests must advance from sub district and district competitions to compete at state):
- Job Interview - Tucker Rohrig, state champion, advance to nationals in the fall
- Chapter Display - Haylee Gillam, Mikaela Downing, Danica Pokorny, Kristi Travis - gold
- Ag Issues & Perceptions (topic Proposition 12) - Kate Foglesong, Carter Henderson, Wyatt Barber, Ashlyn Baker, Reece Kinsella, Owen Henderson and Hannah Woods - silver.
- Conduct of Meetings: Abbie Wheeler, Kobley Bailey, Max Skellenger, Makenna Brown, Tyson Looney, Sasha Wurster, Abby Tallmon and Kennedy Lohoff - bronze.
- Farm Business Management: Carson Rieck, Will Bolinger, Kennedy Lohoff, Carly Green - bronze.
- Greenhand Quiz: Zoey Vandevender and Carley Shiel
- Iowa FFA Alumni Scholarship: Tyler Loudon
- 8 Iowa Degree recipients (highest honor bestowed in the Iowa FFA Association) - Keegan Bailey, Mikaela Downing, Haylee Gillam, Reese Glynn, Carter Henderson, Owen Henderson, Ella Powers, and Hailee Schults
- Keegan Bailey was a finalist for the Star Over Iowa in Production Agriculture - she was one of 6 finalist and the only junior to compete at this level. Keegan owns and operates a diversified livestock operation consisting of 11 head of purebred Simmental cows, 1 bred and owned purebred Simmental herd bull, feeds out market lambs each spring/summer and feeds out market broiler pens for direct sales. She also works for her family farm, feelot, and feed store.
- Tucker Rohrig was named the south central FFA district treasurer.
- Creston FFA was recognized as an elite chapter receiving the Supreme National Chapter award, this is awarded to the top 10% of chapters across the state.
- The chapter participated in the state wide philanthropy project packaging over 200,000 meals with Meals From the Heartland.
- Advisor, Kelsey Bailey, was nominated and elected the Iowa FFA Association board of directors chairman and will serve a 2 year term guiding the organization of over 18,000 members and 230 plus chapters.
- May is school board member appreciation. On behalf of students, staff, parents, and community, I thank President Dr. Brad James, Vice President Mr. Galen Zumbach, Director Ms. Sharon Snodgrass, Director Mr. Don Gee, Director Dr. Amanda Mohr for their dedicated service to children, staff, and education.
- Iowa FFA State Leadership Conference Results (FFA contests must advance from sub district and district competitions to compete at state):
- Teacher Leadership report by Joni Gillam, Karlie Hyde, and Paula Jacobson- TLC survey results.
- Early Childhood Center eport by Principal Callie Anderson - Kindergarten Kickoff and professional development update.
- Elementary report by Principal Julie Plan - Essential standards, screen data and instruction.
- Business Manager Greene Report - Financial review and VISTA Iowa Business software progress.
- Superintendent Stender Report - reported on district projects, staffing update, Powerschool implementation, bid process for safety and security improvements, Free and Reduce lunch changes for 2022-23, and other business items.
- ESSER III Report - Mr. Stender reported on district projects funded by ESSER and plans for the remaining funds.
- Capital Projects - Mr. Stender reported on district capital projects.
Board Discussion – None
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the one time $500 employee retention payment from ESSER for all employees working on November 28, 2022. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Zumbach Seconded, to approve the bid and awarding the safety and security project to Blumm Technology for $408,673.82. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the proposal for auditing service from Notle, Cornman and Johnson PC. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the fiscal year 2021 district audit. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Moh seconded, to approve the resolution to participate in the Iowa Local Goverment Risk Pool for natural gas. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the second and final reading of policy series 400. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the first reading of policy series 500. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:41 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, June 20, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, July 18, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes - 2022.06.20
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
June 20, 2022
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, June 20, 2022. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, Dr. Amanda Mohr, and Sharon Snodgrass. Don Gee arrived at 6:20 p.m.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, and Casey Tanner.
A representative from the CNA and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually and recorded and is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the agenda with updates to items 6.4.3 and 8.2. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of May 15, 2022, and June 1, 2022
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Chris Tibbals, 8th Boys Basketball Coach
- William Mullin, Industrial Technology Teacher (Retire at the end of the 2022-23 school year)
- Jon Thomson, Head Golf Coach
- Breanna Ross, Ass’t Girls Soccer Coach
- Christina Long, Para
- Bryce Schaefer, MS Bus Supervisor
- DeeAnn Dougherty, Para
- Jennifer Simon, Administrative Ass’t
- Contracts
- Ashley Toney, Para for 2022-23 school year
- Tina Morrison, Summer Library Program
- Tiffany Cooper, Summer Library Program
- Lori Mann, Summer Library Program
- Alexandra McAnly, Administrative Assistant (Elementary School) for the 2022-23 year
- Cayla Maitlen, 8th Softball Coach (21-22)
- Stacey Tame, EMS Custodian
- Amber Kearney, Para for 2022-23 school year
- Chris Tibbals, HS Boys Assistant Basketball Coach (22-23)
- Ryan Kissell, MS Assistant Baseball Coach (21-22)
- Alex Tamerius, Summer Weights
- Casey Tanner, Summer Weights
- Steve Shantz, Summer Weights
- Patty Fudge, Cook
- Robin Sevier, Nurse
- Teresa Clark, Food Service Director for the 2022-23 year
- Amber Kingery, Summer Food Program Cook
- Voluntary Transfers
- Brandon Phipps, HS PE/Health Teacher for 2022-23 school year (was Elem PE)
- Agreements
- SEI Monitoring and Inspection Fire System
- MATURA Headstart Lease Agreement
- Resignations
- 2022-2023 Teacher Leadership Compensation Plan
- 2022-2023 Substitute Compensation and Commitment Schedule
- 2022-2023 Reimbursement Schedule
- 2022-2023 Instructional Fees
- Approve riding lawn mower purchase from Service Techs Inc. for $11,440.62
Communication and reports
- Business Manager Greene Report - Financial review and update on intern Brielle Baker.
- Superintendent Stender Report - reported on district projects, staffing updates, and other business items.
- ESSER III Report - Written report presented.
- Capital Projects - Written reports presented.
Board Discussion –Zumbach expressed concern about the tree trimming at the high school.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the District Student & Parent Handbook, District Staff Handbook, Panther Pride Preschool Handbook and Calendar, Paraprofessional Handbook, and Coaches Handbook for 2022-23. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the meal prices for the 2022-2023 school year. Adult Meals: Breakfast $2.50 from $1.80, Lunch: $4.13 from $3.95; Student Meals: Breakfast: $2.00 from $1.70, Lunch $3.00 from $2.60. Reduced meals will stay the same rate (breakfast at $0.30 and lunch at $.40). Discussion on the requirements for paid meals and suspension of ale cart. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the 2022-2023 dairy bid to Anderson Erickson and the bakery and bread bid to Bimbo Bakeries. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the 2022-2023 fuel bids from United Farmers Cooperative. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the second and final reading of policy series 500. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the first reading of policy series 600. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the strategic planning process. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the 2022-2023 District Goals. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:401 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, July 18, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Recording of June 20, 2022 meeting
Recording of June 20, 2022 meeting bgreene@cresto… Wed, 07/06/2022 - 08:25Board Minutes - 2022.06.29
Board of Directors Special Meeting
June 29, 2022
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Wednesday, June 29, 2022. The meeting was held in the High School Commons at 601 W. Townline as well as virtually, starting at 6:32 p.m. Sharon Snodgrass, Board Member presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Amanda Mohr, Don Gee, and Sharon Snodgrass.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Scott Driskell and Casey Tanner.
A representative from the CNA and KSIB were present. Over 40 community members.
The meeting was available virtually and recorded and is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 3-0.
Mr. Stender shared data from DLR and Piper Sandler on the potential facility projects. The community discussed and decided to move forward addition to the elementary/middle school, performing arts, activities addition to the high school, and tennis courts in a petition to present to the board for a September 13, 2022 GO Bond referendum. Petition with minimum of 298 signatures from Creston Community School district residents, will need to collected and returned to Board Secretary by noon July 25, 2022, with a special board meeting July 26, 2022.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 p.m. Motion carried 3-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, July 18, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Potential Special meeting Tuesday July 26, 2022.
2022-23 BOARD MINUTES Jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/22/2022 - 08:42Board Minutes-2022.07.18
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
July 18, 2022
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, July 18, 2022. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Dr. Amanda Mohr, and Don Gee.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, and Billie Jo Greene.
A representative from the CNA and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually and recorded and is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 3-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Mohr moved, Gee seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of June 20, 2022, and June 29, 2022
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Alexandra McAnly, Elementary Administrative Assistant
- Ruth Avazian, ISS/Library Para
- Contracts
- Edward Jones, EMS Custodian
- Kelsey Malmanger, Elementary SAM (School Administrative Manager)
- William Bucklin, Bus Driver
- Tony Neubauer, 7th Grade Head Football Coach
- Ashley Wantland, Cook
- Breanna Glen, Cook
- Voluntary Transfers
- Dan Lamgo, Kitchen Manager (was cook)
- Jodi Mobley, Cook (hours changed to 7/day)
- Involuntary Transfers
- Tracey Carlson-Lauer, HS Math (was High Lakes Academy)
- Resignations
- Agreements
- PowerSchool Access Agreement
- Matura Food Service Agreement
- Best Care EPA
- Agreements
Communication and reports
- Business Manager Greene Report - Financial review and discussed district funds.
- Superintendent Stender Report - Reported on district projects, staffing updates, potential issues with September 13, 2022 election, and other business items.
- District reports: When there is a change in staffing and programs, the administration carefully evaluates capacity and impact for effectiveness and efficiency. Through the changes in staff and programs, the estimated savings to the FY 23 budget as a result of staffing and program is $340,973.
- ESSER III Report - Written report presented.
- Capital Projects - Written report presented.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the girls wrestling program and Agreements with Lenox and East Union CSD. Motion carried 3-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to approve admission prices of $6 for high school events and middle school events are $4 for adults and $3 for students and use of Varsity Bound. Motion carried 3-0.
Mohr moved, Gee seconded, to approve the 2023 district legislative priorities as presented. Motion carried 3-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the District Job Descriptions. Motion carried 3-0.
Mohr moved, Gee seconded, to approve the District Developed Special Education Services Delivery Plan. Motion carried 3-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the second and final reading of policy series 600. Motion carried 3-0.
Mohr moved, Gee seconded, to approve the first reading of policy series 700. Motion carried 3-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 3-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Tuesday, July 26, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Special Board Meeting
- Monday, August 15, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, September 19, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2022.07.26
Board Minutes-2022.07.26Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
July 26, 2022
Board Special Meeting
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Tuesday, July 26, 2022. The meeting was held in the boardroom and started at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Dr. Amanda Mohr (joined virtually), Sharon Snodgrass, Don Gee and Galen Zumbach.
Administrators present: Billie Jo Greene and Deron Stender.
Representatives from KSIB were in attendance.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the Resolutions for Revenue Purpose Statement, Ordering an Election on the Issuance of $29,400,000 General Obligation School Bonds, and on a Revenue Purpose Statement to Authorize Expenditures from revenue from the State Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund, and Ordering the Publication of a Notice of Election. 369 district certified signatures were presented to the school board. Motion carried Roll Call Vote 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:05 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, August 15, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, September 19, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2022.08.15
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
August 15, 2022
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, August 15, 2022. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:02 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Dr. Amanda Mohr, Galen Zumbach, Sharon Snodgrass, and Don Gee.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Callie Anderson, Casey Tanner, and Billie Jo Greene.
A representative from the CNA and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually and recorded and is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of July 18, 2022, and July 26, 2022
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Agreements
- Vanco (RevTrak)
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Steve Shantz, Assistant Golf Coach
- Kelley Lovelady, Para
- Amber Kingery, Kitchen Manager
- Casey Tanner, Weight Room
- Daniel Riegel, Custodian
- Mike McCabe, Head Softball Coach
- Bradford William Hall, Bus Driver
- Brianna Vairo, Para
- Contracts
- Tracy Schaffer, Elementary Administrative Ass’t
- Katie Davidson, High Lakes Academy Alternative High School
- Angela Brokaw, HS Para
- Kathy Fleming, HS Para
- Cassidy Mullen, HS Para
- Marvin Sales, EMS Custodian
- Dana Dodge, HS PE/Health (50%)
- Debra George, Cook
- Cayla Maitlen, MS Volleyball Assistant Coach
- Samantha Fry, Bus Driver
- Andrea Slight, Para
- Additional Payments as presented
- Resignations
- Fundraisers as presented
- Volunteers as presented
Communication and reports
- Student Recognition:
- Softball Team Hawkeye 10 Champions with a 19-1 Record
- Hawkeye 10 All-Conference Teams
- Softball
- 1st Team
- Morgan Driskell
- Jersey Foote
- Gracie Hagle
- Nevaeh Randall
- 2nd Team
- Ava Adamson
- Halle Evans
- Taryn Fredrickson
- Honorable Mention
- Keely Coen
- 1st Team
- Baseball
- 1st Team
- Gannon Greenwalt
- 2nd Team
- Cale Turner
- Kyle Strider
- Honorable Mention
- Dylan Hoepker
- 1st Team
- All District Teams
- Softball
- Gracie Hagle
- Nevaeh Randall
- Baseball
- Gannon Greenwalt
- Softball
- Iowa Girls Coaches Association All-State
- 2nd Team
- Gracie Hagle
- 3rd Team
- Nevaeh Randall
- 2nd Team
- KMA Offensive Player of the Year
- Nevaeh Randall
- Softball
- Business Manager Greene Report - Financial review and Moody Investor Service report.
- Superintendent Stender Report - Reported on district goals, district legislative platform, back-to-school schedule, district projects, staffing updates, September 13, 2022 election, and other business items.
- ESSER III Report - Written report presented.
- Capital Projects - Written report presented.
- Board discussion on the GOB election on September 13, 2022
Snodgrass moved, Gee seconded, to approve the 2022-2023 out-of-state trips as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the 2022-2023 roster for complementary activity passes. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve Dr. Amanda Mohr and Dr. Brad James as the district representatives at the Special Delegate Assembly and the IASB Delegate Assembly. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the second and final reading of policy series 700. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the first reading of policy series 800. Motion
carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Tuesday, September 13, 2022, General Obligation Bond Election
- Monday, September 19, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, October 17, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2022.09.19
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
September 19, 2022
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, September 19, 2022. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Dr. Amanda Mohr (virtually), Galen Zumbach, Sharon Snodgrass, and Don Gee.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Casey Tanner, and Billie Jo Greene.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually and recorded and is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of August 15, 2022
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Agreements
- Motion Picture Licensing Corp.
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Randi Hammons, Cook
- Amy Hammons, Cook
- Kathy Fleming, Para
- Dick Bergstrom, 7th Assistant Football Coach
- Jacob Lister, MS Boys Wrestling Coach
- Contracts
- Nicole Seberger, Bus Driver (in addition to Custodian)
- Kelsey Bailey, Sub Bus Driver
- Jacob Lister, Sub Bus Driver
- Drew Dornack, Sub Bus Driver
- Dylan Holste, Sub Bus Driver
- Wade Bolinger, Sub Bus Driver
- Steve Shepherd, Sub Bus Driver
- Robert Beatty, Sub Bus Driver
- Chelcee Raathe, MS PE Teacher (59%)
- Bette Losee, Para HS
- Amanda Sauer, Para HS
- Jacob Baudler, Para Elem
- Gabriel Looney, Sub Bus Driver
- Jenny Fooken, Para ECC
- Angie Ray, Para Elem
- Jacob Baudler, Bus Driver
- Bryce Schafer, Assistant HS Golf Coach
- Chad Malmanger, 7th Assistant Football Coach
- Emma Hanson, 8th Head Volleyball Coach
- Jo Ann Farlow, Cook EMS
- Steve Shantz, Weight Training Coach
- Steve Shantz, Head HS Golf Coach
- Tawny Stauffer, Para HS
- Jennifer Rinehart, Cook EMS
- Amy Mattheis, Cook EMS
- Steve Shantz, 7th Boys Basketball Head Coach
- Jacob Lister, Head HS Girls Wrestling Coach
- Voluntary Transfers
- Jodi Mobley, HS Custodian (former cook)
- Kate Guiter, HS Library/ISS (former HS para)
- Resignations
- Donation as presented
- Volunteers as presented
Communication and reports
- Student Recognition:
- Homecoming Court 2022
- Caitlin Bruce
- Kloey Crawford
- Ami Patel
- Doryn Paup
- Tristen Rice
- Homecoming Court 2022
- TLC Report - goals, vision, and instructional support based on data.
- Elementary Principal Tanner’s Report - Teacher, student, scheduled, and culture updates for the elementary school.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Financial review and Moody Investor Service report.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - Reported on district goals, district legislative platform, district emergency operation plan, GOB and moving forward, IASB By-Laws, and other business items.
- ESSER III Report - Written report presented.
- Capital Projects - Written report presented.
- Zumbach and Gee would like to see the lettering on the Elem/MS sign and building updated to match.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve the updates to the middle school bell schedule as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the second and final reading of policy series 800. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the first reading of policy series 900. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, October 3, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Board Work session
- Monday, October 17, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, November 21, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2022.10.03
Board Minutes-2022.10.03
Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
October 3, 2022
Board Special Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Monday, October 3, 2022. The meeting was held in the boardroom and started at 6:0 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Dr. Amanda Mohr, Sharon Snodgrass, Don Gee, and Galen Zumbach.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Administrators present: Billie Jo Greene and Deron Stender.
Representative from KSIB.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda as amended by removing Item 4A. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded to approve the agreement with Southwest Iowa Drivers Education. Motion carried 5-0.
The board reviewed the capital projects and financing options for future capital outlay projects. The board directed Mr. Stender to contact DLR to evaluate space, instructional, and auxiliary utilization at the EMS and report back with the findings.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, October 17, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, November 21, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Nov. 16-18, 2022, 77th IASB Annual Convention
Board Minutes-2022.10.17
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
October 17, 2022
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, October 17, 2022. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Dr. Amanda Mohr, Galen Zumbach, Sharon Snodgrass, and Don Gee.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Bill Messerole, Lesa Downing, Callie Anderson, and Billie Jo Greene.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually, The recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of September 19, 2022, and October 3, 2022
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Amanda Sauer, Para
- Robert Beatty, Transportation Director
- LeeAnn Helgevold, 7th Grade Head Volleyball Coach
- Nicole Smart, Custodian/Bus Driver
- Contracts
- Amanda Sauer, Para
- Kierra Clymer, Para
- Diane Hudson, Cook
- Resignations
- Agreements
- Select Entertainment (Prom DJ)
- Donation as presented
- Volunteers as presented
- Approve Jane Shantz as the District Homeless Coordinator
- Approve Bill Messerole as the District 504 Coordinator
- Approve Sexual harassment/Level I Investigators: Angie Bolinger, Kelsey Malmanger, Scott Driskell; Sexual Harassment/Level II Investigator: Union County Attorney; Equity Coordinator/Affirmative Action: Deron Stender
Communication and reports
- Student Recognition: All Iowa Honor Dance Squad Selection- Emma Pantini
- Middle School Principal Downing’s Report - Counselor Corner, tardy data, social and emotional screener data.
- High School Principal Messerole’s Report - Credit deficiency and high school staff updates.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Financial review and Special Education financial report for FY22, and open enrollment changes.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - Certified enrollment preliminary data, Emergency Operation Plan progress, and DLR is developing a plan/proposal to study the EMS building.
- ESSER III Report - Written report presented.
- Capital Projects - Written report presented.
Zumbach moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the certification of the September 13, 2022, special school board election. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve the request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for the FY 22 special education deficit of $217,044.93. Motion carried 5-0
Zumbach moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the first and final reading of policy 502.10. Motion carried 5-0
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the first reading of policy updates in Vol. 31.1 from IASB. Motion carried 5-0
Zumbach moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the second and final reading of policy series 900. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Zumbach seconded, the approval of the revised job descriptions. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve the agreement with East Union and Murray CSD for shared Transportation Director. Motion carried 5-0
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the revised agreement with the Green Hills AEA for Technology and Managed Services. Motion carried 5-0
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:13 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, November 21, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Nov. 16-18, 2022, 77th IASB Annual Convention
- Monday, December 19, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2022.11.1
Board of Directors Special Meeting
November 1, 2022
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. The special board meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm, starting at 5:30 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Dr. Amanda Mohr, Galen Zumbach, Sharon Snodgrass, and Don Gee.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Bill Messerole, Scott Driskell, and Billie Jo Greene.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Zumbach moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, and the Board a held closed session to recommend the expulsion of a student as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(e) and to review or discuss records that are required by law to be kept confidential as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a). Motion carried Roll Call 5-0. Went into closed session at 5:32 p.m.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded to come out of closed session at 6:09 p.m. Motion carried Roll Call 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and Gee seconded, that the Board approved the Superintendent’s recommendation that the student who was the subject of the disciplinary hearing be expelled from the Creston Community School District through July 1, 2023, and that written findings and conclusions consistent with the Board’s deliberation be prepared, signed by the Board president, and mailed by the Board Secretary to the student and family. Motion carried Roll Call 5-0.
Don moved, and Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:13 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, November 21, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Nov. 16-18, 2022, 77th IASB Annual Convention
- Monday, December 19, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2022.11.21
Board Minutes-2022.11.21
Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
November 21, 2022
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, November 21, 2022. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Brad James, President presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Dr. Amanda Mohr, Galen Zumbach, and Sharon Snodgrass. Don Gee arrived at 6:09 p.m.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Scott Driskell, Casey Tanner, Callie Anderson, and Billie Jo Greene.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually, the recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of October 17, 2022, and November 1, 2022
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Joyce Rasmussen, Para
- Rick Cowden, HS evening Custodian
- Ashley Wantland, Cook
- Jennifer Rinehart, Cook
- Contracts
- Brandon Phipps, Head 8th Boys Basketball Coach
- Chad Malmanger, Ass’t MS Boys Wrestling Coach
- Matthew Buck, Head MS Boys Wrestling Coach
- Casidy Cavanaugh, Para
- Trishanna Sevier, Cheerleading BB Coach/Sponsor
- Justin Parsons, MS Athlete Para
- Hope Morgan, Cook
- Voluntary Transfer
- Allison Iiams, EMS Daytime Custodian (former HS evening Custodian)
- Marvin Sales, HS evening Custodian (former EMS evening Custodian)
- Resignations
- Agreements
- 2022-2023 STEM Best Enhancement Award for ECC and Middle School
- Donation - Kathy Rieck to Panther tennis; Rhonda Vogel to ECC for hats and gloves.
- Volunteer - Wrestling-Ryan Shinn, Bowling-Glenn Orr, Field Trips-David Buchanan, Band-Erin Kiley, Field Trips & Activities-Jennifer Veitz, READs Program-Ryan Shinn, Glenn Orr, David Buchanan, Erin Kiley, Jennifer Veitz, Alice Reed, Angela Chen, Avery Bunkofske, Barbara Coenen, Christine Mansour, Connie Coen, Debra Loudon, Emma Fredrickson, Eula Dolecheck, Frederick Franklin, Gwen Buck, James Giles, Jazmeania Belew, Karen Fries, Kathy Rieck, Kelsey Blazek, Kylie Campbell-Metheny, Linda Clark, Marilyn Adams, Melinda Abell, Michelle Hunter, Payton Davis, Rhonda Giles, Richard Homewood, Sharon Snodgrass, Sharon Bennett, Sharon Gardner, and Victoria Homewood.
Communication and reports
- Early Childhood Center Principal Anderson’s Report - STEM BEST award, Iowa School Performance Profiles for ECC and Elementary over the past four reportable years district composite score has increased by 6.48 points and has gone from acceptable to commendable to high performing, and in 2022 the average composite score for the state of Iowa was 54.65 points and Creston Elem was 61.27 point, Fall Parent Teacher Conference attendance data, thanks to Quad Counties for Kids scholarship for 3-year-old Preschool, and PTO Polar Express family fun event Saturday, Dec. 3rd from 1-3 p.m. at Creston Elementary.
- Elementary Principal Tanner’s Report - READs program, 4th-grade field trip to the Capital, and TAG program food drive.
- Activity Director/Assistant Principal Driskell’s Report - Reviewed fall and winter activities participation, student, and program successes.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Financial review and details on certified enrollment and projections of declining enrollment data.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - Early Childhood and Elementary students have achieved high-performance status and the middle and high school have achieved commendable performance on the 2021 state assessments, staff shortage in food service, custodial, paraprofessional, and transportation departments, District Emergency Operation Plan (EOP), DLR reviews the data collected and will develop options to present to the school board in December, Red Lion a solar option will present to the board in December and supply chain shortage for buses, vans, the suburban district will create an RFP to start the process for future purchases.
- ESSER III Report - Written report presented.
- Capital Projects - Written report presented.
President James turned the meeting over to president pro-term Greene.
Snodgrass nominated Don Gee for the Office of President. Seconded by Zumbach. Roll call 5-0 Don Gee was named Board President. The oath of office was administered to Don Gee, the newly elected president. President pro-term Greene turned the meeting over to President Gee
Dr. James nominated Dr. Amanda Mohr for the Office of Vice President. Seconded by Zumbach. Roll call 5-0. Dr. Amanda Mohr was named Board Vice President. The oath of office was administered to Dr. Amanda Mohr, newly elected vice president.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve Billie Jo Greene as School Board Secretary and Pat Moeller as School Board Treasurer. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, James seconded, to approve school board meetings to be held on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the boardroom at the Central Office at 801 North Elm St. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve Director Brad James as the Union County Conference Board Representative and Director Don Gee as the Adams County Conference Board Representative. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded to approve the Creston News Advertiser as the district’s official newspaper. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to adopt a resolution that Creston Community School District of Creston, IA, in Union County, IA, approve Iowa State Savings Bank as a financial institution to be depository of Creston Community School District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452 and 453 (1993) as amended by 1984 Iowa Acts, S.F. 2220. The business manager, board secretary, and board treasurer are hereby authorized to deposit Creston Community School funds at IASB. Naming Iowa State Savings Bank up to $10,000,000 and PMA up to $10,000,000 as the financial institutes of the depository. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm as the District Legal Counsel. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the second and final reading of policy updates in Vol. 31.1 from IASB. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the first-semester early graduation list pending successful completion of the graduation requirements as set forth by the Board of Education and the state of Iowa. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve district administration's authorization to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $268,844.40 open enrolled out students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve district administration's authorization to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $26,835.00 related to the English language learning program for students who have exceeded five years of weighting that are included on the Fall 2022 certified enrollment headcount. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve district administration's authorization to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $12,847.28 due to excess costs of providing the LEP program in the prior year. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the Superintend to sell and dispose of public property as necessary and in accordance with Iowa Code. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, Zumbach seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 pm. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, December 19, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, January 16, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2022.12.19
Board Minutes-2022.12.19Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
December 19, 2022
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, December 19, 2022. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Don Gee, President presided and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Dr. Brad James, Dr. Amanda Mohr, Galen Zumbach, and Sharon Snodgrass.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Lesa Downing, Bill Messerole, Casey Tanner, and Billie Jo Greene.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually, the recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of November 21, 2022
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Michael Lochmoeller, Para
- Rebecca Ross, Head Girls Soccer Coach
- Carinda Davis, Para
- Breanna Glenn, Cook
- Sherri Hodge, Cook
- Hope Morgan, Cook
- Contracts
- Jayson Shimer, Custodian
- Jessica Jay, Para
- Ethan Faeth, Sub Bus Driver
- Jerry White, Bus Driver
- Sherri Hodge, Cook
- Jacob Lister, MS Head Girls Wrestling
- Resignations
- Agreements
- Green Hills AEA Agreement
- Donation - Kathy Rieck to Panther tennis; Rhonda Vogel to ECC for hats and gloves; STEM Council to ECC STEM Classroom; REC Foundation to HS Robotics Club; BUNN, PCSB Bank, Arnold Motor Supply, Walter Farms, Hartsock Insurance Services, Creston Activities Booster Club, Chris Lane Real Estate, Adams Street Espresso, Clausen Underground Construction, American Family Insurance: Turner & Associates, Bill and Devon Messerole, Tom & Nancy Hawks, Creston Family Restaurant, Creston Automotive, First National Bank, House of Pain, Balanced Bookkeeping Services, Chad Malmanger, Hanson Fitness, Amanda Mohr, Mario's Sports Bar and Grill, MAYKIN Farms, Fareway Meat & Grocery, J & J Plumbing and Heating, KSIB Radio for Union County Honor Flights; Creston Activity Boosters for Ticket Booth.
- Volunteer -Anna Bolinger and Janice Ramaeker for READ’s.
Communication and reports
- Terry Dvorak with Red Lion Renewables, LLC presented the Solar Power Service Agreement.
- Student Recognition:
- All-Iowa 8th Grade Honor Band
- Kaylie Phelps- 1st Chair Flute*
- Delaney Rooney- 3rd Chair Clarinet*
- Violet Franklin-Marcus- 1st Chair Trumpet*
- Zaina Harvey- 2nd Chair Trumpet*
- Reese Strunk-1st Chair Horn*
- Kiya Capson- 1st Chair Trombone*
- Reagan Guiter- 2nd Chair Trombone*
- 7th Grade Honor Band Recognition
- Nevaeh Peña- 1st Chair Tenor Saxophone
- Brooke Huck- 1st Chair Trumpet
- Charlie Anderson-2nd Chair Tuba
- Lauren Purdum- 2nd Chair Mallet
- Trinitie Smith- 2nd Chair Bass Clarinet
- Rosalie Austin- 3rd Chair Trumpet
- Ricci Johnston- 3rd Chair Percussion
- Hawkeye 10 All-Conference Volleyball
- Doryn Paup- 2nd Team
- Class 3A District 6 All District Teams
- 1st Team
- Brennan Hayes- Running Back
- Gannon Greenwalt- Defensive Back
- Austin Evans- Defense At-Large
- 2nd Team
- Kyle Strider- Quarterback
- Cael Turner- Wide Receiver
- Dylan Calvin- Wide Receiver
- Quinten Fuller- Lineman
- Max Chapman- Lineman
- Ty Morrison- Linebacker
- Austin Seaton- Defense At-Large
- Honorable Mention
- Brandon Briley
- Jagger Luther
- Cade Wurster
- McCoy Haines
- 1st Team
- All-State Choir
- Bridget Hopkins
- All-State Band
- Brooklyn Hanson
- Hawkeye 10 Academic All Conference
- Keely Coen
- Hayden Ray
- Caitlin Bruce
- Jacy Kralik
- Brooklyn McKinney
- Doryn Paup
- Haylee Gillam
- Kenna Tomas
- Aleah Calvin
- Trey Chesnut
- Payton Conley
- Gannon Greenwalt
- Kohl Ringer
- Kyle Strider
- George Weis
- Cade Wurster
- Emma Pantini
- Sydney Strunk
- Mallory Wilson
- Riley Wipperman
- Abigail Walker
- Bridget Hopkins
- Mica Andreasen
- All-Iowa 8th Grade Honor Band
- Middle School Principal Downing’s Report - Curriculum, Assessment, Instruction, Culture, MS Counselor update and CCMS Voice.
- High School Principal Messerole’s Report - Dropout data, CTE mini grant awarded, College Psychology is taught in-house, and upper level math day.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Financial review, ISFIS Finance resource and Lunch and Instructional Fee update.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - Staff shortage, Safety and Security Assessment conducted by Dept. of Homeland Security, DLR facility update, series of school finance articles, and 2023-2024 school calendar preparation
- ESSER III Report - Written report presented.
- Capital Projects - Written report presented.
Director Zumbach and Director Mohr are the lead negotiators for the district to negotiate with the Creston Education Association and AFSCME Local 3467.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve authorization of the superintendent to purchase vehicles to improve and maintain transportation needs. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, James seconded, the Board hold a closed session as provided in section 21.5(1)(a) of the open meeting law to review or discuss records which are required or authorized to be kept confidential. The board reviewed the Emergency Operation Plan. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. In closed session time: 7:48 p.m.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, and the Board came out of the closed session. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. Out of closed session time: 8:00 p.m.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded to approve the 2022-2023 Emergency Management Plan as presented during closed session. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, James seconded, the Board hold a closed session as provided in section 21.5(1)(i) of the open meeting law to evaluate the professional competency of the superintendent whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. In closed session time: 8:03 p.m.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, and the Board came out of the closed session. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. Out of closed session time: 8:27 p.m.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, January 16, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, February 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Tuesday, February 14, 2023, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., IASB Day on the Hill
Board Minutes-2023.1.16
Board Minutes-2023.1.16Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
January 16, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, January 16, 2023. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Amanda Mohr Vice-President presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, and Sharon Snodgrass. Don Gee arrived at 6:37 p.m.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Callie Anderson, Casey Tanner, and Billie Jo Greene.
The vice president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually, the recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Zumbach moved, and Jamess seconded, to approve the amended agenda to remove action item new bus purchase. Motion carried 4-0.
There was no public forum participation.
James moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 4-0.
- Minutes of December 19, 2022
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Amy Maeder, Para (Library)
- Betty Losee, Para
- Angie McIntosh, Central Office Administrative Assistant
- Contracts
- Teresa Arkfeld, 7th Grade Girls Basketball Head Coach
- Rodney Case, EMS Custodian
- Resignations
- Agreements
- MBA Plugin for Fees
- Donation - Luther Solutions, Inc., Precast Concrete Company LLC., Pokorny BP, Nancy Loudon-Creston Realty, Richard & Mindy Dresback, Stalker Auto Group, Subway-Cres, The Lobby for Union County Honor Flights..
Communication and reports
- David Vollmar with Alliant Energy reviewed and discussed solar energy options.
- Teacher Leadership Committee Report was presented by Michelle Thatcher and Paula Jacobson on the vision, goals and strategy implementation guide and mentoring.
Don Gee arrived at 6:37 p.m.
- Early Childhood Principal Anderson’s Report - Curriculum, Assessment, Instruction distinct wide.
- Elementary Principal Tanner’s Report - updates on cursive writing, math pilot and enrollment.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Financial review, Lunch update and budget timeline, board workshop set for March 8th at 6:00 p.m., budget hearing April 10 at 6:00 p.m.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - Staff shortage, future capital projects, FY 24 school calendar and legislative discussion.
- Board discussion on solar energy and available options, impact on the district. Terry Dvorak with Red Lion Renewables, LLC shared solar energy options and the process to proceed with inquiry..
- ESSER III Report - Written report presented.
- Capital Projects - Written report presented.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the good faith agreement with Red Lion for solar exploration int for power purchase agreement - solar and battery scope as it wicks with Alliant Energy solar project. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve partnership with Alliant Energy on solar energy. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve the 2023-2024 Modified Supplemental Allowance for the At Risk plan for $517,798. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve setting a public hearing for February 20, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2023-2024 school calendar.
Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve out of state travel and leave for Superintendent for 2023.. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 pm. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, February 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Tuesday, February 14, 2023, IASB Day on the Hill
- Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 6:00 p.m. Budget workshop
- Monday, March 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, April 10, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Budget Hearing Meeting
- Monday, April 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2023.2.10 Special
Board of Directors Special Meeting
February 10, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Friday, February 10, 2023. The special board meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm, starting at 7:00 a.m. Don Gee, President presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, Sharon Snodgrass, and Don Gee. Dr. Amanda Mohr was absent
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Bill Messerole, Scott Driskell, Billie Jo Greene, and Mitch Pashek.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, and the Board a held closed session to recommend the expulsion of a student as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(e) and to review or discuss records that are required by law to be kept confidential as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a). Motion carried Roll Call 4-0. Went into a closed session at 7:01 a.m.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded to come out of the closed session at 7:44 a.m. Motion carried Roll Call 5-0.
James moved, Zumbach seconded, and the Board held an executive session to review or discuss records that are required by law to be kept confidential as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a). Motion carried Roll Call 4-0. Went into a closed session at 7:50 a.m.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded to come out of the closed session at 8:22 a.m. Motion carried Roll Call 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded, that the Board approved the Superintendent’s recommendation that the student who was the subject of the disciplinary hearing be expelled from the Creston Community School District through August 1, 2023, and that written findings and conclusions consistent with the Board’s deliberation be prepared, signed by the Board president, and mailed by the Board Secretary to the student and family. Motion carried Roll Call 4-0.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 a.m. Motion carried 4-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, February 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
- Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 6:00 p.m. Budget workshop
- Monday, March 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, April 10, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Budget Hearing Meeting
- Monday, April 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2023.2.20
Board Minutes-2023.2.20Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
February 20, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, February 20, 2023. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Don Gee President presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James via zoom, Galen Zumbach, Dr. Amanda Mohr, and Sharon Snodgrass. Administrators present: Deron Stender, Lesa Downing, Casey Tanner, and Billie Jo Greene.
The vice president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually, the recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Open Hearing for 2023-2024 School Calendar opened at 6:01 p.m. There were no oral or written objections to the 2023-2024 School Calendar. Closed at 6:03 p.m.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of January 16, 2023, February 10, 2023
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Jayson Shimer, Custodian
- Patricia Moeller, Bookkeeper (Retire 6.30.23)
- Ryan Kissell, Assistant Boys Soccer
- LeeAnn Helgevold, Teacher (End of 22-23 School Year)
- Janelle Luther, Teacher (Retire end of 22-23 School Year)
- Joan Lienemann, Teacher (Retire end of 22-23 School Year)
- Ron Pendegraft, Bowling Coach
- Terminations
- Marvin Sales, Custodian
- Voluntary Transfers
- Katelyn Fargo, library para
- Resignations
- Donation - Jessica Duncan $250, Ann Marie Kinsella $100, Hy-Vee $30, Fareway $25, and Subway $50 to help with Speech Team cost for contest.
- Fundraisers as presented.
Communication and reports
- Student and Staff Recognition: Early Childhood Center Explore - STEM Day on the Hill; Hwy 34 Wrestling- Savannah Sistad 5th place finish IGHSAU State Wrestling Tournament: Wrestling-Hawkeye 10 Tournament Champions, Hawkeye 10 Regular Season Champions, 5th Place Finisher At Dual Team State Tournament; Speech The following Students will be performing at the All-State Large Group Speech Festival in Ames -One Act Plays Ami Patel, Carson Beer, Christian White, Dravin Drake, Maddie Kinsella, Mahi Patel, Max Davis, Taron Needham, Amber DeGonia, Brighton Regan, Karlee Caps, Nevaeh Kerns, Paytin Smith; Group Improv-Austin Seaton, Kohl Ringer; Radio - Abby Freeman, Ale Villanueva, Anthony Wilkinson, Wyatt Hitz
- Middle School Principal Downing’s Report - Curriculum, Assessment, Instruction, Culture, MS Counselor update and CCMS Voice.
- High School Principal Messerole’s Report - Speech Contest, SOS partnership with Greater Regional Medical Center, Robotics Team, and MathWorks Math Modeling Challenge.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Financial review, board workshop set for March 8th at 6:00 p.m., budget hearing April 10 at 6:00 p.m, and the district sold 2003 Dodge Van.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - Facilities and Services, solar options, working with DLR on proposed concepts, State Supplemental Aid was set at 3%, district health insurance rates increased by 6.45%, Labor Management Committee, and STOPit.
- ESSER III Report - Written report presented.
- Capital Projects - Written report presented.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve setting a public hearing for April 10, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2023-2024 budget. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded approved March 14, 2023 at 2 pm the quotation date for the elementary middle school playground, equipment, and surfacing project. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the 2023-2024 school calendar. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the revised Panther Pride Preschool Handbook changes. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the revised job description for Central Office Generalist I & II. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the purchase of a used bus from School Bus Sales for 2022-2023. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the bid purchase of a bus from School Bus Sales for 2023-2024. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 pm. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 6:00 p.m. Budget workshop
- Monday, March 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, April 10, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Budget Hearing Meeting
- Monday, April 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2023.3.08
Board Minutes-2023.3.08Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
Working Session
Budget Review 2023-2024
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Wednesday, March 8, 2022. The meeting was held in the boardroom and started at 6:00 p.m. Don Gee, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Dr. Amanda Mohr, Sharon Snodgrass, Don Gee and Galen Zumbach. Administrators present: Deron Stender, Bill Messerole, Callie Anderson, Casey Tanner, and Billie Jo Greene. Guest: Travis Squires, Financial Advisor from Piper Jaffery.
Visitors: Dana Bakerink, Kelsey Donner, and Callie Worisek.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Squires reviewed budget projects and formulas impacting projected budgets. Indicated a healthy general fund balance with a need to make one-time general fund expenditures and avoid long term allocations to sustain a balanced and healthy solvency ratio.
Mrs. Greene and Mr. Stender reviewed the district financial projections based on enrollment, SSA, and the six funds. Outlined the following:
- ESSER impact on growth of the general fund, SAVE, & PPEL
- One-time expenditures from the general fund FY 23:
- Bus
- Math Curriculum
- Technology Purchasing Cycle
- Clear Touch Panels
- Mower
- Skid Steer
- Balanced Categorical Budgets through retirements and reduced extended contracts:
- At Risk
- General Fund
- The board discussed financial expectations and proposed budgets for the 2023-2024 school year. The consensus of the school board was to recognize the proposed levy and budget for FY24. Mrs. Greene reviewed the funds descriptions, financial health of the district, certified enrollment data and the proposed FY 24 budget. Mr. Stender shared options administration that aligned staff and resources to address budget constraints.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, March 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, April 10, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Budget Hearing Meeting
- Monday, April 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2023.3.20
Board Minutes-2023.3.20
Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
March 20, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, March 20, 2023. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Don Gee President presided and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, Dr. Amanda Mohr, and Sharon Snodgrass. Administrators present: Deron Stender, Scott Driskell, Callie Anderson, Lesa Downing, Casey Tanner, and Billie Jo Greene.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB were present.
The meeting was available virtually, the recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Snodgrass moved, and James seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of February 20, 2023 and March 8, 2023
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Debra George, Cook
- Matthew Buck, MS Boys Wrestling Coach
- Cynthia Johnson, Para
- Michele Thatcher, Teacher (Retire end of 22-23 school year)
- Dawn Daily, Teacher (Resigning of 22-23 school year)
- Sara Keeler, 7th Grade Softball Coach
- Terminations
- Melisa Griesinger, Para
- Contracts
- Payton Pryor, Assistant Boys Soccer Coach
- Cole Crawford, MS PE/Health Teacher (2023-24 school year)
- Cynthia Johnson, Para (2/9-17/23)
- Cynthia Johnson, Custodian (started 2/21/23)
- Adrian Flores, Head Girls Soccer Coach
- David Hartman, Head Girls Softball Coach
- Dr. William Ralston, Ass’t Girls Soccer Coach (.5)
- Ryan Burwell, Ass’t Girls Soccer Coach (.5)
- CEA intent to Negotiate
- AFSCME intent to Negotiate
- Southwestern Community College Contracts
- Automotive Repair Technology and Carpentry
- Arts and Sciences
- Auto Collision Repair/Refinish and Electrical Technology Career Academy
- Health Career Academy
- Information Technology Systems Networking Career Academy,
- Concurrent Enrollment Program
- Welding Career Academy
- Summer Welding Technology Career Academy, Carpentry & Building Trades and Health Science Career Academy
- Nodaway Valley Girls Soccer Agreement
- Iowa LGPR Natural Gas Program Agreement
- Resignations
- Donations: Color Guard from Mark and Mary O'Riley- $500; Union County Honor Flights from Tripp Farms $150, Ben and Brenda Walker $50, Mike and Joanne Gibson $150, Townline Roundhouse Apartments $150, Tyler Insurance Services $150, Schultz Family $50; Kindergarten Class from Iowa State Savings Bank $600; Creston Food Services from Family of Howard Stoll $1096.27
- Volunteers as presented
Communication and reports
- Student and Staff Recognition: - Hawkeye 10 All Conference Basketball Girls- Doryn Paup- Unanimous 1st Team, Boys-Cael Turner- 2nd Team, Kyle Strider- Honorable Mention, Doryn Paup ; 1st Team All State Iowa Girls Coaches Association, 3rd Team All State Iowa Print SportsWriters Association, KMA Elite Girls Basketball Team; Wrestling-Individual State Tournament Qualifiers and Place winners, Christian Ahrens- 8th Place, Lincoln Keeler, Trey Chesnut, Chris Aragon, Austin Evans- 7th Place, Will Bolinger, Kaden Street, Max Chapman; Academic All State-Will Bolinger, Trey Chesnut, Austin Evans; Honorable Mention-Max Chapman; Individual State Speech: Ami Patel & Christian White- Storytelling Bridget Hopkins- Solo Musical Theater.
- Early Childhood Center Principal Anderson’s Report - English Language Program, Special Education Program, Assessment, Title I Literacy Night and Rock your Sock Day celebrating World Down Syndrome Day.
- Elementary Principal Tanner’s Report - Math Pilot iReady; field trips, playground update and seeking ideas on what to do with the wooden train.
- Athletic Director Driskell’s Report - Winter activities review and baseball concession update
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Financial review, FY 22 audit extension, budget FY24 review with board and staff presentation.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - Food Service Management Companies update, AFSCME and CEA negotiations process, Labor Management Committee and FY 24 handbook update, community coffee schedule.
- ESSER III Report - Written report presented.
- Capital Projects - Written report presented.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve the contract with Playcore Wisconsin, Inc. (dba Game Time) for the Elementary Playground Equipment for $310,320.29 and additional replacement fabric roof for $4,839.91. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, Zumbach seconded and approved the contract with C&J Conservation for demolition, earthwork and concrete curbing for Elementary Playground for $12,000. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve the amended AIA agreement for the playground design, bid and construction phase for $15,000. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the skid steer from Case for $54,500. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve the mower from Service Tech for $8,207.79. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve the revised 2022-2023 calendar to not extend student days and for flexible and hybrid collaboration for licensed staff. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, James seconded, to approve the 2023-24 district health insurance with ISEBA. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, Zumbach seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:59 pm. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Tuesday, March 24, 2023, 7:00 a.m., Special Board Meeting
- Monday, April 10, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Budget Hearing Meeting
- Monday, April 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, May 15, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Recording of March 20, 2023 Board meeting. Password is Creston2023!
Recording of March 20, 2023 Board meeting. Password is Creston2023! bgreene@cresto… Wed, 03/22/2023 - 09:04Board Minutes-2023.3.24
Board of Directors Special Meeting
March 24, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Friday, March 24, 2023. The special board meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm, starting at 7:00 a.m. Don Gee, President presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, Amanda Mohr, and Don Gee. Dr. Sharon Snodgrass was absent
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Bill Messerole, Scott Driskell, Billie Jo Greene, Maigen Carrall, and Mitch Pashek.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mohr moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
James moved, Zumbach seconded, and the Board a held closed session to recommend the expulsion of a student as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(e) and to review or discuss records that are required by law to be kept confidential as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a). Motion carried Roll Call 4-0. Went into closed session at 7:02 a.m.
James moved, Zumbach seconded, and the Board held an executive session to review or discuss records that are required by law to be kept confidential as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a). Motion carried Roll Call 4-0. Went into a closed session at 7:19 a.m.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded to come out of the closed session at 7:53 a.m. Motion carried Roll Call 4-0.
Mohr moved, and Zumbach seconded, that the Board approved the Superintendent’s recommendation that the student who was the subject of the disciplinary hearing be expelled from the Creston Community School District through January 15, 2024, and that written findings and conclusions consistent with the Board’s deliberation be prepared, signed by the Board president, and mailed by the Board Secretary to the student and family. Motion carried Roll Call 4-0.
Mohr moved, and James seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 a.m. Motion carried 4-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, April 10, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Budget Hearing Meeting
- Monday, April 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, May 15, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2023.4.10
Board of Directors Special Meeting
April 10, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, April 10, 2023. The special board meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm, starting at 6:00 p.m. Don Gee, President presided and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Dr. Brad James viritally, Galen Zumbach, Dr. Amanda Mohr virtually, and Sharon Snodgrass virtually.
Administrators present: Deron Stender and Billie Jo Greene.
A representative from the KSIB was remote.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Open hearing at 6:01 p.m. for the 2023-2024 Proposed Budget There were no oral or written objections to the 2023-2024 Proposed Budget. Hearing closed at 6:12 p.m.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve the Budget Guarantee Resolution for FY 24 for the regular program budget as allowed under Iowa Code 257.14. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the 2023-2024 budget. Motion carried 5-0.
Superintendent Deron Stender reminded the school board that the budget was projected at a 3% increase to salaries and benefits for FY 24. The bargaining units settlements that will be presented to the board on April 17th reflects a 4.72% budget increase due to the CEA agreement and 8.75% budget increase due to the AFSCME agreement. Mr. Stender noted that these settlements compound and with declining enrollment may have a negative impact on future budgets and that reductions in force may be necessary and the CEA indicated they are aware of and ok with that. Mr. Stender stated that the administration will continue to make financial decisions that have the least impact on children, classrooms, and programs.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:06 a.m. Motion carried 4-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
Monday, April 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Monday, May 15, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Recording of April 10, 2023 Budget Hearing Password is Creston2023!
Recording of April 10, 2023 Budget Hearing Password is Creston2023!Recording of April 10, 2023 Budget Hearing Passcode: Creston2023!
Board Minutes-2023.4.17
Board Minutes-2023.4.17
Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
April 17, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, April 17, 2023. The meeting Vice-President presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James and Sharon Snodgrass. Galen Zumbach arrived at 6:06 p.m. and Don Gee arrived at 6:11 p.m. Administrators present: Deron Stender, Bill Messerole, Lesa Downing, and Billie Jo Greene.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB were present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually and the recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
James moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the amended agenda by moving Item 6G4 Proposed Lease Agreement to Item 7AA Customer Hosted Solar Agreement with Alliant Energy. Motion carried 3-0.
There was no public forum participation.
James moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 3-0.
- Minutes of March 10, 2023, March 24, 23, and April 10, 2023
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Kim Lamgo, Teacher (Resign end of 22-23 school year)
- Ryan Summers, Para (as of 3/31/23)
- Justin Parsons, MS Athlete Para (as of 3/30/23)
- Lisa Tomas, Teacher (Resign end of 22-23 school year)
- Vanissa Spencer, Teacher (Resign end of 22-23 school year)
- Kara Henrichs, Teacher (Resign end of 22-23 school year)
- Contracts
- Taylor Royster, Generalist I (as of 5/1/23)
- Addison Shay, Generalist II (as of 5/15/23)
- Kathryn Thorne Ralston, STEM Grant Coordinator (as of 4/3/23)
- Amy Sheeley, Title/Interventionist (23-24 school year)
- Involuntary Transfer
- Brendalee Lyell, Custodian (as of 7/1/2023)
- Green Hills AEA Service Agreement for Managed Services
- Alliant Line Easement
- Resignations
- Donations: City of Creston-filled in potholes in drive and parking lots: Union County Honor Flight-Stahl Construction $500, Jane Brown P.T. $50, Brett Street Power Washing $50, Little Green Trailer $50, Mike and Rita Wolfe $50, Rita Wolfe $100, Bullpen Barbershop $50, Hot Air Brewing $130, R Realty $130, Spencer Street Lawn Care $150, Rob and April Evans Family $150, The Starlin's $50, Creston Activities Darwin West Memorial $1000, HS Baseball AKC Marketing Scott Clem Memorial $5000, Donation of long lens Terry Freeman, Iowa STEM Grant $8,000, Creston FBLA SCICF $500.
Communication and reports
Galen Zumbach arrived at 6:06 p.m. and Don Gee arrived at 6:11 p.m.
- Student and Staff Recognition: - State FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) 1st Place Digital Video Production- Sam Henry and Conner Wiley, 1st Place Future Business Leader - Kyle Stafford, 1st Place Local Chapter Exhibit - Anna Bolinger and Doryn Paup, 1st Place Sales Presentation - Anna Bolinger and Ady Morrison, These students and the following have qualified for the National FBLA Conference at the end of June in Atlanta, Georgia., Emma Pantini, Kate Woods, Denton Lane, Dillon Starlin, Sydney Strunk, George Weis, Brendan Millslagle, Jaxon Jondle, CT Stalker, Owen Weis, Robotics-Bean DeBoer- 1st place Photographic Tech (Qualified for Nationals)-Hawkeye 10 Character Award, Doryn Paup-Hawkeye 10 Academic Award, Addison Snodgrass
- Middle School Principal Downing’s Report - FAST Winter DATA, Math/ELA, Culture and Climate, Don’t Quite Application, Shrek the Musical JR.
- High School Principal Messerole’s Report - commencement May 21, 2023 at 2:00 p.m., Senior Awards night May 10, 2023 at 6:00 p.m., Ministerial Association will be hosting Baccalaureate Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 7:00 pm.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Historical enrollment projection testing. Investigating other enrollment projection models to support the financial planning of the district.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - The district will not enter into an agreement with Food Service Management Companies for FY 24 and will consider conducting the RFP process next winter. , Collaboration with the city to install three speed signs at critical points Lincoln and Townline, DLR projects updates, Labor Management Committee progress, Panther Appreciation-district is planning to designate May 1-May 5 as Panther Appreciation-In appreciation of all of our staff and volunteers, we have scheduled The Little Green Trailer to provide lunch at each of the student centers, you are welcome to join us. We are also planning other Panther Appreciation activities to celebrate and recognize everyone who supports our children, staff, and schools: May 2 ECC 11:00-11:45, May 3 EMS 10:45, 1:00-May 4 HS 11:00-1:00
- ESSER III Report - Written report presented.
- Capital Projects - Written report presented.
- Solar Energy update
- No Board Discussion
Snodgrass moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve setting May 9, 2023, at 2 p.m. as the quotation date for the high school and elementary/middle school tuckpointing project. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, Zumbach seconded and approved Customer Hosted Solar Agreement with Alliant Energy. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Sharon seconded, to approve the summer food program. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the 2023 graduates pending successful completion of the graduation requirements as set forth by the Board of Education Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the 2023-24 statewide voluntary preschool program contracts with Trinity Lutheran Preschool, St. Malachy School, Matura Headstart and SWCC. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the 2023-2024 Master Agreement with CEA reflecting a 4.72% total package increase. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the 2023-2024 Master Agreement with AFSCME reflecting a 8.45% total package increase. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, James seconded, and the Board conducted exempt employee negotiations in accordance with Iowa Chapter 20.17(3). Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. In closed session time: 6.54 p.m.
Mohr moved, James seconded, and the Board came out of the closed session. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. Out of closed session time: 7:43 p.m.
Snodgrass moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve a 3.5% increase on salaried staff above $85K and 4.72% for all other non-union salaried staff. Non-union hourly staff shall receive $1.20 per hour, longevity update and shift differential update. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve the administrative contracts with an increase of salaries of 3.5%. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:48 pm. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, May 15, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, June 19, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Recording of April 17, 2023 Board meeting. Password is Creston2023!
Recording of April 17, 2023 Board meeting. Password is Creston2023!Recording of April 17, 2023 Board meeting Passcode: Creston2023!
There seems to be no sound on the recording.
Board Minutes-2023.5.01
Board of Directors Special Meeting
May 1, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, May 1, 2023. The special board meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm, starting at 6:00 p.m. Don Gee, President presided and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, Dr. Amanda Mohr, and Sharon Snodgrass.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Lesa Downing, Casey Tanner, Callie Anderson, and Billie Jo Greene.
DLR Group : Eric Beron, Samuel Rushenberg, Andrew Van Leeuwen
A representative from KSIB.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, James seconded, to approve the account authority resolution as presented with Iowa State Saving Bank by adding Taylor Royster wire transfer for payroll and Addison Shay ACH. Motion carried 5-0.
Eric Beron reviewed the project timeline since the bond attempt in September 2022, addressed changes in design concepts that focus on increasing safety and security by hardening the parameter at each facility. Reviewed concepts to proceed with a new early childhood wing at the EMS. Presented concepts to address the flow of traffic at the EMS. Reviewed design concepts for the EMS and HS offices. Reviewed dates and bonds can be considered and discussed options.
The board directed Mr. Stender to visit with the community committee and get feedback to help determine if there is support for the bond campaign.
Financial information was provided by Travis Squires, Piper Sandler for data comparison.
James moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 a.m. Motion carried 5-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, June 19, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, July 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Recording of May 01, 2023 Board meeting. Password is Creston2023!
Recording of May 01, 2023 Board meeting. Password is Creston2023!Recording of May 1, 2023 Board meeting Passcode: Creston2023!
Board Minutes-2023.5.15
Board Minutes-2023.5.15Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
May 15, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, May 15, 2023. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Don Gee President presided and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Administrators present: Deron Stender, Callie Anderson, Casey Tanner, and Billie Jo Greene.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB were present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually and the recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
James moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 4-0.
- Minutes of April 17, 2023, and May 1, 2023
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Dan Lamgo, Food Service (end of 22-23 school year)
- Ethan Faeth, Teacher (end of 22-23 school year)
- Cindy Moss, Para (Retire end of 22-23 school year)
- Larry Peterson, 8th Girls Basketball Coach (end of 22-23 school year)
- Brenna Baker, Assistant 7th/8th Girls Basketball Coach (end of 22-23 school year)
- Jessie McClellan, MS Student Council Sponsor (.5) (end of 22-23 school year)
- Jennifer Gaesser, MS Vocal (66%) (end of 22-23 school year)
- Angela Halsten, HS Math (end of 22-23 school year)
- Patty Fudge, Food Service (end of 22-23 school year)
- Kierra Clymer, Para (end of 22-23 school year)
- Jacob Lister, HS Teacher/Coaching (end of 22-23)
- Termination
- Amy Mattheis, Food Service (as of 5/4/23)
- Contracts
- Jerry White - Interim Transportation Director (through June 30, 2023)
- Taycey Post, Behavior Interventionist (23-24 school year)
- Emma Hanson, 7th Softball Coach (22-23 school year)
- Cole Crawford, 9th Baseball Coach (22-23 school year)
- Larry Peterson, Assistant 7th/8th Girls Basketball Coach (23-24 school year)
- Brenna Baker, 8th Girls Basketball Coach (23-24 school year)
- Chad Malmanger, HS Industrial Technology (23-24 school year)
- Sheryl Robb, Cook (23-24 school year)
- Breanna Vandevender, Cook (23-24 school year)
- Karlyn McCutchan, MS Vocal (23-24 school year)
- Janette Vandevender, Summer Food Program (6/5/23-7/13/23)
- Sara Lane, MS Student Council Sponsor (.5) (23-24 school year)
- Keri Lemon, Summer Food Program (6/5/23-7/13/23)
- Amendment to Juvenile Court Services Agreement
- VISTA School Business Software
- VISTA Compensation Analysis Software
- AEA Social Worker Services
- STEM Best HD Program
- Resignations
- Volunteer coaches or advisors: Jennifer Veitz, Jennifer Samo, Melinda Abel, Sarah Young, Kory Weide, Sharon Walters, and Julie Wallace.
- Donations: Creston Archery $500 for activities, Iowa State Savings Bank $1468.04 for PK-5th receive a book, Sasha Smith donated books, and Lenox Tiger Sports Club $250 girls wrestling.
Communication and reports
- Student and Staff Recognition: - State FFA Competitions: Tucker Rohrig- advanced to Nationals in Public Speaking, Iowa FFA Degree- Kolbey Bailey, Tucker Rohrig, and Abby Tallmon, Creston FFA named Supreme National Chapter, and Lily James and Lila Berning- Gold on the Greenhand Knowledge quiz.
- Teacher Leadership and Compensation Board Report- Mrs. Gilliam updated the board on the end of year survey results for all educators and the mentoring program.
- Early Childhood Center Principal Anderson’s Report - Sam Gerdes, Hunter Kalvig, Avery Jannings, Jay McClellan helped present on STEM learning in the kindergarten classroom.
- Elementary Principal Tanner’s Report - Field trips, ISASP testing, playground update and K-5 Track and Field Day May 25th.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Negative lunch balances totaling over $15,000 looking into collection agencies, looking into the ISFIS enrollment projection model, and the COPs Stop School Violence Grant will be submitted May 17th.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - Scheduled meeting with previous bonding committee, staffing shortage, solar energy final agreement presented in June, and Green Hills Area Education Association recap of services provided.
- ESSER III Report - Written report presented.
- Capital Projects - Written report presented.
- Solar Energy update
- No Board Discussion
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve the fiscal year 2022 district audit. Motion carried 4-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded and approved the contract for masonry restoration with Forrest & Associates for $346,425. Motion carried 4-0.
Mohr moved, Zumbach seconded and approved the contract amendment with DLR Group for the masonry restoration project of $18,000. Motion carried 4-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve the first and second reading of policy 705.02, 705.04 and 705.04R1. Motion carried 4-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 pm. Motion carried 4-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, June 19, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, July 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2023.6.19
Board Minutes-2023.6.19Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
June 19, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, June 19, 2023. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Don Gee President presided and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Sharon Snodgrass joined virtually. Administrators present: Deron Stender and Billie Jo Greene.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB were present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually and the recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of May 15, 2023
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Amy Scroggie- Teacher (end of 22-23 school year)
- Karen Guthrie- Assistant Speech Coach (end of 22-23 school year)
- Terri Van Gelder- Teacher (end of 22-23 school year)
- Steve Shantz- Head 7th Grade Boys Basketball Coach (end of 22-23 school year)
- Drew Dornack- Assistant 8th Grade Football Coach (end of 22-23 school year)
- Bryce Schafer- MS Baseball Coach (end of 22-23 school year)
- Maggie Arnold- HS Student Government Sponsor (end of 22-23 school year)
- Ryan Kissell- Assistant 8thG FB/MS Assis. Baseball Coach (end of 22-23 school year)
- Sheryl Robb- Cook (resigned before start of 23-24 school year)
- Tasia Scott - 2nd Teacher (end of 22-23 school year)
- Chad Malmanger- MS Asst Football & Wrestling Coach (end of 22-23 school year)
- Danielle Dickinson Thaden- Head Ind. Speech Coach (end of 22-23 school year)
- Contracts
- Garrison Carter- MS Special Education Teacher (23-24 school year)
- Cayla Maitlen- 5th Grade Teacher (23-24 school year)
- Richelle Lane- HS Special Education Teacher (23-24 school year)*pending release of current contract*
- Kristen Bradley- 3rd Grade Teacher (23-24 school year)
- Jacob Baudler- 8th Assistant Football Coach (23-24 school year)
- Scott Busch- Transportation Director (As of 6/26/23)
- Alma Morales- 2nd Grade Teacher (23-24 school year) *pending Iowa Teaching License*
- Voluntary Transfer
- Blair Glendenning - MS SpEd Teacher to Elem SpEd Teacher (23-24 school year)
- Best Care EAP Renewal
- 23-24 GWAEA PowerSchool
- Resignations
- 2023-2024 Teacher Leadership Compensation Plan
- 2023-2024 Substitute Compensation and Commitment Schedule
- 2023-2024 Reimbursement Schedule
- 2023-2024 School Lunch Prices
- 2023-2024 District Career & Academic Plan
- Volunteer coaches or advisors: Christine Mansour, Gwen Buck, Nicole Linderman, Cassandra Kay, Julie Wallace, Michael Wolfe, Jodi Hitz, Wade Bolinger, Gavin Shawler, Conner Pals.
- Donations: anonymous donor to food service $80, Donor Choose NA
Communication and reports
- Student Recognition: - State Track Qualifiers-Distance Medley Relay: Brandon Briley, Chris Aragon, Austin Evans, Tyler Riley; 800 Meter: Brandon Briley; Discus: Doryn Paup; All Conference Teams-Boys Soccer-2nd Team: Xander Drake, Dillon Starlin: Honorable Mention: McCoy Haines; Girls Soccer- 2nd Team: Lydia Goins; Spring Academic Award Winners-Golf: Mikaela Downing; Tennis: Brooklyn McKinney, Caitlin Bruce, Mica Andreason; Girls Track: Emma Pantini, Doryn Paup, Sydney Strunk; Boys Track: Payton Conley, Ty Morrison, Riley Wipperman; Girls Soccer: Mackenzie Baker, Kylan Mower, Makayla Wilson, Saige Johnston, Ella Powers, Bianca Flores, Hope Kading; Boys Soccer: Nolan Pryor.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Negative lunch balances update: Sent 28 accounts totaling $13,643 to the collection agency (balance ranges from $71.10 to $2306.50), School Board Election will be Nov. 7, 2023; FY 23-24 tax rate DOM adjustment from 16.55565 to 16.60216 per $1000 taxable valuation; On April 7 the district experienced a cyber breach that withdrew $29,804.76 from the districts accounts. With Iowa State Saving Bank’s assistance, the district recovered $19,993.83 through counter actions. To keep the district whole, Iowa State Savings Bank covered $9,810.93. We appreciate and thank ISSB for their support. We have implemented internal and external protocols to help protect and prevent cyber breaches. Cyber protection is an ongoing process.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - Safety and Security grants, Bond options, and open staffing positions.
- ESSER III Report - Written report presented.
- Capital Projects - Written report presented.
- No Board Discussion
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the transfer of $19,266.03 from the general fund to activity fund for safety equipment and state competitions. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve the 2023-2024 dairy bid to Anderson Erickson. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, James seconded, to approve the 2023-2024 fuel bids from Agriland FS. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, the Board hold a closed session as provided in section 21.5(1)(i) of the open meeting law to evaluate the professional competency of the superintendent whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. In closed session time: 7:02 p.m.
Zumbach moved, Gee seconded, and the Board came out of the closed session. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. Out of closed session time: 7:53 p.m.
President, Don Gee statement from closed session. Mr. Stenders performance meets the standards and expectations required for the superintendent's position. The board would encourage students and staff to continue to accept and practice boundaries for success. Boundaries for Success: Respect Yourself, Respect Others, and Respect our Schools.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 pm. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, July 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, August 21, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Recording of June 19, 2023 Board meeting. Password is Creston2023!
Recording of June 19, 2023 Board meeting. Password is Creston2023!Recording of June 19, 2023 Board meeting Passcode: Creston2023!
2023-24 BOARD MINUTES Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/26/2023 - 11:45Board Minutes-2023.07.17
Board Minutes-2023.07.17Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
July 17, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, July 17, 2023. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Don Gee President presided and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, Sharon Snodgrass, and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Administrators present: Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Bill Messerole, Scott Driskell, Lesa Downing, and Callie Anderson.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB were present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually, and the recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
James moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve the amended agenda by adding item 5F Waiver for Eligibility for Activities. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 4-0 Mohr-abstained.
- Minutes of June 19, 2023
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Kathryn Thorne Ralston- STEM Grant Coordinator (as of July 06, 2023)
- Brandon Phipps - 8th Grade Head Boys Basketball Coach (as of J
- Contracts
- Trisha Dickinson- HS Student Government (23-24 school year)
- Cole Crawford - 7th Grade Assistant Football Coach (23-24 school year)
- Madeline Gude- Head Individual Speech Coach (23-24 school year
- MBA Attendance Enhancement
- PowerSchool Applicant Tracking
- Lets Go Bound
- Resignations
- Donations: Creston Boosters $10,644 for baseball concession stand; Iowa Dept Ed, Nutrition for ECC $10,750 for fresh fruit and vegetables.
- Waiver for Eligibility for Activities
Communication and reports
- Student Recognition: - H10 All Academic Team-Softball, Caitlin Bruce, Keely Coen, Kloey Crawford, Daile Keeler, Jacy Kralik, Nevaeh Randall; Hawkeye 10 All Conference Softball - 1st Team-Ava Adamson, Jersey Foote, Daile Keeler, Nevaeh Randall (unanimous) - 2nd Team- Taryn Fredricksen, Mila Kuhns, Honorable Mention, Keely Coen, Sophie Hagle; Hawkeye 10 All Conference Baseball-1st Team Cael Turner; 2nd Team Kyle Strider; Honorable Mention- Parker Varner.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - End of the fiscal year process.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - Safety and Security grants, review of board policies for August approval, and open staffing positions.
- Capital Projects - Written report presented.
- Board Discussion-Galen Zumbach on tree maintenance.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve Greater Connection Food Service Agreement amended by Zumbach moved, Mohr to amend agreement to add 30-day notice. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the Alliant Energy Hosted Solar Lease Agreement. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, James seconded, to approve the District Student & Parent Handbook, District Staff Handbook, Panther Pride Preschool Handbook and Calendar, Paraprofessional Handbook, and Coaches Handbook for 2023-24. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the 2024 district legislative priorities as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:03 pm. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, August 14, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Work Session
- Monday, August 21, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, September 18, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2023.08.14
Board Minutes-2023.08.14Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
August 14, 2023
Board Working Session
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Monday, August 14, 2023. The meeting was held in the boardroom and started at 6:02 p.m. Don Gee President presided and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Galen Zumbach, Sharon Snodgrass, and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Dr. Brad James arrived at 6:03 p.m. Administrators present: Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Bill Messerole, Scott Driskell, Lesa Downing, Casey Tanner and Callie Anderson.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB were present as well as a small group of community members.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Eric Beron from DLR and Travis Squires from Piper Sandler presented financial projects, financing options, for renovations and additions to educational spaces.
The consensus of those in attendance was to divide the previous projects into two separate projects.
- Explore a School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds for the projects at the Elementary/Middle School – including constructing, furnishing and equipping an addition and renovating, remodeling, repairing, and improving the existing building.
- Explore a General Obligation Bond to provide funds to construct, furnish, and equip a gymnasium addition to and to renovate, remodel, repair, and improve existing portions of the High School building, including a secure entrance and instructional spaces.
Mohr moved, James seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, August 21, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, September 18, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, October 16, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meetin
Board Minutes-2023.08.21
Board Minutes-2023.08.21Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
August 21, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, August 21, 2023. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Don Gee President presided, and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, Sharon Snodgrass, and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Cassey Tanner, Lesa Downing, and Callie Anderson.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser was present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually and the recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Mohr moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve the amended agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of July 17, 2023, and August 14, 2023
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Phillip Fehrle- Bus Driver (as of Aug. 13, 2023)
- Cayla Maitlen- MS Assistant Volleyball Coach (as of Aug. 8, 2023)
- Bethany Burgess- Para (as of Aug. 9, 2023)
- Kevin Cooper- 9th/10th Grade Football Assistant Coach (as of Aug 1, 2023)
- Tiffany Johnson- Teacher’s Assistant and Crossing Guard (as of Aug. 3, 2023)
- Erin Dodge- Preschool Teacher Associate (as of Aug. 1, 2023)
- Contracts
- Megan Shinn- ECC Para
- Stephanie Todd- Elementary Para
- Kristie Acosta - Elementary Para
- Stephanie Buchanan - Elementary Para
- Ashley James - Elementary Para
- Sharon Carr- MS Para
- Elizabeth Bortell- MS Para
- Christina Long - HS Para
- Ashley Wantland- HS Para
- Shelbi Snyder- HS Para
- Jessica Wilker - Cook
- Kelsey Donner - 7th Grade Girls Track Coach and MS Cross Country Coach
- Brandon Phipps - Assistant 9th/10th Football Coach
- Cayla Maitlen- 7th Grade Volleyball Coach
- Kevin Cooper-Head 8th Grade Football Coach
- Maggie Arnold - Head HS Girls Wrestling Coach
- Jenny Hancock- MS Para
- Ashley McGinnis- MS Para
- LEA and Dept of Human Service Agreement
- Resignations
- Fundraisers
- Donations: PCSB Bank-Speech Team $500.00; BUNN-Student T-Shirts $200.00; Community 1st Credit Union-Student T-Shirts $500.00; Creston Community Schools-Student T-Shirts $500.00; First National Bank-Student T-Shirts $1,000.00; Greater Regional Health-Student T-Shirts $500.00; Hartsock Insurance-Student T-Shirts $500.00; Heartland Tire & Auto Center-Student T-Shirts $300.00; Hyde Family-Student T-Shirts $500.00; Iowa State Savings Bank-Student T-Shirts $1,000.00; Matura Head Start-Student T-Shirts $100.00; ORiley Mark & Mary-Student T-Shirts $500.00; Subway-Student T-Shirts $500.00; Creston Realty New Staff Luncheon; First National Bank New Staff Luncheon; Hartsock Insurance Staff Breakfast
- Panther Pride Preschool handbook revisions
Communication and reports
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - End of the fiscal year process, school board election nomination papers due deadline September 21, 2023. IASB Convention November 15-17, 2023
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - Safety and Security grants, staffing and facilities preparation for students returning to school.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve setting the public hearing for September 5, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. in the boardroom on the proposal to issue approximately $19,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds. Motion carried roll call 5-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve the General Obligation bond petition. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve the 2023-2024 out-of-state trips. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the 2023-2024 roster for complementary activity passes. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the District Developed Special Education Services Delivery Plan. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the agreement with the Bank of Montreal to secure Procurement Cards for each authorized employee of the municipality under such terms and conditions as approved by the Board. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the 2023-2024 District goals. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, Zumbach seconded, to approve the first reading of policy updates in Vol. 30.4, Vol. 31.2, Vol.31.3 Vol 31.4, and 908-910. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 pm. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Tuesday, September 5, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Public Hearing
- Monday, September 18, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, October 16, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- IASB Convention November 15-17 in Des Moines
Board Minutes-2023.09.05
Board of Directors Special Meeting
September 5, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. The special board meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm, starting at 6:00 p.m. Don Gee, President presided and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Dr. Brad James virtually, Galen Zumbach, Dr. Amanda Mohr virtually, and Sharon Snodgrass.
Administrators present: Deron Stender and Billie Jo Greene.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB were present.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Open hearing at 6:01 p.m. for the proposed issuance of approximately $19,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Service and Use Tax Revenue Bonds. There were no oral or written objections to the proposed issuance of approximately $19,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Service and Use Tax Revenue Bonds. Hearing closed at 6:02 p.m.
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to adopt the resolution supporting the proposed issuance of approximately $19,000,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Service and Use Tax Revenue Bonds. Motion carried roll call 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:08 a.m. Motion carried 5-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, September 18, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, October 16, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- IASB Convention November 15-17 in Des Moines
Board Minutes-2023.09.18
Board Minutes-2023.09.18Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
September 18, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, September 18, 2023. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Don Gee President presided, and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, Sharon Snodgrass, and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Cassey Tanner and Callie Anderson.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually and the recording for the September 18th meeting will not be posted to the website due to sound quality.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the amended agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of August 21, 2023 and September 5, 2023
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Ashley Wantland - Para
- Ashley James - Para
- Stephanie Todd - Para
- Contracts
- Cole Crawford- Head 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach
- Connie Swanson - Para
- Draven Pierce - Para
- Sapphire Tyler- Para
- Stephanie Baucom- Para
- Angela Cummins- Para
- Cassie Kay- Para
- Bailey Kuster- Para
- Joan Miller- Cook
- Chelsea Sorensen- Custodian
- Julie Ferber- Custodian
- Tim Lyons - Crossing Guard
- Toby Williams - Transportation
- Termination
- Brendalee Lyell-Keate- Custodian
- Top Notch Fireworks Agreement
- Homecoming DJ Agreement
- Resignations
- Donations: HyVee ECC Staff Breakfast
- Volunteers as presented
Communication and reports
- Early Childhood Center Principal Anderson Report - Enrollment for PK-Kindergarten.
- Elementary Principal Tanner’s Report - Teacher, student, scheduled, and culture updates, sensory hallway, playground update.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Special Education Deficit report, Credit Bureaus Service of Iowa report, school board election nomination papers due deadline September 21, 2023. IASB Convention November 15-17, 2023
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - Pathway to Being a Panther model, the state has given districts flexibility to use up to five days for remote learning due to inclement weather. Since the district has more than 12 days of student contact beyond the state minimum, the flexibility may only be necessary if there are more than a couple of snow days. Snow days will not be virtual unless we have more than normal and then it will be discussed how to offer.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded, to approve the request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for the FY 23 special education deficit of $399,975.35. Motion carried 5-0
No action was taken on the Pathway to Being a Panther Agreement.
No action was taken on the Supervision Teacher Agreement.
Mohr moved, James seconded, to approve the early notice incentive. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, Mohr seconded, to approve the second reading of policy updates in Vol. 30.4, Vol. 31.2, Vol.31.3 Vol 31.4, and 908-910. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:09 pm. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, October 16, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, November 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- IASB Convention November 15-17 in Des Moines
Board Minutes-2023.10.16
Board Minutes-2023.10.16Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
October 16, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, October 16, 2023. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Don Gee President presided, and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, Sharon Snodgrass, and Dr. Amanda Mohr joined virtually. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Cassey Tanner, Lesa Downing, Bill Messerole. and Callie Anderson.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually and the recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded, to approve the amended agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of September 18, 2023
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts and Resignations
- Resignations
- Alma Morales - Teacher
- Contracts
- Cassidy Thornburg - Para
- Kloey Crawford - Para
- Scott Wagner - 9th Grade Girls Head Basketball Coach
- Chad Malmanger - MS Assistant Boys Wrestling Coach
- Matt Buck - MS Head Boys Wrestling Coach
- Jacob Baudler - 7th Grade Head Boys Basketball Coach
- Kayla McDonald - Para
- Voluntary Transfer
- Casidy Cavanaugh - Cook
- Termination
- Sapphire Tyler- Para
- Ryan Kissell - Head 9th Grade Girls Basketball Coach
- Prom DJ Agreement
- Smart Site Agreement
- Resignations
- Donations: Donor's Choose for Creston HS Engineering Program of $174.00; Iowa Governor's STEM Advisory Council for Creston HS Engineering Program & Union County 4H of $8,000.00; Iowa Governor's STEM council advisory for HS Science Program of $8,000.00; Code Joy for Creston HS Engineering Program of $220.00; Kiwanis for Creston Community School District of $300.00; Anonymous for Cheer Camp of $200.00; Anonymous Donors for Creston Community Activities (Camps) of $200.00; Creston CWC for Creston Activities Department of $5,000.00; Matt and Melisa McCutchan for Peppers of $80.00
- Volunteers as presented
- Approved Jane Shantz as the District Homeless Coordinator
- Approved Bill Messerole as the District 504 Coordinator
- Approved Sexual harassment/Level I Investigators: Angie Bolinger, Kelsey Malmanger, Scott Driskell; Sexual Harassment/Level II Investigator: Union County Attorney; Equity Coordinator/Affirmative Action: Deron Stender
- Approved Superintendent Deron Stenders attendance at the Safety & Innovation Summit in Salt Lake City, Utah, November 11-14, 2023
Communication and reports
- Teacher Leadership Report presented by: Trish Dickinson, Joni Gillam, and Karlie Hyde the team reviewed the goals of Teacher Leadership and reviewed the data including essential standard data, screening data, and ISASP data.
- Middle School Principal Downing Report - ISASP scores, FAST Data, and Middle School Counselor’s update.
- High School Principal Messerole’s Report - Credit deficiency and high school staff updates.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Financial review and certified enrollment decrease of 29.6 students. school board election November 7, 2023. IASB Convention November 15-17, 2023 Don Gee will be the delegate to represent the district.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - Second grade adjustment and parent meeting, sale of district used vehicles; DLR ECC facility planning timeline and budget; and SIAC committee meeting report.
- Eric Berin with DLR Group reviewed the Early Childhood Center addition project schedule and project budget estimates.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded, to approve the amended contract with DLR Group for design, bidding, and construction management services for the Early Childhood addition and EMS remodel. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve the contract with Garden & Associates LTD to complete a topographic survey for $26,250. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded, to approve the Pathway To Being A Panther Agreement. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded, to approve the Supervising Teacher Agreement. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve the purchasing softball & baseball scoreboards from Daktroniks for $56,094. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded, to approve the bid and bus purchase from Hoglund Bus Company for $141,750 from the 2025 budget. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve the bid and purchase of two suburbans from Karl Auto Group for $111,800. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the SBRC for a modified supplemental amount of $34,148.89 due to excess costs of providing the LEP program in the prior year. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to approve the first reading of policy policy 503.08. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded, to approve the 2023-2024 additional payments for activities. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 pm. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, November 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- IASB Convention November 15-17 in Des Moines
- Monday, December 18, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2023.11.20
Board Minutes-2023.11.20Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
November 20, 2023
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, November 20, 2023. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:01 p.m. Don Gee President presided, and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Dr. Brad James, Galen Zumbach, Sharon Snodgrass joined virtually, and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Cassey Tanner, and Callie Anderson.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually and no recording is available this month.
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the amended agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of October 16, 2023
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- Kayla McDonald - Para
- Teri Keeler - Assistant Softball Coach
- Contracts
- Colleen Beatty - Para
- Brandi Wichhart - Para
- Taron Needham - Para
- Hannah Fry - Para
- Cindy Smith - Para
- Katie Davidson - Transportation
- Diana Millslagle - Cook
- Tiffany Hoffman - Cook
- Ron Pendegraft - Head HS Bowling Coach
- Danielle Dickinson Thaden - Assistant Individual Sp
- Retirements
- Lori Mann - Teacher (end of 23-24 school year)
- Agreements
- Engagement Letter with Piper Sandler & Co.
- Lenox-East Union Girls’ Wrestling Agreement
- Resignations
- Donations
- Creston Basketball Association - $1500 gym sound system
- UCDA-Farm to Fork Committee- FBLA $100 Farm to Fork event
- Creston Walmart-Panther Pride Preschool $100 pumpkins for Preschool Fall Family Fun Night
- Volunteers
- Elizabeth Eslinger-Field Trips
- Timothy Massey - Classroom helper
Communication and reports
- Student and Staff Recognition- District 6 All-District Football Team-1st Team Offense: QB- Cael Turner Unanimous, RB- Brennan Hayes- Unanimous, WR- Brandon Briley- Unanimous, OL- Quinten Fuller- Unanimous, OL- Jagger Luther, Kicker- Brennan Hayes. 1st Team Defense: DL- Max Chapman- Unanimous, LB- Austin Evans, DB- Dylan Calvin- Unanimous, DB- McCoy Haines- Unanimous. 2nd team Offense: OL- Tucker Rohrig. 2nd Team Defense: LB- Will Bolinger, DB- Dylan Starlin. Honorable Mention: Josh Schaeffer, Weston Trapp, Jackson Kerr, Jack Walter. Hawkeye 10 All-Conference Volleyball-Honorable Mention: Jaycee Hanson.
- Early Childhood Center Principal Anderson’s Report - Curriculum, Assessment data, Professional Development, Special Education student count data, English Learner student data, Title I budget and Family Night, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables program, and parent-teacher conferences totals,
- Elementary Principal Tanner’s Report - Parent-teacher conferences, elementary playground completion, building goals and professional development and MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports)
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Financial review and certified enrollment updated, Credit Bureau Service of Iowa report, CFPM October report, Stop School Violence Grant denied, 2024-2025 school budget timeline change from prior years.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report -DLR ECC facility planning update, Earn and Learn initiative, and Safety & Innovation Summit.
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:57 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Organizational Meeting for 2023-2024
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Monday, November 20, 2023. The meeting was held in the boardroom as well as virtually, starting at 6:57 p.m. Billie Jo Greene, Board Secretary, presided, and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass joined virtually, Dr. Amanda Mohr, and Galen Zumbach. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Cassey Tanner, and Callie Anderson.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
Zumbach moved, James seconded, and the agenda was approved as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve the certification of the November 7, 2023, school board election with Don Gee receiving 731 votes, and Dr. Brad James receiving 1063 votes. Motion carried 5-0.
The Oath of Office was given to the elected board members Don Gee and Dr. Brad James.
James nominated Galen Zumbach for the Office of President. Seconded by Gee. Roll call vote motion carried 5-0. The oath of office was administered to Galen Zumbach, the newly elected president.
Board Secretary Greene turned the board meeting over to newly elected Board President Zumbach.
Snodgrass nominated Dr. Amanda Mohr for the Office of Vice President. Seconded by Gee. Roll call vote motion carried 5-0. The oath of office was administered to Dr. Amanda Mohr, newly elected vice president.
President James was participating virtually and asked Vice President Zumbach to conduct the meeting.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve Billie Jo Greene as School Board Secretary and School Board Treasurer. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve school board meetings to be held on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the boardroom at the Central Office at 801 North Elm St. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve Director Brad James as the Union County Conference Board Representative and Director Don Gee as the Adams County Conference Board Representative. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded to approve Creston News Advertiser as the district’s official newspaper. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to adopt a resolution that Creston Community School District of Creston, IA, in Union County, IA, approve Iowa State Savings Bank as a financial institution to be the depository of Creston Community School District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452 and 453 (1993) as amended by 1984 Iowa Acts, S.F. 2220. The business manager, board secretary, and board treasurer are hereby authorized to deposit Creston Community School funds at IASB. Naming Iowa State Savings Bank up to $15,000,000 and PMA up to $5,000,000 as the financial institutes of the depository. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm as the District Legal Counsel. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the first-semester early graduation list pending successful completion of the graduation requirements as set forth by the Board of Education and the state of Iowa. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the first reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.1 and 503.8. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, and Gee seconded to approve the Reconsideration Team. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, and the Board held a closed session as provided in section 21.5(1)(a) of the open meeting law to review or discuss records that are required or authorized to be kept confidential. The board reviewed and discussed the Emergency Operation Plan. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. In closed session time: 7:15 p.m.
Gee moved, and James seconded, and the Board came out of the closed session. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. Out of closed session time: 7:41 p.m.
Gee moved, and James seconded to approve the 2023-2024 Emergency Management Plan as presented during the closed session. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, December 18, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, January 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, February 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2023.12.18
Board Minutes-2023.12.18Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
December 18, 2023
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, December 18, 2023. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Galen Zumbach President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Dr. Brad James joined virtually, Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Cassey Tanner, Bill Messerole, Scott Driskell, Lesa Downing, and Callie Anderson.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually and recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the amended agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Don moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of November 20, 2023
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- Shannon Smith - Business Teacher & FBLA Advisor (end of 23-24 school year)
- Contracts
- Michael Pereira - Para
- Nellie Beaman - Cook
- Sandra Shimer - Cook
- Resignations
- Donations
- Creston Basketball Association - $1500 gym sound system
- UCDA-Farm to Fork Committee - FBLA $100 Farm to Fork event
- Creston Walmart-Panther Pride Preschool $100 pumpkins for Preschool Fall Family Fun Night
- Lowell Hagle Memorial - $100 softball
- Google; REC Foundation - $1,700 VEX Robotics High School
- Walmart - $1,000 Food Service
- Walmart - $60 1-5 Elementary
- Iowa State Saving Bank - $1,000 -travel for Football playoffs
- Dominos Pizza - NA 2nd grade classroom prize
- Southwestern Distributing, Ken & Carol Sharp, Amy Kralik - $16,500 CAST Dept printers and supplies.
- Volunteers
- Gwen Buck -READS
- Christine Mansour - READS
- Michael Wolfe - READS
- Melinda Abell - Activities and Classroom Helper
- Mario Glaanaskis - Activities
- Christopher Lane - Activities and Classroom Helper
- Sharon Walters - Activities and Classroom Helper
Communication and reports
- DLR Group presented the Early Childhood Center addition schematic design, they will present it to the district staff on January 2, 2024, and a public presentation at 5:00 p.m. The Board will have a workshop on January 16, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.
- Student and Staff Recognition- Iowa Print Sports Writers Association All-State Football: 1st Team: Quinten Fuller- Offensive Line, Brennan Hayes- Running Back, Cael Turner- Quarterback, Max Chapman- Defensive Line, Dylan Calvin- Defensive Back. 2nd Team:2nd Team: Brandon Briley- Wide Receiver, McCoy Haines- Defensive Back. 2023 KMALAND 3A/4A/5A Offensive Player of the Year: Brennan Hayes. 2023 KMALAND 3A/4A/5A Defensive Player of the Year: Max Chapman. Academic All-State: Will Bolinger, Brandon Briley, Austin Evans, Quinten Fuller, Brennan Hayes, Jagger Luther, Carson Rieck, Tucker Rohrig, Dillon Starlin, Milo Staver, Cael Turner. IA Football Mr. Football Class 3A: Brennan Hayes.
- Middle School Principal Downing’s Report - Curriculum, Assessment data, Culture and Climate, CCMS communication, and attendance process.
- High School Principal Messerole’s Report - Dropout report, FY 25 college credit offerings on campus,
- Activity Director Driskell Report - Fall Activities numbers and Activity Pass prices discussion.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Financial review and certified enrollment updated, Credit Bureau Service of Iowa report, CFPM October report, 2024-2025 school budget timeline change from prior years.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report -DLR ECC facility planning update, informed the board of interest in the purchase green space at the ECC for housing development, college visits for potential staff, Alliant Energy update on solar garden, and teacher shortage report.
- Board discussion to preserve the trees when doing the Early Childhood Center addition.
Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve Director Gee and Director Zumbach as lead negotiators and Director James as the alternate negotiator for the district to negotiate with the Creston Education Association and AFSCME Local 3467. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the resolution to gross pay for district-directed and approved employees and individuals pursuing certification. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve open enrollment modified supplemental allowance of $223,799. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to approve LEP modified supplemental allowance of $18,018. Motion carried 5-0.
The second reading of Vol. 32.1 and 503.8 policies, no action and moved to January 16, 2024.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. as the date and time of the workshop and regular board meeting at 6:00 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, and the Board held a closed session as provided in section 21.5(1)(i) of the open meeting law to review to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. In closed session time: 8:26 p.m.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, and the Board came out of the closed session. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. Out-of-closed session time: 9:12 p.m.
Gee moved, and James seconded to approve the performance evaluation of Mr. Stender who meets performance expectations and offer an extended contract from July 2024 to June 2027. Snodgrass moved the items to be divided into two action items James Seconded. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded to approval of Mr. Stender’s meets performance expectations. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded to approval of Mr. Stender’s offer of an extended contract from July 2024 to June 2027. Motion carried roll call vote 4-1 Snodgrass.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 9:21 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Tuesday, January 2, 2024, at 3:00 p.m., staff meeting on the Early Childhood addition; and at 5:00 p.m. public meeting at the High School Auditorium.
- Tuesday, January 16, 2024, 5:00 p.m. workshop followed by Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, February 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2024.1.16
Board Minutes-2024.1.16Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
January 16, 2024
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Galen Zumbach President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Cassey Tanner, Lesa Downing, and Callie Anderson.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually, and recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 4-0.
- Minutes of December 18, 2023
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- John Reasoner - HS Social Studies Teacher and Assistant FBLA Advisor (end of 23-24 school year)
- Draven Pierce - Para
- Contracts
- Marty Wantland- Custodian
- Resignations
- Donations
- Sheri Tomas-Creston & HWY 34 Wrestling-$800 exercise bike
- First Presbyterian Church Women-unpaid lunches $200
- Jessica Duncan-Speech Team $250 team expenses
- Krystal and Chuck Irelan-Speech Team-cook Murder Mystery meal
- Eagles Club-Speech Team-gifted rental for Murder Mystery
Communication and reports
- DLR Group presented the Early Childhood Center addition schematic design,
- Early Childhood Center School Principal Anderson’s Report - Joe Beckman Staff and Student Assemblies on January 2nd and 3rd.
- Elementary Principal Tanner’s Report - Building goals and PD Plan and elementary experiences
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - 2024-2025 school budget timeline changes.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report -DLR ECC facility planning update, looking into an appraiser for the green space and the ECC building for future reference; Reviewed Governor Reynolds proposed SSA, teacher increase packages and the AEA changes.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the Schematic Design submittal for Early Childhood Center with DLR Group. Motion carried 4-0.
Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the Geotechnical Investigation for the ECC/EMS project. Motion carried 4-0.
Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to approve middle school courses for 2023-2024. Motion carried 4-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the 2024-2025 Modified Supplemental Allowance At Risk plan and budget for $522,768. Motion carried 4-0.
Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to approve setting a public hearing for February 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2023-2024 school calendar. Motion carried 4-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded to approval the second reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.1 and 503.8. Motion carried 4-0.
Mohr moved, and Gee seconded to approval the protocol for employee notification of arrest, criminal charges, or child abuse complaints. Motion carried 4-0.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded to approval the out-of-state travel and leave for Superintendent for 2024 AASA. Motion carried 4-0.
Snodgrass moved, and Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:04 p.m. Motion carried 4-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, February 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, March 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2024.2.19
Board Minutes-2024.2.19Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
February 19, 2024
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, February 19, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Galen Zumbach President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, Dr. Brad James and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Cassey Tanner, Lesa Downing, and Callie Anderson join virtually.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually, and recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Snodgrass moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of January 16, 2024
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- Sandra Shimer - Cook
- Amber Buchana - Cook
- Joan Miller - Cook
- Jenny Hancock - Para
- Kevin Cooper - Head 8th Grade Football Coach
- Casey Tanner- Elementary Principal (end of 23-24 school year)
- Contracts
- Dalton Gross - HS Social Studies Teacher (24-25 school year)
- McKynna Newbury- 2nd Grade Teacher (24-25 school year)
- Paige Davis - 2nd Grade Teacher (24-25 school year)
- Brenda Cook - Para
- Kimberly Miller - Para
- Navada Hoff - Para
- Agreements
- CEA intent to Negotiate
- AFSCME intent to Negotiate
- Steve’s Mobile Music, Inc DJ Agreement
- Medicom Agreement
- IJAG Agreement and Addendum
- Resignations
- Donations
- Doug Beer-Speech Team - $200
- Volunteers
- Shannon Rowland - Classroom Helper
- Bailey Wilson - Activities, Classroom Helper
- Salina Chesnut - Activities, Classroom Helper
- Victoria Homewood - READS
- Fundraisers as presented
Communication and reports
- Student Recognition: Boys Wrestling- 2A State Champions Team Duals; Boys Wrestling Individual State Qualifiers: Lane Travis, Christian Ahrens. Broderick Phelps, Lincoln Keeler, Brandon Briley, Austin Evans, Milo Staver, Will Bolinger, Jagger Luther, Quinten Fuller, Max Chapman. All State Speech: Radio Broadcast Team: Alex Reno, Summer Prentice, Olivia Coenen, Josh Bunz, Ethan Rounds. FBLA District Leadership Results: 1st Place Broadcast Journalism- Ady Morrison and Anna Bolinger, 1st Place computer Game and simulation programming- Ayden Purdum, 1st Place Data Analysis- Ayden Purdum and Dillon Starlin, 1st Place Graphic Design- Denton Lane and Ella Turner, 1st Place Intro to Business Communication- Blake Hayes, 1st Place Intro to Business Presentation- Caden Simmons and Ella Turner, 1st Place Intro to Information Technology- Dylan Dornack, 1st Place Intro to Marketing Concepts- Caden Simmons, 1st place Job Interview- Dillon Starlin, 1st Place Public Service Announcement- Rhett Driskell, Blake Hayes, and Baret Lane, 1st Place Sales Presentation- Anna Bolinger and Ady Morrison, 1st Place Social Media Strategies- Olivia Burwell, Khouri Sherrod, and Mia Strunk. FFA: Creston FFA competed in leadership development events on Friday, February 9th at Mormon Trail High School. 6 of the 7 speaking contests advanced to districts and the 7th being an alternate. Members include: Conduct of Meetings Team - Veronica Lents, Hope Henderson, Davin Wallace, Josie Tallmon, Jace Purdum, Kennedy Strider, Garrett Troutwine and Tom Mikkelsen - advanced, Parliamentary Procedures Team - Kadley Bailey, Nolan Ide, Lila Berning, Lilly James, Brynn Tussey and CT Stalker - advanced, Creed Speaking Taylor Rohrig - advanced, Extemporaneous Speaking Tucker Rohrig - advanced, Public Speaking Sidney Staver - advanced, Job Interview Ava Adamson - advanced, Ag Broadcasting - alternate, Chapter Quiz - Kolbey Bailey (gold) Hollynn Rieck and Avery Staver (silver), Greenhand Quiz - Candace Zollman, Bevynn Scherer, and Terrance Taylor (silver). The District contest is scheduled for Saturday, March 2nd. Robotics- Qualified for State Vex on Feb 17th, Team 12999 C is Chloe Shatto & Floyd Hardie, Team 12999 M is Jerry DeGonia, Halli Abildtrup, Mattie DeBoer, Jaq Kenyon, Krista Clear, Kurtis Bradley, & Mica Williams, Team 12999 S is Jenna Orr, Nevaeh Kerns-Potter, Paytin Smith, and Stephen Sistad
- Mindy Schafer, Union County Assessor Report on Residential Revaluation.
- TLC Mentoring & Induction Report by Paula Jacobson.
- Middle Principal Downing’s Report - Curriculum, assessments, instruction, culture, MS Counselor and MS Success update.
- High School Principal Messerole’s Report - Student Council fundraiser for Perry High School, All-State Speech Festival, winter extracurricular activities update.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - 2024-2025 school budget timeline changes.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report -appraisal process for the ECC property, quote for ECC demo, Labor Management Committee update, 2024-2025 school calendar process, Head Start revert to their independent program, recruiting new staff, Orient Macksburg superintendent meeting this week.
- DLR tentative timeline and budget updated 1.16.2024
- Board Discussion: Discussion on promoting the great things the district is doing, tree moval for the ECC project, snow removal, and traffic flow at the high school.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve the purchase of the coffee shop, equipment, and supplies for $26,000 with STEM funds. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and Gee the approval of the first reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.2. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, March 4, 2024, 5:00 p.m., DLR project update and Budget Workshop
- Monday, March 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, March 25, 2024, 6:00 p.m., First Public Hearing on Certified Budget
- Monday, April 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
- Monday, April 15, 2024, following public hearing Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2024.3.04
Board Minutes-2024.3.04Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
Working Session
Budget Review 2024-2025
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Monday, March 4, 2024. The meeting was held in the boardroom and started at 5:01 p.m. Galen Zumbach, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Sharon Snodgrass, Don Gee and Galen Zumbach. Administrators present: Deron Stender, Callie Anderson, and Billie Jo Greene.
Visitors: Taylor Royster.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
Dr. Amanda Mohr arrived at 5:03.
Eric Beron from DLR Group introduced the proposed design concept for the Early Childhood project. The Board will review and consider this proposal during the regular meeting scheduled for March 18, 2024.
Dr. Brad James left to attend the County Assessor Board meeting at 5:25p.m.
Mr. Stender updated the board on the possibility of selling part of the Early Childhood grounds; the process will be shared at the March 18th board meeting.
Mrs. Greene and Mr. Stender reviewed the district financial projections based on enrollment, SSA, and the six funds. The board discussed financial expectations and proposed budgets for the 2024-2025 school year. The consensus of the school board was to recognize the proposed levy and budget for FY25 with a zero Supplemental State Aid (SSA) and the board will reevaluate after SSA is set for the April 15th budget hearing. Mrs. Greene reviewed the funds descriptions, the financial health of the district, certified enrollment data and the proposed FY 25 budget.
Snodgrass moved, Gee seconded, to approve setting public hearings for March 25, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. and April 15, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2024-2025 budget. Motion carried 4-0.
Gee moved, Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:29 p.m. Motion carried 4-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, March 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 5:30 p.m. CEA negotiations meeting
- Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 5:30 p.m. AFSCME negotiations meeting
- Monday, March 25, 2024, 6:00 p.m., First Public Hearing on Certified Budget
- Monday, April 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
- Monday, April 15, 2024, following hearing Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2024.3.18
Board Minutes-2024.3.18Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
March 18, 2024
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, March 18, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Galen Zumbach President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, Dr. Brad James and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Cassey Tanner, Scott Driskell, and Callie Anderson.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually, and recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of February 19, 2024 and March 4, 2024
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- Chad Malmanger - HS Industrial Technology Teacher (end of 2023-24 school year)
- Chris Loudon - HS Assistant Wrestling Coach
- Madeline Gude - HS Spanish Teacher and Individual Speech Coach (end of 23-24 school year)
- Allison Iiams - Custodian
- Chad Briley- HS Assistant Football Coach
- Megan Shinn - Paraprofessional (end of 23-24 school year)
- Cindy Smith - Paraprofessional
- Trisha Dickinson - Instructional Coach (end of 23-24 school year)
- Bryce Schafer - MS Success Coordinator (end of 23-24 school year)
- Emma Hanson - Head 8th Grade Volleyball Coach
- Nevada Hoff - Para
- Contracts
- Kieara Clair - Paraprofessional
- Trisha Dickinson - Director of District Services (24-25 school year)
- Bryce Schafer - Alternative School Supervisor (24-25 school year)
- Mahayla Hill - Business Teacher/FBLA Advisor (24-25 school year)
- Abbi Hood - Head 8th Grade Volleyball Coach
- Agreements
- Southwestern Community College Contracts: Automotive Repair Technology and Carpentry; Arts and Sciences; Auto Collision Repair/Refinish and Electrical Technology Career Academy; Nurse Assistant Career Academy; Information Technology Systems Networking Career Academy; Applied Engineering Technology Career Academy; Concurrent Enrollment Program; Emergency Medical Tech Basic; Welding Career Academy; Summer Welding Technology Career Academy, Carpentry & Building Trades and Health Science Career Academy
- Nodaway Valley Girls Soccer Agreement
- Iowa LGPR Natural Gas Program Agreement
- Resignations
- Annual review of Board Policy 505.8
- Superintendent Stender’s participation in the Marine Corps Educator Workshop at Camp Pendleton in San Diego from April 22-26. The Marine Corps covers all associated expenses.
- Donations
- Kathy and Bill Ralston-Speech Team - $300
- Volunteers
- Jennifer Strunk-Activities
Communication and reports
- Student Recognition: Hawkeye 10 All Conference Basketball- Boys 1st Team Cael Turner; 2nd Team Jake Hoyt; Honorable Mention Tony Davidson. Girls Honorable Mention Kadley Bailey. Academic All-State Wrestling Will Boling
- Robotics Demonstration - Mrs. Lumbard and Stephen Sistad demonstrated the robotic bots.
- Early Childhood Principal Anderson’s Report - Curriculum, assessments, Peek at Preschool March 19 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.; Panther Pride Preschool’s Family night March 28th 5-6pm.
- Elementary Principal Tanner’s Report - Book Blast Fundraiser, Celebrate going to college or trade program, Random acts of kindness day; Professional development update.
- Athletic Director Driskell’s Report - suggested changes for 2024-2025: complimentary senior citizen passes, activity pass increase; Hawkey 10 Fan Policy.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - 2024-2025 school budget timeline changes.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - delayed action by the legislature to set SSA, the possible sale of property, discussion of the future location of the central office,
- Board Discussion: Trees have been moved in preparation for the Early Childhood addition.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the design development for the Early Childhood Center presented by DLR Group. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the fiscal year 2023 district audit. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve the 2024-2025 district health insurance with ISEBA. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the revised 2023-2024 calendar to not extend student days and waive three contract days for licensed staff, with two licensed staff days being hybrid. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve setting a public hearing for April 15, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2024-2025 school calendar. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and James the approval of the seconded reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.2. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:04 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 5:30 p.m. AFSCME negotiations meeting
- Monday, March 25, 2024, 6:00 p.m., First Public Hearing on Certified Budget
- Tuesday, March 28, 2024, 5:30 p.m. CEA negotiations meeting
- Monday, April 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
- Monday, April 15, 2024, following hearing on 2024-25 school calendar and the Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, May 20, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, June 17, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2024.3.25
Board of Directors Public Hearing for Certified Budget
March 25, 2024
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, March 25, 2024. The special board meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm, starting at 6:00 p.m. Galen Zumbach, President presided and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Dr. Brad James, and Galen Zumbach.
Administrators present: Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene and Callie Anderson virtually.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
James moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 3-0.
The first public hearing for the 2024-2025 fiscal year budget commenced at 6:02 p.m. with an open invitation to the community. Present at the hearing were three members of the public. During the course of the hearing, no oral or written objections were received regarding the proposed budget. Hearing closed at 6:04 p.m.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:04 a.m. Motion carried 3-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
President Secretary
Future meetings in the Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, April 1, 2024, 5:30 p.m. CEA negotiations meeting
- Monday, April 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
- Monday, April 15, 2024, following hearing on 2024-25 school calendar and the Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, May 20, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, June 17, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2024.4.15
Board Minutes-2024.4.15
Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
April 15, 2024
Special Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, April 15, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 4:31 p.m. Galen Zumbach President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, Dr. Brad James (virtually) and Dr. Amanda Mohr.
Administrators present Deron Stender, Lesa Downing, and Billie Jo Greene.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, Mohr seconded, and the Board a held closed session to recommend the expulsion of a student as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(e) and to review or discuss records that are required by law to be kept confidential as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a). Motion carried Roll Call 5-0. Went into a closed session at 4:32 a.m.
The board held an executive session to review or discuss records that are required by law to be kept confidential as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a). From 5:21 p.m. to 5:58 p.m.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded to come out of the closed session at 5:58 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
Don moved, and Mohr seconded, that the Board approved the Superintendent’s modified recommendation that the student who was the subject of the disciplinary hearing be expelled from the Creston Community School District through January 13, 2025, and that written findings and conclusions consistent with the Board’s deliberation be prepared, signed by the Board president, and mailed by the Board Secretary to the student and family. Motion carried Roll Call 5-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
President Secretary
Board of Directors Second Public Hearing for Certified Budget
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, April 15, 2024. The special board meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm, starting at 6:08 p.m. Galen Zumbach, President presided, and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Dr. Brad James (virtually), Sharon Snodgrass, Dr. Amanda Mohr, and Galen Zumbach. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Bill Messerole, and Lesa Downing.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
The second public hearing for the 2024-2025 fiscal year budget commenced at 6:08 p.m. with an open invitation to the community. During the hearing, no oral or written objections were received regarding the proposed budget. The hearing closed at 6:11 p.m.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:11 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
President Secretary
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, April 15, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:15 p.m. Galen Zumbach President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, Dr. Brad James (virtually) and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, Bill Messerole, and Lesa Downing.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually, and recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no public forum participation.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of March 18, 2024 and March 25, 2024
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- Taycey Harper- Behavioral Interventionist
- Jane Shantz- (Reduction In Force end of 23-24)
- Courtney Phelps - 9th Head Volleyball Coach
- Shelbi Snyder - Para
- Amber Kearney- Para
- Sharon Carr- Para
- Kieara Clair - Para
- Cassidy Mullen-Sutton - Para (updated)
- Shay Baker - Para (updated)
- Ann Barnett - 1st Grade Teacher (23-24 school year) (updated)
- Contracts
- Hallie Laning- HS Industrial Technology Teacher (24-25 school year)
- Ben Walker - MS Math Teacher (24-25 school year)
- Phoenix Thompson - Elementary Special Ed Teacher (24-25 school year)
- Gracie Hagle - HS Assistant Softball Coach
- Gavin Shawler - 7th and 8th Assistant Boys Baseball Coach
- Judy Gunter - Para
- Voluntary Transfer
- Drew Dornack - HS Math Teacher
- Agreements
- TMS Red Rover Agreement
- Matura Headstart Lease Agreement
- University of Iowa (Mental Health Training Paraeducator grant)
- Riverside Technologies, Inc.
- 2024-2025 Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program Contracts: Trinity Lutheran Preschool, St. Malachy School, Matura Headstart, and SWCC
- Resignations
- Donations
- Anonymous - 1st Grade Students for $700.00; Adam Snodgrass/ISSB - ECC Kindergarten Grade Level for $618.00; For Sleep in Heavenly Peace: Rob and April Evans for $150.00, The Malmanger Family for $150.00, Paisley Rose Boutique for $50.00, Jim Hyde for $400.00, Stalker Auto Group for $150.00, Nate and Clarissa McCollough for $150.00, Luther Solutions for $150.00, Hulett and Sons Auto Salvage for $150.00, Hartsock Insurance Services, Inc. for $150.00, Garden and Associates, LTD. for $150.00, First National Bank for $150.00, Purdum Angus Farms for $400.00, Adams Street Espresso for $50.00, Iowa State Savings Bank for $150.00, Hi-Crest Auto for $150.00, Bob and Chris Walter for $150.00, Boyd Appliance Center, Inc. for $150.00, Hanson Fitness for $50.00, Fareway Meat and Grocery for $150.00, Townline Roundhouse Apartments for $150.00, Coen's Home Furnishings for $150.00, Dena Chapman and Tim Irbeck for $30.00, Union County Abstract for $150.00, Berning, Inc. for $150.00, Balanced Bookkeeping Services for $150.00, BUNN for $400.00, Chris Lane Real Estate and Nancy Loudon, Realtor for $400.00, Cedar Farm for $50.00, Creston Eagles #1398 for $400.00, PCSB Bank for $400.00, In Memory of Sterling Johns, Class of '78 for $400.00. American Family Insurance: Turner & Associates, Inc. for $150.00, Bomgaars for $50.00, Bill and Devon Messerole for $150.00, Emmy Key-Realtor with Our Town Realty for $150.00. Cromwell Sunday School-Negative Lunch Balances for $650.00, Doug and Hannah North-Creston ECC Library for $20.00
- Volunteers
- Brittany Vandevender - Activities; Julianne Wood and Karla Capson - ECC Classroom Helper, Sarah Young - EMS Helper, Activities
Communication and reports
- Creston FBLA took 26 students to Cedar Rapids on March 24-26 to compete in the State Leadership Conference. The students performed well and represented Creston admirably: 1st Place Community Service Project - Quinten Fuller, Ayden Purdum and Dillon Starlin, 1st Place Introduction to FBLA - Baret Lane, 1st Place Social Media Strategies - Olivia Burwell, Khouri Sherrod, and Mia Strunk, 2nd Place Entrepreneurship - Lila Berning and Nate Carroll, 2nd Place Introduction to FBLA - Ayden Purdum, 2nd Place Introduction to Parliamentary Procedures - Lila Berning, 3rd Place Help Desk - Dylan Dornack, 3rd Place Job Interview - Dillon Starlin, 3rd Place NLC T-shirt Design - Libby Henry and Khouri Sherrod, Our Chapter was recognized as a Gold Level Chapter- 1 of 4 in the State
- Teacher Leadership Report - Joni Gillim and Trish Dickenson reviewed the services and support provided to students and staff y.
- Michelle Thatcher shared how iJag supports our students' learning and work experience.
- Middle Principal Downing’s Report - Curriculum, assessments, instruction, culture, MS Counselor, and MS Success update.
- High School Principal Messerole’s Report - commencement May 19, 2024 at 2:00 p.m., IJAG update for FY 25.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Historical enrollment projection review and certified budget review.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report -review of the legislature on SSA was set by 2.5%, sets the minimum licensed salary at $47,500 for FY 25 and $50,000 for FY26, and sets licensed salary at $60,000 for 12 years of experience for FY 25 and $62,000 for FY26. sale of public property, 2024-2025 calendar year, solar garden construction has started, and chronic absenteeism with classified staff is being addressed.
- Early Childhood Facility Planning - Tentative Timeline budget, bond timeline, and project spending.
Snodgrass moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the Budget Guarantee Resolution for FY 25 for the regular program budget as allowed under Iowa Code 257.14. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the 2024-2025 certified budget. Motion carried 5-0.
Sharon moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the setting of a public hearing for May 20, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2024-2025. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the setting of a public hearing for May 20, 2024, at 6:10 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the amendment of the 2023-2024 budget year. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve setting a public hearing for May 20, 2024, at 6:20 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the sale of real estate. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the summer food program. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the 2024 graduation list pending the successful completion of the graduation requirements as set forth by the Board of Education. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the first reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.3. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:07 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, May 20, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, June 17, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2024.5.20
Board Minutes-2024.5.20
Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
May 20, 2024
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, May 20, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Galen Zumbach President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, Dr. Brad James, and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene (virtually), Callie Anderson, and Casey Tanner.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually, and recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Public Hearing on 2024-2025 school calendar. No written or oral objections were received, opened at 6:00 and closed at 6:02 p.m.
Public Hearing on amendment of the 2023-2024 budget. No written or oral objections were received, opened at 6:10 and closed at 6:12 p.m.
Public Hearing on sale of 5.41 acres of real property locally known as the practice fields located at 901 N. Elm Street to the KeyStone Equity Group, LLC for $12,00 per acre. No written or one oral objections were received, opened at 6:13 and closed at 6:33 p.m. Oral objection from Ruth Bolinger on the sale of property and questioned the posting of the sale of property and of the buyer.
There was no open public forum participation.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of April 15, 2024
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- Shannon Preston - Crossing Guard
- Tawny Stauffer - Para
- Brenna Baker - K-5 Art Teacher (end of 23-24 school year)
- Nancy Wantland - Cook
- Aaron Riley - MS Art Teacher (end of 23-24 school year)
- Contracts
- Lindsey LeGrand - 1st Grade Teacher (24-25 school year)
- Nancy Wantland - Custodian
- Marge Welch - HS Science Teacher (24-25 school year)
- Antton Zauxu Hernandez - HS Spanish Teacher (24-25 school year)
- Charles Rushing - Student Interventionist (24-25 school year)
- Corissa Sundquist - Preschool Teacher’s Assistant (24-25 school year)
- Nevaeh Randall - 7th/8th Grade Assistant Softball Coach
- Garrison Carter - HS Assistant Football Coach
- Carmalee Woods - Head 7th Grade Volleyball Coach
- Chris Tibbals - 9th Grade Assistant Softball Coach
- Cora Ostrem - Head 7th Grade Softball Coach
- Naomi Sharp - HS Head Volleyball Coach
- Terminations
- Casidy Cavanaugh - Cook
- Agreements
- VISTA School Business Software
- Green Hills AEA Service Agreement for Managed Services
- Parent Square Agreement
- Greater Regional Health Athletic Training Services
- Select Entertainment DJ Prom FY 25
- Best Care EAP Renewal
- Exchange Visiting Teacher from Spain Program Agreement
- AEA Cooperative Food Agreement
- Ahler’s Cooney Bond Counsel and Disclosure Counsel Engagement Agreement
- Resignations
- Donations
- Shirley Staver - Class of 2025 Prom for $20.00 prom donation; Marie Chapman - Creston Early Childhood's 2024-2025 Kindergarten Class $358.50 Honor the Memory of Jan Jannings (each upcoming kindergartner will receive a book); First United Methodist Church - Food Service $950.00 Put towards unpaid lunch balances; Congregational United Church of Christ - Speech Team $375.00 Students performed for their Ladies Lenten Luncheon Committee; Jessica Carter JC Balloons & Decor Job Olympics $200.00 Labor for balloon arch installation; Casey's General Store on Sumner - ECC $150.00 Donation towards teacher lunch
- Volunteers
- Activities: Josh Capson, Anges Hoepker, Jessie Davis, Sally Johnston, Isaiah Faudoa, Noah Johnson, Krstine Brammer, Christopher Pipemo; READS: Tegan Streit, Haylee Meyer; ECC Classroom Helpers: Louis Hartkop, Dawson Roberts, Jacob Shedarowich, Jacob Stroh, Logan Bucher, Caitlin Maitlen.
Communication and reports
- 2024 Job Olympics:
- Early Childhood Center Principal Anderson’s Report - Job Olympics and ELPA 21 Data.
- Elementary School Principal Tanner’s Report - Field Trips, Solar Eclipse, Track & Field Day, reflection on two years.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - as presented.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report -review of the legislature on SSA was set by 2.5%, sets the minimum licensed salary at $47,500 for FY 25 and $50,000 for FY26, and sets licensed salary at $60,000 for 12 years of experience for FY 25 and $62,000 for FY26, CEA negotiations still in progress, sale of public property.
- Board Appreciation certificates were presented.
- Early Childhood Facility Planning - Tentative Timeline budget, bond timeline, and project spending.
- Board discussion on bagworms on trees and Orient Macksburg CSD.
James moved, and Gee seconded, to approve setting a public hearing for June 24, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed Early Childhood Center Addition. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve setting June 18, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. as the bid date to receive bids for the Early Childhood Center Addition. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve setting a public hearing for June 17, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the sale of real property. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve the Resolution for the sale of real property. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve the 2024-2025 budget amendment. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the 2024-2025 school calendar. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve the seconded reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.3. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, and Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, June 17, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, July 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, August 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2024.6.17
Board Minutes-2024.6.17
Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
June 17, 2024
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, June 17, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:05 p.m. Galen Zumbach President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, Dr. Brad James, and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, and Callie Anderson (virtually).
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually, and due to technical difficulties, no recording will be available to the public.
Mohr moved, and James seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no open public forum participation.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of May 20, 2024
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- Karen Guthrie - HS ELA Teacher
- Chad Malmanger - Head HS Boys Soccer Coach
- Connie Swanson - Para
- Shayla Findley - 5th Grade Teacher
- Contracts
- Alisa Phillips - K-5 Art Teacher (24-25 school year)
- Rebecca Mason - Para (24-25 school year)
- Agreements
- 24-25 GWAEA PowerSchool
- Residential Placement Agreement
- 2024-25 Matura Meal Agreement
- 2024-25 Greater Connections Meal Agreement
- 2024-2025 Teacher Leadership Compensation Plan
- 2024-2025 Substitute Compensation Schedule
- 2024-2025 Reimbursement Schedule
- 2024-2025 Instructional Fees
- 2024-2025 School Lunch Prices
- 2024-2025 Activity Schedule
- 2024-2025 Job Descriptions
- 2024-2025 District Career & Academic Plan
- Athletic Enhancement Course
- Waiver for Eligibility for Activities
- Resignations
Communication and reports
- Red Lion - Terry Dvorak presented solar options and board discussion.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - negative lunch balances.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - CEA negotiations completed, sale of public property update, legislative priorities for FY 25, goal planning process, and due to resignation fifth grade will be 3 section of 25 for FY 25.
- Early Childhood Facility Planning - Tentative Timeline budget, bond timeline, and project spending.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve the transfer of $40,004.47 from the general fund to the activity fund for safety equipment and state competition expenses. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the bid for the safety and security project from Solar Solution. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and James seconded, to approve the 2024-2025 fuel bid from Agriland FS. Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, and Gee seconded, to approve setting a public hearing for July 15, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2024-2025 District Developed Special Education Services Delivery System. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve the 2024-2025 district handbooks. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve the 2024-2025 CEA Master Agreement total package increase 5.13% a cost of $444,271. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, James seconded, and the Board conducted exempt employee negotiations in accordance with Iowa Chapter 20.17(3). Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. In closed session time: 7:49 p.m.
Gee moved, James seconded, and the Board came out of the closed session. Motion carried 5-0. Out of closed session time: 8:27 p.m.
Gee moved, James seconded, to approve salaried non-union a minimum of $2,000 per CEA or a 3% whichever is the greater, cost of $25,264. Non-union hourly staff shall receive $.75 per hour and a longevity update, a cost of $15,008. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, Gee seconded, to approve the administrative contracts with an increase of salaries of 3%, for a cost of $31,288. Approval to roll Mr. Stender’s existing TSA into his salary starting with FY 25. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, June 24, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Special Board Meeting
- Monday, July 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, August 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2024.6.24
Board Minutes-2024.6.24
Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
June 24, 2024
Special Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, June 24, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. El2, starting at 6:02 p.m. Dr. Amanda Mohr Vice-President presided, and the following answered roll call: Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Billie Jo Greene, and Callie Anderson.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 3-0.
Public Hearing on Early Childhood Center Addition. No written or oral objections were received, opened at 6:03 and closed at 6:03 p.m.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the contract with DDVI, Inc. for $12,095,913, inclusive of the Lump Sum Base Bid Amount and Alternates No. 1, 2 & 3, for the Early Childhood Center Addition. Motion carried 3-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the contract with Terracon Engineers. Motion carried 3-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the resolution declaring an official intent undertreasury regulation 1.150-2 to issue debt to reimburse the School District for certain original expenditures paid in connection with specified projects. Motion carried 3-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the resolution fixing the date of the sale of approximately $18,655,000 school infrastructure sales, services and use tax revenue bonds, series 2024, and approving the official statement. Motion carried 3-0.
Snodgrass moved, Gee and seconded, to approve the Dissemination Agent Agreement with Piper Sandler Co.. Motion carried 3-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the first and second reading amending policies of 704.2R1 and adding 704.2R2. Motion carried 3-0.
Snodgrass moved, and Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:23 p.m. Motion carried 3-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, July 15, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, August 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
2024-25 BOARD MINUTES bgreene@cresto… Tue, 07/16/2024 - 12:56Board Minutes-2024.07.15
Board Minutes-2024.07.15Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
July 15, 2024
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, July 15, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Galen Zumbach President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, Dr. Brad James (virtually), and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Administrators present; Deron Stender and Taylor Royster.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The meeting was broadcast virtually, and recording is available to the public until the next regular school board meeting at the district website.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Public Hearing on 2024-2025 District Developed Special Education Services Delivery System. No written or oral objections were received, opened at 6:02 and closed at 6:03 p.m.
There was no open public forum participation.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of June 17, 2024 and June 24, 2024
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- Kloey Crawford- Sped Bus Para
- Bailey Kuster - Para
- Maggie Arnold - HS Yearbook
- Contracts
- Ariel Brewer - Para
- Casey Tanner - Assistant HS Boys Wrestling Coach
- Tasha Haley - HS Student Government
- Chad Needham - Head 8th Grade Football Coach
- Sara Lane - Individual Speech Coach
- Voluntary Transfer
- Brooke McGehee - HS English Language
- Agreements
- Music Theatre International Contract
- Sorensen Entertainment DJ for Homecoming Agreement
- Resignations
Communication and reports
- Tom Hartsock with Hartscock Insurance explained the change in policy deductible.
- Student Recognition- Hawkeye Ten All Conference: Baseball - 1st Team Cael Turner- Unanimous, Parker Varner, and Dylan Hoepker; 2nd Team Sam Henry and Honorable Mention Tom Mikkelsen. Softball - 1st Team Ava Adamson and Taryn Fredricksen; 2nd Team Jersey Foote, Sophie Hagle, and Avery Staver.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - negative lunch balances.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - Keystone property agreement update, Orient-Macksburg Dissolution update, planning a groundbreaking ceremony for the new early childhood facility.
- Early Childhood Facility Planning - Tentative Timeline budget, bond timeline, and project spending.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the District Developed Special Education Services Delivery Plan. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the resolution directing the sale of $16,700,000 in school infrastructure sales, services and use tax revenue bonds. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the terminating the agreement with Red Lion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the 2024-2025 dairy bid from Anderson Erickson. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the 2025 district legislative priorities. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, August 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, September 16, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, October 21, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2024.08.05
Board Minutes-2024.08.05
Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
August 5, 2024
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, August 5, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm starting at 12:00 p.m. Galen Zumbach President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Sharon Snodgrass, and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Don Gee joined virtually at 12:03 p.m. Administrators present; Deron Stender and Billie Jo Greene.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser was present.
Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 3-0.
Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded, approved the Resolution Appointing Paying Agent, Bond Registrar, and Transfer Agent, Approving the Paying Agent, Bond Registrar and Transfer Agent Agreement and Authorizing the Execution of Same. Roll Call vote Motion carried 3-0.
Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded, approving the Tax Exemption Certificate. Roll Call vote Motion carried 3-0.
Don Gee joined virtually.
Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded, approving the Continuing Disclosure Certificate. Roll Call vote Motion carried 4-0.
Snodgrass moved, and Mohr seconded, approving the Resolution Authorizing the Terms of Issuance and Providing for and Securing the Payment of School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds. Roll Call vote Motion carried 4-0.
Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 12:06 p.m. Motion carried 4-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, August 19, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, September 16, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, October 21, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- IASB Convention November 20-22 in Des Moines
- Monday, November 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2024.08.19
Board Minutes-2024.08.19Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
August 19, 2024
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, August 19, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:01 p.m. Galen Zumbach President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, Dr. Brad James (virtually), and Dr. Amanda Mohr (virtually). Administrators present; Deron Stender, Callie Anderson, and Billie Jo Greene.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no open public forum participation.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of July 15, 2024 and August 5, 2024
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- Maggie Arnold - Yearbook
- Brenda Cook - Paraprofessional
- Susan Springer - Paraprofessional
- Toby Williamson - Bus Driver
- Adrian Flores - Head Girls Soccer Coach
- Laura Palmer - Cook
- Contracts
- Crystal Harvey - Paraprofessional
- Megan Shinn - Paraprofessional
- Trish Dickinson - 9th Grade Volleyball Coach
- Noemy Aguirre - Paraprofessional
- Adrian Flores - Head Boys Soccer Coach
- Carmen Ponce - Paraprofessional
- Flor Aguirre - Cook
- Fundraiser as presented.
- Donations - Panther Pride Student & Promotional T-Shirts: BUNN, Community 1st Credit Union, Greater Regional Health, Hartsock Insurance, Heartland Tire and Auto Center, Iowa State Savings Bank, Lions Club, NAPA, Northwest Bank, Mak and Mary O’Riley, Subway and SWICC; Panther Pride Staff & Promotional T-Shirts: Iowa State Savings Bank; New Staff Luncheon: Creston Realty and Northwest Bank; District Staff & Student Promotions: Hartsock Insurance.
- Resignations
Communication and reports
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - End of the fiscal year process, the next school board election will be in November of 2025.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report -Orient-Macksburg Dissolution update, the groundbreaking ceremony for the new early childhood facility on August 28 at 2:00 p.m., and traffic flow.
- Early Childhood Facility Planning - Tentative Timeline budget, bond timeline, and project spending.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the 2024-2025 out-of-state trips. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the 2024-2025 roster for complementary activity passes. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the support and funding up to $10,000 for Community Development Planning. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the resolution for the FY25 distribution of state funds designated as salary supplements for education support personnel. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the purchase of a 12-passenger van from Creston Automotive for $58,900. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the 2024-2025 District goals. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the superintendent's authorization to approve or deny open enrollment requests. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the first reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.4. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, and Gee seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:19 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 8:00 a.m. All Staff Welcome Back
- Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 2:00 p.m. Groundbreaking Ceremony
- Monday, September 16, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, October 21, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- IASB Convention November 20-22 in Des Moines
- Monday, November 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2024.09.16
Board Minutes-2024.09.16
Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
September 16, 2024
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, September 16, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Galen Zumbach President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass, and Dr. Amanda Mohr. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Bill Messerole, Lesa Downing, and Billie Jo Greene.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
There was no open public forum participation.
Snodgrass moved, and Gee seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 4-0.
- Minutes of August 19, 2024
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- Ashley McGinnis - Para
- Diana Millslagle - Cook
- Nellie Beaman - Cook
- Chelsea Sorensen - Custodian
- Contracts
- Brittony Miller - Para
- Preston Fleharty - Para
- Brylea Woollums - Para
- Jordan Jones - Para
- Michael Lochmoeller - Para
- Alexis Ward - Para
- Sadie Heyveld - Para
- Corina Buchanan - Para
- Shawn Stephens - Cook
- Flor Aguirre - Cook
- Cori Wells - Cook
- Christina Borgia - Crossing Guard
- Karly Calvin - Assistant MS Volleyball Coach
- Brielle Baker - Assistant MS Volleyball Coach
- 2024-2025 Substitute Compensation Schedule
- Top Notch Fireworks Agreement
- Pepsi Agreement
- Donations - ECC & Elementary from Walmart for $500
- Volunteers - Activities: Amanda Davis, Cindy Adams, Karen Ryals, Lisa Sawtelle, Nicole Webber, Peni Tussey, Ruth Avazian, and Valerie White. Classroom: Brittney Smith, Jacob Brewer, James Giles, Rhonda Giles, Maxwell Spitzmiller, and Richard Homewood.
- Fundraiser as presented.
- Resignations
Communication and reports
- Middle School Principal Downing Report - Culture team meeting update.
- High School Principal Messerole Report - High School new staffing update.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Special Education deficit Comparative and IASB Convention November 20-22 in Des Moines.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report -School safety and security update, Emergency Operation Plans, Debt service funding plan, and other one-time spending needs, Early Childhood project update, Orient-Macskburg update on boundary process, Coffee and Conversation calendar, Des Moines Register doing a report on legislative changes for the AEA, attendance update for students, bus driver shortage, District Goals, preliminary review of enrollment reflects an estimated decline of 30 students and staffing shortage.
- Early Childhood Facility Planning - Tentative Timeline budget and project spending.
Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the purchasing of new buses and vehicles for FY 2025 & 2026. Motion carried 4-0.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for the FY24 special education deficit of $362,943.99. Motion carried 4-0.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the resolution to transfer from the General Obligation Bond Debt Service fund to the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy fund, a transfer to be of $199,192.29, plus investment earnings. Motion carried 4-0.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the authorizing district funds for memorials. Motion carried 4-0.
Mohr moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the Pathway To Being A Panther Program. Motion carried 4-0.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the Supervising Teacher Agreement. Motion carried 4-0.
Mohr moved, and Sharon seconded, to approve the Early Notice Incentive. Motion carried 4-0.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the Out of State Professional Travel for the Superintendent. Motion carried 4-0.
Gee moved, and Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:11 p.m. Motion carried 4-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, October 21, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- IASB Convention November 20-22 in Des Moines
- Monday, November 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, December 16, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2024.10.21
Board Minutes-2024.10.21
Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
October 21, 2024
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, October 21, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Galen Zumbach President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, and Sharon Snodgrass. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Callie Anderson, Lesa Downing, and Billie Jo Greene.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 3-0.
There was no open public forum participation.
Snodgrass moved, and Gee seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 3-0.
- Minutes of September 16, 2024
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- Bridgette Johnson - Para
- Andrea Slight - Para
- Contracts
- Abby Menefee - Para
- Heather Brown - Para
- Shyla Stow - Para
- Lara Anderson - Cook
- Daniel Clark - Custodian
- Jessica Hotchkiss - Para
- NWEA Agreement
- Bluum (camera and door upgrades)
- Donations - Michelle Downing $150 for Senior Activity Passes, Brenda Boyer Drama - vintage hats to the costume room.
- Volunteers - Activities: Leslie Tyer
- Approve Trish Dickinson as the District Homeless Coordinator
- Approve Bill Messerole as the District 504 Coordinator
- Approve Sexual harassment/Level I Investigators: Kelsey Malmanger, Scott Driskell; Sexual Harassment/Level II Investigator: Union County Attorney; Equity Coordinator/Affirmative Action: Deron Stender
- Creston Lau Plan 2024-25
- TAG Handbook 2024-25
- 2024-2025 additional payment for activities
- Resignations
Communication and reports
- Director of District Service Dickinson Report - Creston Continuous Improvement scoreboard, Special Education, curriculum and instruction, Talented and Gifted, English Learners, Social and Emotional Behavior Health, and Homeless Liaison
- PK-4 Anderson Report - Curriculum, assessments, and instruction
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - preliminary certified enrollment and IASB Convention November 20-22 in Des Moines.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report -School safety and security update, Emergency Operation Plans, Debt service funding plan, and other one-time spending needs, Early Childhood project update, preliminary review of enrollment estimated decline of 55.24 served students, bus bid process, SWCC vocational plan identified areas of need, School Improvement Advisory Committee.
- Early Childhood Facility Planning - Tentative Timeline budget and project spending.
- It was noted the footprint of the Early Childhood Center is larger than expected.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the second reading of policy updates in Vol. 32.4. Motion carried 3-0.
Snodgrass moved, and Gee seconded, to approve the first reading of policy updates in Vol. 33.1. Motion carried 5-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass Seconded, and the Board held a closed session to discuss records required by law to be kept confidential as provided by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a). Motion carried Roll Call 3-0. Went into a closed session at 7:04 p.m.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded to come out of the closed session at 7:34 p.m. Motion carried Roll 3-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, and the Board held a closed session as provided in section 21.5(1)(a) of the open meeting law to review or discuss records that are required or authorized to be kept confidential. The board reviewed and discussed the Emergency Operation Plan. Motion carried roll call vote 3-0. In closed session time: 7:35 p.m.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, and the Board came out of the closed session. Motion carried roll call vote 3-0. Out of closed session time: 7:41 p.m.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded to approve the 2024-2025 Emergency Management Plan as presented during the closed session. Motion carried 3-0.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m. Motion carried 3-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, November 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- IASB Convention November 20-22 in Des Moines
- Monday, December 16, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, January 20, 2025, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2024.11.18
Board Minutes-2024.11.18Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
November 18, 2024
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, November 18, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 6:00 p.m. Galen Zumbach President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Dr. Amanda Mohr, Dr. Brad James, and Sharon Snodgrass. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Callie Anderson, Lesa Downing, Scott Busch, and Billie Jo Greene.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
There was no open public forum participation.
Gee moved, and James seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of October 21, 2024
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- Robert Stow - Bus Driver
- Cori Wells-Cook
- Heather Brown - Para
- Katlin Winemiller - Nurse (as of Dec 20th)
- Contracts
- Sara Keeler - HS Assistant Girls Wrestling Coach
- Abbi Hood - Kindergarten Teacher
- Nolte, Cornman & Johnson Audit 3-Year Agreement
- Donations - Sharon Bennett 1st grade $570 book for each 1st grader; Dana Mickaelson, ECC and Elementary $100 winter clothing for students; GameTime $150,752.90 ECC Playground; Cindy Kneedler and Marie Grossman (Crystal Degonia Memorial) $400 Creston Cross Country; REC Foundation $800 Robotics Club.
- Volunteers - Classroom and/or Activities: Melinda Abell, Jennifer Vietz, Carie Austin, Jesse White, Karen Fries. READ’s: Gwen Buck, Victoria Homewood, Michael Wolfe, Joshua Lopez, Linda Huffman, Myla Duckworth, Patricia Marean, Steave Marean, Linda Stewart, and Cindy Woods.
- Resignations
Communication and reports
- Student and Staff Recognition- Hawkeye 10 All-Conference Volleyball-2nd Team- Jaycee Hanson; Class 3A District 6 All-District Football Team - 1st Team- Weston Trapp, Brayden Schoon, Tom Mikkelsen, Luke Travis - 2nd Team-Xander Drake, Gunner Martwick, Tanner Ray, Mattias Schultes, Davin Wallace, Jackson Pettegrew - Honorable Mention- Casen Dryden, Josh Schaefer, Tyson Looney, Jayden Myers. Reese Strunk qualified for the Girls State Cross Country Meet. Pepper’s Dance Team earned the Iowa State Dance and Drill Team Top Academic Achievement Award by earning a GPA of 3.9 or higher. Zaina Harvey- finished in the top 10 at the State Solo Dance competition and qualified for the State Finals. Gracelyn Spencer, Olivia Fox, and Rheeana Weems all received 1 Rating and finished in the top 10 at Solo color guard; they will perform at the state championships as well. Sarah Stephens received Green Hills Regional Teacher of the Year by the Iowa Department of Education.
- Middle School Principal Downing Report - Culture team meeting update, goals, assessments.
- High School Principal Messerole Report - Next academic year Work Based Learning update, 2024 Central Iowa Skilled Trades Apprenticeship Expo, Tulit Tiered System Support (MTSS) update.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Financial review and certified enrollment updated, CFPM October report, 2025-2026 school budget timeline, and IASB Convention November 20-22 in Des Moines.
- Superintendent Stender’s Early Childhood project update, MTSS Scoreboard update, Certified Enrollment review, Weather Related School Closures and Delays, Community Coffees, and Orient Macksburg dissolution plan.
- Received board consensus to notify Orient Macksburg School Board of the following:
- Allow Creston transportation to all families on the direct line of travel to the current Orient School building
- Reject the Orient Macksbug Dissolution Committee boundary proposal and reaffirm Crestos original boundary proposal
- Received board consensus to notify Orient Macksburg School Board of the following:
- Enrollment and State Aid Overview
- Early Childhood Facility Planning - Tentative Timeline budget and project spending.
Gee moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:56 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Organizational Meeting for 2024-2025
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Monday, November 18, 2024. The meeting was held in the boardroom as well as virtually, starting at 6:56 p.m. Billie Jo Greene, Board Secretary, presided, and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Don Gee, Sharon Snodgrass Dr. Amanda Mohr, and Galen Zumbach. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Callie Anderson, Lesa Downing, Scott Busch, and Billie Jo Greene.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
Mohr moved, James seconded, and the agenda was approved as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach nominated Don Gee for the Office of President. Seconded by James. Roll call vote motion carried 5-0. The oath of office was administered to Don Gee, the newly elected president.
Board Secretary Greene turned the board meeting over to newly elected Board President Gee.
Mohr nominated Galen Zumbach for the Office of Vice President. Seconded by Snodgrass. Roll call vote motion carried 5-0. The oath of office was administered to Galen Zumbach, newly elected vice president.
Zumbaach moved, and James seconded, to approve Billie Jo Greene as School Board Secretary and School Board Treasurer. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbaach moved, and James seconded, to approve school board meetings to be held on the third Monday of each month except for March, which will be moved to the fourth Monday at 5:30 p.m. in the boardroom at the Central Office at 801 North Elm St. Motion carried 5-0.
Snodgrass moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve Director Brad James as the Union County Conference Board Representative and Director Don Gee as the Adams County Conference Board Representative. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded to approve Creston News Advertiser as the district’s official newspaper. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and James seconded, to adopt a resolution that Creston Community School District of Creston, IA, in Union County, IA, approve Iowa State Savings Bank as a financial institution to be the depository of Creston Community School District funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452 and 453 (1993) as amended by 1984 Iowa Acts, S.F. 2220. The business manager, board secretary, and board treasurer are hereby authorized to deposit Creston Community School funds at IASB. Naming Iowa State Savings Bank up to $20,000,000 and PMA up to $20,000,000 as the financial institutes of the depository. Roll Call vote Motion carried 5-0.
James moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm as the District Legal Counsel. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the first-semester early graduation list pending successful completion of the graduation requirements as set forth by the Board of Education and the state of Iowa. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded to approve the Creston Early Childhood Playground and Surface contract to GameTime, ℅ Cunningham Recreation for $676,989.12. Motion carried 5-0
Zumbach moved, and James seconded to approve the bid and purchase of two buses from Hoglund Bus Company for $327,870 from the 2026 budget. Motion carried 5-0
Zumbach moved, and James seconded, to approve the second reading of policy updates in Vol. 33.1. Motion carried 5-0
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded to approve granting authority to the Superintendent to sell and dispose of public property as necessary and in accordance with the Iowa Code. Motion carried 5-0
Zumbach moved, and Mohrseconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, December 16, 2024, 5:30 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, January 20, 2025, 5:30 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, February 17, 2025, 5:30 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2024.12.16
Board Minutes-2024.12.16Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
December 16, 2024
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, December 16, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 5:30 p.m. Don Gee President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Dr. Amanda Mohr (arrived 5:31 p.m.), Dr. Brad James (joined virtually), and Sharon Snodgrass. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Callie Anderson, Scott Driskell, and Billie Jo Greene.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
There was no open public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of November 18, 2024
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- Megan Shinn - Para
- Brylea Woollums - Para
- Gail Vandenberg - Para
- Keri Lemon - Cook
- Kelsi Carlisle - Kindergarten Teacher
- Jon Thomson - Teacher
- Phoenix Thompson - Teacher (end of 24-25 school year)
- Contracts
- Deb George - Cook
- Jon Thomson - IT Director
- Donation: The district gratefully acknowledges the generosity of the Jensen Group for their donation of $1,395.00 to Creston Elementary's 2nd Grade, which funded the purchase of the book Just Like Caitlin, the Caitlin Clark story, providing a copy for every 2nd grader. Additionally, we extend our thanks to Walmart for their contribution of $150.00 to Panther Pride Preschool, which supported snacks for the Fall Family Fun Night.
- Volunteers - READ’s: Emma Johnson and Madison Mills.
- Resignations
Communication and reports
- Student and Staff Recognition-The district proudly recognizes Weston Trapp for being named to the Iowa Football Coaches Association All-State 2nd Team. We also congratulate the Peppers Dance Team for their outstanding achievements at the Iowa State Dance Team Association competition, earning the title of Lights Division State Champions and securing 3rd place in the Props Division. Additionally, we commend the WinterGuard team for their impressive 3rd place finish. Sarah Stephens, a special education teacher, was honored as one of Iowa's 2025 Regional Teachers of the Year by the Iowa Department of Education. With 14 years of experience, Stephens has excelled in empowering students, mentoring colleagues, and integrating community opportunities into the classroom. The district celebrates her dedication, passion, and exemplary service to students and the community.
- Director of District Services Dickinson Report - The Special Education team finalized Count Day and is collaborating with AEA representatives to develop a local procedures handbook. Ongoing professional learning and team meetings aim to enhance practices, with a district-wide session planned for January 3rd. Curriculum efforts focus on reviewing current resources, organizing essential standards, and refining the curriculum cycle to support K-12 staff. TAG programming is being reviewed with AEA guidance, while the EL program continues to clarify standards and monitor student progress. In Social and Emotional Behavior Health, walkthrough data is being collected to ensure effective implementation of the Second Step resource.
- Assistant Principal/Activities Director Driskell Report - Participation numbers for fall activities, including football, volleyball, cross country, cheer, marching band, and guard, have shown variation over time, with notable trends in each area. Highlights include a steady interest in football and volleyball, fluctuating cross-country participation, and consistent involvement in cheer. Marching band and guard numbers have experienced some decline in recent years. Additionally, girls' tennis has transitioned to the fall season, and boys' golf will also move to fall but has been delayed.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - Financial review and certified enrollment updated, CFPM November report, and 2025-2026 school budget timeline update.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - The district continues to monitor construction progress on new facilities with monthly meetings alongside DLR and DDVI project managers. While pathways were initially expected to open by Thanksgiving, delays and cold weather may push access until after winter break. A project time capsule is available on the district website. Efforts remain focused on school improvement through the district Scoreboard, and the administration is actively developing the 2025-2026 budget to address declining enrollment and rising costs. The enrollment decrease of 55.39 students reduces state revenue by $432,308, while estimated new costs total $983,875. Targeted savings of $383,875 are being identified to close the budget gap. Community engagement continues through monthly coffee meetings and open communication channels. Superintendent Stender also represents the district on various local and state leadership committees. For updates, follow district activities on the website, social media, and local media outlets.
- Enrollment and State Aid Overview
- Early Childhood Facility Planning - Tentative Timeline budget and project spending.
- Board Discussion: High School Trees questions, Congratulations was shared to Mrs. Anderson obtained her Superintendents degree.
- PK-4 Anderson Report - update on Early Childhood Center parking lot at the Elementary-Middle School Site.
Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve director Zumbach and director Gee as lead negotiators to negotiate with the Creston Education Association and AFSCME Local 3467. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve the resolution for gross pay up for district-directed and approved employees and individuals pursuing certification. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to the district is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee a modified supplemental amount of $319,448.26 due to open enrollment out from the previous year. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded to approve the LEP modified supplemental allowance of $13,538.98. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the 2025-2026 Modified Supplemental Allowance At Risk budget for $520,625. Motion carried 5-0.
Galen moved, and Mohr seconded, and the Board held a closed session as provided in section 21.5(1)(i) of the open meeting law to review to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.
Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. In closed session time: 6:47 p.m.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, and the Board came out of the closed session. Motion carried roll call vote 5-0. Out-of-closed session time: 8:02 p.m.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded to approve the performance evaluation of Mr. Stender who meets performance expectations and offer an extended contract from July 2025 to June 2028. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Tuesday, January 20, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, February 17, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, February 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Budget workshop
- Monday, March 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting (note one week later) and First Public Hearing on Certified Budget
- Monday, April 21, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting and Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
- Monday, May 19, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, June 16, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2025.01.20
Board Minutes-2025.01.20Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
January 20, 2025
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, January 20, 2024. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 5:31 p.m. Don Gee President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Dr. Amanda Mohr, Dr. Brad James, and Sharon Snodgrass. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Callie Anderson, Lesa Downing, Bill Messerole, and Taylor Royster.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mohr moved, and James seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
There was no open public forum participation.
Mohr moved, and James seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 5-0.
- Minutes of December 16, 2024
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- Kaitlyn Halvorson- Para
- Deb George - Cook
- Contracts
- Gabriella Cannon- MS Para
- Hannah Fry- HS Para
- Treyton Chesnut- Head MS Girls Wrestling Coach
- Keaton Street-Assistant MS Boys Wrestling Coach
- Cole Crawford- Head 8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach
- Brielle Baker- Head 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach
- CEA intent to Negotiate
- AFSCME intent to Negotiate
- DSM Dance Party DJ
- Donation: The district gratefully acknowledges the grant of $24,750.00 for Creston Schools Professional Development for Computer Science Instruction the grant was written by Heidi Lumbard through the Iowa Dept. of Education. Additionally, we extend our thanks to the Congregational United Church of Christ for their contribution of $250.00 to children's unpaid lunch balances.
- Volunteers - Classroom: Chelsie Miller.
- Resignations
Communication and reports
- Middle School Principal Downing Report - Culture team meeting update, goals, assessments.
- High School Principal Messerole Report - ISASP Report, Work Based Learning, chronic absenteeism, and Math scores.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - CFPM December report, and 2025-2026 school budget timeline.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - The construction of the new Early Childhood Center continues, with monthly meetings held to review progress. Parking and traffic flow were restored over winter break, but construction has been delayed due to steel procurement, pushing the completion date to October. Plans are being developed to minimize the transition impact on students and staff. The district is also considering retaining the current ECC building temporarily. Budget planning for 2025-2026 is underway to address challenges from declining enrollment and rising costs, with an estimated revenue loss of $432,308 and projected cost increases of $983,875. The district is identifying targeted savings of $383,875 and preparing recommendations for potential reductions. The budget is expected to be finalized by April 30, 2025. Additionally, the district is monitoring legislative updates, including the Governor’s proposal for a 2% increase in state aid. Orient-Macksburg held a public hearing regarding district boundary changes, which Creston has objected to, and the final decision rests with the Department of Education. The district is also exploring options for an online learning program in collaboration with Shenandoah and considering an independent model. Community engagement efforts, including monthly coffee meetings, continue to foster positive connections.
- Enrollment and State Aid Overview
- Early Childhood Facility Planning - Tentative Timeline budget and project spending.
- Board Discussion:
Zumbach moved, and James seconded, to approve setting the quotation date for Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment as February 13, 2025, at 2:00 pm. Motion carried 5-0.
Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the first reading of Policy Primer 33.2. Motion carried 5-0.
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:18 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, February 17, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, February 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Budget workshop
- Monday, March 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting (note one week later), First Public Hearing on Certified Budget
- Monday, April 21, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting and Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
- Monday, May 19, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, June 16, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
Board Minutes-2025.02.17
Board Minutes-2025.02.17Creston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
February 17, 2025
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, February 17, 2025. The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 5:30 p.m. Don Gee President presided, and the following answered roll call: Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Dr. Amanda Mohr, and Sharon Snodgrass. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Callie Anderson, Scott Driskell, and Billie Jo Greene.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser was present.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
There was no open public forum participation.
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve consent agenda items: Motion carried 4-0.
- Minutes of January 20, 2025
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts, Resignations, agreements
- Resignations
- Alexis Ward - Para
- Contracts
- Paul Martin - Cook
- Sandra Shimer - Cook
- Sophia Short - Para
- Pam Bruns - Nurse
- Green Hills AEA amended Managed Services
- Donation: Several individuals and organizations made generous $200 donations to support various school programs and student needs. Sharon Juergens and Karen Juergens-Spanier contributed to Creston Elementary for student Christmas gifts and made an additional donation to the elementary school. Jessica Duncan provided funds to help cover speech team expenses. The First Presbyterian Church donated to the food service program to assist with unpaid lunch balances. Lastly, Merlin Scadden made a memorial donation to support the Creston Cross Country team.
- Volunteers - Fieldtrip: Denise Beebe
- Fundraisers as presented.
- Resignations
Communication and reports
- Student and Staff Recognition: The girls' wrestling team had four state qualifiers: Alanaih Galanakis, Karlie Kruse (5th place), Evy Marlin (4th place), and Grace Keeler. The Winterguard team placed 3rd at the HWAA Contest at Gretna High School. In Large Group Speech All-State, the Choral Reading performers included Blake Brown, Chaylee Needham, Christian White, Dylan Dornack, Johnathan Henry, Kailyn White, Lily Seaton, Lizzy Sprague, Mahi Patel, Savannah Jaques, Shyann Richards, Trinitie Smith, Vanessa Hill, and Wyatt Hitz. The One-Act Play performers were Carson Beer, Chaylee Needham, Mahi Patel, Spencer Brown, Lila Berning, Wyatt Hitz, Kylor Budrow, Brandon Brumfield, Layla Harvey, Lehydyn Dresback, Sebastian Olmstead, and Zoey Mullen. In the non-performing categories, the Musical Theatre honorees were Caitlin Austin, Carson Beer, Janea Green-Ngang, Kiya Capson, and Olivia Fox, while the Readers Theatre team included Christian White, Dylan Dornack, Kailyn White, Noah Richardson, Shyann Richards, and Trinitie Smith.
- Director of District Services Dickson Report - Each month, special education staff engage in professional learning focused on high-leverage practices, self-reflection, and high-need areas, guided by statewide policies and procedures. February’s session emphasized the role of paraprofessionals, with special education teachers leading collaboration between paras and general education staff. In curriculum and instruction, essential standards for K-8 are documented in PowerSchool, and efforts are underway to implement a curriculum cycle for K-12, ensuring a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum. Regarding ISASP testing, domain data from 2024 is being analyzed, and preparations for the April 2025 assessments include training modules, student readiness tools, and practice tests, with professional development on February 17th focusing on test preparation.
- PK-4 Principal Anderson Report - Iowa’s Early Literacy Implementation (ELI) under Code 279.68 and Administrative Code 281-62 requires universal reading screening for K-3 students using the FastBridge screener, with progress monitoring and intensive instruction for those at risk. Persistently at-risk students receive 90 minutes of research-based instruction, small group support, and frequent reassessments, with parental notifications on progress. Schools must implement reading enhancement initiatives, measure key literacy skills, and address chronic absenteeism. House File 2618 (2024) expands ELI by introducing Personalized Reading Plans (PRPs) for K-6 students not reading proficiently, requiring parental updates, progress tracking, and potential retention requests. The Science of Reading framework has been integrated into teacher training and curriculum, including decodable book packs for first graders and LETRS professional development. Schools must provide evidence-based reading plans that track student progress, specify instructional strategies, and include parental resources and notifications. If a parent requests retention, districts must retain the student unless proficiency improves.
- Activities Director Driskell Report - Winter activity participation has fluctuated over the years, with notable declines in boys' basketball (from 43 in 2022 to 29 in 2024) and wrestling participation stabilizing after an initial drop. Girls’ wrestling, introduced in 2022, peaked at 14 participants in 2023 but declined slightly to 11 in 2024. Bowling, cheer, guard, and jazz band have also seen slight declines in numbers. Additionally, girls' tennis is moving to the fall season, leading to coaching adjustments, with three coaches in the spring shifting to two in the fall and two remaining in the spring.
- Business Manager Greene’s Report - The monthly financial reports cover key financial data, including account code dimensions, special education deficit comparisons (September 9, 2024), and certified enrollment data (October 2024). Notable presentations include a board work session on March 4, 2024, and CFPM updates from January 2024. The 2025-2026 budget timeline includes the ISFIS budget workshop on January 15, 2025, followed by a board budget workshop on February 24, 2025. The budget publication is due to the Department of Management by March 15, 2025, with Public Hearing A scheduled after March 20, 2025, and Public Hearing B set for April 21, 2025, both requiring 10-20 days of prior public notice.
- Superintendent Stender’s Report - The district remains focused on school improvement, tracking progress through its Scoreboard, and managing the construction of the new Early Childhood Center. Temporary relocation plans are in place for elementary and middle school offices and preschool/kindergarten students. Budget planning for 2025-2026 is ongoing to address declining enrollment and rising costs, with a projected $432,308 revenue loss and $983,875 in increased expenses. The district aims to save $961,445 through targeted reductions, including operational efficiencies and staff adjustments. Additional fiscal strategies include LED lighting conversions for energy savings, operational sharing with other districts, and exploring an online program and homeschool assistance to retain students and generate revenue. Budget finalization is expected by April 30, 2025, with updates provided to the school board and community. The district also monitors legislative decisions on state aid and continues community engagement through monthly coffee meetings.
- Enrollment and State Aid Overview
- Early Childhood Facility Planning - Tentative Timeline budget and project spending.
- Board Discussion:
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve a budget reduction plan that reduces four positions. Motion carried 4-0.
Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve the repurposing of Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) funds to the general fund for budget management. Motion carried 4-0.
Snodgrarss moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve the contract to Premier F+E powered by Meteor Education for $228,454.12. Motion carried 4-0.
Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve March 24, 2025, as the regular board meeting for March. Motion carried 4-0.
Mohr moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve setting a public hearing for March 24, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. and April 21, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2025-2026 certified budget. Motion carried 4-0.
Mohr moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve setting a public hearing for March 24, 2025, at 5:40 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room as the date, time, and place for the proposed 2025-2026 school calendar. Motion carried 4-0.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the second reading of Policy Primer 33.2. Motion carried 4-0.
Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:27 p.m. Motion carried 4-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, February 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Budget workshop
- Monday, March 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting (note one week later), First Public Hearing on Certified Budget
- Monday, April 21, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting and Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
- Monday, May 19, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, June 16, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
February 17, 2025 Board Meeting Recording
February 17, 2025 Board Meeting Recording bgreene@cresto… Tue, 02/18/2025 - 11:04Board Minutes-2025.02.24 (Budget Workshop
Board Minutes-2025.02.24 (Budget WorkshopCreston Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
Working Session
Budget Review 2025-2026
The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School District met on Monday, February 24, 2025. The meeting was held in the boardroom and started at 5:30 p.m. Don Gee, President, presided and the following answered roll call: Dr. Brad James, Sharon Snodgrass, Don Gee, and Galen Zumbach. Administrators present: Deron Stender and Billie Jo Greene.
A representative from the Creston News Advertiser was present.
The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Zumbach moved, and James seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
Mrs. Greene and Mr. Stender reviewed the district’s financial projections, considering enrollment, Supplemental State Aid (SSA), and the six primary funds. The board discussed financial expectations and proposed budgets for the 2025-2026 school year.
The proposed FY26 budget and levy are based on a 2% SSA increase, with the board planning to reassess after SSA is finalized for the April 21st budget hearing. Mr. Stender outlined ongoing budget planning to address declining enrollment and rising costs, which include a projected revenue loss of $432,308 and increased expenses of $983,875. To mitigate this, the district aims to achieve $961,445 in savings through targeted reductions, including operational efficiencies and staff adjustments.
Mr. Stender stated that while budget constraints are a result of increased costs and declining enrollment the administration is exploring opportunities to generate revenue such as operational sharing, shared services, an online academy, and other revenue-creating factors. Mr. Stender reminded the board that most of these actions would not impact the FY 2026 budget but would be reflected in the FY 2027 budget.
Mrs. Greene also reviewed fund descriptions, the district’s financial health, certified enrollment data, and the proposed FY26 budget. The 2025-2026 levy rate, based on a 2% SSA, is set at 11.76015 which is a decrease of 1.95891 from the 2024-2025 rate.
Zumbach moved, Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:27 p.m. Motion carried 4-0.
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
President Secretary
Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, March 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting (note one week later), First Public Hearing on Certified Budget and school calendar.
- Monday, April 21, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting and Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
- Monday, May 19, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
- Monday, June 16, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
Recording February 24, 2025 Budget Workshop
Recording February 24, 2025 Budget Workshop bgreene@cresto… Tue, 02/25/2025 - 09:02Board Minutes-2025.03.17
Board Minutes-2025.03.17 bgreene@cresto… Tue, 07/16/2024 - 13:01Board Minutes-2025.04.21
Board Minutes-2025.04.21 bgreene@cresto… Tue, 07/16/2024 - 13:01Board Minutes-2025.05.19
Board Minutes-2025.05.19 bgreene@cresto… Tue, 07/16/2024 - 13:01Board Minutes-2025.06.16
Board Minutes-2025.06.16 bgreene@cresto… Tue, 07/16/2024 - 13:02ARCHIVES - BOARD MINUTES
ARCHIVES - BOARD MINUTESFind Board Minutes Archives for the Creston Community School linked here.