Board Agenda - 2023.3.20


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

March 20, 2023 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident and compassionate citizens.


In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574

Meeting Password:   Creston

Join by phone:





  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.


Don Gee, President 


Dr. Amanda Mohr, Vice President


Galen Zumbach


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender, Superintendent


Billie Jo Greene, School Business Official


Bill Messerole, High School Principal


Scott Driskell, AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing, Middle School Principal


Casey Tanner, Elementary Principal


Callie Anderson, ECC Principal


  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for the vote.

    1. Minutes of February 20, 2023 , March 8, 2023
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements & Contracts
      1. Contracts and Resignations
      2. CEA intent to Negotiate
      3. AFSCME intent to Negotiate
      4. Southwestern Community College Contracts
        1. Automotive Repair Technology and Carpentry
        2. Arts and Sciences
        3. Auto Collision Repair/Refinish and Electrical Technology Career Academ
        4. Health Career Academy
        5. Information Technology Systems Networking Career Academy,
        6. Concurrent Enrollment Program
        7. Welding Career Academy
        8. Summer Welding Technology Career Academy, Carpentry & Building Trades and Health Science Career Academy
        9. Nodaway Valley Girls Soccer Agreement
        10. Iowa LGPR Natural Gas Program Agreement
    5. Donations
    6. Volunteers

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Recognition of Students and Staff
    2. Early Childhood Center/Special Education Principal’s Report
    3. Elementary Principal’s Report
    4. Athletic Director’s Report
    5. Business Manager’s Report
    6. Superintendent’s Report
    7. Projects
      1. ESSER III Funded Positions & Programs
      2. Capital Projects FY 24
    8. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving quote for the construction contract for Playcore Wisconsin, Inc. (dba Game Time) for the EMS Playground Equipment and Surfacing and additional replacement roof fabric.

                        ACTION:  Approve a construction contract of $310,320.29 with Playcore Wisconsin, Inc. (dba Game Time) for EMS Playground Equipment and Surfacing.  Consider approval of an additional replacement fabric roof for $4,839.91.  This project will be funded by SAVE/PPEL.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve contract with Playcore Wisconsin, Inc.

 Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving quote for the proposed construction contract of $12,000 with C&J Conservation for the demolition, earthwork and concrete curbing related to the playground equipment contract.

                        ACTION:  Approve a construction contract of $12,000 with C&J Conservation for the Demolition, Earthwork and Concrete Curbing related to the Playground Equipment Contract.  This will be funded by SAVE/PPEL.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve contract with C&J Conservation.  

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving a contract amendment for DLR Group for design, bidding and construction phase services related to the Playground Equipment Contract.

ACTION:   The district has been working with DLR to provide facility planning and project management.  The AIA agreement is for the playground, concrete and groundwork at the Elementary.   This amendment  is for $15,000 and will be paid for by SAVE/PPEL. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve a contract amendment of $15,000 for DLR Group.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider the purchase of a Skid Steer

ACTION:   The current skid steer is over 20 years old and the costs to continue to repair and maintain it are significant.  The district received two quotes (Case and AgriVision) and tested each of the machines to make sure it meets our needs.  Mr. Briley and Mr. Foglesong recommend purchasing the Skid Steer from Case for a total price, after trade in ($13,500) for $54,500. This machine is in stock and will be delivered within a week.  This purchase shall be expended from the FY 2023 General Fund budget.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:   Approve purchasing a Skid Steer from Case for $54,500.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider purchase of a zero-turn commercial mower

ACTION:  The district has a replacement cycle for equipment.  This project was placed out for a competitive bid.  The district received two quotes (Service Tech and AgriVision) and Mr. Foglesong recommends purchasing the mower from Service Tech (Toro) for a total price, after trade in ($4,000) for $8,207.79.  This purchase shall be expended from the FY 2023 General Fund budget.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION:  Approve purchasing a mower from Service Tech for $8,207.79.

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving revised 2022-2023 School Calendar

ACTION:  To date, the district has closed 2.5 days.  While it is still early, I do not anticipate significant school closure or delays that would have a negative impact on instruction or learning and request that we do not extend student days (the district calendar exceeds the minimum state requirement by 14 days).  Staff will work the contracted days and will be provided with professional development through a flexible and hybrid model that supports remote collaboration and utility. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the revised 2022-2023 calendar to not extend student days and for flexible and hybrid collaboration for licensed staff..

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider approving the renewal of the 2023-2024 district health insurance with ISEBA

ACTION: The district received the health insurance renewal rates for 2023-2024 that reflect a 6.45% premium increase.  The district has been a part of the Iowa School Employee Benefits Association (ISEBA) pool since 2004.  The pool protects the district from the extremes and the current plans provide our employees with quality benefits and services.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2023-2024 district health insurance with ISEBA.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Special Board Meeting
  • Monday, April 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, May 15, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting