504.5 - Student Fund Raising


Students may raise funds for school-sponsored events with the permission of the school board.  The school board delegates to the Superintendent the authority to approve routine student fundraising as deemed appropriate.  Collection boxes for school fundraising must have prior approval from the school board or its designee before being placed on school property.

All funds generated from district-sponsored student fundraising will be placed in the district’s student activity fund. 

It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principal, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.

NOTE:  This is a recommended policy, but the board has the discretion to write it to reflect the board's practice.


Legal Reference:           Senior Class of Pekin High School v. Tharp, 154 N.W.2d 874 (Iowa 1967).

                                    Iowa Code § 279.8



Cross Reference:           502                                                                            Student Rights and Responsibilities

                                    503                                                                            Student Discipline

                                    504                                                                            Student Activities

                                    704.5                                                                          Student Activities Fund

                                    905.2                                                                          Advertising and Promotion



Approved        June 20, 2022                  Reviewed                     Revised:  September 18, 2023