Board Minutes-2024.12.16

Creston Community School District

Board of Directors Meeting

December 16, 2024

Regular Board Meeting

The Board of Directors of the Creston Community School district met on Monday, December 16, 2024.  The meeting was held in the Boardroom at 801 N. Elm as well as virtually, starting at 5:30 p.m.  Don Gee President presided, and the following answered roll call:  Galen Zumbach, Don Gee, Dr. Amanda Mohr (arrived 5:31 p.m.), Dr. Brad James (joined virtually), and Sharon Snodgrass. Administrators present; Deron Stender, Callie Anderson, Scott Driskell, and Billie Jo Greene. 

A representative from the Creston News Advertiser and KSIB was present.

The president asked the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.

There was no open public forum participation.

Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to approve consent agenda items:  Motion carried 5-0.

  • Minutes of November 18, 2024
  • Financial Reports
  • Bills
  • Contracts, Resignations, agreements
    • Resignations
      • Megan Shinn - Para
      • Brylea Woollums - Para
      • Gail Vandenberg - Para
      • Keri Lemon - Cook
      • Kelsi Carlisle - Kindergarten Teacher
      • Jon Thomson - Teacher
      • Phoenix Thompson - Teacher (end of 24-25 school year)
    • Contracts
      • Deb George - Cook
      • Jon Thomson - IT Director
    • Donation:  The district gratefully acknowledges the generosity of the Jensen Group for their donation of $1,395.00 to Creston Elementary's 2nd Grade, which funded the purchase of the book Just Like Caitlin, the Caitlin Clark story, providing a copy for every 2nd grader. Additionally, we extend our thanks to Walmart for their contribution of $150.00 to Panther Pride Preschool, which supported snacks for the Fall Family Fun Night.
    • Volunteers -  READ’s:  Emma Johnson and Madison Mills.

Communication and reports

  • Student and Staff Recognition-The district proudly recognizes Weston Trapp for being named to the Iowa Football Coaches Association All-State 2nd Team. We also congratulate the Peppers Dance Team for their outstanding achievements at the Iowa State Dance Team Association competition, earning the title of Lights Division State Champions and securing 3rd place in the Props Division. Additionally, we commend the WinterGuard team for their impressive 3rd place finish.   Sarah Stephens, a special education teacher, was honored as one of Iowa's 2025 Regional Teachers of the Year by the Iowa Department of Education. With 14 years of experience, Stephens has excelled in empowering students, mentoring colleagues, and integrating community opportunities into the classroom. The district celebrates her dedication, passion, and exemplary service to students and the community.
  • Director of District Services Dickinson Report - The Special Education team finalized Count Day and is collaborating with AEA representatives to develop a local procedures handbook. Ongoing professional learning and team meetings aim to enhance practices, with a district-wide session planned for January 3rd. Curriculum efforts focus on reviewing current resources, organizing essential standards, and refining the curriculum cycle to support K-12 staff. TAG programming is being reviewed with AEA guidance, while the EL program continues to clarify standards and monitor student progress. In Social and Emotional Behavior Health, walkthrough data is being collected to ensure effective implementation of the Second Step resource.
  • Assistant Principal/Activities Director Driskell Report - Participation numbers for fall activities, including football, volleyball, cross country, cheer, marching band, and guard, have shown variation over time, with notable trends in each area. Highlights include a steady interest in football and volleyball, fluctuating cross-country participation, and consistent involvement in cheer. Marching band and guard numbers have experienced some decline in recent years. Additionally, girls' tennis has transitioned to the fall season, and boys' golf will also move to fall but has been delayed.
  • Business Manager Greene’s Report - Financial review and certified enrollment updated, CFPM November report, and  2025-2026 school budget timeline update.
  • Superintendent Stender’s Report - The district continues to monitor construction progress on new facilities with monthly meetings alongside DLR and DDVI project managers. While pathways were initially expected to open by Thanksgiving, delays and cold weather may push access until after winter break. A project time capsule is available on the district website. Efforts remain focused on school improvement through the district Scoreboard, and the administration is actively developing the 2025-2026 budget to address declining enrollment and rising costs. The enrollment decrease of 55.39 students reduces state revenue by $432,308, while estimated new costs total $983,875. Targeted savings of $383,875 are being identified to close the budget gap. Community engagement continues through monthly coffee meetings and open communication channels. Superintendent Stender also represents the district on various local and state leadership committees. For updates, follow district activities on the website, social media, and local media outlets.
  • Enrollment and State Aid Overview
  • Early Childhood Facility Planning - Tentative Timeline budget and project spending.
  • Board Discussion: High School Trees questions, Congratulations was shared to Mrs. Anderson obtained her Superintendents degree.
  • PK-4 Anderson Report - update on Early Childhood Center parking lot at the Elementary-Middle School Site.

Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve director Zumbach and director Gee as lead negotiators to negotiate with the Creston Education Association and AFSCME Local 3467.  Motion carried 5-0.

Mohr moved, and Zumbach seconded, to approve the resolution for gross pay up for district-directed and approved employees and individuals pursuing certification.  Motion carried 5-0.

Zumbach moved, and Mohr seconded, to the district is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee a modified supplemental amount of $319,448.26 due to open enrollment out from the previous year.  Motion carried 5-0.

Mohr moved, and Snodgrass seconded to approve the LEP modified supplemental allowance of $13,538.98.  Motion carried 5-0. 

Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to approve the 2025-2026 Modified Supplemental Allowance At Risk budget for $520,625.  Motion carried 5-0.

Galen moved, and Mohr seconded, and the Board held a closed session as provided in section 21.5(1)(i) of the open meeting law to review to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.

 Motion carried roll call vote 5-0.   In closed session time: 6:47 p.m.

Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, and the Board came out of the closed session.  Motion carried roll call vote 5-0.  Out-of-closed session time:  8:02 p.m.

Zumbach moved, and James seconded to approve the performance evaluation of Mr. Stender who meets performance expectations and offer an extended contract from July 2025 to June 2028.   Motion carried 5-0.  

Zumbach moved, and Snodgrass seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m.  Motion carried 5-0.



_______________________________________           ________________________________________

                          President                                                                         Secretary


Future meeting in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Tuesday, January 20, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, February 17, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, February 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Budget workshop
  • Monday, March 24, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting (note one week later) and First Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Monday, April 21, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting and Second Public Hearing on Certified Budget
  • Monday, May 19, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, June 16, 2025, 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting




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