Board Agenda-2024.09.16


Board of Directors Regular Meeting

September 16, 2024 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.

Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA


The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.


Per Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-929-336-5572 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address  to access the board meeting.


  1. The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
  2. To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and to direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
    1. Participants shall provide their names and address.
    2. Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
    3. Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concerns with.
    4. Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
    5. Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
  3. Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
  4. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028


Meeting number (access code): 539 343 078#

Join by phone:









  1. Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________

The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials, and minutes are also available on the district web page.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.




Galen Zumbach,

Board President


Dr. Amanda Mohr,

Vice President


Don Gee


Dr. Brad James


Sharon Snodgrass


Deron Stender,



Billie Jo Greene,

School Business Official


Bill Messerole,

High School Principal


Scott Driskell. AP/Activities Director


Lesa Downing            5-8 Principal


Callie Anderson, PK-4 Principal





  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Public Forum

The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.

  1. Consent Items

The President will request a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for a vote.

    1. Minutes of August 19, 2024
    2. Financial Reports
      1. All Funds Financials
    3. Bills
      1. All Funds Report
    4. Agreements, Contracts, Resignations, & Terminations
      1. Contracts, Resignations, Termination
      1. 2024-2025 Substitute Compensation Schedule
      1. Top Notch Fireworks Agreement
      2. Pepsi Agreement
    1. Donations
    2. Volunteers
    3. Fundraiser

Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Communications and Reports
    1. Middle School Principal’s Report
    2. High School Principal’s Report
    3. Business Manager’s Report
    4. Superintendent’s Report
    5. Early Childhood Facility Planning
      1. Tentative Timeline - Budget (updated 6.24.24)
      2. Project Spending  
    6. Board Discussion
  2. New Business
    1. Consider approving the process to purchase new buses and vehicles for FY 2025 & 2026

      ACTION:  I am requesting board approval to start the process to secure bids for buses and vehicles for FY 2025 & 2026.  The timeframe allows the administration to consider options to purchase a bus or vehicles out of the FY25 and or the FY26 budgets as financial models present opportunities for one-time purchases. We are very close to having a fleet of modern vehicles.  Buses and vehicles can be purchased from PPEL and/or SAVE funds. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve purchasing new buses and vehicles for FY 2025 & 2026.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for Special Education
        As a standard practice, the administration asks the Board to consider approving the application for additional allowable growth and supplemental aid. In addition to the overall general operating fund budget, school districts monitor revenues and expenditures of special education and report annually to the Department of Education. Districts can spend more than they take in for special education, but the excess expense must be covered with general fund dollars. When the district reports a negative fund balance in special education, the state allows districts to recover the spending authority for those expenditures. The School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) will consider allowing recovery of the budget authority at their annual meeting in December. The administration recommends approving the Request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for the FY24 Special Education deficit.  This is a decrease from the previous year of $37,031. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for the FY24 special education deficit of $362,943.99.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider Approving the Resolution to Transfer Fund
      ACTION:  Pursuant to Iowa Code section 298A.10, the Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer money from the General Obligation Bond Debt Service fund to the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy fund, such transfer to be in the amount of $199,192.29, plus investment earnings, to be used for any lawful purpose. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve the resolution to transfer from the General Obligation Bond Debt Service fund to the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy fund, such transfer to be in the amount of $199,192.29, plus investment earnings.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider authorizing district funds for memorials
        The District recognizes the importance of memorial funds in supporting various educational and community initiatives in honor of individuals who have made significant contributions to our school community.  To ensure that the process for disbursing memorial funds is efficient and timely, it is necessary to align district policy with a clear and formal procedure for the writing of checks for memorials to meet the needs of the district promptly and appropriately. The Treasurer or designated representative of the School District is hereby authorized to write checks for memorials as needed. All memorial requests must receive prior approval from the Superintendent or their designee before being processed. The Treasurer shall maintain accurate records of all transactions involving memorials, including detailed documentation of each check written.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve authorizing district funds for memorials.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

    1. Consider Approving Pathway to Being A Panther Program
        This is the second year of the program.  Last year the program attracted three student teachers and this year there are five student teachers. The agreement attracts student teachers to our rural district by supporting their needs by paying for their student teaching credits (up to $10,000) and offering a living stipend ($700 per month) for up to four months.  The district identifies the areas of need and offers the Pathway to Being a Panther to student teachers who meet our needs.  This is a general fund expenditure. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve Pathway to Being A Panther Program. 
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    2. Consider Approving Supervising Teacher Agreement
      To support our teachers who accept the responsibility of supervising a student teacher, I recommend the district provide a $500 stipend to supervising teachers (limited to one per semester) for their time and commitment to supporting future educators. The intent is to attract and support student teachers and create a pipeline to our staffing needs and potential employees. This is a general fund expenditure, and we will monitor the effectiveness of the program to identify changes and continuation.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Supervising Teacher Agreement.
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    3. Consider Approving an Early Notice Incentive
      ACTION: Due to limited licensed personnel, it is beneficial for the district to have advance notice and resignation of employment.  I propose that the district provide an incentive for licensed staff to provide early notice and resignation to help us get an early edge on planning and find potential candidates if necessary. The stipend is a general fund expenditure, and we will monitor the effectiveness of the program to identify changes and continuation.  Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
      RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Early Notice Incentive. 
      Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
    4. Consider Approving Out of State Professional Travel for the Superintendent
      As a member who serves on the Executive Board of the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) which represents more than 13,000 superintendents, I am responsible for attending meetings, leadership conferences, and advocation for public education.  AASA or a designated sponsor for leadership conferences covers all travel expenses.  The district is expected to support the National Conference on Education which is agreed upon in my contract.  I am requesting professional leave for the following events:
      • December 18-20 District Administration Leadership Summit, Charlotte Harbor, FL
      • January 8-10 AASA Executive Board Meeting, Washington, D.C.
      • March 3-8 AASA Executive Board Meeting & National Conference, New Orleans, LA
      • April 30-May 1 AASA Executive Board Meeting, Nashville, TN

As always, I am available to district personnel and working remotely for the district. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Out of State Professional Travel for the Superintendent. 
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

  1. Adjournment: Time: _____ pm.
    Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay

Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:

  • Monday, October 21, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • Monday, November 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
  • IASB Convention November 20-22 in Des Moines
  • Monday, December 16, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting