501.9 - Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy


Students are expected to be in class and to make attendance a top priority.  Only through attendance and class participation do students achieve the benefits of the education program.  Participating in class discussions, developing an appreciation for the views and abilities of other students, and forming the habit of regular attendance are legitimate class objectives.  Learning lost due to an absence is difficult to replace.  Regular attendance and preparation for class help students in school as well as prepare them for adulthood.

Parents/guardians who know their child will be absent must notify the office before the absence.  If advance notification is not possible, parents must notify their child's administrative office on the day of the absence prior to 9:00 a.m.  If notification is not received, the office will attempt to contact the parents at their emergency number. The following policies are taken from the passed and enacted Senate File 2435 Division VII: Chronic Absenteeism.


  • Truant - as a child for whom exceptions don’t apply who has been absent from school, for any reason, for at least 20% of days or hours in the grading period.
  • Chronically Absent - a child for whom exceptions don’t apply who has been absent from school, for any reason, for 10% of days or hours in a grading period established by the school.
  • School Engagement Meeting: if a student is absent 15% or more of days/hours in the grading period, requires the school official to attempt to find the cause for the absences and initiate and participate in a school engagement meeting, the purpose of which is to identify barriers to attendance and determine appropriate interventions. Requires the child, the child’s parent/guardian, and a school official to participate in the meeting. Requires creation of the absenteeism prevention plan during this meeting, requires all to sign it, and get a copy. The plan must identify the causes and any future responsibilities for each participant. Requires the school official to monitor compliance, and requires the school official to contact the participants at least once each week during the remainder of the school calendar. Allows the participants to initiate referrals to any series or counseling believed to be appropriate under the child’s circumstances. Requires the county attorney to initiate a proceeding (public offense and/or CINA) if participants fail to enter into an absenteeism prevention plan, violate a term of the plan, or fail to participate in the school engagement meeting.


  • requires the policies not apply to students who have completed graduation requirements or attained a G.E.D
  • who are excused for sufficient reason by any court or record or judge
  •  for absences while attending religious services or receiving religious instruction
  •  who are unable to attend school due to a legitimate medical reason (Legitimate medical reasons are determined by health care professionals and require a note.)
  • who has an IEP or 504 plan that affects attendance.

Absences and Being Dropped From a Class

Student attendance is important to ensure the academic success of students. As a result, Creston Community Schools believes in the support of students who miss school and offers ways to support their academic goals. As such, the oversight of attendance includes, but is not limited to, the following:


Number of Absences

Student Support

Focus Mediation


If a student falls below 90% attendance (Chronically Absent)

Send attendance letter to county attorney and to parent/guardian, student problem solving conference and parent/guardian communication

Student enters Absentee Intervention Group


If a student falls below 85% attendance (Chronically Absent)

Required parent meeting, weekly student check-ins with the building principal, creation of absenteeism prevention plan

Make up missed instructional time, Absentee Intervention


If a student falls below 80% attendance (Truant)

Student is officially truant, Attendance letter to parents, alternative or reduced schedule, referral to the county attorney

Make up missed instructional time, Intervention, Possible Drop or Alternative Placement


Period Attendance

All courses run on period attendance. Each period is monitored for the duration of the semester. Period attendance resets at the beginning of each semester. A day consists of eight (8) periods.  Each period that a student misses is counted as an absence for that period. Attendance for each period is figured separately.  If a student falls below 90% attendance in a period, a problem-solving meeting will be scheduled with the principal to determine a plan of action. If the student is unwilling to meet with the Interventionist and/or makeup time, they can be dropped from the class. Students must make attendance for all periods a priority.

Extracurricular Participation and Attendance 

Students participating in extracurricular competitions must remain above 85% attendance in order to participate. Students will remain ineligible for participation until their attendance rises above the 85% threshold. The 85% attendance policy will come into effect at the first 4 ½ week grade check.

Students participating in extracurricular activity practices or competitions cannot miss more than 3 periods of the school day. If a student is absent in the afternoon, it must be for an appointment with a doctor’s note provided to verify the appointment, and/or must be pre-approved by the principal.  If a student leaves school due to illness during the day at any time, they will not be permitted to participate in afterschool activities. The time not spent in school must be considered an excused absence to allow students to participate in activities that day. Only in extraordinary circumstances may the principal waive these rules.  The principal has the sole discretion in determining whether an absence will be excused or not.

Attendance Due Process

Students have a right to appeal any decision concerning a student being dropped from a class. The appeal shall be made within five school days of the initial parent conference. At all times, during the appeal process, the student shall remain in class until the appeal is heard. After the appeal, the decision shall be considered final.

Approved  June 20, 2022                       Reviewed                    Revised   _Oct. 21, 2024______