Board Agenda - 2022.10.17
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
October 17, 2022 – Meeting 6:00 p.m.
Boardroom, 801 N. Elm, Creston, IA
The vision of the Creston Community School District is to provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and positive, confident, and compassionate citizens.
In accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.4(1)(b) the school board shall meet and conduct the regular board meeting electronically when it is impossible or impractical. Please call this toll-free number 1-312-626-6799 to access the board meeting to participate in the public hearing. Please click on this link or visit this address to access the board meeting.
- The public is welcome to join remotely and observe school board meetings. Remote access information is provided above.
- To help facilitate the Public Forum, participants must contact the Board Secretary by noon on the day of the board meeting. The Iowa Association of School Boards advises school board members to listen to constituents and refrain from commenting during public forums. The practice of the district is for board members to listen and direct the administration to follow up with the participant(s).
- Participants shall provide their names and address.
- Participants shall indicate the topic they wish to address.
- Participants shall indicate which administrator they have addressed their concern with.
- Participants are asked to limit their time to three minutes.
- Please see Policy 213 Public Participation in Board Meetings for more information.
- Board meetings are recorded and available to the public on the district website for one month.
- Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary Billie Jo Greene at 641-782-7028
Meeting number (access code): 874 4594 6574
Meeting Password: Creston
Join by phone:
- Call to Order by _______________ Time: ___________
The President will call the meeting to order using the gavel if necessary. The President will request those with communication devices to either turn them off or place them on silent mode. This may be a good time to introduce any special guests. A binder labeled Public Copy of Board Materials and containing board meeting materials is available for public review at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas are available for the public at the table at the side of the room. Meeting agendas, materials and minutes are also available on the district web page.
Dr. Brad James |
Galen Zumbach |
Don Gee |
Dr. Amanda Mohr |
Sharon Snodgrass |
Deron Stender |
Billie Jo Greene |
Bill Messerole |
Scott Driskell |
Lesa Downing |
Casey Tanner |
Callie Anderson |
- Pledge of Allegiance
The president will ask the members and audience to face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Approval of Agenda
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
- Public Forum
The President will ask the Board Secretary if any requests for public comment have been received. The Board will listen to public comments and in accordance with district policy 213, will direct questions to the Superintendent or the appropriate staff.
- Consent Items
The President will ask for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented or amended. With a motion and a second, the President will call for a vote.
- Minutes of September 19, 2022, October 3, 2022
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Contracts
- Agreements
- Donations
- Volunteers
- Approve Jane Shantz as the District Homeless Coordinator
- Approve Bill Messerole as the District 504 Coordinator
- Approve Sexual harassment/Level I Investigators: Angie Bolinger, Kelsey Malmanger, Scott Driskell; Sexual Harassment/Level II Investigator: Union County Attorney; Equity Coordinator/Affirmative Action: Deron Stender
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
- Communications and Reports
- New Business
- Consider Certification of School Board GO Bond Election Results
ACTION: The September 13, 2022 GO Bond results have been certified by the county and are presented to the board for review and approval. I appreciate the support of the community group and the voters for the support of our children. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the certification of the September 13, 2022 special school board election.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
- Consider Approving Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for Special Education
ACTION: As a standard practice, administration asks the Board to consider approving the application for additional allowable growth and supplemental aid. In addition to the overall general operating fund budget, school districts monitor revenues and expenditures of special education and report annually to the Department of Education. Districts can spend more than they take in for special education, but the excess expense must be covered with general fund dollars. When the district reports a negative fund balance in special education, the state allows districts to recover the spending authority for those expenditures. The School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) will consider allowing recovery of the budget authority in December. Administration recommends approving the Request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for FY22 Special Education deficit. The historical data is included in the Business Managers Report. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve request for Modified Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for FY22 special education deficit of $217,044.93.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay - Consider approving the first reading of Policy 502.10
- Consider Approving Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for Special Education
ACTION: Please review revised policy 502.10. The revised policy reduces the burden on district administration to determine who is eligible for a driver permit based on distance and activities. The revision places the burden on parents to determine if they choose to allow their child who has received their drivers permit to drive and follow Iowa Code. The policy revision was drafted by the district attorney. Revised policies need one review to be effectively implemented. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve first and final reading of policy updates in 502.10.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
- Consider approving the first reading of revised Polices IASB Vol. 31.1
ACTION: Please review the proposed policy updates that have been drafted by IASB and their attorney. The policies have been reviewed to reflect the district's practice without changing the intent of the law or policy. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve first reading of policy updates in Vol. 31.1.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
- Consider approving the seconded and final reading of Policy Series 900
ACTION: Please review the proposed policy series 900 that have been drafted by IASB and their attorney. The policies have been reviewed to reflect the district's practice without changing the intent of the law or policy. This month, policy series 900 is presented to the board for seconded and final reading. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve second and final reading of policy series 900.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
- Consider approving revised Job Descriptions
ACTION: The district job descriptions have been revised to included transportation and the job classifications under transportation. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve revised job descriptions.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
- Consider approving shared agreement with East Union & Murray CSD for Transportation Director
ACTION: The district has worked with East Union CSD to develop an agreement to equally share a transportation director. The agreement splits the cost 50/50 and the district will receive four additional pupil units in FY 24 because of the shared agreement. Through this agreement, East Union & Murray’s fleet will be serviced in conjunction with the districts. All costs for repairs will be identified and billed accordingly to the responsible district. Discipline will shift back to the building principals and treated as an extension of the classroom. The proposed director was previously employed as our mechanic, and he has knowledge and experience with the districts staff, fleet, and operations. The estimated savings for FY 23 is $36,203.21 and FY 24 is $83,958. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve agreement with East Union and Murray CSD for shared Transportation Director.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
- Consider approving the revised Technology Services and Director of IT & Digital Learning Agreements
ACTION: Green Hills AEA and the district have been meeting to plan for continued technology services and the revised Technology Services and Director of IT & Digital Learning Agreements provide increased personnel and support from Green Hills AEA. The total increase in cost is $13,016.52 which provides 144 additional days of service. These agreements are designated expenditures from ESSER for FY 23. In FY 24, they will be designated SAVE/PPEL expenditures. Please contact Mr. Stender with any questions.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the revised agreements with Green Hills AEA for Technology and Managed Services.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
- Adjournment: Time: ____ pm.
Motion by: _____, Seconded by: ________, Those Voting: ____ Aye, ____ Nay
Future meetings in Creston boardroom at 801 N. Elm Street, Creston, unless otherwise noted:
- Monday, November 21, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting
- Nov. 16-18, 2022, 77th IASB Annual Convention
- Monday, December 19, 2022, 6:00 p.m., Regular Board Meeting