605.6E2 - Internet Appropriate Use Violation Notice

605.6E2 - Internet Appropriate Use Violation Notice







Students who access restricted items on the Internet are subject to the appropriate action described in the school's discipline policy or student handbook or to the following consequences:


First Offense:


The above student has violated the Student Internet Policy by intentionally accessing restricted material.  He/she may lose Internet access for up to three weeks at the discretion of the supervising teacher.  A second offense will result in the student losing Internet access as determined by the building administrator.


Second Offense:


The above student has violated the Student Internet Policy by intentionally accessing restricted material for a second time.  As a consequence of this violation the above student has lost Internet access  as determined by the building administrator.


Third Offense:


The above student has violated the Student Internet Policy by intentionally accessing restricted material for a third time.  As a consequence of this violation the above student has forfeited all Internet privileges for a period determined by the building administrator.

All technology violations subject to misuse or destruction of school-issued technology may result in restrictive use of technology as determined by administration. May include but not limited to leaving school-issued devices at school.


dawn.gibson.cm… Tue, 08/09/2022 - 17:27